Source code for cfme.utils.appliance.db

from textwrap import dedent

import attr
import fauxfactory
from cached_property import cached_property

from cfme.utils import db, conf, clear_property_cache, datafile
from cfme.utils.conf import credentials
from cfme.utils.path import scripts_path
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for
from .plugin import AppliancePlugin, AppliancePluginException

[docs]class ApplianceDBException(AppliancePluginException): """Basic Exception for Appliance DB object""" pass
[docs]class ApplianceDB(AppliancePlugin): """Holder for appliance DB related methods and functions""" _ssh_client = attr.ib(default=None) # Until this needs a version pick, make it an attr postgres_version = 'rh-postgresql95' service_name = '{}-postgresql'.format(postgres_version) @cached_property def client(self): # slightly crappy: anything that changes self.address should also del(self.client) return db.Db(self.address) @cached_property def address(self): # pulls the db address from the appliance by default, falling back to the appliance # ip address (and issuing a warning) if that fails. methods that set up the internal # db should set db_address to something else when they do that if self.appliance.db_host: return self.appliance.db_host try: db_addr = self.appliance.wait_for_host_address() if db_addr is None: return self.appliance.hostname db_addr = db_addr.strip() ip_addr = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command('ip address show') if db_addr in ip_addr.output or db_addr.startswith('127') or 'localhost' in db_addr: # address is local, use the appliance address return self.appliance.hostname else: return db_addr except (IOError, KeyError) as exc: self.logger.error('Unable to pull database address from appliance') self.logger.error(exc) return self.appliance.hostname @property def is_partition_extended(self): return self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command( "ls /var/www/miq/vmdb/.db_partition_extended") == 0
[docs] def extend_partition(self): """Extends the /var partition with DB while shrinking the unused /repo partition""" if self.is_partition_extended: return with self.appliance.ssh_client as ssh: result = ssh.run_command("df -h")"File systems before extending the DB partition:\n{}" .format(result.output)) ssh.run_command("umount /repo") ssh.run_command("lvreduce --force --size -9GB /dev/mapper/VG--CFME-lv_repo") ssh.run_command("mkfs.xfs -f /dev/mapper/VG--CFME-lv_repo") ssh.run_command("lvextend --resizefs --size +9GB /dev/mapper/VG--CFME-lv_var") ssh.run_command("mount -a") result = ssh.run_command("df -h")"File systems after extending the DB partition:\n{}" .format(result.output)) ssh.run_command("touch /var/www/miq/vmdb/.db_partition_extended")
[docs] def drop(self): """ Drops the vmdb_production database Note: EVM service has to be stopped for this to work. """ self.appliance.db.restart_db_service() self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command('dropdb vmdb_production', timeout=15) def _db_dropped(): result = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command( "psql -l | grep vmdb_production | wc -l", timeout=15) return result.success wait_for(_db_dropped, delay=5, timeout=60, message="drop the vmdb_production DB")
[docs] def create(self): """ Creates new vmdb_production database Note: EVM service has to be stopped for this to work. """ result = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command('createdb vmdb_production', timeout=30) assert result.success, "Failed to create clean database: {}".format(result.output)
[docs] def migrate(self): """migrates a given database and updates REGION/GUID files""" ssh = self.ssh_client result = ssh.run_rake_command("db:migrate", timeout=300) assert result.success, "Failed to migrate new database: {}".format(result.output) result = ssh.run_rake_command( 'db:migrate:status 2>/dev/null | grep "^\s*down"', timeout=30) assert result.failed, ("Migration failed; migrations in 'down' state found: {}" .format(result.output)) # fetch GUID and REGION from the DB and use it to replace data in /var/www/miq/vmdb/GUID # and /var/www/miq/vmdb/REGION respectively data_query = { 'guid': 'select guid from miq_servers', 'region': 'select region from miq_regions' } for data_type, db_query in data_query.items(): data_filepath = '/var/www/miq/vmdb/{}'.format(data_type.upper()) result = ssh.run_command( 'psql -d vmdb_production -t -c "{}"'.format(db_query), timeout=15) assert result.success, "Failed to fetch {}: {}".format(data_type, result.output) db_data = result.output.strip() assert db_data, "No {} found in database; query '{}' returned no records".format( data_type, db_query) result = ssh.run_command( "echo -n '{}' > {}".format(db_data, data_filepath), timeout=15) assert result.success, "Failed to replace data in {} with '{}': {}".format( data_filepath, db_data, result.output)
