Source code for cfme.configure.access_control

import attr
import six

from navmazing import NavigateToSibling, NavigateToAttribute
from widgetastic.utils import VersionPick, Version
from widgetastic.widget import Checkbox, View, Text, ConditionalSwitchableView
from widgetastic_patternfly import (
    BootstrapSelect, Button, Input, Tab, CheckableBootstrapTreeview as CbTree,
    BootstrapSwitch, CandidateNotFound, Dropdown)
from widgetastic_manageiq import (
    UpDownSelect, PaginationPane, SummaryFormItem, Table, BaseListEntity, SummaryForm)
from widgetastic_manageiq.expression_editor import GroupTagExpressionEditor

from cfme.base.credential import Credential
from cfme.base.ui import ConfigurationView
from cfme.common import Taggable
from cfme.exceptions import CFMEException, RBACOperationBlocked
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigator, CFMENavigateStep, navigate_to
from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for


[docs]class AccessControlToolbar(View): """ Toolbar on the Access Control page """ configuration = Dropdown('Configuration') policy = Dropdown('Policy')
#################################################################################################### # RBAC USER METHODS # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs]class UserForm(ConfigurationView): """ User Form View.""" name_txt = Input(name='name') userid_txt = Input(name='userid') password_txt = Input(id='password') password_verify_txt = Input(id='verify') email_txt = Input(name='email') user_group_select = BootstrapSelect(id='chosen_group') cancel_button = Button('Cancel')
[docs]class UsersEntities(View): table = Table("//div[@id='records_div' or @id='main_div']//table")
[docs]class AllUserView(ConfigurationView): """ All Users View.""" toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) entities = View.nested(UsersEntities) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Access Control EVM Users' )
[docs]class AddUserView(UserForm): """ Add User View.""" add_button = Button('Add') @property def is_displayed(self): return self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == "Adding a new User"
[docs]class DetailsUserEntities(View): smart_management = SummaryForm('Smart Management')
[docs]class DetailsUserView(ConfigurationView): """ User Details view.""" toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) entities = View.nested(DetailsUserEntities) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.title.text == 'EVM User "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].name) and self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened )
[docs]class EditUserView(UserForm): """ User Edit View.""" save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') change_stored_password = Text('#change_stored_password') cancel_password_change = Text('#cancel_password_change') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.title.text == 'Editing User "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].name) and self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened )
[docs]class User(Updateable, Pretty, BaseEntity, Taggable): """ Class represents an user in CFME UI Args: name: Name of the user credential: User's credentials email: User's email groups: Add User to multiple groups in Versions >= 5.9. cost_center: User's cost center value_assign: user's value to assign appliance: appliance under test """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'group'] name = attr.ib(default=None) credential = attr.ib(default=None) email = attr.ib(default=None) groups = attr.ib(default=None) cost_center = attr.ib(default=None) value_assign = attr.ib(default=None) _restore_user = attr.ib(default=None, init=False) def __enter__(self): if self._restore_user != self.appliance.user:'Switching to new user: %s', self.credential.principal) self._restore_user = self.appliance.user self.appliance.server.logout() self.appliance.user = self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._restore_user != self.appliance.user:'Restoring to old user: %s', self._restore_user.credential.principal) self.appliance.server.logout() self.appliance.user = self._restore_user self._restore_user = None
[docs] def update(self, updates): """ Update user method Args: updates: user data that should be changed Note: In case updates is the same as original user data, update will be canceled, as 'Save' button will not be active """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') self.change_stored_password() new_updates = {} if 'credential' in updates: new_updates.update({ 'userid_txt': updates.get('credential').principal, 'password_txt': updates.get('credential').secret, 'password_verify_txt': updates.get('credential').verify_secret }) new_updates.update({ 'name_txt': updates.get('name'), 'email_txt': updates.get('email'), 'user_group_select': getattr( updates.get('group'), 'description', None) }) changed = view.fill({ 'name_txt': new_updates.get('name_txt'), 'userid_txt': new_updates.get('userid_txt'), 'password_txt': new_updates.get('password_txt'), 'password_verify_txt': new_updates.get('password_verify_txt'), 'email_txt': new_updates.get('email_txt'), 'user_group_select': new_updates.get('user_group_select') }) if changed: flash_message = 'User "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get('name', else: flash_message = 'Edit of User was cancelled by the user' view = self.create_view(DetailsUserView, override=updates) view.flash.assert_message(flash_message) assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def copy(self): """ Creates copy of existing user return: User object of copied user """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Copy this User to a new User') view = self.create_view(AddUserView) new_user = self.parent.instantiate( name="{}copy".format(, credential=Credential(principal='redhat', secret='redhat') ) view.fill({ 'name_txt':, 'userid_txt': new_user.credential.principal, 'password_txt': new_user.credential.secret, 'password_verify_txt': new_user.credential.verify_secret }) view = self.create_view(AllUserView) view.flash.assert_success_message('User "{}" was saved'.format( assert view.is_displayed return new_user
