Source code for markers.rhv

This marker is used for purposes of RHV - CFME integration.

Tests can be marked like this:

.. code-block:: python

    def test_something():
        assert True

Usage on CLI::

    pytest -m 'rhv1'  # Run only tier 1
    pytest -m 'rhv1 or rhv2 or rhv3'  # Run all the tiers
    pytest -m 'not rhv3'  # Run all test methods except for RHV tier 3
    pytest -m 'not rhv1 and not rhv2 and not rhv3'  # Run everything that is not marked with rhv1-3

To test this module::

    pytest -p pytester markers/
RHV_CFME_TIERS = (1, 2, 3)

[docs]def pytest_configure(config): for tier in RHV_CFME_TIERS: config.addinivalue_line("markers", "rhv{t}: Run tier {t} of RHV-CFME tests.".format(t=tier))
[docs]def test_rhv_markers(testdir): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.mark.rhv1 def test_rhv_marker_tier_1(): assert True @pytest.mark.rhv2 def test_rhv_marker_tier_2(): assert True @pytest.mark.rhv3 def test_rhv_marker_tier_3(): assert True def test_without_marker(): assert False """) testdir.runpytest("-m rhv1", "--strict").assert_outcomes(passed=1) testdir.runpytest("-m rhv1 or rhv2 or rhv3", "--strict").assert_outcomes(passed=3) testdir.runpytest("-m not rhv3", "--strict").assert_outcomes(passed=2, failed=1) testdir.runpytest("-m not rhv1 and not rhv2 and not rhv3", "--strict").assert_outcomes(failed=1)