Source code for cfme.test_framework.appliance_log_collector

"""Plugin for collection of appliance logs

Options in env.yaml will define what files to collect, will default to the set below

.. code-block::yaml
        local_dir: log/appliance/  # Local to log_path
            - /var/www/miq/vmdb/log/evm.log
            - /var/www/miq/vmdb/log/production.log
            - /var/www/miq/vmdb/log/automation.log

Log files will be tarred and written to log_path
import pytest

from cfme.utils.path import log_path
from cfme.utils.conf import env
from cfme.utils.log import logger

DEFAULT_FILES = ['/var/www/miq/vmdb/log/evm.log',

DEFAULT_LOCAL = log_path

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--collect-logs', action='store_true', help=('Collect logs from all appliances and store locally at session ' 'shutdown. Configured via log_collector in env.yaml'))
[docs]@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_unconfigure(config): yield # since hookwrapper, let hookimpl run if config.getoption('--collect-logs'):'Starting log collection on appliances') log_files = DEFAULT_FILES local_dir = DEFAULT_LOCAL try: log_files = env.log_collector.log_files except (AttributeError, KeyError):'No log_collector.log_files in env, use default files: %s', log_files) pass try: local_dir = log_path.join(env.log_collector.local_dir) except (AttributeError, KeyError):'No log_collector.local_dir in env, use default local_dir: %s', local_dir) pass # Handle local dir existing local_dir.ensure(dir=True) from cfme.test_framework.appliance import PLUGIN_KEY holder = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin(PLUGIN_KEY) if holder is None: # No appliances to fetch logs from logger.warning('No logs collected, appliance holder is empty') return written_files = [] for app in holder.appliances: with app.ssh_client as ssh_client: tar_file = 'log-collector-{}.tar.gz'.format( app.hostname) logger.debug('Creating tar file on app %s:%s with log files %s', app, tar_file, ' '.join(log_files)) # wrap the files in ls, redirecting stderr, to ignore files that don't exist tar_result = ssh_client.run_command( 'tar -czvf {tar} $(ls {files} 2>/dev/null)' .format(tar=tar_file, files=' '.join(log_files))) try: assert tar_result.success except AssertionError: logger.exception('Tar command non-zero RC when collecting logs on %s: %s', app, tar_result.output) continue ssh_client.get_file(tar_file, local_dir.strpath) written_files.append(tar_file)'Wrote the following files to local log path: %s', written_files)