Source code for cfme.base

import json

import attr
import importscan
import sentaku

from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from cfme.utils import ParamClassName
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.version import LATEST

[docs]class Server(BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): _param_name = ParamClassName('name') name = attr.ib() sid = attr.ib(default=1) address = sentaku.ContextualMethod() login = sentaku.ContextualMethod() login_admin = sentaku.ContextualMethod() logout = sentaku.ContextualMethod() update_password = sentaku.ContextualMethod() logged_in = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_full_name = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_username = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_group_name = sentaku.ContextualMethod() group_names = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # zone = sentaku.ContextualProperty() # slave_servers = sentaku.ContextualProperty() @property def settings(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.server_settings import ServerInformation setting = ServerInformation(appliance=self.appliance) return setting @property def authentication(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.server_settings import AuthenticationSetting auth_settings = AuthenticationSetting(self.appliance) return auth_settings @property def collect_logs(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.diagnostics_settings import ServerCollectLog return ServerCollectLog(self.appliance) @property def zone(self): server_res = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers.find_by(id=self.sid) server = server_res[0] server.reload(attributes=['zone']) zone = zone_obj = self.appliance.collections.zones.instantiate( name=zone['name'], description=zone['description'], id=zone['id'] ) return zone_obj @property def slave_servers(self): return{'slave': True}).all() @property def _api_settings_url(self): return '/'.join( [self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers._href, str(self.sid), 'settings'] ) @property def advanced_settings(self): """GET servers/:id/settings api endpoint to query server configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(url=self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def update_advanced_settings(self, settings_dict): """PATCH settings from the server's api/server/:id/settings endpoint Args: settings_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps settings_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap settings_dict in a list # Failing with some settings_dict, like 'authentication' # result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(settings_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]class ServerCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): ENTITY = Server # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # get_master = sentaku.ContextualMethod()
[docs] def all(self): server_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers servers = [] parent = self.filters.get('parent') slave_only = self.filters.get('slave', False) for server in server_collection: server.reload(attributes=['zone_id']) if parent and server.zone_id != continue if slave_only and server.is_master: continue servers.append(self.instantiate(, # TODO: This code needs a refactor once the attributes can be loaded from the collection return servers
[docs] def get_master(self): server_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers if self.appliance.is_dev: server = server_collection.all[0] else: server = server_collection.find_by(is_master=True)[0] # TODO This entire hack needs to be removed once we are able to edit the server name again try: name = except AttributeError: logger.error('The EVM has no name, setting it to EVM') name = 'EVM' if self.appliance.version == LATEST else server = self.instantiate(name=name, server.update_advanced_settings({'server': {'name': "EVM"}}) return server return self.instantiate(name=name,
[docs]class Zone(Pretty, BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): """ Configure/Configuration/Region/Zones functionality Create/Read/Update/Delete functionality. """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'description', 'smartproxy_ip', 'ntp_servers', 'max_scans', 'user'] exists = sentaku.ContextualProperty() update = sentaku.ContextualMethod() delete = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # region = sentaku.ContextualProperty() name = attr.ib(default="default") description = attr.ib(default="Default Zone") id = attr.ib(default=None) smartproxy_ip = attr.ib(default=None) ntp_servers = attr.ib(default=None) max_scans = attr.ib(default=None) user = attr.ib(default=None) _collections = {'servers': ServerCollection} @property def collect_logs(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.diagnostics_settings import ZoneCollectLog return ZoneCollectLog(self.appliance) @property def region(self): zone_res = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones.find_by( zone = zone_res[0] zone.reload(attributes=['region_number']) region_obj = self.appliance.collections.regions.instantiate(number=zone.region_number) return region_obj @property def _api_settings_url(self): return '/'.join([self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones._href, str(, 'settings']) @property def advanced_settings(self): """"GET zones/:id/settings api endpoint to query zone configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def update_advanced_settings(self, settings_dict): """PATCH settings from the zone's api/zones/:id/settings endpoint Args: settings_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps settings_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap settings_dict in a list result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(settings_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]class ZoneCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): ENTITY = Zone region = attr.ib(default=None) create = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod()
[docs] def all(self): zone_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones zones = [] parent = self.filters.get('parent') for zone in zone_collection: zone.reload(attributes=['region_number']) if parent and zone.region_number != parent.number: continue zones.append(self.instantiate(, description=zone.description, )) # TODO: This code needs a refactor once the attributes can be loaded from the collection return zones
[docs]class Region(BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): number = attr.ib(default=0) _collections = {'zones': ZoneCollection} @property def settings_string(self): return "{} Region: Region {} [{}]".format( self.appliance.product_name, self.number, self.number) @property def replication(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.region_settings import Replication replication = Replication(self.appliance) return replication @property def _api_settings_url(self): """The region ID doesn't quite match the region number Look up the correct region ID for the object's region id (which is the 'number') Raises: KeyError if the region resource isn't found by the filter AssertionError if more than one region matches the filter """ filter_query = '?expand=resources&filter[]=region={}'.format(self.number) region_filter = self.appliance.rest_api.get( '{}{}'.format(self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions._href, filter_query) ) assert len(region_filter['resources']) == 1 region_id = region_filter['resources'][0]['id'] return '/'.join([self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions._href, str(region_id), 'settings']) @property def advanced_settings(self): """"GET zones/:id/settings api endpoint to query region configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def update_advanced_settings(self, settings_dict): """PATCH settings from the zone's api/zones/:id/settings endpoint Args: settings_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps settings_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap settings_dict in a list result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(settings_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]class RegionCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod() ENTITY = Region
[docs] def all(self): self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions.reload() region_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions regions = [self.instantiate(region.region) for region in region_collection] return regions
from . import ui, ssui, rest # NOQA last for import cycles importscan.scan(ui) importscan.scan(ssui) importscan.scan(rest)