Source code for cfme.common.vm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module containing classes with common behaviour for both VMs and Instances of all types."""
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

import attr
from cached_property import cached_property
from riggerlib import recursive_update
from wrapanapi.exceptions import NotFoundError

from cfme.base.login import BaseLoggedInPage
from cfme.common import Taggable
from cfme.common.vm_console import ConsoleMixin
from cfme.common.vm_views import DriftAnalysis, DriftHistory, VMPropertyDetailView
from cfme.exceptions import CFMEException, VmOrInstanceNotFound, ItemNotFound, OptionNotAvailable
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from import RequestsView
from cfme.utils import ParamClassName
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigate_to, navigator
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from import assert_response
from cfme.utils.timeutil import parsetime
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.virtual_machines import deploy_template
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for
from widgetastic_manageiq import VersionPick
from . import PolicyProfileAssignable

[docs]def base_types(template=False): from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points search = "template" if template else "vm" return { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points('manageiq.{}_categories'.format(search)) }
[docs]def instance_types(category, template=False): from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points search = "template" if template else "vm" return { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points( 'manageiq.{}_types.{}'.format(search, category)) }
[docs]def all_types(template=False): all_types = base_types(template) for category in all_types.keys(): all_types.update(instance_types(category, template)) return all_types
class _TemplateMixin(object): pass @attr.s
[docs]class BaseVM(BaseEntity, Pretty, Updateable, PolicyProfileAssignable, Taggable, ConsoleMixin): """Base VM and Template class that holds the largest common functionality between VMs, instances, templates and images. In order to inherit these, you have to implement the ``on_details`` method. """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'provider', 'template_name'] ### # To be set or implemented # ALL_LIST_LOCATION = None TO_OPEN_EDIT = None # Name of the item in Configuration that puts you in the form QUADICON_TYPE = "vm" # Titles of the delete buttons in configuration REMOVE_SELECTED = VersionPick({'5.8': 'Remove selected items', '5.9': 'Remove selected items from Inventory'}) REMOVE_SINGLE = VersionPick({'5.8': 'Remove Virtual Machine', '5.9': 'Remove Virtual Machine from Inventory'}) RETIRE_DATE_FMT = VersionPick({'5.8': parsetime.american_minutes_with_utc, '5.9': parsetime.saved_report_title_format}) _param_name = ParamClassName('name') DETAILS_VIEW_CLASS = None ### # Shared behaviour # PROVISION_CANCEL = 'Add of new VM Provision Request was cancelled by the user' PROVISION_START = ('VM Provision Request was Submitted, you will be notified when your VMs ' 'are ready') name = attr.ib() provider = attr.ib() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls in [BaseVM, VM, Template]: raise NotImplementedError('This class cannot be instantiated.') else: # magic {waves hands} return object.__new__(cls) ### # Properties # @property def is_vm(self): return not isinstance(self, _TemplateMixin) @property def quadicon_type(self): return self.QUADICON_TYPE ### # Methods #
[docs] def check_compliance(self, timeout=240): """Initiates compliance check and waits for it to finish.""" view = navigate_to(self, "Details") original_state = self.compliance_status view.toolbar.policy.item_select("Check Compliance of Last Known Configuration", handle_alert=True) view.flash.assert_no_error() wait_for( lambda: self.compliance_status != original_state, num_sec=timeout, delay=5, message="compliance of {} checked".format( )
@property def compliance_status(self): """Returns the title of the compliance SummaryTable. The title contains datetime so it can be compared. Returns: :py:class:`NoneType` if no title is present (no compliance checks before), otherwise str """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return view.entities.summary("Compliance").get_text_of("Status") @property def compliant(self): """Check if the VM is compliant. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ text = self.compliance_status.strip().lower() if text.startswith("non-compliant"): return False elif text.startswith("compliant"): return True else: raise ValueError("{} is not a known state for compliance".format(text))
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=False, from_details=False): """Deletes the VM/Instance from the VMDB. Args: cancel: Whether to cancel the action in the alert. from_details: Whether to use the details view or list view. """ if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(self.REMOVE_SINGLE, handle_alert=not cancel) else: view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') self.find_quadicon().check() view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(self.REMOVE_SELECTED, handle_alert=not cancel)
