Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A model of an Infrastructure Host in CFME."""
import attr

from manageiq_client.api import APIException
from navmazing import NavigateToSibling, NavigateToAttribute
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from widgetastic.utils import VersionPick

from cfme.base.credential import Credential as BaseCredential
from cfme.common import PolicyProfileAssignable, Taggable
from cfme.common.candu_views import HostInfraUtilizationView
from cfme.common.host_views import (
from cfme.exceptions import ItemNotFound
from cfme.infrastructure.datastore import HostAllDatastoresView
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseEntity, BaseCollection

from cfme.utils import conf
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import CFMENavigateStep, navigate_to, navigator
from cfme.utils.ipmi import IPMI
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for

[docs]class Host(BaseEntity, Updateable, Pretty, PolicyProfileAssignable, Taggable): """Model of an infrastructure host in cfme. Args: name: Name of the host. hostname: Hostname of the host. ip_address: The IP address as a string. custom_ident: The custom identifiter. host_platform: Included but appears unused in CFME at the moment. ipmi_address: The IPMI address. mac_address: The mac address of the system. credentials Combines three types of credentials - 'default', 'remote_login', 'web_services', all three can be passed. Each contains (:py:class:`Credential`): see Credential inner class. ipmi_credentials (:py:class:`Credential`): see Credential inner class. Usage: myhost = Host(name='vmware', credentials={ 'default': Provider.Credential(principal='admin', secret='foobar')}) myhost.create() """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'hostname', 'ip_address', 'custom_ident'] name = attr.ib() provider = attr.ib(default=None) hostname = attr.ib(default=None) ip_address = attr.ib(default=None) custom_ident = attr.ib(default=None) host_platform = attr.ib(default=None) ipmi_address = attr.ib(default=None) mac_address = attr.ib(default=None) credentials = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) ipmi_credentials = attr.ib(default=None) interface_type = attr.ib(default='lan') db_id = None
[docs] class Credential(BaseCredential, Updateable): """Provider credentials Args: **kwargs: If using IPMI type credential, ipmi = True""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Host.Credential, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ipmi = kwargs.get('ipmi')
[docs] def update(self, updates, validate_credentials=False): """Updates a host in the UI. Better to use utils.update.update context manager than call this directly. Args: updates (dict): fields that are changing. """ view = navigate_to(self, "Edit") changed = view.fill({ "name": updates.get("name"), "hostname": updates.get("hostname") or updates.get("ip_address"), "custom_ident": updates.get("custom_ident"), "ipmi_address": updates.get("ipmi_address"), "mac_address": updates.get("mac_address") }) credentials = updates.get("credentials") ipmi_credentials = updates.get("ipmi_credentials") credentials_changed = False ipmi_credentials_changed = False if credentials is not None: for creds_type in credentials: cred_endpoint = getattr(view.endpoints, creds_type) if cred_endpoint.change_stored_password.is_displayed: credentials_changed = cred_endpoint.fill_with(credentials[ creds_type].view_value_mapping) if validate_credentials: if ipmi_credentials is not None: if view.endpoints.ipmi.change_stored_password.is_displayed: ipmi_credentials_changed = view.endpoints.ipmi.fill(ipmi_credentials.view_value_mapping) if validate_credentials: view.flash.assert_no_error() changed = any([changed, credentials_changed, ipmi_credentials_changed]) if changed: logger.debug("Trying to save update for host with id: %s", str(self.get_db_id)) view = self.create_view(HostDetailsView) view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Host / Node "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get("name", else: view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Edit of Host / Node "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format( updates.get("name",
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """Deletes this host from CFME. Args: cancel (bool): Whether to cancel the deletion, defaults to True """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") remove_item = VersionPick({ '5.8': 'Remove item', '5.9': 'Remove item from Inventory'}) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(remove_item, handle_alert=not cancel) if not cancel: view = self.create_view(HostsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_success_message("The selected Hosts / Nodes was deleted")
[docs] def load_details(self, refresh=False): """To be compatible with the Taggable and PolicyProfileAssignable mixins. Args: refresh (bool): Whether to perform the page refresh, defaults to False """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") if refresh: view.browser.refresh() view.flush_widget_cache()