[docs] def automate_reset(self): result = self.ssh_client.run_rake_command("evm:automate:reset", timeout=300) assert result.success, "Failed to reset automate: {}".format(result.output)
[docs] def fix_auth_key(self): result = self.ssh_client.run_command("fix_auth -i invalid", timeout=45) assert result.success, "Failed to change invalid passwords: {}".format(result.output)
# fix db password
[docs] def fix_auth_dbyml(self): result = self.ssh_client.run_command("fix_auth --databaseyml -i {}".format( credentials['database']['password']), timeout=45) assert result.success, "Failed to change invalid password: {}".format(result.output)
[docs] def reset_user_pass(self): result = self.ssh_client.run_rails_command( '"u = User.find_by_userid(\'admin\'); u.password = \'{}\';!"' .format(self.appliance.user.credential.secret)) assert result.success, "Failed to change UI password of {} to {}:" \ .format(self.appliance.user.credential.principal, self.appliance.user.credential.secret, result.output)
@property def ssh_client(self, **connect_kwargs): # Not lazycached to allow for the db address changing if self.is_internal: return self.appliance.ssh_client else: if self._ssh_client is None: self._ssh_client = self.appliance.ssh_client(hostname=self.address) return self._ssh_client
[docs] def backup(self, database_path="/tmp/evm_db.backup"): """Backup VMDB database Changed from Rake task due to a bug in 5.9 """ from . import ApplianceException'Backing up database') result = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command( 'pg_dump --format custom --file {} vmdb_production'.format( database_path)) if result.failed: msg = 'Failed to backup database' self.logger.error(msg) raise ApplianceException(msg)
[docs] def restore(self, database_path="/tmp/evm_db.backup"): """Restore VMDB database """ from . import ApplianceException'Restoring database') result = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_rake_command( 'evm:db:restore:local --trace -- --local-file "{}"'.format(database_path)) if result.failed: msg = 'Failed to restore database on appl {}, output is {}'.format(self.address, result.output) self.logger.error(msg) raise ApplianceException(msg) if self.appliance.version > '5.8': result = self.ssh_client.run_command("fix_auth --databaseyml -i {}".format( conf.credentials['database'].password), timeout=45) if result.failed: self.logger.error("Failed to change invalid db password: {}" .format(result.output))
[docs] def setup(self, **kwargs): """Configure database On downstream appliances, invokes the internal database setup. On all appliances waits for database to be ready. """ key_address = kwargs.pop('key_address', None) db_address = kwargs.pop('db_address', None)'Starting DB setup') is_pod = kwargs.pop('is_pod', False) if self.appliance.is_downstream: # We only execute this on downstream appliances. if is_pod: self.enable_external(db_address=db_address, **kwargs) else: self.enable_internal(key_address=key_address, **kwargs) else:"Upstream appliance, no need to enable DB...") if not self.appliance.evmserverd.running: self.appliance.evmserverd.start() self.appliance.evmserverd.enable() # just to be sure here. self.appliance.wait_for_web_ui() # Make sure the database is ready wait_for(func=lambda: self.is_ready, message='appliance db ready', delay=20, num_sec=1200)'DB setup complete')
[docs] def loosen_pgssl(self, with_ssl=False): """Loosens postgres connections"""'Loosening postgres permissions') # Init SSH client client = self.appliance.ssh_client # set root password cmd = "psql -d vmdb_production -c \"alter user {} with password '{}'\"".format( conf.credentials['database']['username'], conf.credentials['database']['password'] ) client.run_command(cmd) # back up pg_hba.conf scl = self.postgres_version client.run_command('mv /opt/rh/{scl}/root/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf ' '/opt/rh/{scl}/root/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf.sav'.format(scl=scl)) if with_ssl: ssl = 'hostssl all all all cert map=sslmap' else: ssl = '' # rewrite pg_hba.conf write_pg_hba = dedent("""\ cat > /opt/rh/{scl}/root/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf <<EOF local all postgres,root trust host all all md5 {ssl} EOF """.format(ssl=ssl, scl=scl)) client.run_command(write_pg_hba) client.run_command("chown postgres:postgres " "/opt/rh/{scl}/root/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf".format(scl=scl)) # restart postgres result = client.run_command("systemctl restart {scl}-postgresql".format(scl=scl)) return result.rc
