Source code for cfme.intelligence.reports.schedules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module handling schedules"""
import attr

from navmazing import NavigateToSibling, NavigateToAttribute

from widgetastic.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from widgetastic.widget import Text, Checkbox, TextInput
from widgetastic_manageiq import Calendar, AlertEmail, Table, PaginationPane
from widgetastic_patternfly import Button, BootstrapSelect, FlashMessages

from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigator, CFMENavigateStep, navigate_to
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty

from . import CloudIntelReportsView

[docs]class SchedulesAllView(CloudIntelReportsView): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") schedules_table = Table(".//div[@id='records_div' or @id='main_div']//table") paginator = PaginationPane() @property def is_displayed(self): return self.in_intel_reports and self.title.text == "All Schedules"
[docs]class SchedulesFormCommon(CloudIntelReportsView): flash = FlashMessages('.//div[@id="flash_msg_div"]/div[@id="flash_text_div" or ' 'contains(@class, "flash_text_div")] | ' './/div[starts-with(@class, "flash_text_div") or @id="flash_text_div"]') # Basic Information title = Text("#explorer_title_text") name = TextInput(name="name") description = TextInput(name="description") active = Checkbox("enabled") # Report Selection filter1 = BootstrapSelect("filter_typ") filter2 = BootstrapSelect("subfilter_typ") filter3 = BootstrapSelect("repfilter_typ") # Timer run = BootstrapSelect("timer_typ") time_zone = BootstrapSelect("time_zone") starting_date = Calendar("miq_date_1") hour = BootstrapSelect("start_hour") minute = BootstrapSelect("start_min") # Email emails_send = Checkbox("send_email_cb") emails = AlertEmail() send_if_empty = Checkbox("send_if_empty") send_txt = Checkbox("send_txt") send_csv = Checkbox("send_csv") send_pdf = Checkbox("send_pdf") # Buttons cancel_button = Button("Cancel")
[docs]class NewScheduleView(SchedulesFormCommon): add_button = Button("Add") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_intel_reports and self.title.text == "Adding a new Schedule" and # TODO uncomment when will be fixed # self.schedules.is_opened and self.schedules.tree.currently_selected == ["All Schedules"] )
[docs]class EditScheduleView(SchedulesFormCommon): save_button = Button("Save") reset_button = Button("Reset") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_intel_reports and self.title.text == 'Editing Schedule "{}"'.format(self.context["object"].name) and # TODO uncomment when will be fixed # self.schedules.is_opened and self.schedules.tree.currently_selected == ["All Schedules", self.context["object"].name] )
[docs]class ScheduleDetailsView(CloudIntelReportsView): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_intel_reports and self.title.text == 'Schedule "{}"'.format(self.context["object"].name) and # TODO uncomment when will be fixed # self.schedules.is_opened and self.schedules.tree.currently_selected == ["All Schedules", self.context["object"].name] )
[docs]@attr.s class Schedule(Updateable, Pretty, BaseEntity): """Represents a schedule in Cloud Intel/Reports/Schedules. Args: name: Schedule name. description: Schedule description. filter: 3-tuple with filter selection (see the UI). active: Whether is this schedule active. run: Specifies how often this schedule runs. It can be either string "Once", or a tuple, which maps to the two selects in UI ("Hourly", "Every hour")... time_zone: Specify time zone. start_date: Specify the start date. start_time: Specify the start time either as a string ("0:15") or tuple ("0", "15") send_email: If specifies, turns on e-mail sending. Can be string, or list or set. """ pretty_attrs = ["name", "filter"] def __str__(self): return name = attr.ib() description = attr.ib() filter = attr.ib() active = attr.ib(default=None) timer = attr.ib(default=None) emails = attr.ib(default=None) email_options = attr.ib(default=None) @property def exists(self): schedules = self.appliance.db.client["miq_schedules"] return self.appliance.db.client.session\ .query(\ .filter( ==\ .count() > 0
[docs] def update(self, updates): view = navigate_to(self, "Edit") changed = view.fill(updates) if changed: else: view = self.create_view(ScheduleDetailsView, override=updates) assert view.is_displayed
# TODO Doesn't work due # view.flash.assert_no_error() # if changed: # view.flash.assert_message( # 'Schedule "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get("name", # else: # view.flash.assert_message( # 'Edit of Schedule "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format(
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=False): view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.configuration.item_select("Delete this Schedule", handle_alert=not cancel) if cancel: assert view.is_displayed else: view = self.create_view(SchedulesAllView) assert view.is_displayed