[docs] def execute_button(self, button_group, button, handle_alert=False): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.custom_button(button_group).item_select(button, handle_alert=handle_alert)
[docs] def power_on(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.power.item_select("Power On", handle_alert=True)
[docs] def power_off(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.power.item_select("Power Off", handle_alert=True)
[docs] def get_power_state(self): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") return view.entities.summary("Properties").get_text_of("Power State")
[docs] def refresh(self, cancel=False): """Perform 'Refresh Relationships and Power States' for the host. Args: cancel (bool): Whether the action should be cancelled, default to False """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Refresh Relationships and Power States", handle_alert=cancel)
[docs] def wait_for_host_state_change(self, desired_state, timeout=300): """Wait for Host to come to desired state. This function waits just the needed amount of time thanks to wait_for. Args: desired_state (str): 'on' or 'off' timeout (int): Specify amount of time (in seconds) to wait until TimedOutError is raised """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") def _looking_for_state_change(): entity = view.entities.get_entity( return "currentstate-{}".format(desired_state) in['state'] return wait_for( _looking_for_state_change, fail_func=view.browser.refresh, num_sec=timeout )
[docs] def get_ipmi(self): return IPMI( hostname=self.ipmi_address, username=self.ipmi_credentials.principal, password=self.ipmi_credentials.secret, interface_type=self.interface_type )
@property def exists(self): """Checks if the host exists in the UI. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") try: view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True) except ItemNotFound: return False else: return True @property def has_valid_credentials(self): """Checks if host has valid credentials save. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") entity = view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True) try: return['creds'].strip().lower() == "checkmark" except KeyError: return False
[docs] def update_credentials_rest(self, credentials): """ Updates host's credentials via rest api Args: credentials (dict) : credentials from yaml file Returns: ``True`` if credentials are saved and valid; ``False`` otherwise """ # TODO: Move to Sentaku try: host = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.hosts.get( host.action.edit(credentials={"userid": credentials.principal, "password": credentials.secret}) except APIException: return False
[docs] def get_datastores(self): """Gets list of all datastores used by this host. Returns: :py:class:`list` of datastores names """ host_details_view = navigate_to(self, "Details") host_details_view.entities.summary("Relationships").click_at("Datastores") datastores_view = self.create_view(HostAllDatastoresView) assert datastores_view.is_displayed return [ for entity in datastores_view.entites.get_all_()]
@property def get_db_id(self): if self.db_id is None: self.db_id = self.appliance.host_id( return self.db_id else: return self.db_id
[docs] def run_smartstate_analysis(self, wait_for_task_result=False): """Runs smartstate analysis on this host. Note: The host must have valid credentials already set up for this to work. """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Perform SmartState Analysis", handle_alert=True) view.flash.assert_success_message('"{}": Analysis successfully initiated'.format( if wait_for_task_result: task = self.appliance.collections.tasks.instantiate( name="SmartState Analysis for '{}'".format(, tab='MyOtherTasks') task.wait_for_finished() return task
[docs] def check_compliance(self, timeout=240): """Initiates compliance check and waits for it to finish.""" view = navigate_to(self, "Details") original_state = self.compliance_status view.toolbar.policy.item_select("Check Compliance of Last Known Configuration", handle_alert=True) view.flash.assert_no_error() wait_for( lambda: self.compliance_status != original_state, num_sec=timeout, delay=5, message="compliance of {} checked".format( )
@property def compliance_status(self): """Returns the title of the compliance SummaryTable. The title contains datetime so it can be compared. Returns: :py:class:`NoneType` if no title is present (no compliance checks before), otherwise str """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.browser.refresh() return view.entities.summary("Compliance").get_text_of("Status") @property def is_compliant(self): """Check if the Host is compliant. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ text = self.compliance_status.strip().lower() if text.startswith("non-compliant"): return False elif text.startswith("compliant"): return True else: raise ValueError("{} is not a known state for compliance".format(text))
