Source code for fixtures.ui_coverage

"""UI Coverage for a CFME/MIQ Appliance


``py.test --ui-coverage``

General Notes
simplecov can merge test results, but doesn't appear to like working in a
multi-process environment. Specifically, it clobbers its own results when running
simultaneously in multiple processes. To solve this, each process records its
output to its own directory (configured in coverage_hook).  You end up with a
directory structure like this:

.. code-block:: text

             .      |-$pid1-\
             .      .       |-.resultset.json (coverage statistics)
             .      .       |-.last_run.json  (overall coverage percentage)
             .      .
             .      |-$pidN

Note the .resultset.json format is documented in the ruby Coverage libraries docs:

All of the individual process' results are then manually merged (coverage_merger) into one
big json result, and handed back to simplecov which generates the compiled html
(for humans) report.

Workflow Overview

Pre-testing (``pytest_configure`` hook):

1. Add ```` to the rails root, then run bundler to install simplecov
   and its dependencies.
2. Patch application with manageiq-17302 patch so that coverage_hook will be loaded
   by the application.  Eventually this will be in CFME and we won't have to do this.
3. Install coverage hook (copy ``coverage_hook`` to config/).
4. Restart EVM to start running coverage on the appliance processes.

Post-testing (``pytest_unconfigure`` hook):

1. Stop EVM, but nicely this time so the coverage atexit hooks run:
   ``systemctl stop evmserverd``
2. Pull the coverage dir back for parsing and archiving

Post-testing (e.g. ci environment): *** This is changing ***

1. Use the generated rcov report with the ruby stats plugin to get a coverage graph
2. Zip up and archive the entire coverage dir for review
import subprocess

import pytest
from py.error import ENOENT
from py.path import local

from fixtures.pytest_store import store
from cfme.exceptions import ApplianceVersionException
from cfme.utils import conf, version
from cfme.utils.conf import cfme_data
from cfme.utils.log import create_sublogger
from cfme.utils.path import conf_path, log_path, scripts_data_path
from cfme.utils.quote import quote

# paths to all of the coverage-related files

# on the appliance
#: Corresponds to Rails.root in the rails env
rails_root = local('/var/www/miq/vmdb')
#: coverage root, should match what's in the coverage hook and merger scripts
appliance_coverage_root = rails_root.join('coverage')

# local
coverage_data = scripts_data_path.join('coverage')
gemfile = coverage_data.join('coverage_gem.rb')
bundler_d = rails_root.join('bundler.d')
coverage_hook_file_name = 'coverage_hook.rb'
coverage_hook = coverage_data.join(coverage_hook_file_name)
coverage_merger = coverage_data.join('coverage_merger.rb')
coverage_output_dir = log_path.join('coverage')
coverage_results_archive = coverage_output_dir.join('coverage-results.tgz')
coverage_appliance_conf = conf_path.join('.ui-coverage')

# This is set in sessionfinish, and should be reliably readable
# in post-yield sessionfinish hook wrappers and all hooks thereafter
ui_coverage_percent = None