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """Delete existing user Args: cancel: Default value 'True', user will be deleted 'False' - deletion of user will be canceled Throws: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR delete is not allowed for currently selected user """ flash_success_msg = 'EVM User "{}": Delete successful'.format( flash_blocked_msg = "Default EVM User \"{}\" cannot be deleted".format( delete_user_txt = 'Delete this User' view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if not view.toolbar.configuration.item_enabled(delete_user_txt): raise RBACOperationBlocked("Configuration action '{}' is not enabled".format( delete_user_txt)) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(delete_user_txt, handle_alert=cancel) try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view.flash.assert_message(flash_success_msg) if cancel: view = self.create_view(AllUserView) view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_success_msg) else: view = self.create_view(DetailsUserView) assert view.is_displayed
# TODO update elements, after 1469035 fix
[docs] def change_stored_password(self, changes=None, cancel=False): """ Changes user password Args: changes: dict with fields to be changes, if None, passwords fields only be anabled cancel: True, if you want to disable password change """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') self.browser.execute_script( self.browser.get_attribute( 'onClick', self.browser.element(view.change_stored_password))) if changes: view.fill(changes) if cancel: self.browser.execute_script( self.browser.get_attribute( 'onClick', self.browser.element(view.cancel_password_change)))
@property def exists(self): try: navigate_to(self, 'Details') return True except CandidateNotFound: return False @property def description(self): return self.credential.principal @property def my_settings(self): from cfme.configure.settings import MySettings my_settings = MySettings(appliance=self.appliance) return my_settings
[docs]class UserCollection(BaseCollection): ENTITY = User
[docs] def simple_user(self, userid, password, fullname=None): """If a fullname is not supplied, userid is used for credential principal and user name""" creds = Credential(principal=userid, secret=password) return self.instantiate(name=fullname or userid, credential=creds)
[docs] def create(self, name=None, credential=None, email=None, groups=None, cost_center=None, value_assign=None, cancel=False): """ User creation method Args: name: Name of the user credential: User's credentials, credential.principal is used as username email: User's email groups: Add User to multiple groups in Versions >= 5.9. cost_center: User's cost center value_assign: user's value to assign cancel: True - if you want to cancel user creation, by defaul user will be created Throws: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR update is not allowed for currently selected role """ if self.appliance.version < "5.8": user_blocked_msg = "Userid has already been taken" else: user_blocked_msg = ("Userid is not unique within region {}".format( if type(groups) is not list: groups = [groups] if self.appliance.version < "5.9" and len(groups) > 1: raise CFMEException( "Assigning a user to multiple groups is only supported in CFME versions > 5.8") user = self.instantiate( name=name, credential=credential, email=email, groups=groups, cost_center=cost_center, value_assign=value_assign ) # view.fill supports iteration over a list when selecting pulldown list items but # will throw an exception when the item doesn't appear in the list so filter out # null items since they "shouldn't" exist user_group_names = [getattr(ug, 'description', None) for ug in user.groups if ug] fill_values = { 'name_txt':, 'userid_txt': user.credential.principal, 'email_txt':, 'user_group_select': user_group_names } # only fill password if auth_mode is set to Database if self.appliance.server.authentication.auth_mode.lower() == 'database': fill_values.update({ 'password_txt': user.credential.secret, 'password_verify_txt': user.credential.verify_secret} ) view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') view.fill(fill_values) if cancel: flash_message = 'Add of new User was cancelled by the user' else: flash_message = 'User "{}" was saved'.format( try: view.flash.assert_message(user_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(user_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view = self.create_view(AllUserView) view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message) assert view.is_displayed # To ensure tree update view.browser.refresh() return user
@navigator.register(UserCollection, 'All')
[docs]class UserAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AllUserView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('appliance.server', 'Configuration')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Users')