@property def exists(self): """Checks presence of the quadicon in the CFME.""" try: navigate_to(self, 'Details') return True except VmOrInstanceNotFound: return False @property def ip_address(self): """Fetches IP Address of VM""" return self.mgmt.ip @property def is_retired(self): """Check retirement status of vm""" view = navigate_to(self, "Details", use_resetter=False) if view.entities.summary('Lifecycle').get_text_of('Retirement Date').lower() != 'never': try: status = view.entities.summary('Lifecycle').get_text_of('Retirement state').lower() return status == 'retired' except NameError: return False else: return False
[docs] def find_quadicon(self, from_any_provider=False, use_search=True): """Find and return a quadicon belonging to a specific vm Args: from_any_provider: Whether to look for it anywhere (root of the tree). Useful when looking up archived or orphaned VMs Returns: entity of appropriate type Raises: VmOrInstanceNotFound """ # todo :refactor this method replace it with vm methods like get_state if from_any_provider: view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') else: view = navigate_to(self, 'AllForProvider', use_resetter=False) if 'Grid View' != view.toolbar.view_selector.selected:'Grid View') try: return view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True, use_search=use_search) except ItemNotFound: raise VmOrInstanceNotFound("VM '{}' not found in UI!".format(
[docs] def open_console(self, console='VM Console', invokes_alert=None): """ Initiates the opening of one of the console types supported by the Access button. Presently we only support VM Console, which is the HTML5 Console. In case of VMware provider it could be VMRC, VNC/HTML5, WebMKS, but we only support VNC/HTML5. Possible values for 'console' could be 'VM Console' and 'Web Console', but Web Console is not supported as well. Args: console: one of the supported console types given by the Access button. invokes_alert: If the particular console will invoke a CFME popup/alert setting this to true will handle this. """ # TODO: implement vmrc vm console if console not in ['VM Console']: raise NotImplementedError('Not supported console type: {}'.format(console)) view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') # Click console button given by type view.toolbar.access.item_select(console, handle_alert=invokes_alert) self.vm_console
[docs] def open_details(self, properties=None): """Clicks on details infoblock""" view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.entities.summary(properties[0]).click_at(properties[1]) return self.create_view(VMPropertyDetailView)
@property def last_analysed(self): """Returns the contents of the ``Last Analysed`` field in summary""" view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return view.entities.summary("Lifecycle").get_text_of("Last Analyzed").strip()
[docs] def load_details(self, refresh=False, from_any_provider=False): """Navigates to an VM's details page. Args: refresh: Refreshes the VM page if already there from_any_provider: Archived/Orphaned VMs need this """ if from_any_provider: view = navigate_to(self, 'AnyProviderDetails', use_resetter=False) else: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) if refresh: view.wait_displayed() return view
[docs] def open_edit(self): """Loads up the edit page of the object.""" return navigate_to(self, 'Edit')
[docs] def open_timelines(self): """Navigates to an VM's timeline page. Returns: :py:class:`TimelinesView` object """ return navigate_to(self, 'Timelines')
[docs] def rediscover(self): """Deletes the VM from the provider and lets it discover again""" self.delete(from_details=True) self.wait_for_delete() self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() self.wait_to_appear()
[docs] def rediscover_if_analysis_data_present(self): """Rediscovers the object if it has some analysis data present. Returns: Boolean if the rediscovery happened. """ if self.last_analysed.lower() != 'never': self.rediscover() return True return False
[docs] def refresh_relationships(self, from_details=False, cancel=False, from_any_provider=False): """Executes a refresh of relationships. Args: from_details: Whether or not to perform action from instance details page cancel: Whether or not to cancel the refresh relationships action """ if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) else: view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') self.find_quadicon(from_any_provider=from_any_provider).check() view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Refresh Relationships and Power States", handle_alert=not cancel)
@property def retirement_date(self): """Returns the retirement date of the selected machine, or 'Never' Returns: :py:class:`str` object """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return view.entities.summary("Lifecycle").get_text_of("Retirement Date").strip()