[docs]def clean_coverage_dir(): try: coverage_output_dir.remove(ignore_errors=True) except ENOENT: pass coverage_output_dir.ensure(dir=True)
[docs]def manager(): return store.current_appliance.coverage
# you probably don't want to instantiate this manually # instead, use the "manager" function above
[docs]class CoverageManager(object): def __init__(self, ipappliance): self.ipapp = ipappliance if store.slave_manager: sublogger_name = '{} coverage'.format(store.slave_manager.slaveid) else: sublogger_name = 'coverage' self.log = create_sublogger(sublogger_name) # We don't know exactly when the forking architecture change # occurred in CFME, but this code does not accurately gather # coverage statistics from anything below CFME 5.8. So if the # version is below 5.8, we set our functions to noops. if self.ipapp.version < '5.8': raise ApplianceVersionException( msg='Coverage statistics collection is only supported in appliances >= 5.8', version=self.ipapp.version) @property def collection_appliance(self): # if parallelized, this is decided in sessionstart and written to the conf if store.parallelizer_role == 'slave': from cfme.utils.appliance import IPAppliance return IPAppliance.from_url(conf['.ui-coverage']['collection_appliance']) else: # otherwise, coverage only happens on one appliance return store.current_appliance
[docs] def print_message(self, message): message = 'coverage: {}'.format(message) if store.slave_manager: store.slave_manager.message(message) elif store.parallel_session: store.parallel_session.print_message(message) else: store.terminalreporter.write_sep('-', message)
[docs] def install(self): self.print_message('installing') self._install_simplecov() self._install_coverage_hook() self.ipapp.restart_evm_service() self.ipapp.wait_for_web_ui()
[docs] def collect(self): self.print_message('collecting reports') self._collect_reports() self.ipapp.restart_evm_service()
[docs] def merge(self): self.print_message('merging reports') try: self._retrieve_coverage_reports() # If the appliance runs out of memory, these can take *days* to complete, # so for now we'll just collect the raw coverage data and figure the merging # out later # Edit, 10-Feb-2016: # Currently, the reports are merged using the {stream}-reports job # which utilizes the 'jjb/scripts/' script instead # self._merge_coverage_reports() # self._retrieve_merged_reports() except Exception as exc: self.log.error('Error merging coverage reports') self.log.exception(exc) self.print_message('merging reports failed, error has been logged')
def _install_simplecov(self):'Installing coverage gem on appliance') self.ipapp.ssh_client.put_file(gemfile.strpath, bundler_d.strpath) # gem install for more recent downstream builds def _gem_install(): self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command( 'gem install --install-dir /opt/rh/cfme-gemset/ -v0.9.2 simplecov') # bundle install for old downstream and upstream builds def _bundle_install(): self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('yum -y install git') self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('cd {}; bundle'.format(rails_root)) version.pick({ version.LOWEST: _gem_install, version.LATEST: _bundle_install, })() def _install_coverage_hook(self): # Clean appliance coverage dir self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('rm -rf {}'.format(appliance_coverage_root.strpath)) # Put the coverage hook in the miq config path self.ipapp.ssh_client.put_file( coverage_hook.strpath, rails_root.join('config', coverage_hook_file_name).strpath) # XXX: Once the manageiq PR 17302 makes it into the 5.9 and 5.8 stream we # can remove all the code in this function after this. This is only # a temporary fix so we can start acquiring code coverage statistics. # # See if we need to install the patch. If not just return. # The patch will create the file lib/code_coverage.rb under the rails root. # so if that is there we assume the patch is already installed. result = self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('cd {}; [ -e lib/code_coverage.rb ]'.format( rails_root)) if result.success: return True # place patch on the system'Patching system with manageiq patch #17302') coverage_hook_patch_name = 'manageiq-17302.patch' local_coverage_hook_patch = coverage_data.join(coverage_hook_patch_name) remote_coverage_hook_patch = rails_root.join(coverage_hook_patch_name) self.ipapp.ssh_client.put_file( local_coverage_hook_patch.strpath, remote_coverage_hook_patch.strpath) # See if we need to install the patch command: result = self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('rpm -q patch') if not result.success: # Setup yum repositories and install patch local_yum_repo = log_path.join('yum.local.repo') remote_yum_repo = '/etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo' repo_data = cfme_data['basic_info']['local_yum_repo'] yum_repo_data = ''' [{name}] name={name} baseurl={baseurl} enabled={enabled} gpgcheck={gpgcheck} '''.format( name=repo_data['name'], baseurl=repo_data['baseurl'], enabled=repo_data['enabled'], gpgcheck=repo_data['gpgcheck']) with