Source code for cfme.utils.trackerbot

import argparse
import json
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import requests
import slumber
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse, parse_qs

from cfme.utils.conf import env
from cfme.utils.providers import providers_data

session = requests.Session()

conf = env.get('trackerbot', {})
_active_streams = None

[docs]def cmdline_parser(): """Get a parser with basic trackerbot configuration params already set up It will use the following keys from the env conf if they're available:: # with example values trackerbot: url: http://hostname/api/ username: username apikey: 0123456789abcdef """ # Set up defaults from env, if they're set, otherwise require them on the commandline def_url = {'default': None, 'nargs': '?'} if 'url' in conf else {} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--trackerbot-url', help='URL to the base of the tracker API, e.g. http://hostname/api/', **def_url) return parser
[docs]def api(trackerbot_url=None): """Return an API object authenticated to the given trackerbot api""" if trackerbot_url is None: trackerbot_url = conf['url'] return slumber.API(trackerbot_url, session=session)
[docs]def active_streams(api, force=False): global _active_streams if _active_streams is None or force: _active_streams = [stream['name'] for stream in['objects']] return _active_streams
[docs]def provider_templates(api): provider_templates = defaultdict(list) for template in depaginate(api, api.template.get())['objects']: for provider in template['providers']: provider_templates[provider].append(template['name']) return provider_templates
[docs]def mark_provider_template(api, provider, template, tested=None, usable=None, diagnosis='', build_number=None, stream=None, custom_data=None): """Mark a provider template as tested and/or usable Args: api: The trackerbot API to act on provider: The provider's key in cfme_data or a :py:class:`Provider` instance template: The name of the template to mark on this provider or a :py:class:`Template` tested: Whether or not this template has been tested on this provider usable: Whether or not this template is usable on this provider diagnosis: Optional reason for marking a template Returns the response of the API request """ provider_template = _as_providertemplate(provider, template, group=stream, custom_data=custom_data) if tested is not None: provider_template['tested'] = bool(tested) if usable is not None: provider_template['usable'] = bool(usable) if diagnosis: provider_template['diagnosis'] = diagnosis if build_number: provider_template['build_number'] = int(build_number) return
[docs]def delete_provider_template(api, provider, template): """Delete a provider/template relationship, used when a template is removed from one provider""" provider_template = _as_providertemplate(provider, template) return api.providertemplate(provider_template.concat_id).delete()
[docs]def set_provider_active(api, provider, active=True): """Set a provider active (or inactive) Args: api: The trackerbot API to act on active: active flag to set on the provider (True or False) """ api.provider[provider].patch(active=active)
[docs]def latest_template(api, group, provider_key=None): if not isinstance(group, Group): group = Group(str(group)) if provider_key is None: # Just get the latest template for a given group, as well as its providers response =['name']).get() return { 'latest_template': response['latest_template'], 'latest_template_providers': response['latest_template_providers'], } else: # Given a provider, use the provider API to get the latest # template for that provider, as well as the additional usable # providers for that template response = api.provider(provider_key).get() return response['latest_templates'][group['name']]
[docs]def templates_to_test(api, limit=1, request_type=None): """get untested templates to pass to jenkins Args: limit: max number of templates to pull per request request_type: request the provider_key of specific type e.g openstack """ templates = [] for pt in api.untestedtemplate.get( limit=limit, tested=False, provider__type=request_type).get( 'objects', []): name = pt['template']['name'] group = pt['template']['group']['name'] provider = pt['provider']['key'] request_type = pt['provider']['type'] templates.append([name, provider, group, request_type]) return templates
[docs]def get_tested_providers(api, template_name): """ Return all tested provider templates for given template_name """ response = api.providertemplate.get(tested=True, template=template_name, limit=200) providers = [pt['provider'] for pt in response.get('objects', []) if pt['provider']['active']] return providers
[docs]def mark_unusable_as_untested(api, template_name, provider_type): """ Search through all tested providers and if provider type is unusable, mark it as not tested This action is limited to a specific template_name and a specific provider_type """ # Get usable providers from template try: template = api.template(template_name).get() usable_providers = template['usable_providers'] except slumber.exceptions.HttpNotFoundError: # Template doesn't even exist, nothing to do here return # Now find all tested provider templates. If they are tested BUT unusable, mark untested tested_providers = set( p['key'].lower() for p in get_tested_providers(api, template_name) if p['type'] == provider_type ) tested_unusable_providers = [p for p in tested_providers if p not in usable_providers] for provider_key in tested_unusable_providers: mark_provider_template(api, provider_key, template_name, tested=False, usable=False)