[docs] def smartstate_scan(self, cancel=False, from_details=False, wait_for_task_result=False): """Initiates fleecing from the UI. Args: cancel: Whether or not to cancel the refresh relationships action from_details: Whether or not to perform action from instance details page """ if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) else: view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') self.find_quadicon().check() view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Perform SmartState Analysis', handle_alert=not cancel) if wait_for_task_result: task = self.appliance.collections.tasks.instantiate( name='Scan from Vm {}'.format(, tab='AllTasks') task.wait_for_finished() return task
[docs] def wait_to_disappear(self, timeout=600): """Wait for a VM to disappear within CFME Args: timeout: time (in seconds) to wait for it to appear """ wait_for( lambda: self.exists, num_sec=timeout, delay=5, fail_func=self.browser.refresh, fail_condition=True, message="wait for vm to not exist")
wait_for_delete = wait_to_disappear # An alias for more fitting verbosity
[docs] def wait_to_appear(self, timeout=600, load_details=True): """Wait for a VM to appear within CFME Args: timeout: time (in seconds) to wait for it to appear load_details: when found, should it load the vm details """ def _refresh(): self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() self.appliance.browser.widgetastic.browser.refresh() # strange because ViaUI wait_for( lambda: self.exists, num_sec=timeout, delay=5, fail_func=_refresh, message="wait for vm to appear") if load_details: navigate_to(self, "Details", use_resetter=False)
[docs] def set_ownership(self, user=None, group=None, click_cancel=False, click_reset=False): """Set instance ownership Args: user (str): username for ownership group (str): groupname for ownership click_cancel (bool): Whether to cancel form submission click_reset (bool): Whether to reset form after filling """ view = navigate_to(self, 'SetOwnership') fill_result = view.form.fill({ 'user_name': user, 'group_name': group}) if not fill_result: view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'Details').VIEW) view.flash.assert_success_message('Set Ownership was cancelled by the user') return # Only if the form changed if click_reset: view.flash.assert_message('All changes have been reset', 'warning') # Cancel after reset assert view.form.is_displayed elif click_cancel: view.flash.assert_success_message('Set Ownership was cancelled by the user') else: # save the form view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'Details').VIEW) view.flash.assert_success_message('Ownership saved for selected {}' .format(self.VM_TYPE))
[docs] def unset_ownership(self): """Remove user ownership and return group to EvmGroup-Administrator""" view = navigate_to(self, 'SetOwnership') fill_result = view.form.fill({ 'user_name': '<No Owner>', 'group_name': 'EvmGroup-administrator' }) if fill_result: msg = 'Ownership saved for selected {}'.format(self.VM_TYPE) else: logger.warning('No change during unset_ownership') msg = 'Set Ownership was cancelled by the user' view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'Details').VIEW) view.flash.assert_success_message(msg)
[docs]class BaseVMCollection(BaseCollection): ENTITY = BaseVM
[docs] def instantiate(self, name, provider, template_name=None): """Factory class method that determines the correct subclass for given provider. For reference how does that work, refer to the entrypoints in the Args: vm_name: Name of the VM/Instance as it appears in the UI provider: The provider object (not the string!) template_name: Source template name. Useful when the VM/Instance does not exist and you want to create it. """ # When this collection is filtered and used for instantiation, the ENTITY attribute # points to BaseVM instead of a specific VM type ENTITY class # For this reason we don't use self.ENTITY, but instead lookup the entity class # through the provider's attributes if isinstance(self, TemplateCollection): # This is a Template derived class, not a VM return provider.template_class.from_collection(self, name, provider) else: return provider.vm_class.from_collection(self, name, provider, template_name)
[docs] def create(self, vm_name, provider, form_values=None, cancel=False, check_existing=False, find_in_cfme=False, wait=True): """Provisions an vm/instance with the given properties through CFME Args: vm_name: the vm/instance's name provider: provider object form_values: dictionary of form values for provisioning, structured into tabs cancel: boolean, whether or not to cancel form filling check_existing: verify if such vm_name exists find_in_cfme: verify that vm was created and appeared in CFME wait: wait for vm provision request end Note: Calling create on a sub-class of instance will generate the properly formatted dictionary when the correct fields are supplied. """ vm = self.instantiate(vm_name, provider) if check_existing and vm.exists: return vm if not provider.is_refreshed(): provider.refresh_provider_relationships() wait_for(provider.is_refreshed, func_kwargs={'refresh_delta': 10}, timeout=600) if not form_values: form_values = vm.vm_default_args else: inst_args = vm.vm_default_args form_values = recursive_update(inst_args, form_values) env = form_values.get('environment') or {} if env.get('automatic_placement'): form_values['environment'] = {'automatic_placement': True} form_values.update({'provider_name':}) if not form_values.get('template_name'): template_name = ('provisioning').get('image', {}).get('name') or'provisioning').get('template')) vm.template_name = template_name form_values.update({'template_name': template_name}) view = navigate_to(self, 'Provision') view.form.fill(form_values) if cancel: view = self.browser.create_view(BaseLoggedInPage) view.flash.assert_success_message(self.ENTITY.PROVISION_CANCEL) view.flash.assert_no_error() else: view = vm.appliance.browser.create_view(RequestsView) wait_for(lambda: view.flash.messages, fail_condition=[], timeout=10, delay=2, message='wait for Flash Success') view.flash.assert_no_error() if wait: request_description = 'Provision from [{}] to [{}]'.format( form_values.get('template_name'), provision_request = vm.appliance.collections.requests.instantiate( request_description)'Waiting for cfme provision request for vm %s', provision_request.wait_for_request(method='ui', num_sec=900) if provision_request.is_succeeded(method='ui'):'Waiting for vm %s to appear on provider %s',, provider.key) wait_for(provider.mgmt.does_vm_exist, [], handle_exception=True, num_sec=600) else: raise Exception( "Provisioning vm {} failed with: {}" .format(, provision_request.row.last_message.text) ) if find_in_cfme: vm.wait_to_appear(timeout=800) return vm
[docs] def create_rest(self, vm_name, provider, form_values=None, check_existing=False): """Provisions a VM/Instance with the default self.vm_default_args_rest. self.vm_default_args_rest may be overridden by form_values. For more details about rest attributes please check: red_hat_cloudforms_rest_api/index#provision-request-supported-attributes or NOTE: placement_auto defaults to True for requests made from the API or CloudForms Automate. Args: vm_name: vm name provider: provider object form_values: overrides default provision arguments or extends it. check_existing: cancel creation if VM exists Return: Instance object """ vm = self.instantiate(vm_name, provider) if check_existing and vm.exists: return vm else: if not provider.is_refreshed(): provider.refresh_provider_relationships() wait_for(provider.is_refreshed, func_kwargs={'refresh_delta': 10}, timeout=600) if not form_values: form_values = vm.vm_default_args_rest else: inst_args = vm.vm_default_args_rest form_values = recursive_update(inst_args, form_values) response = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.provision_requests.action.create( **form_values)[0] assert_response(self.appliance) provision_request = vm.appliance.collections.requests.instantiate( description=response.description) provision_request.wait_for_request(num_sec=900) if provision_request.is_succeeded(): wait_for(lambda: provider.mgmt.does_vm_exist(, num_sec=1000, delay=5, message="VM {} becomes visible".format( else: logger.error("Provisioning failed with the message {}". format( raise CFMEException( return vm
[docs]class VM(BaseVM): template_name = attr.ib(default=None) TO_RETIRE = None # May be overriden by implementors of BaseVM STATE_ON = "on" STATE_OFF = "off" STATE_PAUSED = "paused" STATE_SUSPENDED = "suspended" @cached_property def mgmt(self): """ Returns the wrapanapi VM entity object to manipulate this VM directly via the provider API """ return self.provider.mgmt.get_vm( @property def exists_on_provider(self): return self.provider.mgmt.does_vm_exist(
[docs] def retire(self): view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) view.toolbar.lifecycle.item_select(self.TO_RETIRE, handle_alert=True) view.flash.assert_no_error()
[docs] def power_control_from_cfme(self, option, cancel=True, from_details=False): """Power controls a VM from within CFME Args: option: corresponds to option values under the power button cancel: Whether or not to cancel the power operation on confirmation from_details: Whether or not to perform action from instance details page Raises: OptionNotAvailable: option param is not visible or enabled """ if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) else: view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') if self.is_pwr_option_available_in_cfme(option=option, from_details=from_details): view.toolbar.power.item_select(option, handle_alert=not cancel) "Power control action of VM/instance %s, option %s, cancel %s executed",, option, str(cancel)) else: raise OptionNotAvailable(option + " is not visible or enabled")
[docs] def wait_candu_data_available(self, timeout=600): """Waits until C&U data are available for this VM/Instance Args: timeout: Timeout passed to :py:func:`utils.wait.wait_for` """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) wait_for( lambda: view.toolbar.monitoring.item_enabled("Utilization"), delay=10, handle_exception=True, num_sec=timeout,
[docs] def capture_historical_data(self, interval='hourly', back='6.days'): """Capture historical utilization data for this VM/Instance Args: interval: Data interval (hourly/ daily) back: back time interval from which you want data """ ret = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_rails_command( "\"vm = Vm.where(:ems_id => {}).where(:name => {})[0];\ vm.perf_capture({}, {}.ago.utc,\"" .format(, repr(, repr(interval), back)) return ret.success