@navigator.register(UserCollection, 'Add')
[docs]class UserAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AddUserView
[docs] def prerequisite(self): navigate_to(self.obj.appliance.server, 'Configuration') return navigate_to(self.obj, 'All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Add a new User")
@navigator.register(User, 'Details')
[docs]class UserDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = DetailsUserView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self): try: self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Users', except CandidateNotFound: self.obj.appliance.browser.widgetastic.refresh() self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Users',
@navigator.register(User, 'Edit')
[docs]class UserEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditUserView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Edit this User')
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # RBAC USER METHODS #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # RBAC GROUP METHODS # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs]class MyCompanyTagsTree(View): tree_locator = 'tags_treebox' tree = CbTree(tree_locator)
[docs]class MyCompanyTagsExpressionView(View): tag_expression = GroupTagExpressionEditor()
[docs]class MyCompanyTagsWithExpression(View): """ Represents 'My company tags' tab in Group Form """ tag_mode = BootstrapSelect(id='use_filter_expression') tag_settings = ConditionalSwitchableView(reference='tag_mode') tag_settings.register('Specific Tags', default=True, widget=MyCompanyTagsTree) tag_settings.register('Tags Based On Expression', widget=MyCompanyTagsExpressionView)
[docs]class GroupForm(ConfigurationView): """ Group Form in CFME UI.""" ldap_groups_for_user = BootstrapSelect(id='ldap_groups_user') description_txt = Input(name='description') lookup_ldap_groups_chk = Checkbox(name='lookup') role_select = BootstrapSelect(id='group_role') group_tenant = BootstrapSelect(id='group_tenant') user_to_look_up = Input(name='user') username = Input(name='user_id') password = Input(name='password') tag = SummaryFormItem('Smart Management', 'My Company Tags') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') retrieve_button = Button('Retrieve') @View.nested class my_company_tags(Tab): # noqa """ Represents 'My company tags' tab in Group Form """ TAB_NAME = "My Company Tags" form = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): View.nested(MyCompanyTagsTree), '5.9': View.nested(MyCompanyTagsWithExpression)}) @View.nested class hosts_and_clusters(Tab): # noqa """ Represents 'Hosts and Clusters' tab in Group Form """ TAB_NAME = "Hosts & Clusters" tree = CbTree('hac_treebox') @View.nested class vms_and_templates(Tab): # noqa """ Represents 'VM's and Templates' tab in Group Form """ TAB_NAME = "VMs & Templates" tree = CbTree('vat_treebox')
[docs]class AddGroupView(GroupForm): """ Add Group View in CFME UI """ add_button = Button("Add") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == "Adding a new Group" )
[docs]class DetailsGroupEntities(View): smart_management = SummaryForm('Smart Management')
[docs]class DetailsGroupView(ConfigurationView): """ Details Group View in CFME UI """ toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) entities = View.nested(DetailsGroupEntities) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'EVM Group "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].description) )
[docs]class EditGroupView(GroupForm): """ Edit Group View in CFME UI """ save_button = Button("Save") reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Editing Group "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].description) )
[docs]class AllGroupView(ConfigurationView): """ All Groups View in CFME UI """ toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) table = Table("//div[@id='main_div']//table") paginator = PaginationPane() @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Access Control EVM Groups' )
[docs]class EditGroupSequenceView(ConfigurationView): """ Edit Groups Sequence View in CFME UI """ group_order_selector = UpDownSelect( '#seq_fields', '//button[@title="Move selected fields up"]/i', '//button[@title="Move selected fields down"]/i') save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == "Editing Sequence of User Groups" )
[docs]class Group(BaseEntity, Taggable): """Represents a group in CFME UI Properties: description: group description role: group role tenant: group tenant user_to_lookup: ldap user to lookup ldap_credentials: ldap user credentials tag: tag for group restriction host_cluster: host/cluster for group restriction vm_template: vm/template for group restriction appliance: appliance under test """ pretty_attrs = ['description', 'role'] description = attr.ib(default=None) role = attr.ib(default=None) tenant = attr.ib(default="My Company") ldap_credentials = attr.ib(default=None) user_to_lookup = attr.ib(default=None) tag = attr.ib(default=None) host_cluster = attr.ib(default=None) vm_template = attr.ib(default=None) def _retrieve_ldap_user_groups(self): """ Retrive ldap user groups return: AddGroupView """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'Add') view.fill({'lookup_ldap_groups_chk': True, 'user_to_look_up': self.user_to_lookup, 'username': self.ldap_credentials.principal, 'password': self.ldap_credentials.secret}) return view def _retrieve_ext_auth_user_groups(self): """ Retrive external authorization user groups return: AddGroupView """ view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'Add') view.fill({'lookup_ldap_groups_chk': True, 'user_to_look_up': self.user_to_lookup}) return view def _fill_ldap_group_lookup(self, view): """ Fills ldap info for group lookup Args: view: view for group creation(AddGroupView) """ view.fill({'ldap_groups_for_user': self.description, 'description_txt': self.description, 'role_select': self.role, 'group_tenant': self.tenant}) view = self.create_view(AllGroupView) view.flash.assert_success_message('Group "{}" was saved'.format(self.description)) assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def add_group_from_ldap_lookup(self): """Adds a group from ldap lookup""" view = self._retrieve_ldap_user_groups() self._fill_ldap_group_lookup(view)
