Source code for cfme.utils.version

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import date, datetime

import multimethods as mm
from miq_version import (  # noqa
    Version, LOWEST, LATEST, UPSTREAM, SPTuple, get_version,

from fixtures.pytest_store import store

[docs]def get_product_version(ver): """Return product version for given Version obj or version string """ ver = Version(ver) if ver.product_version() is not None: return ver.product_version() else: raise LookupError("no matching product version found for version {}".format(ver))
[docs]def get_stream(ver): """Return a stream name for given Version obj or version string """ ver = Version(ver) if is not None: return else: raise LookupError("no matching stream found for version {}".format(ver))
[docs]def current_stream(): return get_stream(store.current_appliance.version)
[docs]def current_version(): """A lazy cached method to return the appliance version. Do not catch errors, since generally we cannot proceed with testing, without knowing the server version. """ return store.current_appliance.version
[docs]def appliance_build_datetime(): try: return store.current_appliance.build_datetime except: return None
[docs]def appliance_build_date(): try: return store.current_appliance.build_date except: return None
[docs]def appliance_is_downstream(): return store.current_appliance.is_downstream
[docs]def parsedate(o): if isinstance(o, date): return o elif isinstance(o, datetime): return else: # 1234-12-13 return date(*[int(x) for x in str(o).split("-", 2)])
[docs]def before_date_or_version(date=None, version=None): """Function for deciding based on the build date and version. Usage: * If both date and version are set, then two things can happen. If the appliance is downstream, both date and version are checked, otherwise only the date. * If only date is set, then only date is checked. * if only version is set, then it checks the version if the appliance is downstream, otherwise it returns ``False`` The checks are in form ``appliance_build_date() < date`` and ``current_version() < version``. Therefore when used in ``if`` statement, the truthy value signalizes 'older' version and falsy signalizes 'newer' version. """ if date is not None: date = parsedate(date) if date is not None and version is not None: if not appliance_is_downstream(): return appliance_build_date() < date else: return appliance_build_date() < date and current_version() < version elif date is not None and version is None: return appliance_build_date() < date elif date is None and version is not None: if not appliance_is_downstream(): return False return current_version() < version else: raise TypeError("You have to pass either date or version, or both!")
[docs]def since_date_or_version(*args, **kwargs): """Opposite of :py:func:`before_date_or_version`""" return not before_date_or_version(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def appliance_has_netapp(): try: return store.current_appliance.has_netapp() except: return None
[docs]def product_version_dispatch(*_args, **_kwargs): """Dispatch function for use in multimethods that just ignores arguments and dispatches on the current product version.""" return current_version()
[docs]def dependent(default_function): m = mm.MultiMethod(default_function.__name__, product_version_dispatch) m.add_method(mm.Default, default_function) mm._copy_attrs(default_function, m) return m
[docs]def pick(v_dict, active_version=None): """ Collapses an ambiguous series of objects bound to specific versions by interrogating the CFME Version and returning the correct item. """ # convert keys to Versions active_version = active_version or current_version() v_dict = {get_version(k): v for (k, v) in v_dict.items()} versions = v_dict.keys() sorted_matching_versions = sorted((v for v in versions if v <= active_version), reverse=True) return v_dict.get(sorted_matching_versions[0]) if sorted_matching_versions else None
# Compare Versions using > for dispatch @mm.is_a.method((Version, Version)) def _is_a_loose(x, y): return x >= y @mm.is_a.method((str, Version)) def _is_a_slv(x, y): return mm.is_a(Version(x), y) @mm.is_a.method((Version, str)) def _is_a_lvs(x, y): return mm.is_a(x, Version(y))