Bugzilla Guide

Contributor guidelines

We have developed several tools/workflows to make the process for dealing with Bugzilla bugs (BZs) easier for contributors. Here, we discuss:

Metadata Markers

  • blockers: this marker is used when a test case is blocked by a bugzilla bug. To use this marker simply add a @pytest.mark.metadata(blockers=[BZ(<bug_id>]) decorator to your test case. At run time, the property BZ(<bug_id>).blocks will be checked. This property, defined in cfme.utils.blockers.py::BZ will return True if the BZ is open, not in an ON_QA, VERIFIED, or CLOSED state, and if the BZ appliance version matches (or is lower than) the current appliance version you’re testing against. If BZ().blocks == True, the test case will be skipped. For example,

    def test_blocked():
       This test case is blocked by the BZ with id 1234567

    There are several key word arguments that can be passed to this BZ class: unblock, forced_streams, ignore_bugs etc. unblock takes a boolean function so that the BZ will not block if some condition is met. forced_streams is to be used when a BZ written against one appliance version is also present in another appliance version (and a clone has not yet been made). It will force the BZ to block in the other appliance version. Note: if a workaround is possible, it is better to put BZ(<bug_id>).blocks in the test case or broken bit of framework, so that the test case can still run. Any BZs passed to ignore_bugs will not block.

  • coverage: this marker is used to denote manual test cases that are providing coverage for a specific BZ. Test cases that are marked with this will be parsed by the miq bz command and can set qe_test_coverage flags on Bugzilla. If the test case covers more than one BZ, then you can put multiple entries in the list. For example,

    @pytest.mark.meta(coverage=[1234567, 1234568])
    def test_coverage():
       This test case provides coverage for the BZs 1234567 and 1234568
  • automates: this marker is used to denote automated test cases that are providing coverage for a specific BZ. It is identical to coverage but meant for automated test cases. For example,

    @pytest.mark.meta(automates=[1234567, 1234568])
    def test_automated():
       This test case provides (poor) automated coverage for the BZs 1234567 and 1234568
       assert True

The markers automates and coverage should not be used in the same test case. However, if a test case is blocked by a BZ and is also providing coverage for that BZ, then you can use both automates OR coverage and blockers. Also note that blockers must be passed in as an instance the BZ class from cfme.utils.blockers, but for automates or coverage you can pass just the id or an instance of the BZ class.

miq bz command

The miq bz command is a CLI utility for generating reports on BZs that have coverage. It looks for test cases that are marked with automates or coverage, and gathers data about the BZ. Most importantly it looks at whether or not qe_test_coverage is set to +, ?, or -. When you mark a test case with automates or coverage, you are saying that the test case is providing qe_test_coverage for a specific BZ. Therefore, qe_test_coverage should be + for that BZ.

The help for this command is:

Usage: miq bz [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

   Functions for generating reports on BZs included in test suite metadata

     --help  Show this message and exit.

     coverage  Set QE test coverage flag based on automates/coverage metadata
     list      List open/closed BZs that have test coverage
     report    Generate BZ report on BZs that have coverage given a directory

And the calling sequence is miq bz <command> <directory or test module> <optional-args>. For example, say you find a new BZ and write a test case to cover that BZ in cfme.tests.control.test_bugs. Here let’s use an actual example from our codebase:

@pytest.mark.meta(blockers=[BZ(1717483)], automates=[1711352])
def test_policy_condition_multiple_ors(
    Tests to make sure that policy conditions with multiple or statements work properly


        assignee: jdupuy
        caseimportance: low
        casecomponent: Control
        initialEstimate: 1/12h
    collection = appliance.provider_based_collection(virtualcenter_provider)
    all_vms = collection.all()
    all_vm_names = [vm.name for vm in all_vms]

    # we need to select out cu-24x7
    vm_name = virtualcenter_provider.data["cap_and_util"]["capandu_vm"]
    # check that it exists on provider
    if not virtualcenter_provider.mgmt.does_vm_exist(vm_name):
        pytest.skip("No capandu_vm available on virtualcenter_provider of name {}".format(vm_name))

    vms = [all_vms.pop(all_vm_names.index(vm_name))]

    # do not run the policy simulation against more that 4 VMs
        vms.extend(all_vms[0:min(random.randint(1, len(all_vms)), 4)])
    except ValueError:
        pytest.skip("No other vms exist on provider to run policy simulation against.")

    filtered_collection = collection.filter({"names": [vm.name for vm in vms]})
    # Now perform the policy simulation
    view = navigate_to(filtered_collection, "PolicySimulation")
    # Select the correct policy profile
    view.fill({"form": {"policy_profile": "{}".format(vm_compliance_policy_profile.description)}})

    # Now check each quadicon and ensure that only cu-24x7 is compliant
    for entity in view.form.entities.get_all():
        state = entity.data["quad"]["bottomRight"]["tooltip"]
        if entity.name == vm_name:
            assert state == "Policy simulation successful."
            assert state == "Policy simulation failed with: false"

This a nice test case because it combines several of the things above. It is blocked by the BZ 1717483, but it is providing automated test coverage for BZ 1711352. Note that it isn’t providing coverage for BZ 1717483, so that BZ must be blocking a setup or teardown step of the test case. It also makes use of the Bugzilla docblock, discussed below. You can then run the following command to set qe_test_coverage to + for BZ 1711352.

miq bz coverage --set cfme/tests/control/test_bugs.py

A dry run of this command (i.e. without --set) produces the following output:

The following BZs should have qe_test_coverage set to '+':
    id: 1155284, qe_test_coverage: ?
    id: 1243357, qe_test_coverage: ?
    id: 1711352, qe_test_coverage: -

Bugzilla docblock

The Bugzilla docblock is for listing any BZs that are tangentially related to a test case. Blockers, automates, and coverage BZs should be listed here. Any BZ related to a test case should also be put here. The BZs listed in this docblock will be shown in the test case description on Polarion. Therefore, it’s useful to list all the BZs related to the test case here. For example

@pytest.mark.meta(blockers=[BZ(1234561), automates=[1234567])
def test_automated():
  This test case is blocked by BZ 1234561, but provides automated test coverage for
  BZ 1234567. The following BZs are related to this test case:

  assert True

So here in the Bugzilla docblock, in addition to the two BZs listed in the test case’s metadata, there is an additional BZ 1234562 which is tangentially related to the test case. These additional BZs could be in another focus area, but your test case happens to hit them. They can be useful to someone trying to debug a failing test case.