open(local_yum_repo.strpath, 'w') as f: f.write(yum_repo_data) self.ipapp.ssh_client.put_file(local_yum_repo.strpath, remote_yum_repo) self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('yum install -y patch') # Remove the yum repo just in case a test of registering the system might # happen and this repo cause problems with the test. self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('rm {}'.format(remote_yum_repo)) # patch system. result = self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('cd {}; patch -p1 < {}'.format( rails_root.strpath, remote_coverage_hook_patch.strpath)) return result.success def _collect_reports(self): # restart evm to stop the proccesses and let the simplecov exit hook run self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command('systemctl stop evmserverd') # collect back to the collection appliance if parallelized if store.current_appliance != self.collection_appliance: self.print_message('sending reports to {}'.format(self.collection_appliance.hostname)) result = self.ipapp.ssh_client.run_command( 'sshpass -p {passwd} ' 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' '-r /var/www/miq/vmdb/coverage/* ' '{addr}:/var/www/miq/vmdb/coverage/'.format( addr=self.collection_appliance.hostname, passwd=quote(self.ipapp.ssh_client._connect_kwargs['password'])), timeout=1800) if not result: self.print_message('There was an error sending reports: ' + str(result)) def _retrieve_coverage_reports(self): # Before merging, archive and collect all the raw coverage results ssh_client = self.collection_appliance.ssh_client ssh_client.run_command('cd /var/www/miq/vmdb/;' 'tar czf /tmp/ui-coverage-raw.tgz coverage/') ssh_client.get_file('/tmp/ui-coverage-raw.tgz', coverage_results_archive.strpath) def _upload_coverage_merger(self): ssh_client = self.collection_appliance.ssh_client ssh_client.put_file(coverage_merger.strpath, rails_root.strpath) def _merge_coverage_reports(self): # run the merger on the appliance to generate the simplecov report # This has been failing, presumably due to oom errors :( self._upload_coverage_merger() ssh_client = self.collection_appliance.ssh_client ssh_client.run_rails_command(coverage_merger.basename) def _retrieve_merged_reports(self): # Now bring the report back (tar it, get it, untar it) ssh_client = self.collection_appliance.ssh_client ssh_client.run_command('cd /var/www/miq/vmdb/coverage;' 'tar czf /tmp/ui-coverage-results.tgz merged/') ssh_client.get_file('/tmp/ui-coverage-results.tgz', coverage_results_archive.strpath) subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/env', 'tar', '-xaf', coverage_results_archive.strpath, '-C', coverage_output_dir.strpath]).wait()
[docs]class UiCoveragePlugin(object):
[docs] def pytest_configure(self, config): # cleanup cruft from previous runs if store.parallelizer_role != 'slave': clean_coverage_dir() coverage_appliance_conf.check() and coverage_appliance_conf.remove()
[docs] def pytest_sessionstart(self, session): # master knows all the appliance URLs now, so name the first one as our # report recipient for merging at the end. Need to to write this out to a conf file # since all the slaves are going to use to to know where to ship their reports if store.parallelizer_role == 'master': collection_appliance_address = manager().collection_appliance.hostname conf.runtime['.ui-coverage']['collection_appliance'] = collection_appliance_address'.ui-coverage')
[docs] @pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_collection_finish(self): yield # Install coverage after collection finishes if store.parallelizer_role != 'master': manager().install()
[docs] def pytest_sessionfinish(self, exitstatus): # Now master/standalone needs to move all the reports to an appliance for the source report if store.parallelizer_role != 'master': manager().collect() # for slaves, everything is done at this point if store.parallelizer_role == 'slave': return # on master/standalone, merge all the collected reports and bring them back manager().merge()
# TODO # When the coverage reporting breaks out, we'll want to have this handy, # so I'm commenting it out instead of outright deleting it :) # try: # global ui_coverage_percent # last_run = json.load(log_path.join('coverage', 'merged', '.last_run.json').open()) # ui_coverage_percent = last_run['result']['covered_percent'] # style = {'bold': True} # if ui_coverage_percent > 40: # style['green'] = True # else: # style['red'] = True # store.write_line('UI Coverage Result: {}%'.format(ui_coverage_percent), # **style) # except Exception as ex: # logger.error('Error printing coverage report to terminal') # logger.exception(ex)
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup('cfme') group.addoption('--ui-coverage', dest='ui_coverage', action='store_true', default=False, help="Enable setup and collection of ui coverage on an appliance")
[docs]def pytest_cmdline_main(config): # Only register the plugin worker if ui coverage is enabled if config.option.ui_coverage: config.pluginmanager.register(UiCoveragePlugin(), name="ui-coverage")