Source code for cfme.utils.auth

from six import iteritems
import attr

from cfme.configure.configuration.server_settings import (
    AmazonAuthenticationView, LdapAuthenticationView, LdapsAuthenticationView
from cfme.exceptions import UnknownProviderType
from cfme.utils.conf import credentials, auth_data

auth_prov_data = auth_data.get("auth_providers", {})  # setup on module import

    'principal': 'User Principal Name',
    'email': 'E-mail Address',
    'dn-cn': 'Distinguished Name (CN=<user>)',
    'dn-uid': 'Distinguished Name (UID=<user>)',
    'sam': 'SAM Account Name'

[docs]def auth_provider_types(): """Fetch the registered classes from entry_points manageiq.auth_provider_categories""" from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points return { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points('manageiq.auth_provider_types') }
[docs]def auth_class_from_type(auth_prov_type): """Using the registered auth provider classes, fetch a class by its type key Args: auth_prov_type: string key matching a registered type in entry_points Raises: UnknownProviderType when the given type isn't registered in entry_points """ try: return auth_provider_types()[auth_prov_type] except KeyError: raise UnknownProviderType('Unknown auth provider type: {}'.format(auth_prov_type))
[docs]def get_auth_crud(auth_prov_key): """Get a BaseAuthProvider derived class with the auth_data.yaml configuration for the key Args: auth_prov_key: string key matching one in conf/auth_data.yaml 'auth_providers' dict Raises: ValueError if the yaml type for given key doesn't match auth_type on fetched class """ auth_prov_config = auth_prov_data[auth_prov_key].copy() klass = auth_class_from_type(auth_prov_config.get('type')) if auth_prov_config.get('type') != klass.auth_type: raise ValueError('{} must have type "{}"'.format(klass.__name__, klass.auth_type)) return klass.from_config(auth_prov_config, auth_prov_key)
[docs]@attr.s class BaseAuthProvider(object): """Base class for authentication provider objects """ auth_type = None view_class = None key = attr.ib()
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, prov_config, prov_key): """Returns an object using the passed yaml config Sets defaults for yaml configured objects separate from attr.ib definitions """ prov_config.update(credentials[prov_config.get('credentials')]) class_attrs = [ for att in cls.__attrs_attrs__] class_params = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(prov_config) if k in class_attrs} return cls(key=prov_key, **class_params)
[docs] def as_fill_value(self): class_attrs = [ for att in self.__attrs_attrs__] include_attrs = [getattr(self.__class__, name) for name in self.view_class.cls_widget_names() if name in class_attrs] return attr.asdict(self, filter=attr.filters.include(*include_attrs))
[docs]@attr.s class AmazonAuthProvider(BaseAuthProvider): """AWS IAM auth provider""" auth_type = 'amazon' view_class = AmazonAuthenticationView access_key = attr.ib() secret_key = attr.ib() get_groups = attr.ib(default=False)
[docs]@attr.s class MIQAuthProvider(BaseAuthProvider): """base class for miq auth providers (ldap/ldaps modes in UI) Intended to be used for freeipa, AD, openldap and openldaps type providers """ host1 = attr.ib() bind_password = attr.ib() # Ordered to adhere to mandatory attrs sequence host2 = attr.ib(default=None) host3 = attr.ib(default=None) port = attr.ib(default=LDAP_PORT) user_type = attr.ib(default='principal', validator=lambda item, attribute, value: value in USER_TYPES.keys()) domain_prefix = attr.ib(default=None) user_suffix = attr.ib(default=None) base_dn = attr.ib(default=None) bind_dn = attr.ib(default=None) get_groups = attr.ib(default=False) get_roles = attr.ib(default=False) follow_referrals = attr.ib(default=False) # attrs for SSL domain_name = attr.ib(default=None) cert_filename = attr.ib(default=None) cert_filepath = attr.ib(default=None) ipaddress = attr.ib(default=None) ldap_conf = attr.ib(default=None) sssd_conf = attr.ib(default=None)
# TODO as_external_value method
[docs]@attr.s class OpenLDAPAuthProvider(MIQAuthProvider): """openldap auth provider, NO SSL No attributes beyond MIQAuthProvider""" auth_type = 'openldap' view_class = LdapAuthenticationView
[docs]@attr.s class OpenLDAPSAuthProvider(MIQAuthProvider): """openldap auth provider, WITH SSL""" auth_type = 'openldaps' view_class = LdapsAuthenticationView
[docs]@attr.s class FreeIPAAuthProvider(MIQAuthProvider): """freeipa can be used with ldap auth config or external For ldap config: * 3 hosts can be configured * bind_dn is used for admin user validation * ipa realm and ipadomain are not part of config * user_type will use the cfme.utils.auth.USER_TYPES dict For external config: * 1 host is configured as --ipaserver * realm and domain are optional params * all user type, suffix, base/bind_dn, get_groups/roles/referrals args are not used """ auth_type = 'freeipa' view_class = LdapAuthenticationView # TODO could be SSL view, but ATM no difference in widgets ipaprincipal = attr.ib(default=None) # ipaprincipal in external iparealm = attr.ib(default=None) # external only, optional ipadomain = attr.ib(default=None) # external only, optional
[docs] def as_external_value(self): """return a dictionary that can be used with appliance_console_cli.configure_ipa""" external = dict( ipaserver=self.host1, principal=self.ipaprincipal, password=self.bind_password ) for att in ['iparealm', 'ipadomain']: # optional args for external config if getattr(self, att): # only include if set, don't pass key if None external.update({att: getattr(self, att)}) return external