Source code for cfme.markers.env_markers.provider

from collections import defaultdict

import attr
import pytest
import six
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

from cfme.markers.env import EnvironmentMarker
from cfme.utils import conf
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.providers import ProviderFilter, list_providers, all_types
from cfme.utils.pytest_shortcuts import fixture_filter
from cfme.utils.version import Version

ONE = 'one'
ALL = 'all'
LATEST = 'latest'
ONE_PER_VERSION = 'one_per_version'
ONE_PER_CATEGORY = 'one_per_category'
ONE_PER_TYPE = 'one_per_type'

[docs]class DPFilter(ProviderFilter):
[docs] def __call__(self, provider): """ Applies this filter on a given DataProvider Usage: pf = ProviderFilter('cloud_infra', categories=['cloud', 'infra']) providers = list_providers([pf]) pf2 = ProviderFilter( classes=[GCEProvider, EC2Provider], required_fields=['small_template']) provider_keys = [prov.key for prov in list_providers([pf, pf2])] ^ this will list keys of all GCE and EC2 providers ...or... pf = ProviderFilter(required_tags=['openstack', 'complete']) pf_inverted = ProviderFilter(required_tags=['disabled'], inverted=True) providers = list_providers([pf, pf_inverted]) ^ this will return providers that have both the "openstack" and "complete" tags set and at the same time don't have the "disabled" tag ...or... pf = ProviderFilter(keys=['rhevm34'], class=CloudProvider, conjunctive=False) providers = list_providers([pf]) ^ this will list all providers that either have the 'rhevm34' key or are an instance of the CloudProvider class and therefore are a cloud provider Returns: `True` if provider passed all checks and was not filtered out, `False` otherwise. The result is opposite if the 'inverted' attribute is set to `True`. """ classes_l = self._filter_classes(provider) results = [classes_l] if not provider.one_of(DataProvider): from cfme.common.provider import BaseProvider if provider.one_of(BaseProvider): if self.required_fields: results.append(self._filter_required_fields(provider)) if self.required_tags: results.append(self._filter_required_tags(provider)) if self.required_flags: results.append(self._filter_required_flags(provider)) relevant_results = [res for res in results if res in [True, False]] compiling_fn = all if self.conjunctive else any # If all / any filters return true, the provider was not blocked (unless inverted) if compiling_fn(relevant_results): return not self.inverted return self.inverted
def _filter_classes(self, provider): """ Filters by provider (base) classes """ if self.classes is None: return None return any([prov_class in all_types()[provider.type_name].__mro__ for prov_class in self.classes])
def _param_check(metafunc, argnames, argvalues): """Helper function to check if parametrizing is necessary * If no argnames were specified, parametrization is unnecessary. * If argvalues were generated, parametrization is necessary. * If argnames were specified, but no values were generated, the test cannot run successfully, and will be uncollected using the :py:mod:`markers.uncollect` mark. See usage in :py:func:`parametrize` Args: metafunc: metafunc objects from pytest_generate_tests argnames: argnames list for use in metafunc.parametrize argvalues: argvalues list for use in metafunc.parametrize Returns: * ``True`` if this test should be parametrized * ``False`` if it shouldn't be parametrized * ``None`` if the test will be uncollected """ assert isinstance(argvalues, list), "iterators break pytest expectations" # If no parametrized args were named, don't parametrize if not argnames: return False # If parametrized args were named and values were generated, parametrize elif any(argvalues): return True # If parametrized args were named, but no values were generated, mark this test to be # removed from the test collection. Otherwise, py.test will try to find values for the # items in argnames by looking in its fixture pool, which will almost certainly fail. else: # module and class are optional, but function isn't modname = getattr(metafunc.module, '__name__', None) classname = getattr(metafunc.cls, '__name__', None) funcname = metafunc.function.__name__ test_name = '.'.join(filter(None, (modname, classname, funcname))) uncollect_msg = 'Parametrization for {} yielded no values,'\ ' marked for uncollection'.format(test_name) logger.warning(uncollect_msg) # apply the mark pytest.mark.uncollect(reason=uncollect_msg)(metafunc.function)
[docs]def parametrize(metafunc, argnames, argvalues, *args, **kwargs): """parametrize wrapper that calls :py:func:`_param_check`, and only parametrizes when needed This can be used in any place where conditional parametrization is used. """ kwargs.pop('selector') if _param_check(metafunc, argnames, argvalues): metafunc.parametrize(argnames, argvalues, *args, **kwargs) # if param check failed and the test was supposed to be parametrized around a provider elif 'provider' in metafunc.fixturenames: try: # hack to pass trough in case of a failed param_check # where it sets a custom message metafunc.function.uncollect except AttributeError: pytest.mark.uncollect( reason="provider was not parametrized did you forget --use-provider?" )(metafunc.function)
