Source code for cfme.scripting.tests.test_quickstart

# using subprocess because its a better docker api
# than the docker-py 1.10 we hard depend on
import subprocess
from cfme.utils import path
import pytest
from cfme.scripting import quickstart

    ('fedora:24', 'python3'),
    ('fedora:25', 'python3'),
    ('fedora:26', 'python3'),
    ('fedora:27', 'python3'),
    pytest.param('centos:7', 'python2', marks=pytest.mark.xfail(
        run=False, reason='bad centos packageset')),

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def check_docker(): try: subprocess.check_call("docker info", shell=True) except Exception: pytest.xfail('docker missing or missconfigured\n' ' - testing quickstart needs a functional docker cli')
[docs]@pytest.fixture def root_volume(): return path.project_path
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope='module') def yamls_volume(): volume = path.project_path.join('../cfme-qe-yamls') if not volume.check(dir=1): pytest.xfail('qe yaml data not at the expected location') return volume
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize('image, python', IMAGE_SPEC) @pytest.mark.long_running def test_quickstart_run(image, python, root_volume, yamls_volume, check_docker): subprocess.check_call( "docker run " "--volume {root_volume}:/cfme/cfme_tests " "--volume {yamls_volume}:/cfme/cfme-qe-yamls " "--tty -w /cfme/cfme_tests " "" "{image} " "bash -c '" "{python} -m cfme.scripting.quickstart && " "{python} -m cfme.scripting.quickstart'" .format(**locals()), shell=True)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize("old, new, expected_changes", [ ({}, {'a': 1}, [('a', 'missing', 1)]), ({'a': 0}, {'a': 1}, [('a', 0, 1)]), ({'a': 1}, {}, [('a', 1, 'removed')]), ({'a': 1}, {'a': 1}, []), ]) def test_quickstart_version_changed(old, new, expected_changes): changes = list(quickstart.version_changes(old, new)) assert changes == expected_changes