[docs] def wait_for_vm_state_change(self, desired_state=None, timeout=300, from_details=False, with_relationship_refresh=True, from_any_provider=False): """Wait for VM to come to desired state in the UI. This function waits just the needed amount of time thanks to wait_for. Args: desired_state: on, off, suspended... for available states, see :py:class:`EC2Instance` and :py:class:`OpenStackInstance` timeout: Specify amount of time (in seconds) to wait from_any_provider: Archived/Orphaned vms need this Raises: TimedOutError: When instance does not come up to desired state in specified period of time. InstanceNotFound: When unable to find the instance passed """ def _looking_for_state_change(): if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, "Details", use_resetter=False) current_state = view.entities.summary("Power Management").get_text_of("Power State") return current_state == desired_state else: return self.find_quadicon( from_any_provider=from_any_provider).data['state'] == desired_state return wait_for( _looking_for_state_change, num_sec=timeout, delay=30, fail_func=lambda: self.refresh_relationships(from_details=from_details, from_any_provider=from_any_provider) if with_relationship_refresh else None)
[docs] def is_pwr_option_available_in_cfme(self, option, from_details=False): """Checks to see if a power option is available on the VM Args: option: corresponds to option values under the power button, see :py:class:`EC2Instance` and :py:class:`OpenStackInstance` from_details: Whether or not to perform action from instance details page """ if from_details: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details', use_resetter=False) else: view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") entity = self.find_quadicon() entity.check() if view.toolbar.power.has_item(option): return view.toolbar.power.item_enabled(option) else: return False
[docs] def create_on_provider(self, timeout=900, find_in_cfme=False, delete_on_failure=True, **kwargs): """Create the VM on the provider via MgmtSystem. `deploy_template` handles errors during VM provision on MgmtSystem sideNS deletes VM if provisioned incorrectly Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the VM to appear in CFME Will not wait at all, if set to 0 (Defaults to ``900``) find_in_cfme: Verifies that VM exists in CFME UI delete_on_failure: Attempts to remove VM on UI navigation failure """ vm = deploy_template(self.provider.key,, self.template_name, **kwargs) try: if find_in_cfme: self.wait_to_appear(timeout=timeout, load_details=False) except Exception as e: logger.warn("Couldn't find VM or Instance '%s' in CFME", if delete_on_failure:"Removing VM or Instance '%s' from mgmt system", try: self.mgmt.cleanup() except NotFoundError:"VM '%s' not found on mgmt system, nothing to cleanup", raise return vm
[docs] def cleanup_on_provider(self): """Clean up entity on the provider if it has been created on the provider Helper method to avoid NotFoundError's during test case tear down. """ if self.exists_on_provider: self.mgmt.cleanup() else: logger.debug('cleanup_on_provider: entity "%s" does not exist',
[docs] def set_retirement_date(self, when=None, offset=None, warn=None): """Overriding common method to use widgetastic views/widgets properly Args: when: :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object, when to retire (date in future) offset: :py:class:`dict` with months, weeks, days, hours keys. other keys ignored warn: When to warn, fills the select in the form in case the ``when`` is specified. Note: this should be moved up to the common VM class when infra+cloud+common are all WT If when and offset are both None, this removes retirement date Examples: # To set a specific retirement date 2 days from today two_days_later = + datetime.timedelta(days=2) vm.set_retirement_date(when=two_days_later) # To set a retirement offset 2 weeks from now vm.set_retirement_date(offset={weeks=2}) Offset is dict to remove ambiguity between timedelta/datetime and months/weeks/days/hours timedelta supports creation with weeks, but not months timedelta supports days attr, but not weeks or months timedelta days attr will report a total summary, not the component that was passed to it For these reasons timedelta isn't appropriate for offset An enhancement to cfme.utils.timeutil extending timedelta would be great for making this a bit cleaner """ new_retire = self.appliance.version >= "5.9" view = navigate_to(self, 'SetRetirement') fill_date = None fill_offset = None # explicit is/not None use here because of empty strings and dicts if when is not None and offset is not None: raise ValueError('set_retirement_date takes when or offset, but not both') if not new_retire and offset is not None: raise ValueError('Offset retirement only available in CFME 59z+ or miq-gaprindashvili') if when is not None and not isinstance(when, (datetime, date)): raise ValueError('when argument must be a datetime object') # due to major differences between the forms and their interaction, I'm splitting this # method into two major blocks, one for each version. As a result some patterns will be # repeated in both blocks # This will allow for making changes to one version or the other without strange # interaction in the logic # format the date # needs 4 digit year for fill # displayed 2 digit year for flash message if new_retire: # 59z/G-release retirement if when is not None and offset is None: # Specific datetime retire, H+M are 00:00 by default if just date passed fill_date = when.