[docs]def data_provider_types(provider): return all_types()[provider.type_name]
[docs]class DataProvider(object): """A simple holder for a pseudo provider. This is not a real provider. This is used in place of a real provider to allow things like uncollections to take place in the case that we do not actually have an environment set up for this particular provider. """ category = attr.ib() type_name = attr.ib() version = attr.ib() klass = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(data_provider_types, takes_self=True))
[docs] def one_of(self, *classes): return issubclass(self.klass, classes)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}({})[{}]'.format(self.type_name, self.category, self.version)
[docs]def all_required(miq_version, filters=None): """This returns a list DataProvider objects This list of providers is a representative of the providers that a test should be run against. Args: miq_version: The version of miq to query the supportability filters: A list of filters """ # Load the supportability YAML and extrace the providers portion stream = Version(miq_version).series() try: data_for_stream = conf.supportability[stream]['providers'] except KeyError: # there are cases when such data isn't available. For instance travis data_for_stream = {} # Build up a list of tuples in the form of category, type dictionary, # [('cloud', {'openstack': [8, 9, 10]}), ('cloud', {'ec2'})] types = [ (cat, type) for cat, types in data_for_stream.items() for type in types ] # Build up a list of data providers by iterating the types list from above dprovs = [] for cat, prov_type_or_dict in types: if isinstance(prov_type_or_dict, six.string_types): # If the provider is versionless, ie, EC2, GCE, set the version number to 0 dprovs.append(DataProvider(cat, prov_type_or_dict, 0)) else: # If the prov_type_or_dict is not just a string, then we have versions and need # to iterate and extend the list dprovs.extend([ DataProvider(cat, prov, ver) for prov, vers in prov_type_or_dict.items() for ver in vers ]) nfilters = [DPFilter(classes=pf.classes, inverted=pf.inverted) for pf in filters if isinstance(pf, ProviderFilter)] for prov_filter in nfilters: dprovs = filter(prov_filter, dprovs) return dprovs
[docs]def providers(metafunc, filters=None, selector=ALL, fixture_name='provider'): """ Gets providers based on given (+ global) filters Note: Using the default 'function' scope, each test will be run individually for each provider before moving on to the next test. To group all tests related to single provider together, parametrize tests in the 'module' scope. Note: testgen for providers now requires the usage of test_flags for collection to work. Please visit for more details. """ filters = filters or [] argnames = [] argvalues = [] idlist = [] # Obtains the test's flags in form of a ProviderFilter meta = getattr(metafunc.function, 'meta', None) test_flag_str = getattr(meta, 'kwargs', {}).get('from_docs', {}).get('test_flag') if test_flag_str: test_flags = test_flag_str.split(',') flags_filter = ProviderFilter(required_flags=test_flags) filters = filters + [flags_filter] # available_providers are the ones "available" from the yamls after all of the global and # local filters have been applied. It will be a list of crud objects. available_providers = list_providers(filters) # supported_providers are the ones "supported" in the supportability.yaml file. It will # be a list of DataProvider objects and will be filtered based upon what the test has asked for holder = metafunc.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin('appliance-holder') series = holder.held_appliance.version.series() supported_providers = all_required(series, filters) def get_valid_providers(provider): # We now search through all the available providers looking for one that matches the # criteria. If we don't find one, we return None prov_tuples = [] for a_prov in available_providers: try: if not a_prov.version: raise ValueError("provider {p} has no version".format(p=a_prov)) elif (a_prov.version == provider.version and a_prov.type == provider.type_name and a_prov.category == provider.category): prov_tuples.append((provider, a_prov)) except (KeyError, ValueError): if (a_prov.type == provider.type_name and a_prov.category == provider.category): prov_tuples.append((provider, a_prov)) return prov_tuples # A small routine to check if we need to supply the idlist a provider type or # a real type/version need_prov_keys = False for filter in filters: if isinstance(filter, ProviderFilter) and filter.classes: for filt in filter.classes: if hasattr(filt, 'type_name'): need_prov_keys = True break matching_provs = [valid_provider for prov in supported_providers for valid_provider in get_valid_providers(prov)] # Now