[docs] def add_group_from_ext_auth_lookup(self): """Adds a group from external authorization lookup""" view = self._retrieve_ext_auth_user_groups() self._fill_ldap_group_lookup(view)
[docs] def update(self, updates): """ Update group method Args: updates: group data that should be changed Note: In case updates is the same as original group data, update will be canceled, as 'Save' button will not be active """ edit_group_txt = 'Edit this Group' view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if not view.toolbar.configuration.item_enabled(edit_group_txt): raise RBACOperationBlocked("Configuration action '{}' is not enabled".format( edit_group_txt)) view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') changed = view.fill({ 'description_txt': updates.get('description'), 'role_select': updates.get('role'), 'group_tenant': updates.get('tenant') }) changed_tag = self._set_group_restriction(view.my_company_tags, updates.get('tag')) changed_host_cluster = self._set_group_restriction( view.hosts_and_clusters, updates.get('host_cluster')) changed_vm_template = self._set_group_restriction( view.vms_and_templates, updates.get('vm_template')) if changed or changed_tag or changed_host_cluster or changed_vm_template: flash_message = 'Group "{}" was saved'.format( updates.get('description', self.description)) else: flash_message = 'Edit of Group was cancelled by the user' view = self.create_view(DetailsGroupView, override=updates) view.flash.assert_message(flash_message) assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Delete existing group Args: cancel: Default value 'True', group will be deleted 'False' - deletion of group will be canceled Throws: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR delete is not allowed for currently selected group """ flash_success_msg = 'EVM Group "{}": Delete successful'.format(self.description) flash_blocked_msg_list = [ ('EVM Group "{}": ' 'Error during delete: A read only group cannot be deleted.'.format(self.description)), ('EVM Group "{}": Error during delete: ' 'The group has users assigned that do not ' 'belong to any other group'.format(self.description))] delete_group_txt = 'Delete this Group' view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if not view.toolbar.configuration.item_enabled(delete_group_txt): raise RBACOperationBlocked("Configuration action '{}' is not enabled".format( delete_group_txt)) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(delete_group_txt, handle_alert=cancel) for flash_blocked_msg in flash_blocked_msg_list: try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view.flash.assert_no_error() view.flash.assert_message(flash_success_msg) if cancel: view = self.create_view(AllGroupView) view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_success_msg) else: view = self.create_view(DetailsGroupView) assert view.is_displayed, ( "Access Control Group {} Detail View is not displayed".format(self.description))
[docs] def set_group_order(self, updated_order): """ Sets group order for group lookup Args: updated_order: group order list """ if self.appliance.version < "5.9.2": name_column = "Name" else: name_column = "Description" find_row_kwargs = {name_column: self.description} view = navigate_to(self.parent, 'All') row = view.paginator.find_row_on_pages(view.table, **find_row_kwargs) original_sequence = row.sequence.text original_order = self.group_order[:len(updated_order)] view = self.create_view(EditGroupSequenceView) assert view.is_displayed # We pick only the same amount of items for comparing if updated_order == original_order: return # Ignore that, would cause error on Save click view.group_order_selector.fill(updated_order) view = self.create_view(AllGroupView) assert view.is_displayed row = view.paginator.find_row_on_pages(view.table, **find_row_kwargs) changed_sequence = row.sequence.text assert original_sequence != changed_sequence, "{} Group Edit Sequence Failed".format( self.description)
def _set_group_restriction(self, tab_view, item, update=True): """ Sets tag/host/template restriction for the group Args: tab_view: tab view item: path to check box that should be selected/deselected ex. _set_group_restriction([patent, child], True) or tags expression(string) to be set in My company tags in expression editor ex. _set_group_restriction('fill_tag(My Company Tags : Auto Approve - Max CPU, 1)'), _set_group_restriction('delete_whole_expression') update: If True - checkbox state will be updated Returns: True - if update is successful """ updated_result = False if item is not None: if update: if isinstance(item, six.string_types): updated_result = tab_view.form.fill({ 'tag_mode': 'Tags Based On Expression', 'tag_settings': {'tag_expression': item}}) else: path, action_type = item if isinstance(path, list): tab_form = getattr(tab_view, 'form', tab_view) tree_view = getattr(tab_form, 'tag_settings', tab_form) node = (tree_view.tree.CheckNode(path) if action_type else tree_view.tree.UncheckNode(path)) updated_result = tree_view.tree.fill(node) return updated_result @property def group_order(self): view = navigate_to(self, 'EditGroupSequence') return view.group_order_selector.items @property def exists(self): try: navigate_to(self, 'Details') return True except CandidateNotFound: return False
