Source code for markers.polarion

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""polarion(\*tcid): Marker for marking tests as automation for polarion test cases."""
import pytest
from functools import partial

[docs]def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line("markers", __doc__.splitlines()[0])
[docs]def extract_polarion_ids(item): """Extracts Polarion TC IDs from the test item. Returns None if no marker present.""" polarion = item.get_marker('polarion') if not polarion: return None return map(str, polarion.args)
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _update_polarion_in_junit(request, record_xml_property): """Adds the supplied test case id to the xunit file as a property""" record_id_to_xml = partial(record_xml_property, "test_id") ids = extract_polarion_ids(request.node) if ids is not None: for id in ids: record_id_to_xml(id)