[docs] def equal_drift_results(self, drift_section, section, *indexes): """Compares drift analysis results of a row specified by it's title text. Args: drift_section (str): Title text of the row to compare section (str): Accordion section where the change happened indexes: Indexes of results to compare starting with 0 for first row (latest result). Compares all available drifts, if left empty (default) Note: There have to be at least 2 drift results available for this to work. Returns: :py:class:`bool` """ def _select_rows(indexes): for i in indexes: drift_history_view.history_table[i][0].click() # mark by indexes or mark all details_view = navigate_to(self, "Details") details_view.entities.summary("Relationships").click_at("Drift History") drift_history_view = self.create_view(HostDriftHistory) assert drift_history_view.is_displayed if indexes: _select_rows(indexes) else: # We can't compare more than 10 drift results at once # so when selecting all, we have to limit it to the latest 10 rows_number = len(list(drift_history_view.history_table.rows())) if rows_number > 10: _select_rows(range(10)) else: _select_rows(range(rows_number)) drift_analysis_view = self.create_view(HostDriftAnalysis) assert drift_analysis_view.is_displayed drift_analysis_view.drift_sections.check_node(section) if not return drift_analysis_view.drift_analysis.is_changed(drift_section)
[docs] def wait_to_appear(self): """Waits for the host to appear in the UI.""" view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All")"Waiting for the host to appear...") wait_for( lambda: self.exists, message="Wait for the host to appear", num_sec=1000, fail_func=view.browser.refresh )
[docs] def wait_for_delete(self): """Waits for the host to remove from the UI.""" view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All")"Waiting for a host to delete...") wait_for( lambda: not self.exists, message="Wait for the host to disappear", num_sec=500, fail_func=view.browser.refresh )
[docs] def wait_candu_data_available(self, timeout=900): """Waits until C&U data are available for this Host Args: timeout: Timeout passed to :py:func:`utils.wait.wait_for` """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') wait_for( lambda: view.toolbar.monitoring.item_enabled("Utilization"), delay=10, handle_exception=True, num_sec=timeout, fail_func=view.browser.refresh )
[docs]class HostCollection(BaseCollection): """Collection object for the :py:class:``.""" ENTITY = Host
[docs] def check_hosts(self, hosts): hosts = list(hosts) checked_hosts = list() view = navigate_to(self, 'All') for host in hosts: try: view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True).check() checked_hosts.append(host) except ItemNotFound: raise ItemNotFound('Could not find host {} in the UI'.format( return view
[docs] def create(self, name, provider=None, credentials=None, hostname=None, ip_address=None, host_platform=None, custom_ident=None, ipmi_address=None, mac_address=None, ipmi_credentials=None, cancel=False, validate_credentials=False, interface_type='lan'): """Creates a host in the UI. Args: cancel (bool): Whether to cancel out of the creation. The cancel is done after all the information present in the Host has been filled in the UI. validate_credentials (bool): Whether to validate credentials - if True and the credentials are invalid, an error will be raised. """ view = navigate_to(self, "Add") view.fill({ "name": name, "hostname": hostname or ip_address, "host_platform": host_platform, "custom_ident": custom_ident, "ipmi_address": ipmi_address, "mac_address": mac_address }) if credentials is not None: for credentials_type in credentials: cred_endpoint = getattr(view.endpoints, credentials_type) cred_endpoint.fill(credentials.view_value_mapping) if validate_credentials: if ipmi_credentials is not None: view.endpoints.ipmi.fill(ipmi_credentials.view_value_mapping) if validate_credentials: if not cancel: flash_message = 'Host / Node " {}" was added'.format(name) else: flash_message = "Add of new Host / Node was cancelled by the user" host = self.instantiate(name=name, hostname=hostname, ip_address=ip_address, custom_ident=custom_ident, host_platform=host_platform, ipmi_address=ipmi_address, mac_address=mac_address, credentials=credentials, ipmi_credentials=ipmi_credentials, provider=provider) view = host.create_view(HostsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message) return host
[docs] def all(self, provider): """returning all hosts objects""" view = navigate_to(self, 'All') hosts = [self.instantiate(name=item, provider=provider) for item in view.entities.entity_names] return hosts
[docs] def run_smartstate_analysis(self, *hosts): view = self.check_hosts(hosts) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Perform SmartState Analysis', handle_alert=True) for host in hosts: view.flash.assert_success_message( '"{}": Analysis successfully initiated'.format(
