Adding a New Provider Type


Though not an exhaustive guide, this page details some of the tasks that need to be carried out in order for a new provider to be added and suported in the ManageIQ integration_tests framework.


wrapanapi is a key component in the testing process. Each provider that we test has its own class within wrapanapi. The name of the project gives some indication as to what it does, it simply wraps-an-API. People ask why we use a wrapper around existing python library APIs. The answer is because we try to maintain a common API across the providers APIs where possible.

Validating information on the provider is important. When testing ManageIQ we don’t just rely on the information it gives us, we need to ensure that the information is correct. To do that, we call out to the provider itself and validate that if ManageIQ says there are 25 VMs, that there really are 25VMs. Some simple methods are often present on the wrapanapi management class with names like num_vm. These simply return a count of the number of VMs that are present in the normal context.

You may often find that there are options to the method too. wrapanapi is designed to work primarily with ManageIQ for testing, but is also an Open Source system, allowing anyone to use it as a simple management tool for multiple provider types.

The first step in the process of adding a new provider is making a rudimentary wrapanapi class. This should always be called ProviderSystem, where Provider is a short name denoting your new provider.

Provider Type

If your provider doesn’t conform to the currently existing types, which broadly consist of Infrastructure and Cloud virtualization, Containers and Middleware, you will need a new provider type. You can think of this as a kind of super class that will be a reference point for all future classes of the same type. Though it is not entirely necessary. It is nice to create these to give others a springboard if they are creating a provider which is of the same type as yours.

The next part of the process is to create the provider type class within the integration_tests repository. This class will be used to represent your providers type in the ManageIQ system. It is your singular point of reference and will become your go to point of contact for all provider type related operations.

An example of a new provider type is below, we will take a moment to walk through the various parts of it.

The example above does a few things and we shall ignore the imports. Firstly we define the PhysicalProvider class. Note that this follows the same format as in wrapanapi. Also note that this class can’t really do anything. It is a placeholder that knows about things like, how to list all the providers which are of type physical.

The category attribute is very important. It is used to classify your provider classes. STATS_TO_MATCH is a helper which is invoked during provider validation and will run the same method on both the ManageIQ side, and the wrapanapi side, to ensure parity. endpoints, name, key are really the base level components to any provider. The endpoint describes how to contact the provider, what its credentials are and its various methods of communication. ManageIQ can sometimes interact with multiple endpoints on a provider. This allows that communication to be represented inside the testing framework and to fill in the multiple endpoint forms in the UI.

The main credential is always called default and endpoints takes the form of a dictionary which is used to instantiate some Endpoint objects. Please refer to existing providers for more information on this.

Lastly there is a Navigation step defined. This is using the navmazing component and should be used as an example only. You should go and look up further examples of the navmazing and widgetastic systems to understand how to interact with the UI. In this example, we are creating reference to an All destination which will, in the UI, navigate to a page showing all the physical infrastructure providers.

Provider Class

Now that we have a provider type, or perhaps we already have one, we need to create a provider class. This class is a specific implementation of the provider. Anything which is not common across either the providers as a whole, or the even within the category of the provider, is recorded here.

from cfme.common.provider import DefaultEndpoint, DefaultEndpointForm

from . import PhysicalProvider

class BigBadEndpoint(DefaultEndpoint):

class BigBadEndpointForm(DefaultEndpointForm):

class BigBadProvider(PhysicalProvider):
    type_name = 'bigbad'
    endpoints_form = BigBadEndpointForm
    string_name = "Ems Physical Infras"
    mgmt_class = BigBadSystem                                     # The reference to wrapanapi

    def __init__(self, appliance, name=None, key=None, endpoints=None):
        super(BigBadProvider, self).__init__(
            appliance=appliance, name=name, key=key, endpoints=endpoints

    def from_config(cls, prov_config, prov_key, appliance=None):
        endpoint = BigBadEndpoint(**prov_config['endpoints']['default'])
        return cls(name=prov_config['name'],
                   endpoints={ endpoint},

    def view_value_mapping(self):
        return {'name':,
                'prov_type': 'BigBad Provider'

To note are the endpoints. You can see here that we are inheriting some default forms. These are used for almost every provider. They provide support for simple username/password combinations. In the from_config method, we have provider specific instantiation of the class. You can see that we instantiate the BigBadEndpoint class by passing it information from the prov_config. This is the data which is stored in the yamls and looks similar to the following.

    name: bigbad
    type: bigbad
        - default
            ipaddress: xx.xx.xx.xx
            credentials: mycreds

The last point of note in this example is the view_value_mapping property. This is responsible for returning specific form data what is not covered by endpoints. In ManageIQ, there is a need to select the provider type when adding a new provider and this providers that type.

Registering your Provider

Before your provider can be used in any tests it first must be registered. This is achieved by adding it to You should be familiar with the entrypoints system to do this. Below you can see the examples of how the provider is added for the previous types.

        'infra = cfme.infrastructure.provider:InfraProvider',
        'cloud =',
        'middleware = cfme.middleware.provider:MiddlewareProvider',
        'containers = cfme.containers.provider:ContainersProvider',
        'physical = cfme.physical.provider:PhysicalProvider',
    'manageiq.provider_types.infra': [
        'virtualcenter = cfme.infrastructure.provider.virtualcenter:VMwareProvider',
        'scvmm = cfme.infrastructure.provider.scvmm:SCVMMProvider',
        'rhevm = cfme.infrastructure.provider.rhevm:RHEVMProvider',
        'openstack_infra = cfme.infrastructure.provider.openstack_infra:OpenstackInfraProvider',
    '': [
        'ec2 =',
        'openstack =',
        'azure =',
        'gce =',
    'manageiq.provider_types.middleware': [
        'hawkular = cfme.middleware.provider.hawkular:HawkularProvider',
    'manageiq.provider_types.containers': [
        'kubernetes = cfme.containers.provider.kubernetes:KubernetesProvider',
        'openshift = cfme.containers.provider.openshift:OpenshiftProvider',
    'manageiq.provider_types.physical': [
        'hawkular = cfme.middleware.provider.bigbad:BigBadProvider',