Source code for cfme.physical.physical_switch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A model of an Infrastructure PhysicalSwitch in CFME."""
import attr

from navmazing import NavigateToAttribute
from cached_property import cached_property

from cfme.common import PolicyProfileAssignable, Taggable
from cfme.common.physical_switch_views import (
from cfme.exceptions import ItemNotFound
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseEntity, BaseCollection
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import CFMENavigateStep, navigate_to, navigator
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.providers import get_crud_by_name
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for

[docs]class PhysicalSwitch(BaseEntity, Updateable, Pretty, PolicyProfileAssignable, Taggable): """Model of an Physical Switch in cfme. Args: name: Name of the physical Switch. Usage: myswitch = PhysicalSwitch(name='sample_switch') myswitch.create() """ pretty_attrs = ['name'] name = attr.ib() provider = attr.ib(default=None) INVENTORY_TO_MATCH = ['power_state', 'part_number', 'serial_number', 'description', 'manufacturer']
[docs] def load_details(self, refresh=False): """To be compatible with the Taggable and PolicyProfileAssignable mixins. Args: refresh (bool): Whether to perform the page refresh, defaults to False """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") if refresh: view.browser.refresh() view.flush_widget_cache()
def _execute_button(self, button, option, handle_alert=False): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.custom_button(button).item_select(option, handle_alert=handle_alert) return view def _execute_action_button(self, button, option, handle_alert=True, **kwargs): target = kwargs.get("target", None) provider = kwargs.get("provider", None) desired_state = kwargs.get("desired_state", None) view = self._execute_button(button, option, handle_alert=handle_alert) if desired_state: self._wait_for_state_change(desired_state, target, provider, view) elif handle_alert: wait_for( lambda: view.flash.is_displayed, message="Wait for the handle alert to appear...", num_sec=5, delay=2 )
[docs] def power_state(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return view.entities.power_management.get_text_of("Power State")
[docs] def part_number(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return"Part Number")
[docs] def serial_number(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return"Serial Number")
[docs] def description(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return"Description")
[docs] def manufacturer(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return"Manufacturer")
def _wait_for_state_change(self, desired_state, target, provider, view, timeout=300, delay=10): """Wait for the Physical Switch to reach the desired state. This function waits an amount of time due to wait_for. Args: desired_state (str): 'on' or 'off' target (str): The name of the method that most be used to compare with the desired_state provider (object): 'LenovoProvider' view (object): The view that most be refreshed to verify if the value was changed timeout (int): Specify amount of time (in seconds) to wait until TimedOutError is raised delay (int): Specify amount of time (in seconds) to repeat each time. """ def _is_state_changed(): self.refresh(provider, handle_alert=True) return desired_state == getattr(self, target)() wait_for(_is_state_changed, fail_func=view.browser.refresh, num_sec=timeout, delay=delay) @property def exists(self): """Checks if the physical_switch exists in the UI. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") try: view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True) except ItemNotFound: return False else: return True @cached_property def db_id(self): return self.appliance.physical_switch_id(
[docs] def wait_to_appear(self): """Waits for the Switch to appear in the UI.""" view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All")"Waiting for the Switch to appear...") wait_for( lambda: self.exists, message="Wait for the Switch to appear", num_sec=1000, fail_func=view.browser.refresh )
[docs] def wait_for_delete(self): """Waits for the Switch to remove from the UI.""" view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All")"Waiting for the Switch to delete...") wait_for( lambda: not self.exists, message="Wait for the Switch to disappear", num_sec=500, fail_func=view.browser.refresh )
[docs]class PhysicalSwitchCollection(BaseCollection): """Collection object for the :py:class:``.""" ENTITY = PhysicalSwitch
[docs] def select_entity_rows(self, *physical_switches): """ Select all physical Switch objects """ physical_switches = list(physical_switches) checked_physical_switches = list() view = navigate_to(self, 'All') for physical_switch in physical_switches: view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True).check() checked_physical_switches.append(physical_switch) return view
[docs] def all(self): """returning all physical_switches objects""" physical_switch_table = self.appliance.db.client['switches'] ems_table = self.appliance.db.client['ext_management_systems'] physical_switch_query = ( self.appliance.db.client.session .query(, .join(ems_table, physical_switch_table.ems_id == provider = self.filters.get('provider') if provider: physical_switch_query = physical_switch_query.filter( == physical_switches = [] for name, ems_name in physical_switch_query.all(): physical_switches.append(self.instantiate(name=name, provider=provider or get_crud_by_name(ems_name))) return physical_switches
[docs] def find_by(self, ph_name, provider=None): """returning all physical_switches objects""" physical_switch_table = self.appliance.db.client['switches'] ems_table = self.appliance.db.client['ext_management_systems'] physical_switch_query = ( self.appliance.db.client.session .query(, .join(ems_table, physical_switch_table.ems_id == if self.filters.get('provider'): provider = self.filters.get('provider') physical_switch_query = physical_switch_query.filter( == for name, ems_name in physical_switch_query.all(): if ph_name == name: return self.instantiate(name=name, provider=provider or get_crud_by_name(ems_name))
[docs]class All(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = PhysicalSwitchesView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "LoggedIn")
[docs] def step(self):"Compute", "Physical Infrastructure", "Switches")
[docs]class Details(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = PhysicalSwitchDetailsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("parent", "All")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True).click()