Source code for cfme.configure.documentation

from widgetastic.widget import Text, Image, View
from widgetastic.utils import VersionPick, Version

[docs]class LinksView(View): """ Widgets for all of the links on the documentation page Each doc link is an anchor with a child image element, then an anchor with text Both the image and the text anchor should link to the same PDF """ # todo: update this view. it contains too much duplicate code @View.nested class policies(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Defining Policies Profiles Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class general(View): # noqa TEXT = 'General Configuration Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class inventory(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Infrastructure Inventory Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class automation(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Methods For Automation Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class monitoring(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Monitoring Alerts Reporting Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class providers(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Providers Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class rest(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Rest Api Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class scripting(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Scripting Actions Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class vm_hosts(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Virtual Machines Hosts Guide' img_anchor = Text('//a[@title="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) img = Image(locator='//img[@alt="View the {}"]'.format(TEXT)) link = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT)), '5.9': img_anchor}) @View.nested class customer_portal(View): # noqa TEXT = 'Red Hat Customer Portal' link = Text('//a[normalize-space(.)="{}"]'.format(TEXT))
[docs]class DocView(View): """ View for the documentation page, a title and a bunch of pdf of links """ @property def is_displayed(self): return ( == 'Documentation' and all([link.is_displayed for link in self.links.sub_widgets]) ) title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//div/h1') links = View.nested(LinksView)