Source code for fixtures.artifactor_plugin

"""An example config::

        log_dir: /home/test/workspace/cfme_tests/artiout
        per_run: test #test, run, None
        reuse_dir: True
        squash_exceptions: False
        threaded: False
        server_port: 21212
        server_enabled: True

``log_dir`` is the destination for all artifacts

``per_run`` denotes if the test artifacts should be group by run, test, or None

``reuse_dir`` if this is False and Artifactor comes across a dir that has
already been used, it will die

import atexit
import subprocess
from threading import RLock

import diaper
import os
import pytest

from artifactor import ArtifactorClient
from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ, Blocker
from cfme.utils.conf import env, credentials
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from import random_port, net_check
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for
from fixtures.pytest_store import write_line, store
from cfme.markers.polarion import extract_polarion_ids

UNDER_TEST = False  # set to true for artifactor using tests

# Create a list of all our passwords for use with the sanitize request later in this module
# Filter out all Nones as it will mess the output up.
words = [word for word in {v.get('password') for v in credentials.values()} if word is not None]

[docs]def get_test_idents(item): try: return item.location[2], item.location[0] except AttributeError: try: return item.fspath.strpath, None except AttributeError: return (None, None)
[docs]def get_name(obj): return getattr(obj, '_param_name', None) or getattr(obj, 'name', None) or str(obj)
[docs]class DummyClient(object):
[docs] def fire_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def terminate(self): return
[docs] def task_status(self): return
def __nonzero__(self): # DummyClient is always False, # so it's easy to see if we have an artiactor client return False
[docs]def get_client(art_config, pytest_config): if art_config and not UNDER_TEST: port = getattr(pytest_config.option, 'artifactor_port', None) or \ art_config.get('server_port') or random_port() pytest_config.option.artifactor_port = port art_config['server_port'] = port return ArtifactorClient( art_config['server_address'], art_config['server_port']) else: return DummyClient()
[docs]def spawn_server(config, art_client): if store.slave_manager or UNDER_TEST: return None import subprocess cmd = ['miq-artifactor-server', '--port', str(art_client.port)] if config.getvalue('run_id'): cmd.append('--run-id') cmd.append(str(config.getvalue('run_id'))) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) return proc
session_ver = None session_build = None session_stream = None session_fw_version = None
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--run-id", action="store", default=None, help="A run id to assist in logging")
[docs]@pytest.mark.tryfirst def pytest_configure(config): art_client = get_client( art_config=env.get('artifactor', {}), pytest_config=config) # just in case if not store.slave_manager: with diaper: atexit.register(shutdown, config) if art_client: config._art_proc = spawn_server(config, art_client) wait_for( net_check, func_args=[art_client.port, ''], func_kwargs={'force': True}, num_sec=10, message="wait for artifactor to start") art_client.ready = True else: config._art_proc = None from cfme.utils.log import artifactor_handler artifactor_handler.artifactor = art_client if store.slave_manager: artifactor_handler.slaveid = store.slaveid config._art_client = art_client
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='session') def merkyl_setup(request, appliance): fire_art_hook(request.config, 'setup_merkyl', ip=appliance.hostname)
[docs]def fire_art_hook(config, hook, **hook_args): client = getattr(config, '_art_client', None) if client is None: assert UNDER_TEST, 'missing artifactor is only valid for inprocess tests' else: client.fire_hook(hook, **hook_args)
[docs]def fire_art_test_hook(node, hook, **hook_args): name, location = get_test_idents(node) fire_art_hook( node.config, hook, test_name=name, test_location=location, **hook_args)
[docs]@pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_runtest_protocol(item): holder = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') global session_ver global session_build global session_stream appliance = holder.held_appliance if not session_ver: session_ver = str(appliance.version) session_build = session_stream = if str(session_ver) not in session_build: session_build = "{}-{}".format(str(session_ver), session_build) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() session_fw_version = except: session_fw_version = None fire_art_hook( item.config, 'session_info', version=session_ver, build=session_build, stream=session_stream, fw_version=session_fw_version ) tier = item.get_marker('tier') if tier: tier = tier.args[0] requirement = item.get_marker('requirement') if requirement: requirement = requirement.args[0] try: params = item.callspec.params param_dict = {p: get_name(v) for p, v in params.items()} except: param_dict = {} ip = appliance.hostname # This pre_start_test hook is needed so that filedump is able to make get the test # object set up before the logger starts logging. As the logger fires a nested hook # to the filedumper, and we can't specify order inriggerlib. meta = item.get_marker('meta') if meta and 'blockers' in meta.kwargs: blocker_spec = meta.kwargs['blockers'] blockers = [] for blocker in blocker_spec: if isinstance(blocker, int): blockers.append(BZ(blocker).url) else: blockers.append(Blocker.parse(blocker).url) else: blockers = [] fire_art_test_hook( item, 'pre_start_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip) fire_art_test_hook( item, 'start_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip, tier=tier, requirement=requirement, param_dict=param_dict, issues=blockers) yield
[docs]def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, nextitem): name, location = get_test_idents(item) holder = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') app = holder.held_appliance ip = app.hostname fire_art_test_hook( item, 'finish_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip, wait_for_task=True) fire_art_test_hook(item, 'sanitize', words=words) jenkins_data = { 'build_url': os.environ.get('BUILD_URL'), 'build_number': os.environ.get('BUILD_NUMBER'), 'git_commit': os.environ.get('GIT_COMMIT'), 'job_name': os.environ.get('JOB_NAME') } try: caps = app.browser.widgetastic.selenium.capabilities param_dict = { 'browserName': caps['browserName'], 'browserPlatform': caps['platform'], 'browserVersion': caps['version'] } except Exception as e: logger.error("Couldn't grab browser env_vars") logger.error(e) param_dict = None fire_art_test_hook( item, 'ostriz_send', env_params=param_dict, slaveid=store.slaveid, polarion_ids=extract_polarion_ids(item), jenkins=jenkins_data)
[docs]def pytest_runtest_logreport(report): if store.slave_manager: return # each node does its own reporting config = pytest.config # tech debt name, location = get_test_idents(report) if hasattr(report, 'wasxfail'): xfail = True else: xfail = False if hasattr(report, 'skipped'): if report.skipped: fire_art_hook( config, 'filedump', test_location=location, test_name=name, description="Short traceback", contents=report.longreprtext, file_type="short_tb", group_id="skipped") fire_art_hook( config, 'report_test', test_location=location, test_name=name, test_xfail=xfail, test_when=report.when, test_outcome=report.outcome, test_phase_duration=report.duration) fire_art_hook(config, 'build_report')
[docs]@pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_unconfigure(config): yield shutdown(config)
lock = RLock()
[docs]def shutdown(config): holder = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') if holder: app = holder.held_appliance with lock: proc = config._art_proc if proc: if not store.slave_manager: write_line('collecting artifacts') fire_art_hook(config, 'finish_session') fire_art_hook(config, 'teardown_merkyl', ip=app.hostname) if not store.slave_manager: config._art_client.terminate() proc = config._art_proc if proc: proc.wait()