Source code for cfme.scripting.appliance

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Script to encrypt config files.


   scripts/ confname1 confname2 ... confnameN
   scripts/ credentials
import click
import tempfile
from cached_property import cached_property
from cfme.utils import os
from cfme.utils.conf import cfme_data
from functools import partial
from .setup_ansible import setup_ansible
from scripts.repo_gen import process_url, build_file

[docs]def get_appliance(appliance_ip): """Checks an appliance is not None and if so, loads the appropriate things""" from cfme.utils.appliance import IPAppliance, get_or_create_current_appliance if not appliance_ip: app = get_or_create_current_appliance() else: app = IPAppliance(hostname=appliance_ip) return app'Helper commands for appliances') def main(): """Main appliance group""" pass @main.command('upgrade', help='Upgrades an appliance to latest Z-stream') @click.argument('appliance-ip', default=None, required=False) @click.option('--cfme-only', is_flag=True, help='Upgrade cfme packages only') @click.option('--update-to', default='5.9.z', help='Must be 5.8.z or (5.9.z is default)') def upgrade_appliance(appliance_ip, cfme_only, update_to): """Upgrades an appliance""" supported_version_repo_map = {'5.8.z': 'update_url_58', '5.9.z': 'update_url_59'} assert update_to in supported_version_repo_map, "{} is not a supported version".format( update_to ) update_url = supported_version_repo_map[update_to] if appliance_ip: print('Connecting to {}'.format(appliance_ip)) else: print('Fetching appliance from env.local.yaml') app = get_appliance(appliance_ip) print('Extending appliance partitions') app.db.extend_partition() urls = process_url(cfme_data['basic_info'][update_url]) output = build_file(urls) print('Adding update repo to appliance') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w') as f: f.write(output) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) app.ssh_client.put_file(, '/etc/yum.repos.d/update.repo') ver = '95' if app.version >= '5.8' else '94' cfme = '-y' if cfme_only: cfme = 'cfme -y' print('Stopping EVM') app.evmserverd.stop() print('Running yum update') rc, out = app.ssh_client.run_command('yum update {}'.format(cfme), timeout=3600) assert rc == 0, "update failed {}".format(out) print('Running database migration') rc, out = app.ssh_client.run_rake_command("db:migrate", timeout=300) assert rc == 0, "Failed to migrate new database: {}".format(out) rc, out = app.ssh_client.run_rake_command("evm:automate:reset", timeout=300) assert rc == 0, "Failed to reset automate: {}".format(out) rc, out = app.ssh_client.run_rake_command( 'db:migrate:status 2>/dev/null | grep "^\s*down"', timeout=30) assert rc != 0, "Migration failed; migrations in 'down' state found: {}".format(out) print('Restarting postgres service') rc, out = app.ssh_client.run_command('systemctl restart rh-postgresql{}-postgresql'.format(ver)) assert rc == 0, "Failed to restart postgres: {}".format(out) print('Starting EVM') app.start_evm_service() print('Waiting for webui') app.wait_for_web_ui() print('Appliance upgrade completed') @main.command('reboot', help='Reboots the appliance') @click.argument('appliance_ip', default=None, required=False) @click.option('--wait-for-ui', is_flag=True, default=True) def reboot_appliance(appliance_ip, wait_for_ui): """Reboots an appliance""" app = get_appliance(appliance_ip) app.reboot(wait_for_ui) @main.command('setup-ansible', help='Setups embedded ansible on an appliance') @click.argument('appliance_ip', default=None, required=False) @click.option('--license', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True)) def setup_embedded_ansible(appliance_ip, license): """Setups embedded ansible on an appliance""" app = get_appliance(appliance_ip) if not app.is_downstream: setup_ansible(app, license) else: print("It can be done only against upstream appliances.") @main.command('setup-webmks', help='Setups VMware WebMKS on an appliance by downloading' 'and extracting SDK to required location') @click.argument('appliance_ip', default=None, required=False) def config_webmks(appliance_ip): appliance = get_appliance(appliance_ip) server_settings = appliance.server.settings server_settings.update_vmware_console({'console_type': 'VMware WebMKS'}) roles = server_settings.server_roles_db if 'websocket' in roles and not roles['websocket']: server_settings.enable_server_roles('websocket') # Useful Properties methods_to_install = [ 'is_db_enabled', 'managed_provider_names', 'miqqe_version', 'os_version', 'swap', 'miqqe_patch_applied']
[docs]def fn(method, *args, **kwargs): """Helper to access the right properties""" from cfme.utils.appliance import IPAppliance appliance_ip = kwargs.get('appliance_ip', None) app = get_appliance(appliance_ip) descriptor = getattr(IPAppliance, method) if isinstance(descriptor, (cached_property, property)): out = getattr(app, method) else: out = getattr(app, method)(*args, **kwargs) if out is not None: print(out)
for method in methods_to_install: command = click.Command( method.replace('_', '-'), short_help='Returns the {} property'.format(method), callback=partial(fn, method), params=[ click.Argument(['appliance_ip'], default=None, required=False)]) main.add_command(command) if __name__ == "__main__": main()