# TODO Doesn't work due # view.flash.assert_no_error()
[docs] def queue(self): """Queue this schedule.""" view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.configuration.item_select("Queue up this Schedule to run now")
@property def enabled(self): view = navigate_to(self.parent, "All") for item in if item['Name'] == return item['Active'] == 'True'
[docs]@attr.s class ScheduleCollection(BaseCollection): ENTITY = Schedule
[docs] def create(self, name=None, description=None, filter=None, active=None, timer=None, emails=None, email_options=None): schedule = self.instantiate(name, description, filter, active=active, timer=timer, emails=emails, email_options=email_options) view = navigate_to(self, "Add") view.fill({ "name": name, "description": description, "active": active, "filter1": filter[0], "filter2": filter[1], "filter3": filter[2], "run": timer.get("run"), "time_zone": timer.get("time_zone"), "starting_date": timer.get("starting_date"), "hour": timer.get("hour"), "minute": timer.get("minute"), "emails_send": bool(emails), "emails": emails, "send_if_empty": email_options.get("send_if_empty"), "send_txt": email_options.get("send_txt"), "send_csv": email_options.get("send_csv"), "send_pdf": email_options.get("send_pdf") }) view = schedule.create_view(ScheduleDetailsView) assert view.is_displayed # TODO Doesn't work due # view.flash.assert_success_message('Schedule "{}" was added'.format(name)) return schedule
def _select_schedules(self, schedules): """Select schedules in the table. Args: schedules: Schedules to select. Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ view = navigate_to(self, "All") failed_selections = [] try: for schedule in schedules: name = str(schedule) cell = view.schedules_table.row(name=name)[0] cell.check() except NoSuchElementException: failed_selections.append(name) if failed_selections: raise NameError("These schedules were not found: {}.".format( ", ".join(failed_selections) )) return view def _action_on_schedules(self, action, schedules, cancel=False): """Select schedules and perform an action on them Args: action: Action in Configuration to perform. schedules: List of schedules. cancel: If specified, the nalert is expected after clicking on action and value of the variable specifies handling behaviour. Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ view = self._select_schedules(schedules) view.configuration.item_select(action) # TODO # view.flash.assert_no_errors()
[docs] def enable_schedules(self, *schedules): """Select and enable specified schedules. Args: *schedules: Schedules to enable. Can be objects or strings. Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ self._action_on_schedules("Enable the selected Schedules", schedules)
[docs] def disable_schedules(self, *schedules): """Select and disable specified schedules. Args: *schedules: Schedules to disable. Can be objects or strings. Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ self._action_on_schedules("Disable the selected Schedules", schedules)
[docs] def queue_schedules(self, *schedules): """Select and queue specified schedules. Args: *schedules: Schedules to queue. Can be objects or strings. Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ self._action_on_schedules("Queue up selected Schedules to run now", schedules)
[docs] def delete_schedules(self, *schedules, **kwargs): """Select and delete specified schedules from VMDB. Args: *schedules: Schedules to delete. Can be objects or strings. cancel: (kwarg) Whether to cancel the deletion (Default: False) Raises: :py:class:`NameError` when some of the schedules were not found. """ self._action_on_schedules( "Delete the selected Schedules", schedules, kwargs.pop("cancel", False) )
[docs]@navigator.register(ScheduleCollection, "All") class ScheduleAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = SchedulesAllView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "CloudIntelReports")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.schedules.tree.click_path("All Schedules")
[docs]@navigator.register(ScheduleCollection, "Add") class ScheduleNew(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = NewScheduleView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("All")
[docs] def step(self): self.view.configuration.item_select("Add a new Schedule")
[docs]@navigator.register(Schedule, "Details") class ScheduleDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = ScheduleDetailsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "CloudIntelReports")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.schedules.tree.click_path("All Schedules",
[docs]@navigator.register(Schedule, "Edit") class ScheduleEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditScheduleView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling("Details")
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.configuration.item_select("Edit this Schedule")