[docs]class GroupCollection(BaseCollection): """ Collection object for the :py:class: `cfme.configure.access_control.Group`. """ ENTITY = Group
[docs] def create(self, description=None, role=None, tenant="My Company", ldap_credentials=None, user_to_lookup=None, tag=None, host_cluster=None, vm_template=None, cancel=False): """ Create group method Args: description: group description role: group role tenant: group tenant user_to_lookup: ldap user to lookup ldap_credentials: ldap user credentials tag: tag for group restriction host_cluster: host/cluster for group restriction vm_template: vm/template for group restriction appliance: appliance under test cancel: True - if you want to cancel group creation, by default group will be created Throws: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR delete is not allowed for currently selected user """ if self.appliance.version < "5.8": flash_blocked_msg = ("Description has already been taken") else: flash_blocked_msg = "Description is not unique within region {}".format( view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') group = self.instantiate( description=description, role=role, tenant=tenant, ldap_credentials=ldap_credentials, user_to_lookup=user_to_lookup, tag=tag, host_cluster=host_cluster, vm_template=vm_template) view.fill({ 'description_txt': group.description, 'role_select': group.role, 'group_tenant': group.tenant }) group._set_group_restriction(view.my_company_tags, group.tag) group._set_group_restriction(view.hosts_and_clusters, group.host_cluster) group._set_group_restriction(view.vms_and_templates, group.vm_template) if cancel: flash_message = 'Add of new Group was cancelled by the user' else: flash_message = 'Group "{}" was saved'.format(group.description) view = self.create_view(AllGroupView) try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message) assert view.is_displayed # To ensure that the group list is updated view.browser.refresh() return group
@navigator.register(GroupCollection, 'All')
[docs]class GroupAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AllGroupView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('appliance.server', 'Configuration')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Groups')
[docs] def resetter(self, *args, **kwargs): self.obj.appliance.browser.widgetastic.browser.refresh()
@navigator.register(GroupCollection, 'Add')
[docs]class GroupAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AddGroupView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Add a new Group")
@navigator.register(Group, 'EditGroupSequence')
[docs]class EditGroupSequence(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditGroupSequenceView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select( 'Edit Sequence of User Groups for LDAP Look Up')
@navigator.register(Group, 'Details')
[docs]class GroupDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = DetailsGroupView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Groups', self.obj.description)
@navigator.register(Group, 'Edit')
[docs]class GroupEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditGroupView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Edit this Group')
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # END RBAC GROUP METHODS #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # RBAC ROLE METHODS ####################################################################################################
[docs]class RoleForm(ConfigurationView): """ Role Form for CFME UI """ name_txt = Input(name='name') vm_restriction_select = BootstrapSelect(id='vm_restriction') features_tree = CbTree("features_treebox") cancel_button = Button('Cancel')
[docs]class AddRoleView(RoleForm): """ Add Role View """ add_button = Button('Add') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Adding a new Role' )
[docs]class EditRoleView(RoleForm): """ Edit Role View """ save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Editing Role "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].name) )
[docs]class DetailsRoleView(RoleForm): """ Details Role View """ toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Role "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].name) )
[docs]class AllRolesView(ConfigurationView): """ All Roles View """ toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) table = Table("//div[@id='main_div']//table") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Access Control Roles' )
[docs]class Role(Updateable, Pretty, BaseEntity): """ Represents a role in CFME UI Args: name: role name vm_restriction: restriction used for role product_features: product feature to select appliance: appliance unter test """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'product_features'] name = attr.ib(default=None) vm_restriction = attr.ib(default=None) product_features = attr.ib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if not self.product_features: self.product_features = []