def _run_cmd_show_output(self, cmd): """ A small helper to run an ssh command and print return code/output """ with self.ssh_client as client: result = client.run_command(cmd) # Indent the output by 1 tab (makes it easier to read...) if str(result): output = str(result) output = '\n'.join(['\t{}'.format(line) for line in output.splitlines()]) else: output = """Return code: %d, Output:\n%s", result.rc, output) return result def _find_disk_with_free_space(self, needed_size): """Find a disk that has >=needed_size free space using parted Returns tuple with (disk_name, start GB, end GB, size GB) Returns tuples of Nones if a disk with free space is not found ----Example parted output with no free space--- $ parted /dev/vda unit GB print free Model: Virtio Block Device (virtblk) Disk /dev/vda: 42.9GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: msdos Disk Flags: Number Start End Size Type File system Flags 0.00GB 0.00GB 0.00GB Free Space 1 0.00GB 1.07GB 1.07GB primary xfs boot 2 1.07GB 42.9GB 41.9GB primary lvm ----Example parted output with free space---- $ parted /dev/vda unit GB print free Model: Virtio Block Device (virtblk) Disk /dev/vda: 75.2GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: msdos Disk Flags: Number Start End Size Type File system Flags 0.00GB 0.00GB 0.00GB Free Space 1 0.00GB 1.07GB 1.07GB primary xfs boot 2 1.07GB 42.9GB 41.9GB primary lvm 42.9GB 75.2GB 32.2GB Free Space """ disk_name = start = end = size = None for disk in self.appliance.disks: result = self._run_cmd_show_output('parted {} unit GB print free'.format(disk)) if result.failed: self.logger.error("Unable to run 'parted' on disk %s, skipping...", disk) continue lines = str(result).splitlines() free_space_lines = [line for line in lines if 'Free Space' in line] found_enough_space = False for line in free_space_lines: gb_data = [float(word.strip('GB')) for word in line.split() if 'GB' in word] if len(gb_data) != 3: "Unable to get free space start/end/size on disk %s, skipping...", disk) continue start, end, size = gb_data[0], gb_data[1], gb_data[2] if size >= needed_size: disk_name = disk found_enough_space = True"Found %dGB free space available on disk %s", size, disk) break if found_enough_space: # Stop iterating through the disks, we've found enough space. break "Free space is less than %dGB on disk %s", needed_size, disk) return (disk_name, start, end, size) def _create_partition_from_free_space(self, needed_size): """ Create a partition on the disk with free space Return the new partition name, or None if this fails """ needed_size = needed_size + 0.5 # make partition a little larger than LVM disk, start, end, size = self._find_disk_with_free_space(needed_size) if not disk: self.logger.error("Unable to find a disk with enough free space!") return"Creating new LVM for db using free space on %s...", disk) if size > needed_size: # We don't need to take more of the free space than this... end = start + needed_size # Save the old partition list so we can figure out what the name of the new one is old_disks_and_parts = self.appliance.disks_and_partitions result = self._run_cmd_show_output( 'parted {} --script mkpart primary {}GB {}GB'.format(disk, start, end)) if result.failed: self.logger.error("Creating partition failed, aborting LVM creation!") return new_disks_and_parts = self.appliance.disks_and_partitions diff = [d for d in new_disks_and_parts if d not in old_disks_and_parts] if not diff or len(diff) > 1: self.logger.error("Unable to determine the name of the new partition!") self.logger.error( "Disks before partitioning: %s, disks after partitioning: %s, diff: %s", old_disks_and_parts, new_disks_and_parts, diff ) return return diff[0]
[docs] def create_db_lvm(self, size=5): """ Set up a partition for the CFME DB to run on. Args: size (int) -- size in GB for the LVM Returns: True if it worked False if it failed As a work-around for having to provide a separate disk to a CFME appliance for the database, we instead partition the single disk we have and run the DB on the new partition. This requires that the appliance's disk has more space than CFME requires. For example, on RHOS, downstream CFME uses 43GB on a disk but the flavor used to deploy the template has a 75GB disk. Therefore, we have extra space which we can partition. Note that this is not the 'ideal' way of doing things and should be a stop-gap measure until we are capabale of attaching additional disks to an appliance via automation on all infra types. """"Creating LVM for DB") partition = self._create_partition_from_free_space(size) if not partition: self.logger.error("Error creating partition, aborting LVM create") return False fstab_line = '/dev/mapper/dbvg-dblv $APPLIANCE_PG_MOUNT_POINT xfs defaults 0 0' commands_to_run = [ 'pvcreate {}'.format(partition), 'vgcreate dbvg {}'.format(partition), 'lvcreate --yes -n dblv --size {}G dbvg'.format(size), 'mkfs.xfs /dev/dbvg/dblv', 'echo -e "{}" >> /etc/fstab'.format(fstab_line), 'mount -a' ] for command in commands_to_run: result = self._run_cmd_show_output(command) if result.failed: self.logger.error("Command failed! Aborting LVM setup") return False return True