[docs] def delete(self, *hosts): """Deletes this host from CFME.""" view = self.check_hosts(hosts) remove_item = VersionPick({ '5.8': 'Remove items', '5.9': 'Remove items from Inventory'}) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(remove_item, handle_alert=True) view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Delete initiated for {} Hosts / Nodes from the {} Database'.format( len(hosts), self.appliance.product_name)) for host in hosts: host.wait_for_delete()
[docs] def discover(self, from_address, to_address, esx=False, ipmi=False, cancel=False): """Discovers hosts.""" view = navigate_to(self, 'Discover') parts = from_address.split('.') fill_dict = { 'esx': esx or None, 'ipmi': ipmi or None, 'from_ip1': parts[0], 'from_ip2': parts[1], 'from_ip3': parts[2], 'from_ip4': parts[3], 'to_ip4': to_address.split('.')[-1] } view.fill(fill_dict) if not cancel: flash_message = 'Hosts / Nodes: Discovery successfully initiated' else: flash_message = 'Hosts / Nodes Discovery was cancelled by the user' view = self.create_view(HostsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def power_on(self, *hosts): view = self.check_hosts(hosts) view.toolbar.power.item_select("Power On", handle_alert=True)
[docs] def power_off(self, *hosts): view = self.check_hosts(hosts) view.toolbar.power.item_select("Power Off", handle_alert=True)
def _get_config(self, host_key): host_config = conf.cfme_data.get('management_hosts', {})[host_key] credentials = {'default': get_credentials_from_config(host_config['credentials'])} ipmi_credentials = get_credentials_from_config(host_config['ipmi_credentials']) ipmi_credentials.ipmi = True return host_config, credentials, ipmi_credentials
[docs] def get_from_config(self, host_key): """Creates a Host object given a yaml entry in cfme_data. Usage: get_from_config('esx') Returns: A Host object that has methods that operate on CFME """ # TODO: Include provider key in YAML and include provider object when creating host_config, credentials, ipmi_credentials = self._get_config(host_key) return self.instantiate( name=host_config['name'], hostname=host_config['hostname'], ip_address=host_config['ipaddress'], custom_ident=host_config.get('custom_ident'), host_platform=host_config.get('host_platform'), ipmi_address=host_config['ipmi_address'], mac_address=host_config['mac_address'], interface_type=host_config.get('interface_type', 'lan'), credentials={'default': credentials}, ipmi_credentials=ipmi_credentials )
[docs] def create_from_config(self, host_key): """Creates a Host object given a yaml entry in cfme_data. Usage: create_from_config('esx') Returns: A Host object that has methods that operate on CFME """ # TODO: Include provider key in YAML and include provider object when creating host_config, credentials, ipmi_credentials = self._get_config(host_key) return self.create( name=host_config['name'], hostname=host_config['hostname'], ip_address=host_config['ipaddress'], custom_ident=host_config.get('custom_ident'), host_platform=host_config.get('host_platform'), ipmi_address=host_config['ipmi_address'], mac_address=host_config['mac_address'], interface_type=host_config.get('interface_type', 'lan'), credentials={'default': credentials}, ipmi_credentials=ipmi_credentials )
[docs]class All(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "LoggedIn")
[docs] def step(self): try:"Compute", "Infrastructure", "Hosts") except NoSuchElementException:"Compute", "Infrastructure", "Nodes")
[docs]class Details(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostDetailsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("parent", "All")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True).click()
[docs]class Edit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("Details")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Edit this item")
[docs]class Add(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("All")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Add a New item")
[docs]class Discover(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostDiscoverView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("All")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Discover items")
[docs]class Provision(CFMENavigateStep): prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("Details")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.lifecycle.item_select("Provision this item")
[docs]class Timelines(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostTimelinesView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("Details")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.monitoring.item_select("Timelines")
@navigator.register(Host, "candu")
[docs]class Utilization(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = HostInfraUtilizationView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("Details")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.monitoring.item_select('Utilization')
[docs]def get_credentials_from_config(credential_config_name): creds = conf.credentials[credential_config_name] username = ("{}\\{}".format(creds.domain, creds.username) if creds.get('domain') else creds.username) return Host.Credential(principal=username, secret=creds["password"])