[docs]def check_if_tested(api, template_name, provider_type): """ Check if a template has been tested on a specific provider type. Args: template_name: e.g. "cfme-59021-02141929" provider_type: e.g. "rhevm" Returns: True if this template has been tested on at least one deployment of this provider type False otherwise """ tested_providers = get_tested_providers(api, template_name) tested_types = set(p['type'].lower() for p in tested_providers) return provider_type.lower() in tested_types
def _as_providertemplate(provider, template, group=None, custom_data=None): if not isinstance(provider, Provider): provider = Provider(str(provider)) if not isinstance(group, Group) and group is not None: group = Group(name=group) if not isinstance(template, Template): template = Template(str(template), group=group, custom_data=custom_data) return ProviderTemplate(provider, template)
[docs]def post_task_result(tid, result, output=None, coverage=0.0): if not output: output = "No output capture" api().task(tid).patch({'result': result, 'output': output, 'coverage': coverage})
[docs]def post_jenkins_result(job_name, number, stream, date, template, build_status, artifact_report): try: api(){ 'job_name': job_name, 'number': number, 'stream': '/api/group/{}/'.format(stream), 'datestamp': date, 'template': template, 'results': artifact_report, }) except slumber.exceptions.HttpServerError as exc: print(exc.response) print(exc.content)
[docs]def trackerbot_add_provider_template(stream, provider, template_name, custom_data=None): try: existing_provider_templates = [ pt['id'] for pt in depaginate( api(), api().providertemplate.get(provider=provider))['objects']] if '{}_{}'.format(template_name, provider) in existing_provider_templates: print('Template {} already tracked for provider {}'.format( template_name, provider)) else: mark_provider_template(api(), provider, template_name, stream=stream, custom_data=custom_data) print('Added {} template {} on provider {}'.format( stream, template_name, provider)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('{}: Error occured while template sync to trackerbot'.format(provider))
[docs]def depaginate(api, result): """Depaginate the first (or only) page of a paginated result""" meta = result['meta'] if meta['next'] is None: # No pages means we're done return result # make a copy of meta that we'll mess with and eventually return # since we'll be chewing on the 'meta' object with every new GET # same thing for objects, since we'll just be appending to it # while we pull more records ret_meta = meta.copy() ret_objects = result['objects'] while meta['next']: # parse out url bits for constructing the new api req next_url = urlparse(meta['next']) # ugh...need to find the word after 'api/' in the next URL to # get the resource endpoint name; not sure how to make this better next_endpoint = next_url.path.strip('/').split('/')[-1] next_params = {k: v[0] for k, v in parse_qs(next_url.query).items()} result = getattr(api, next_endpoint).get(**next_params) ret_objects.extend(result['objects']) meta = result['meta'] # fix meta up to not tell lies ret_meta['total_count'] = len(ret_objects) ret_meta['next'] = None ret_meta['limit'] = ret_meta['total_count'] return { 'meta': ret_meta, 'objects': ret_objects }
[docs]def composite_uncollect(build, source='jenkins', limit_ts=None): """Composite build function""" since = env.get('ts', time.time()) params = {"build": build, "source": source, "since": since} if limit_ts: params['limit_ts'] = limit_ts try: resp = session.get( conf['ostriz'], params=params, timeout=10) return resp.json() except Exception as e: print(e) return {'tests': []}
# Dict subclasses to help with JSON serialization
[docs]class Group(dict): """dict subclass to help serialize groups as JSON""" def __init__(self, name, stream=True, active=True): self.update({ 'name': name, 'stream': stream, 'active': active })
[docs]class Provider(dict): """dict subclass to help serialize providers as JSON""" def __init__(self, key): self['key'] = key # We assume this provider exists, is locally known, and has a type self['type'] = providers_data[key]['type']
[docs]class Template(dict): """dict subclass to help serialize templates as JSON""" def __init__(self, name, group=None, datestamp=None, custom_data=None): self['name'] = name if group is not None: self['group'] = group if datestamp is not None: self['datestamp'] = datestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if custom_data is not None: self['custom_data'] = json.dumps(custom_data)
[docs]class ProviderTemplate(dict): """dict subclass to help serialize providertemplate details as JSON""" def __init__(self, provider, template, usable=None, tested=None): self['provider'] = provider self['template'] = template if usable is not None: self['usable'] = bool(usable) if tested is not None: self['tested'] = bool(tested) @property def concat_id(self): return '_'.join([self['template']['name'], self['provider']['key']])