[docs] def update(self, updates): """ Update role method Args: updates: role data that should be changed Note: In case updates is the same as original role data, update will be canceled, as 'Save' button will not be active """ flash_blocked_msg = "Read Only Role \"{}\" can not be edited".format( edit_role_txt = 'Edit this Role' view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if not view.toolbar.configuration.item_enabled(edit_role_txt): raise RBACOperationBlocked("Configuration action '{}' is not enabled".format( edit_role_txt)) view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass changed = view.fill({ 'name_txt': updates.get('name'), 'vm_restriction_select': updates.get('vm_restriction') }) feature_changed = self.set_role_product_features(view, updates.get('product_features')) if changed or feature_changed: flash_message = 'Role "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get('name', else: flash_message = 'Edit of Role was cancelled by the user' view = self.create_view(DetailsRoleView, override=updates) view.flash.assert_message(flash_message) # Typically this would be a safe check but BZ 1561698 will sometimes cause the accordion # to fail to update the role name w/o a manual refresh causing is_displayed to fail # Instead of inserting a blind refresh, just disable this until the bug is resolved since # it's a good check for accordion UI failures # See BZ if not BZ(1561698, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Delete existing role Args: cancel: Default value 'True', role will be deleted 'False' - deletion of role will be canceled Throws: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR delete is not allowed for currently selected role """ flash_blocked_msg = ("Role \"{}\": Error during delete: Cannot delete record " "because of dependent entitlements".format( flash_success_msg = 'Role "{}": Delete successful'.format( delete_role_txt = 'Delete this Role' view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if not view.toolbar.configuration.item_enabled(delete_role_txt): raise RBACOperationBlocked("Configuration action '{}' is not enabled".format( delete_role_txt)) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(delete_role_txt, handle_alert=cancel) try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view.flash.assert_message(flash_success_msg) if cancel: view = self.create_view(AllRolesView) view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_success_msg) else: view = self.create_view(DetailsRoleView) assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def copy(self, name=None): """ Creates copy of existing role Returns: Role object of copied role """ if name is None: name = "{}_copy".format( view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Copy this Role to a new Role') view = self.create_view(AddRoleView) new_role = self.parent.instantiate(name=name) view.fill({'name_txt':}) view = self.create_view(AllRolesView) view.flash.assert_success_message('Role "{}" was saved'.format( assert view.is_displayed return new_role
[docs] def set_role_product_features(self, view, product_features): """ Sets product features for role restriction Args: view: AddRoleView or EditRoleView product_features: list of product features with options to select """ if product_features is not None and isinstance(product_features, (list, tuple, set)): changes = [ view.fill({ 'features_tree': CbTree.CheckNode(path) if option else CbTree.UncheckNode(path) }) for path, option in product_features ] return True in changes else: return False
[docs]class RoleCollection(BaseCollection): ENTITY = Role
[docs] def create(self, name=None, vm_restriction=None, product_features=None, cancel=False): """ Create role method Args: cancel: True - if you want to cancel role creation, by default, role will be created Raises: RBACOperationBlocked: If operation is blocked due to current user not having appropriate permissions OR update is not allowed for currently selected role """ flash_blocked_msg = "Name has already been taken" role = self.instantiate( name=name, vm_restriction=vm_restriction, product_features=product_features ) view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') view.fill({'name_txt':, 'vm_restriction_select': role.vm_restriction}) role.set_role_product_features(view, role.product_features) if cancel: flash_message = 'Add of new Role was cancelled by the user' else: flash_message = 'Role "{}" was saved'.format( view = self.create_view(AllRolesView) try: view.flash.assert_message(flash_blocked_msg) raise RBACOperationBlocked(flash_blocked_msg) except AssertionError: pass view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message) assert view.is_displayed return role
@navigator.register(RoleCollection, 'All')
[docs]class RoleAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AllRolesView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('appliance.server', 'Configuration')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Roles')
@navigator.register(RoleCollection, 'Add')
[docs]class RoleAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AddRoleView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select("Add a new Role")
@navigator.register(Role, 'Details')
[docs]class RoleDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = DetailsRoleView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.browser.refresh() # workaround for 5.9 issue of role now shown self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Roles',
@navigator.register(Role, 'Edit')