[docs] def enable_internal(self, region=0, key_address=None, db_password=None, ssh_password=None, db_disk=None): """Enables internal database Args: region: Region number of the CFME appliance. key_address: Address of CFME appliance where key can be fetched. db_disk: Path of the db disk for --dbdisk appliance_console_cli. If not specified it tries to load it from the appliance. Note: If key_address is None, a new encryption key is generated for the appliance. """ #'Enabling internal DB (region {}) on {}.'.format(region, self.address)) self.address = self.appliance.hostname clear_property_cache(self, 'client') client = self.ssh_client # Defaults db_password = db_password or conf.credentials['database']['password'] ssh_password = ssh_password or conf.credentials['ssh']['password'] if not db_disk: # See if there's any unpartitioned disks on the appliance try: db_disk = self.appliance.unpartitioned_disks[0]"Using unpartitioned disk for DB at %s", db_disk) except IndexError: db_disk = None db_mounted = False if not db_disk: # If we still don't have a db disk to use, see if a db disk/partition has already # been created & mounted (such as by us in self.create_db_lvm) result = client.run_command("mount | grep $APPLIANCE_PG_MOUNT_POINT | cut -f1 -d' '") if "".join(str(result).split()): # strip all whitespace to see if we got a real result"Using pre-mounted DB disk at %s", result) db_mounted = True if not db_mounted and not db_disk: self.logger.warning( 'Failed to find a mounted DB disk, or a free unpartitioned disk. ' 'On db setup will fail') if self.appliance.has_cli: base_command = 'appliance_console_cli --region {}'.format(region) # use the cli if key_address: command_options = ('--internal --fetch-key {key} -p {db_pass} -a {ssh_pass}' .format(key=key_address, db_pass=db_password, ssh_pass=ssh_password)) else: command_options = '--internal --force-key -p {db_pass}'.format(db_pass=db_password) if db_disk: # make sure the dbdisk is unmounted, RHOS ephemeral disks come up mounted result = client.run_command('umount {}'.format(db_disk)) if not result.success: self.logger.warning('umount non-zero return, output was: '.format(result)) command_options = ' '.join([command_options, '--dbdisk {}'.format(db_disk)]) result = client.run_command(' '.join([base_command, command_options])) if result.failed or 'failed' in result.output.lower(): raise Exception('Could not set up the database:\n{}'.format(result.output)) else: # no cli, use the enable internal db script rbt_repl = { 'miq_lib': '/var/www/miq/lib', 'region': region, 'postgres_version': self.postgres_version, 'db_mounted': str(db_mounted), } # Find and load our rb template with replacements rbt = datafile.data_path_for_filename('enable-internal-db.rbt', scripts_path.strpath) rb = datafile.load_data_file(rbt, rbt_repl) # sent rb file over to /tmp remote_file = '/tmp/{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alphanumeric()) client.put_file(, remote_file) # Run the rb script, clean it up when done result = client.run_command('ruby {}'.format(remote_file)) client.run_command('rm {}'.format(remote_file))'Output from appliance db configuration: %s', result.output) return result.rc, result.output
[docs] def enable_external(self, db_address, region=0, db_name=None, db_username=None, db_password=None): """Enables external database Args: db_address: Address of the external database region: Number of region to join db_name: Name of the external DB db_username: Username to access the external DB db_password: Password to access the external DB Returns a tuple of (exitstatus, script_output) for reporting, if desired """'Enabling external DB (db_address {}, region {}) on {}.' .format(db_address, region, self.address)) # reset the db address and clear the cached db object if we have one self.address = db_address clear_property_cache(self, 'client') # default db_name = db_name or 'vmdb_production' db_username = db_username or conf.credentials['database']['username'] db_password = db_password or conf.credentials['database']['password'] client = self.ssh_client if self.appliance.has_cli: if not client.is_pod: # copy v2 key master_client = client(hostname=self.address) rand_filename = "/tmp/v2_key_{}".format(fauxfactory.gen_alphanumeric()) master_client.get_file("/var/www/miq/vmdb/certs/v2_key", rand_filename) client.put_file(rand_filename, "/var/www/miq/vmdb/certs/v2_key") # enable external DB with cli result = client.run_command( 'appliance_console_cli ' '--hostname {0} --region {1} --dbname {2} --username {3} --password {4}'.format( self.address, region, db_name, db_username, db_password ) ) else: # no cli, use the enable external db script rbt_repl = { 'miq_lib': '/var/www/miq/lib', 'host': self.address, 'region': region, 'database': db_name, 'username': db_username, 'password': db_password } # Find and load our rb template with replacements rbt = datafile.data_path_for_filename('enable-internal-db.rbt', scripts_path.strpath) rb = datafile.load_data_file(rbt, rbt_repl) # Init SSH client and sent rb file over to /tmp remote_file = '/tmp/{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alphanumeric()) client.put_file(, remote_file) # Run the rb script, clean it up when done result = client.run_command('ruby {}'.format(remote_file)) client.run_command('rm {}'.format(remote_file)) if result.failed: self.logger.error('error enabling external db') self.logger.error(result.output) msg = ('Appliance {} failed to enable external DB running on {}' .format(self.appliance.hostname, db_address)) self.logger.error(msg) from . import ApplianceException raise ApplianceException(msg) return result.rc, result.output
@property def is_dedicated_active(self): result = self.appliance.ssh_client.run_command( "systemctl status {}-postgresql.service | grep running".format( self.postgres_version)) return result.success
[docs] def wait_for(self, timeout=600): """Waits for appliance database to be ready Args: timeout: Number of seconds to wait until timeout (default ``180``) """ wait_for(func=lambda: self.is_ready, message='appliance.db.is_ready', delay=20, num_sec=timeout)
@property def is_enabled(self): """Is database enabled""" return self.address is not None @property def is_internal(self): """Is database internal""" return self.address == self.appliance.hostname @property def is_ready(self): """Is database ready""" # Using 'and' chain instead of all(...) to # prevent calling more things after a step fails return self.is_online and self.has_database and self.has_tables @property def is_online(self): """Is database online""" db_check_command = ('env PGPASSWORD={pwd} psql -U {user} ' '-h {ip} -t -c "select now()" postgres') ensure_host = True if self.ssh_client.is_pod else False db_check_command = db_check_command.format(ip=self.address, user=conf.credentials['database']['username'], pwd=conf.credentials['database']['password']) result = self.ssh_client.run_command(db_check_command, ensure_host=ensure_host) return result.success @property def has_database(self): """Does database have a database defined""" db_check_command = ('env PGPASSWORD={pwd} psql -U {user} -t -h {ip} -c ' '"SELECT datname FROM pg_database ' 'WHERE datname LIKE \'vmdb_%\';" postgres | grep -q vmdb_production') ensure_host = True if self.ssh_client.is_pod else False db_check_command = db_check_command.format(ip=self.address, user=conf.credentials['database']['username'], pwd=conf.credentials['database']['password']) result = self.ssh_client.run_command(db_check_command, ensure_host=ensure_host) return result.success @property def has_tables(self): """Does database have tables defined""" db_check_command = ('env PGPASSWORD={pwd} psql -U {user} -t -h {ip} -c "SELECT * FROM ' 'information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = \'public\';" ' 'vmdb_production | grep -q vmdb_production') ensure_host = True if self.ssh_client.is_pod else False db_check_command = db_check_command.format(ip=self.address, user=conf.credentials['database']['username'], pwd=conf.credentials['database']['password']) result = self.ssh_client.run_command(db_check_command, ensure_host=ensure_host) return result.success
[docs] def start_db_service(self): """Starts the postgresql service via systemctl"""'Starting service: {}'.format(self.service_name)) with self.ssh_client as ssh: result = ssh.run_command('systemctl start {}'.format(self.service_name)) assert result.success, 'Failed to start {}'.format(self.service_name)'Started service: {}'.format(self.service_name))
[docs] def stop_db_service(self): """Starts the postgresql service via systemctl""" service = '{}-postgresql'.format(self.postgres_version)'Stopping {}'.format(service)) with self.ssh_client as ssh: result = ssh.run_command('systemctl stop {}'.format(self.service_name)) assert result.success, 'Failed to stop {}'.format(service)'Stopped {}'.format(service))
[docs] def restart_db_service(self): """restarts the postgresql service via systemctl""" service = '{}-postgresql'.format(self.postgres_version)'Restarting {}'.format(service)) with self.ssh_client as ssh: result = ssh.run_command('systemctl restart {}'.format(self.service_name)) assert result.success, 'Failed to restart {}'.format(service)'Restarted {}'.format(service))