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') # 4 digit year msg_date = when.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M UTC') # two digit year and timestamp msg = 'Retirement date set to {}'.format(msg_date) elif when is None and offset is None: # clearing retirement date with space in textinput, # using space here as with empty string calendar input is not cleared correctly fill_date = ' ' msg = 'Retirement date removed' elif offset is not None: # retirement by offset fill_date = None fill_offset = {k: v for k, v in offset.items() if k in ['months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours']} # hack together an offset # timedelta can take weeks, but not months # copy and pop, only used to generate message, not used for form fill offset_copy = fill_offset.copy() if 'months' in offset_copy: new_weeks = offset_copy.get('weeks', 0) + int(offset_copy.pop('months', 0)) * 4 offset_copy.update({'weeks': new_weeks}) msg_date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(**offset_copy) msg = 'Retirement date set to {}'.format(msg_date.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M UTC')) # TODO move into before_fill when no need to click away from datetime picker view.form.fill({ 'retirement_mode': 'Time Delay from Now' if fill_offset else 'Specific Date and Time'}) view.flush_widget_cache() # since retirement_date is conditional widget if fill_date is not None: # specific check because of empty string # two part fill, widget seems to block warn selection when open changed_date = view.form.fill({ 'retirement_date': {'datetime_select': fill_date}}) # close datetime widget changed_warn = view.form.fill({'retirement_warning': warn}) changed = changed_date or changed_warn elif fill_offset: changed = view.form.fill({ 'retirement_date': fill_offset, 'retirement_warning': warn}) else: # 58z/euwe retirement if when: fill_date = when.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') # 4 digit year msg_date = when.strftime('%m/%d/%y 00:00 UTC') # two digit year and default 0 UTC msg = 'Retirement date set to {}'.format(msg_date) else: fill_date = None msg = 'Retirement date removed' if fill_date: changed = view.form.fill({'retirement_date': fill_date, 'retirement_warning': warn}) else: if view.form.remove_date.is_displayed: changed = True else: # no date set, nothing to change'Retirement date not set, cannot clear, canceling form') changed = False # Form save and flash messages are the same between versions if changed: else:'No form changes for setting retirement, clicking cancel') msg = 'Set/remove retirement date was cancelled by the user' if self.DETAILS_VIEW_CLASS is not None: view = self.create_view(self.DETAILS_VIEW_CLASS) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_success_message(msg)
[docs] def equal_drift_results(self, drift_section, section, *indexes): """Compares drift analysis results of a row specified by it's title text. Args: drift_section (str): Title text of the row to compare section (str): Accordion section where the change happened indexes: Indexes of results to compare starting with 0 for first row (latest result). Compares all available drifts, if left empty (default) Note: There have to be at least 2 drift results available for this to work. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ def _select_rows(indexes): for i in indexes: drift_history_view.history_table[i][0].click() # mark by indexes or mark all details_view = navigate_to(self, "Details") details_view.entities.summary("Relationships").click_at("Drift History") drift_history_view = self.create_view(DriftHistory) assert drift_history_view.is_displayed if indexes: _select_rows(indexes) else: # We can't compare more than 10 drift results at once # so when selecting all, we have to limit it to the latest 10 rows_number = len(list(drift_history_view.history_table.rows())) if rows_number > 10: _select_rows(range(10)) else: _select_rows(range(rows_number)) drift_analysis_view = self.create_view(DriftAnalysis) assert drift_analysis_view.is_displayed drift_analysis_view.drift_sections.check_node(section) if not return drift_analysis_view.drift_analysis.is_changed(drift_section)
[docs]class VMCollection(BaseVMCollection): ENTITY = VM
[docs]class Template(BaseVM, _TemplateMixin): """A base class for all templates. """ @cached_property def mgmt(self): """Holds wrapanapi template entity object for this template.""" return self.provider.mgmt.get_template( @property def exists_on_provider(self): return self.provider.mgmt.does_template_exist(
[docs]class TemplateCollection(BaseVMCollection): ENTITY = Template