[docs]class RoleEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditRoleView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Edit this Role')
#################################################################################################### # RBAC TENANT METHODS # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs]class TenantForm(ConfigurationView): """ Tenant Form """ name = Input(name='name') description = Input(name='description') add_button = Button('Add') cancel_button = Button('Cancel')
[docs]class ListEntity(BaseListEntity): pass
[docs]class TenantQuotaForm(View): cpu_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='cpu_allocated') memory_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='mem_allocated') storage_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='storage_allocated') vm_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='vms_allocated') template_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='templates_allocated') cpu_txt = Input(id='id_cpu_allocated') memory_txt = Input(id='id_mem_allocated') storage_txt = Input(id='id_storage_allocated') vm_txt = Input(id='id_vms_allocated') template_txt = Input(id='id_templates_allocated')
[docs]class TenantQuotaView(ConfigurationView): """ Tenant Quota View """ form = View.nested(TenantQuotaForm) save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.form.template_cb.is_displayed and self.title.text == 'Manage quotas for {} "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].obj_type, self.context['object'].name))
[docs]class AllTenantView(ConfigurationView): """ All Tenants View """ toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) table = Table(VersionPick( {Version.lowest(): '//*[@id="records_div"]/table', '5.9': '//*[@id="miq-gtl-view"]/miq-data-table/div/table'})) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == 'Access Control Tenants' )
[docs]class AddTenantView(ConfigurationView): """ Add Tenant View """ form = View.nested(TenantForm) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.form.description.is_displayed and self.title.text in ('Adding a new Project', 'Adding a new Tenant') )
[docs]class DetailsTenantEntities(View): smart_management = SummaryForm('Smart Management')
[docs]class DetailsTenantView(ConfigurationView): """ Details Tenant View """ entities = View.nested(DetailsTenantEntities) # Todo move to entities toolbar = View.nested(AccessControlToolbar) name = Text('Name') description = Text('Description') parent = Text('Parent') table = Table('//*[self::fieldset or @id="fieldset"]/table') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == '{} "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].obj_type, self.context['object'].name) )
[docs]class ParentDetailsTenantView(DetailsTenantView): """ Parent Tenant Details View """ @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.title.text == '{} "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].parent_tenant.obj_type, self.context['object'] )
[docs]class EditTenantView(View): """ Edit Tenant View """ form = View.nested(TenantForm) save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.form.accordions.accesscontrol.is_opened and self.form.description.is_displayed and self.form.title.text == 'Editing {} "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].obj_type, self.context['object'].name) )
[docs]class Tenant(Updateable, BaseEntity, Taggable): """ Class representing CFME tenants in the UI. * Kudos to mfalesni * The behaviour is shared with Project, which is the same except it cannot create more nested tenants/projects. Args: name: Name of the tenant description: Description of the tenant parent_tenant: Parent tenant, can be None, can be passed as string or object """ obj_type = 'Tenant' name = attr.ib() description = attr.ib(default="") parent_tenant = attr.ib(default=None) _default = attr.ib(default=False)
[docs] def update(self, updates): """ Update tenant/project method Args: updates: tenant/project data that should be changed Note: In case updates is the same as original tenant/project data, update will be canceled, as 'Save' button will not be active """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit', wait_for_view=True) changed = view.form.fill(updates) if changed: if self.appliance.version < '5.9': flash_message = 'Project "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get('name', else: flash_message = '{} "{}" has been successfully saved.'.format( self.obj_type, updates.get('name', else: if self.appliance.version < '5.9': flash_message = 'Edit of Project "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format( updates.get('name', else: flash_message = 'Edit of {} "{}" was canceled by the user.'.format( self.obj_type, updates.get('name', view = self.create_view(DetailsTenantView, override=updates) view.flash.assert_message(flash_message)
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Delete existing role Args: cancel: Default value 'True', role will be deleted 'False' - deletion of role will be canceled """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select( 'Delete this item', handle_alert=cancel) if cancel: view = self.create_view(ParentDetailsTenantView) view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Tenant "{}": Delete successful'.format(self.description)) else: view = self.create_view(DetailsRoleView) assert view.is_displayed
