Source code for cfme.fixtures.vm_name

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest

from cfme.common.vm import VM
from cfme.utils.generators import random_vm_name
from cfme.utils.log import logger

# TODO This fixture needs to go way, cleanup shouldn't happen here and should happen in the
# otherlocations
[docs]def vm_name(provider): # also tries to delete the VM that gets made with this name vm_name = random_vm_name('scat') yield vm_name scat_vm = "{}0001".format(vm_name) if scat_vm in provider.mgmt.list_vm(): vm_name_to_cleanup = "{}0001".format(vm_name) else: vm_name_to_cleanup = vm_name VM.factory(vm_name_to_cleanup, provider).cleanup_on_provider()