Source code for cfme.markers.uncollect


Used internally to mark a test to be "uncollected"

This mark should be used at any point before or during test collection to
dynamically flag a test to be removed from the list of collected tests.

py.test adds marks to test items a few different ways. When marking in a py.test
hook that takes an ``Item`` or :py:class:`Node <pytest:_pytest.main.Node>` (``Item``
is a subclass of ``Node``), use ``item.add_marker('uncollect')`` or

When dealing with the test function directly, using the mark decorator is preferred.
In this case, either decorate a test function directly (and have a good argument ready
for adding a test that won't run...), e.g. ``@pytest.mark.uncollect`` before the test
``def``, or instantiate the mark decorator and use it to wrap a test function, e.g.


The ``uncollectif`` marker is very special and can cause harm to innocent kittens if used
incorrectly. The ``uncollectif`` marker enables the ability to uncollect a specific test
if a certain condition is evaluated to ``True``. The following is an example:

    .. code-block:: python

        @pytest.mark.uncollectif(lambda appliance: appliance.version < '5.3')

In this case, when pytest runs the modify items hook, it will evaluate the lambda function
and if it results in ``True``, then the test will be uncollected. Fixtures that are
generated by testgen, such as provider_key, provider_data etc, are also usable inside
the ``collectif`` marker, assuming the fixture name is also a prerequisite for the test
itself. For example:: python

    .. code-block:: python

        @pytest.mark.uncollectif(lambda provider_type: provider_type != 'virtualcenter')
        def test_delete_all_snapshots(test_vm, provider_key, provider_type):

Here, the fixture provider_type is special as it comes from testgen and is passed to the
lambda for comparison.

    Be aware, that this cannot be used for any other fixture types. Doing so will break
    pytest and may invalidate your puppies.

import inspect

import pytest

from cfme.utils.log import logger

MARKDECORATOR_TYPE = type(pytest.mark.skip)

# work around
[docs]def get_uncollect_function(marker_or_markdecorator): if isinstance(marker_or_markdecorator, MARKDECORATOR_TYPE): return marker_or_markdecorator.args[0] else: return list(marker_or_markdecorator)[0].args[0]
[docs]def uncollectif(item): """ Evaluates if an item should be uncollected Tests markers against a supplied lambda from the markers object to determine if the item should be uncollected or not. """ from cfme.utils.pytest_shortcuts import extract_fixtures_values markers = item.get_marker('uncollectif') if not markers: return False, None for mark in markers: log_msg = 'Trying uncollecting {}: {}'.format(, mark.kwargs.get('reason', 'No reason given')) logger.debug(log_msg) try: arg_names = inspect.getargspec(get_uncollect_function(mark)).args except TypeError: logger.debug(log_msg) return not bool(mark.args[0]), mark.kwargs.get('reason', 'No reason given') holder = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') if holder: global_vars = {'appliance': holder.held_appliance} else:"while uncollecting %s - appliance not known", item) global_vars = {} try: values = extract_fixtures_values(item) values.update(global_vars) # The test has already been uncollected if arg_names and not values: return True, None args = [values[arg] for arg in arg_names] except KeyError: missing_argnames = list(set(arg_names) - set(item._request.funcargnames)) func_name = if missing_argnames: raise Exception("You asked for a fixture which wasn't in the function {} " "prototype {}".format(func_name, missing_argnames)) else: raise Exception("Failed to uncollect {}, best guess a fixture wasn't " "ready".format(func_name)) retval = mark.args[0](*args) if retval: # shortcut return retval, mark.kwargs.get('reason', "No reason given") else: return False, None else: return False, None
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): from fixtures.pytest_store import store len_collected = len(items) new_items = [] from cfme.utils.path import log_path with log_path.join('uncollected.log').open('w') as f: for item in items: # First filter out all items who have the uncollect mark uncollect_marker = item.get_marker('uncollect') if uncollect_marker: uncollect_reason = uncollect_marker.kwargs.get('reason', "No reason given") f.write("{} - {}\n".format(, uncollect_reason)) else: uncollectif_result, uncollectif_reason = uncollectif(item) if uncollectif_result: f.write("{} - {}\n".format(, uncollectif_reason)) else: new_items.append(item) items[:] = new_items len_filtered = len(items) filtered_count = len_collected - len_filtered store.uncollection_stats['uncollectif'] = filtered_count