Source code for

import importscan

import sentaku

from widgetastic.widget import ParametrizedView, Select, Text, View
from widgetastic_patternfly import Button, Input, BootstrapSelect
from widgetastic.utils import deflatten_dict, Parameter, ParametrizedString, VersionPick

from cfme.common import Taggable
from cfme.exceptions import ItemNotFound
from cfme.utils.appliance import Navigatable
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.version import Version

[docs]class ServiceCatalogs(Navigatable, Taggable, Updateable, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): """ Service Catalogs main class to context switch between ui and ssui. All the below methods are implemented in both ui and ssui side . """ order = sentaku.ContextualMethod() add_to_shopping_cart = sentaku.ContextualMethod() def __init__(self, appliance, catalog=None, name=None, stack_data=None, dialog_values=None, ansible_dialog_values=None): Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance) self.catalog = catalog = name self.stack_data = stack_data self.dialog_values = dialog_values self.ansible_dialog_values = ansible_dialog_values self.parent = self.appliance.context
[docs]class BaseOrderForm(View): """Represents the order form of a service. This form doesn't have a static set of elements apart from titles and buttons. In the most cases the fields can be either regular inputs or dropdowns. Their locators depend on field names. In order to find and fill required fields a parametrized view is used here. The keys of a fill dictionary should match ids of the fields. For instance there is a field with such html <input id="some_key"></input>, so a fill dictionary should look like that: {"some_key": "some_value"} """ title = Text('#explorer_title_text') dialog_title = Text( VersionPick({ Version.lowest(): ".//div[@id='main_div']//h3", "5.9": ".//div[@id='main_div']//h2" }) ) @ParametrizedView.nested class fields(ParametrizedView): # noqa PARAMETERS = ("key",) input = Input(id=Parameter("key")) select = Select(id=Parameter("key")) param_input = Input(id=ParametrizedString("param_{key}")) dropdown = VersionPick({ Version.lowest(): BootstrapSelect(Parameter("key")), "5.9": BootstrapSelect(locator=ParametrizedString( ".//div[contains(@class, 'bootstrap-select') and " "select[@id={key|quote}]]")) }) param_dropdown = VersionPick({ Version.lowest(): BootstrapSelect(ParametrizedString("param_{key}")), "5.9": BootstrapSelect(locator=ParametrizedString( ".//div[contains(@class, 'bootstrap-select') and " "select[@id='param_{key}']]")) }) @property def visible_widget(self): if self.input.is_displayed: return self.input elif self.dropdown.is_displayed: return self.dropdown elif self.param_input.is_displayed: return self.param_input elif self.param_dropdown.is_displayed: return self.param_dropdown elif return else: raise ItemNotFound("Visible widget is not found") def read(self): return def fill(self, value): return self.visible_widget.fill(value)
[docs] def fill(self, fill_data): values = deflatten_dict(fill_data) was_change = False self.before_fill(values) for key, value in values.items(): widget = self.fields(key) if value is None: self.logger.debug('Skipping fill of %r because value was None', key) continue try: if widget.fill(value): was_change = True except NotImplementedError: continue self.after_fill(was_change) return was_change
from . import ui, ssui # NOQA last for import cycles importscan.scan(ui) importscan.scan(ssui)