Source code for cfme.base

import json

import attr
import importscan
import sentaku

from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from cfme.utils import ParamClassName
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty

[docs]@attr.s class Server(BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): _param_name = ParamClassName('name') name = attr.ib() sid = attr.ib(default=1) address = sentaku.ContextualMethod() login = sentaku.ContextualMethod() login_admin = sentaku.ContextualMethod() logout = sentaku.ContextualMethod() update_password = sentaku.ContextualMethod() logged_in = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_full_name = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_username = sentaku.ContextualMethod() current_group_name = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # zone = sentaku.ContextualProperty() # slave_servers = sentaku.ContextualProperty() @property def settings(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.server_settings import ServerInformation setting = ServerInformation(appliance=self.appliance) return setting @property def authentication(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.server_settings import AuthenticationSetting auth_settings = AuthenticationSetting(self.appliance) return auth_settings @property def collect_logs(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.diagnostics_settings import ServerCollectLog return ServerCollectLog(self.appliance) @property def zone(self): server_res = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers.find_by(id=self.sid) server = server_res[0] server.reload(attributes=['zone']) zone = zone_obj = self.appliance.collections.zones.instantiate( name=zone['name'], description=zone['description'], id=zone['id'] ) return zone_obj @property def slave_servers(self): return{'slave': True}).all() @property def _api_settings_url(self): return '/'.join( [self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers._href, str(self.sid), 'settings'] )
[docs] def get_yaml_config(self): """GET servers/:id/settings api endpoint to query server configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(url=self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def set_yaml_config(self, data_dict): """PATCH settings from the server's api/server/:id/settings endpoint Args: data_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps data_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap data_dict in a list # Failing with some data_dict, like 'authentication' # result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(data_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]@attr.s class ServerCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): ENTITY = Server # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # get_master = sentaku.ContextualMethod()
[docs] def all(self): server_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers servers = [] parent = self.filters.get('parent') slave_only = self.filters.get('slave', False) for server in server_collection: server.reload(attributes=['zone_id']) if parent and server.zone_id != continue if slave_only and server.is_master: continue servers.append(self.instantiate(, # TODO: This code needs a refactor once the attributes can be loaded from the collection return servers
[docs] def get_master(self): server_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.servers if self.appliance.is_dev: server = server_collection.all[0] else: server = server_collection.find_by(is_master=True)[0] return self.instantiate(,
[docs]@attr.s class Zone(Pretty, BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): """ Configure/Configuration/Region/Zones functionality Create/Read/Update/Delete functionality. """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'description', 'smartproxy_ip', 'ntp_servers', 'max_scans', 'user'] exists = sentaku.ContextualProperty() update = sentaku.ContextualMethod() delete = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # region = sentaku.ContextualProperty() name = attr.ib(default="default") description = attr.ib(default="Default Zone") id = attr.ib(default=None) smartproxy_ip = attr.ib(default=None) ntp_servers = attr.ib(default=None) max_scans = attr.ib(default=None) user = attr.ib(default=None) _collections = {'servers': ServerCollection} @property def collect_logs(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.diagnostics_settings import ZoneCollectLog return ZoneCollectLog(self.appliance) @property def region(self): zone_res = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones.find_by( zone = zone_res[0] zone.reload(attributes=['region_number']) region_obj = self.appliance.collections.regions.instantiate(number=zone.region_number) return region_obj @property def _api_settings_url(self): return '/'.join([self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones._href, str(, 'settings'])
[docs] def get_yaml_config(self): """"GET zones/:id/settings api endpoint to query zone configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def set_yaml_config(self, data_dict): """PATCH settings from the zone's api/zones/:id/settings endpoint Args: data_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps data_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap data_dict in a list result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(data_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]@attr.s class ZoneCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): ENTITY = Zone region = attr.ib(default=None) create = sentaku.ContextualMethod() # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod()
[docs] def all(self): zone_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.zones zones = [] parent = self.filters.get('parent') for zone in zone_collection: zone.reload(attributes=['region_number']) if parent and zone.region_number != parent.number: continue zones.append(self.instantiate(, description=zone.description, )) # TODO: This code needs a refactor once the attributes can be loaded from the collection return zones
[docs]@attr.s class Region(BaseEntity, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): number = attr.ib(default=0) _collections = {'zones': ZoneCollection} @property def settings_string(self): return "{} Region: Region {} [{}]".format( self.appliance.product_name, self.number, self.number) @property def replication(self): from cfme.configure.configuration.region_settings import Replication replication = Replication(self.appliance) return replication @property def _api_settings_url(self): """The region ID doesn't quite match the region number Look up the correct region ID for the object's region id (which is the 'number') Raises: KeyError if the region resource isn't found by the filter AssertionError if more than one region matches the filter """ filter_query = '?expand=resources&filter[]=region={}'.format(self.number) region_filter = self.appliance.rest_api.get( '{}{}'.format(self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions._href, filter_query) ) assert len(region_filter['resources']) == 1 region_id = region_filter['resources'][0]['id'] return '/'.join([self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions._href, str(region_id), 'settings'])
[docs] def get_yaml_config(self): """"GET zones/:id/settings api endpoint to query region configuration""" return self.appliance.rest_api.get(self._api_settings_url)
[docs] def set_yaml_config(self, data_dict): """PATCH settings from the zone's api/zones/:id/settings endpoint Args: data_dict: dictionary of the changes to be made to the yaml configuration JSON dumps data_dict to pass as raw hash data to rest_api session Raises: AssertionError: On an http result >=400 (RequestsResponse.ok) """ # Calling the _session patch method because the core patch will wrap data_dict in a list result = self.appliance.rest_api._session.patch( url=self._api_settings_url, data=json.dumps(data_dict) ) assert result.ok
[docs]@attr.s class RegionCollection(BaseCollection, sentaku.modeling.ElementMixin): # all = sentaku.ContextualMethod() ENTITY = Region
[docs] def all(self): self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions.reload() region_collection = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.regions regions = [self.instantiate(region.region) for region in region_collection] return regions
from . import ui, ssui, rest # NOQA last for import cycles importscan.scan(ui) importscan.scan(ssui) importscan.scan(rest)