Source code for

Scripts for dealing with Bugzilla metadata, listing BZs with coverage, and setting qe_test_coverage
flag. This script looks at test-case metadata for the flags "automates" and "coverage", and fetches
information about the BZs listed there.

For usage see, "miq bz --help"

The basic usage of this command is via
    .. code-block:: python
    >>> miq bz <command> <directory>
where <command> is one of report, list, or coverage, and <directory> is the testing directory, e.g.

To list BZs that this script would set coverage for, you can do,
    .. code-block:: python
    >>> miq bz coverage <directory>
This will print out the ids of BZs that could have qe_test_coverage switched to '+'
To then set qe_test_coverage on those BZs, you can do,
    .. code-block:: python
    >>> miq bz coverage --set <directory>
import os
import sys
from collections import namedtuple

import click
import pytest
import yaml

from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ
from cfme.utils.log import logger

    "open_bzs": {"val": "true", "text": "are open", "coverage_text": " open"},
    "closed_bzs": {"val": "false", "text": "are closed", "coverage_text": " closed"},
    "all_bzs": {"val": None, "text": "have coverage", "coverage_text": ""}

[docs]def get_report(directory): click.echo("Generating a BZ report in bz-report.yaml") pytest.main([ "--use-provider", "complete", "--long-running", "--use-template-cache", "--collect-only", "-q", "--generate-bz-report", directory ]) # read the generated yaml try: with open("bz-report.yaml", "r") as stream: info = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader) except IOError: msg = ( "ERROR: File bz-report.yaml not found, something went wrong during report generation.\n" " Likely no BZs were found in {} with 'automates'/'coverage'," " so a report wasn't generated.".format(directory) ) click.secho(msg, err=True, bold=True, fg="red") sys.exit(0) return info
[docs]def get_qe_test_coverage(info, bz_status): """ Given info (what is returned from yaml.load on bz-report.yaml), This function screens and returns only BZs which are OPEN, if open_only=True, otherwise it returns all BZs """ BZTestCoverage = namedtuple("BZTestCoverage", ["id", "qe_test_coverage"]) bz_list = [] for bug_id in info.keys(): if bz_status == "open_bzs" and info[bug_id]["is_open"] == "false": continue if bz_status == "closed_bzs" and info[bug_id]["is_open"] == "true": continue # get qe_test_coverage_flag qe_test_coverage = "?" for flag in info[bug_id]["flags"]: if flag["name"] == "qe_test_coverage": qe_test_coverage = flag["status"] break # append the BZ if its coverage isn't correct if qe_test_coverage != "+": bz_list.append(BZTestCoverage(id=bug_id, qe_test_coverage=qe_test_coverage)) return bz_list
[docs]def cleanup(): click.echo("Removing the BZ report file, bz-report.yaml") try: os.remove("bz-report.yaml") except OSError: logger.exception("bz-report.yaml not found")"Functions for generating reports on BZs included in test suite metadata") def main(): pass @main.command(help="Generate BZ report on BZs that have coverage given a directory") @click.argument("directory", default="cfme/tests/") def report(directory): get_report(directory) @main.command(help="List open/closed BZs that have test coverage") @click.argument("directory", default="cfme/tests/") @click.option( "--all", "-a", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="list all BZs with coverage", default=True, show_default=True, flag_value="all_bzs", ) @click.option( "--open", "-o", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="list open BZs with coverage", default=False, show_default=True, flag_value="open_bzs" ) @click.option( "--closed", "-c", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="list closed BZs with coverage", default=False, show_default=True, flag_value="closed_bzs" ) def list(directory, bz_status): info = get_report(directory) # get dict of information status = STATUS[bz_status] if status["val"]: bz_list = [bug_id for bug_id in list(info.keys()) if info[bug_id]["is_open"] == status["val"]] else: bz_list = [bug_id for bug_id in info.keys()] if bz_list: click.echo("The following BZ's {}: \n{}".format(status["text"], "\n".join(bz_list))) else: click.echo("I found no BZ's that {} BZ's".format(status["text"])) cleanup() @main.command(help="Set QE test coverage flag based on automates/coverage metadata") @click.argument("directory", default="cfme/tests") @click.option( "-s", "--set", "set_bzs", is_flag=True, help="Set QE test coverage on BZs that are marked in coverage/auotmates test metadata", default=False, show_default=True ) @click.option( "--all", "-a", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="Audit test coverage on all BZs", default=True, show_default=True, flag_value="all_bzs", ) @click.option( "--open", "-o", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="Audit test coverage on only open BZs", default=False, show_default=True, flag_value="open_bzs" ) @click.option( "--closed", "-c", "bz_status", is_flag=True, help="Audit test coverage on only closed BZs", default=False, show_default=True, flag_value="closed_bzs" ) def coverage(directory, set_bzs, bz_status): info = get_report(directory) # get list of bzs that should have test coverage set bz_list = get_qe_test_coverage(info, bz_status) click.echo("\nThe following{} BZs should have qe_test_coverage set to '+': ".format( STATUS[bz_status]["coverage_text"]) ) for bz in bz_list: click.echo(" id: {}, qe_test_coverage: {}".format(, bz.qe_test_coverage)) if set_bzs: click.echo("Setting qe_test_coverage on the above BZs to '+'...") ids = [int( bz in bz_list] BZ.bugzilla.set_flags(ids, {"qe_test_coverage": "+"}) click.echo("Done.") # remove bz-report.yaml cleanup()