we run through the selectors and build up a list of supported providers which match our # requirements. This then forms the providers that the test should run against. if selector == ONE: if matching_provs: allowed_providers = [matching_provs[0]] else: allowed_providers = [] elif selector == LATEST: allowed_providers = [sorted( matching_provs, key=lambda k:LooseVersion( str(k[0].version)), reverse=True )[0]] elif selector == ONE_PER_TYPE: types = set() def add_prov(prov): types.add(prov[0].type_name) return prov allowed_providers = [ add_prov(prov) for prov in matching_provs if prov[0].type_name not in types ] elif selector == ONE_PER_CATEGORY: categories = set() def add_prov(prov): categories.add(prov[0].category) return prov allowed_providers = [ add_prov(prov) for prov in matching_provs if prov[0].category not in categories ] elif selector == ONE_PER_VERSION: # This needs to handle versions per type versions = defaultdict(set) def add_prov(prov): versions[prov[0].type_name].add(prov[0].version) return prov allowed_providers = [ add_prov(prov) for prov in matching_provs if prov[0].version not in versions[prov[0].type_name] ] else: # If there are no selectors, then the allowed providers are whichever are supported allowed_providers = matching_provs # Now we iterate through the required providers and try to match them to the available ones for data_prov, real_prov in allowed_providers: data_prov.key = real_prov.key argvalues.append(pytest.param(data_prov)) # Use the provider key for idlist, helps with readable parametrized test output if metafunc.config.getoption('legacy_ids'): the_id = "{}".format(data_prov.key) else: ver = data_prov.version if data_prov.version else None if ver: the_id = "{}-{}".format(data_prov.type_name, data_prov.version) else: the_id = "{}".format(data_prov.type_name) # Now we modify the id based on what selector we chose if metafunc.config.getoption('disable_selectors'): idlist.append(the_id) else: if selector == ONE: if need_prov_keys: idlist.append(data_prov.type_name) else: idlist.append(data_prov.category) elif selector == ONE_PER_CATEGORY: idlist.append(data_prov.category) elif selector == ONE_PER_TYPE: idlist.append(data_prov.type_name) else: idlist.append(the_id) # Add provider to argnames if missing if fixture_name in metafunc.fixturenames and fixture_name not in argnames: metafunc.function = pytest.mark.uses_testgen()(metafunc.function) argnames.append(fixture_name) if metafunc.config.getoption('sauce') or selector == ONE: break return argnames, argvalues, idlist
[docs]def providers_by_class( metafunc, classes, required_fields=None, selector=ALL, fixture_name='provider'): """ Gets providers by their class Args: metafunc: Passed in by pytest classes: List of classes to fetch required_fields: See :py:class:`cfme.utils.provider.ProviderFilter` Usage: # In the function itself def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): argnames, argvalues, idlist = testgen.providers_by_class( [GCEProvider, AzureProvider], required_fields=['provisioning'] ) metafunc.parametrize(argnames, argvalues, ids=idlist, scope='module') # Using the parametrize wrapper pytest_generate_tests = testgen.parametrize([GCEProvider], scope='module') """ pf = DPFilter(classes=classes, required_fields=required_fields) return providers(metafunc, filters=[pf], selector=selector, fixture_name=fixture_name)
[docs]class ProviderEnvironmentMarker(EnvironmentMarker): NAME = 'provider'
[docs] def process_env_mark(self, metafunc): if hasattr(metafunc.function, self.NAME): mark_dict = defaultdict(list) for mark in getattr(metafunc.function, self.NAME): # Find all provider-ish markers fixture_name = mark.kwargs.get('fixture_name', 'provider') mark_dict[fixture_name].append(mark) for name, marks in mark_dict.items(): mark = None for mark in marks: if mark.kwargs.get('override', False): break else: if len(mark_dict[name]) >= 2: raise Exception( "You have an override provider without " "specifying the override flag [{}]".format(metafunc.function.__name__) ) args = mark.args kwargs = mark.kwargs.copy() if 'override' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('override') scope = kwargs.pop('scope', 'function') indirect = kwargs.pop('indirect', False) filter_unused = kwargs.pop('filter_unused', True) selector = kwargs.pop('selector', ALL) gen_func = kwargs.pop('gen_func', providers_by_class) # If parametrize doesn't get you what you need, steal this and modify as needed kwargs.update({'selector': selector}) argnames, argvalues, idlist = gen_func(metafunc, *args, **kwargs) # Filter out argnames that aren't requested on the metafunc test item, # so not all tests need all fixtures to run, and tests not using gen_func's # fixtures aren't parametrized. if filter_unused: argnames, argvalues = fixture_filter(metafunc, argnames, argvalues) # See if we have to parametrize at all after filtering parametrize( metafunc, argnames, argvalues, indirect=indirect, ids=idlist, scope=scope, selector=selector )