[docs] def set_quota(self, **kwargs): """ Sets tenant quotas """ view = navigate_to(self, 'ManageQuotas', wait_for_view=True) changed = view.form.fill({'cpu_cb': kwargs.get('cpu_cb'), 'cpu_txt': kwargs.get('cpu'), 'memory_cb': kwargs.get('memory_cb'), 'memory_txt': kwargs.get('memory'), 'storage_cb': kwargs.get('storage_cb'), 'storage_txt': kwargs.get('storage'), 'vm_cb': kwargs.get('vm_cb'), 'vm_txt': kwargs.get('vm'), 'template_cb': kwargs.get('template_cb'), 'template_txt': kwargs.get('template')}) if changed: expected_msg = 'Quotas for {} "{}" were saved'.format(self.obj_type, else: expected_msg = 'Manage quotas for {} "{}" was cancelled by the user'\ .format(self.obj_type, view = self.create_view(DetailsTenantView) view.flash.assert_success_message(expected_msg) assert view.is_displayed
@property def quota(self): view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') quotas = { 'cpu': 'Allocated Virtual CPUs', 'memory': 'Allocated Memory in GB', 'storage': 'Allocated Storage in GB', 'num_vms': 'Allocated Number of Virtual Machines', 'templates': 'Allocated Number of Templates' } for field in quotas: item = view.table.row(name=quotas[field]) quotas[field] = { 'total': item.total_quota.text, 'in_use': item.in_use.text, 'allocated': item.allocated.text, 'available': item.available.text } return quotas def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False else: return self.tree_path == other.tree_path @property def exists(self): try: navigate_to(self, 'Details') return True except CandidateNotFound: return False @property def tree_path(self): if self._default: return [] else: return self.parent_tenant.tree_path + [] @property def parent_path(self): return self.parent_tenant.tree_path
[docs]class TenantCollection(BaseCollection): """Collection class for Tenant""" ENTITY = Tenant
[docs] def get_root_tenant(self): return self.instantiate(str(self.appliance.rest_api.collections.tenants[0].name), default=True)
[docs] def create(self, name, description, parent): if self.appliance.version > '5.9': tenant_success_flash_msg = 'Tenant "{}" has been successfully added.' else: tenant_success_flash_msg = 'Tenant "{}" was saved' tenant = self.instantiate(name, description, parent) view = navigate_to(tenant.parent_tenant, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Add child Tenant to this Tenant') view = self.create_view(AddTenantView) wait_for(lambda: view.is_displayed, timeout=5) changed = view.form.fill({'name': name, 'description': description}) if changed: else: view = self.create_view(ParentDetailsTenantView) view.flash.assert_success_message(tenant_success_flash_msg.format(name)) return tenant
[docs] def delete(self, *tenants): view = navigate_to(self, 'All') for tenant in tenants: try: view.table.row( except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to check element "%s"', else: view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Delete selected items', handle_alert=True)
@navigator.register(TenantCollection, 'All')
[docs]class TenantAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AllTenantView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('appliance.server', 'Configuration')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Tenants')
@navigator.register(Tenant, 'Details')
[docs]class TenantDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = DetailsTenantView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.accordions.accesscontrol.tree.click_path( self.obj.appliance.server_region_string(), 'Tenants', *self.obj.tree_path)
@navigator.register(Tenant, 'Edit')
[docs]class TenantEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditTenantView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Edit this item')
@navigator.register(Tenant, 'ManageQuotas')
[docs]class TenantManageQuotas(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = TenantQuotaView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Manage Quotas')
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # END TENANT METHODS #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # RBAC PROJECT METHODS # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[docs]class Project(Tenant): """ Class representing CFME projects in the UI. Project cannot create more child tenants/projects. Args: name: Name of the project description: Description of the project parent_tenant: Parent project, can be None, can be passed as string or object """ obj_type = 'Project'
[docs]class ProjectCollection(TenantCollection): """Collection class for Projects under Tenants""" ENTITY = Project
[docs] def get_root_tenant(self): # returning Tenant directly because 'My Company' needs to be treated like Tenant object, # to be able to make child tenant/project under it return self.appliance.collections.tenants.instantiate( name=str(self.appliance.rest_api.collections.tenants[0].name), default=True)
[docs] def create(self, name, description, parent): if self.appliance.version > '5.9': project_success_flash_msg = 'Project "{}" has been successfully added.' else: project_success_flash_msg = 'Project "{}" was saved' project = self.instantiate(name, description, parent) view = navigate_to(project.parent_tenant, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Add Project to this Tenant') view = self.create_view(AddTenantView) wait_for(lambda: view.is_displayed, timeout=5) changed = view.form.fill({'name': name, 'description': description}) if changed: else: view = self.create_view(ParentDetailsTenantView) view.flash.assert_success_message(project_success_flash_msg.format(name)) return project
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # END PROJECT METHODS ####################################################################################################