Source code for cfme.utils.db

from collections import Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import izip

from cached_property import cached_property
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine, event, inspect
from sqlalchemy.exc import ArgumentError, DisconnectionError, InvalidRequestError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.pool import Pool

from fixtures.pytest_store import store
from cfme.utils import conf
from cfme.utils.log import logger

[docs]@event.listens_for(Pool, "checkout") def ping_connection(dbapi_connection, connection_record, connection_proxy): """ping_connection event hook, used to reconnect db sessions that time out Note: See also: :ref:`Connection Invalidation <sqlalchemy:pool_connection_invalidation>` """ cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute("SELECT 1") except StandardError: raise DisconnectionError cursor.close()
[docs]class Db(Mapping): """Helper class for interacting with a CFME database using SQLAlchemy Args: hostname: base url to be used (default is from current_appliance) credentials: name of credentials to use from :py:attr:`utils.conf.credentials` (default ``database``) Provides convient attributes to common sqlalchemy objects related to this DB, as well as a Mapping interface to access and reflect database tables. Where possible, attributes are cached. Db objects support getting tables by name via the mapping interface:: table = db['table_name'] Usage: # Usually used to query the DB for info, here's a common query for vm in db.session.query(db['vms']).all(): print( print(vm.guid) # List comprehension to get all templates [(, vm.guid) for vm in session.query(db['vms']).all() if vm.template is True] # Use the transaction manager for write operations: with db.transaction: db.session.query(db['vms']).all().delete() Note: Creating a table object requires a call to the database so that SQLAlchemy can do reflection to determine the table's structure (columns, keys, indices, etc). On a latent connection, this can be extremely slow, which will affect methods that return tables, like the mapping interface or :py:meth:`values`. """ def __init__(self, hostname=None, credentials=None, port=None): self._table_cache = {} self.hostname = hostname or store.current_appliance.db.address self.port = port or store.current_appliance.db_port self.credentials = credentials or conf.credentials['database'] def __getitem__(self, table_name): """Access tables as items contained in this db Usage: # To get a table called 'table_name': db['table_name'] This may return ``None`` in the case where a table is found but reflection fails. """ try: return self._table(table_name) except InvalidRequestError: raise KeyError('Table {} could not be found'.format(table_name)) def __iter__(self): """Iterator of table names in this db""" return self.keys() def __len__(self): """Number of tables in this db""" return len(self.table_names) def __contains__(self, table_name): """Whether or not the named table is in this db""" return table_name in self.table_names
[docs] def keys(self): """Iterator of table names in this db""" return (table_name for table_name in self.table_names)
[docs] def items(self): """Iterator of ``(table_name, table)`` pairs""" return izip(self.keys(), self.values())
[docs] def values(self): """Iterator of tables in this db""" return (self[table_name] for table_name in self.table_names)
[docs] def get(self, table_name, default=None): """table getter Args: table_name: Name of the table to get default: Default value to return if ``table_name`` is not found. Returns: a table if ``table_name`` exists, otherwise 'None' or the passed-in default """ try: return self[table_name] except KeyError: return default
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy this database instance, keeping the same credentials and hostname""" return type(self)(self.hostname, self.credentials)
def __eq__(self, other): """Check if this db is equal to another db""" try: return self.hostname == other.hostname except: return False def __ne__(self, other): """Check if this db is not equal to another db""" return not self == other @cached_property def engine(self): """The :py:class:`Engine <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` for this database It uses pessimistic disconnection handling, checking that the database is still connected before executing commands. """ return create_engine(self.db_url, echo_pool=True) @cached_property def sessionmaker(self): """A :py:class:`sessionmaker <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.orm.session.sessionmaker>` Used to make new sessions with this database, as needed. """ return sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) @cached_property def table_base(self): """Base class for all tables returned by this database This base class is created using :py:class:`declarative_base <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base>`. """ return declarative_base(metadata=self.metadata) @cached_property def metadata(self): """:py:class:`MetaData <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData>` for this database This can be used for introspection of reflected items. Note: Tables that haven't been reflected won't show up in metadata. To reflect a table, use :py:meth:`reflect_table`. """ return MetaData(bind=self.engine) @cached_property def db_url(self): """The connection URL for this database, including credentials""" template = "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/vmdb_production" result = template.format(host=self.hostname, port=self.port, **self.credentials)"[DB] db_url is %s", result) return result @cached_property def table_names(self): """A sorted list of table names available in this database.""" # rails table names follow similar rules as pep8 identifiers; expose them as such return sorted(inspect(self.engine).get_table_names()) @cached_property def session(self): """Returns a :py:class:`Session <sqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session>` This is used for database queries. For writing to the database, start a :py:meth:`transaction`. Note: This attribute is cached. In cases where a new session needs to be explicitly created, use :py:meth:`sessionmaker`. """ return self.sessionmaker(autocommit=True) @property @contextmanager def transaction(self): """Context manager for simple transaction management Sessions understand the concept of transactions, and provider context managers to handle conditionally committing or rolling back transactions as needed. Note: Sessions automatically commit transactions by default. For predictable results when writing to the database, use the transaction manager. Usage: with db.transaction: db.session.do_something() """ with self.session.begin(): yield
[docs] def reflect_table(self, table_name): """Populate :py:attr:`metadata` with information on a table Args: table_name: The name of a table to reflect """ self.metadata.reflect(only=[table_name])
def _table(self, table_name): """Retrieves, reflects, and caches table objects Actual implementation of __getitem__ """ try: return self._table_cache[table_name] except KeyError: self.reflect_table(table_name) table = self.metadata.tables[table_name] table_dict = { '__table__': table, '__tablename__': table_name } try: table_cls = type(str(table_name), (self.table_base,), table_dict) self._table_cache[table_name] = table_cls return table_cls except ArgumentError: # This usually happens on join tables with no PKs'Unable to create table class for table "{}"'.format(table_name)) return None
[docs]@contextmanager def database_on_server(hostname, **kwargs): db_obj = Db(hostname=hostname, **kwargs) yield db_obj