Source code for cfme.utils.ssh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fauxfactory
import iso8601
import re
import socket
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from os import path as os_path
from subprocess import check_call
from urlparse import urlparse

import paramiko
from scp import SCPClient
import diaper

from cfme.utils import conf, ports, version
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from import net_check
from fixtures.pytest_store import store
from cfme.utils.path import project_path
from cfme.utils.quote import quote
from cfme.utils.timeutil import parsetime

# Default blocking time before giving up on an ssh command execution,
# in seconds (float)

[docs]class SSHResult(namedtuple("SSHResult", ["rc", "output"])): """Allows rich comparison for more convenient testing. Given you have ``result`` which is an instance of :py:class:`SSHResult`, you can do as follows .. code-block:: python assert result # If $?=0, then the result evaluates to a truthy value and passes the assert assert result == 'installed' # direct matching of the output value assert 'something' in result # like before but uses the ``in`` matching for a partial match assert result == 5 # assert that the $?=5 (you can use <, >, ...) Therefore this class can act like 3 kinds of values - Like a string (with the output of the command) when compared with or cast to one - Like a number (with the return code) when compared with or cast to one - Like a bool, giving truthy value if the return code was zero. That is related to the preceeding bullet. But it still subclasses the original class therefore all old behaviour is kept. But you don't have to expand the tuple or pull the value out if you are checking only one of them. """ def __str__(self): return self.output def __contains__(self, what): # Handling 'something' in x if not isinstance(what, basestring): raise ValueError('You can only check strings using the in operator') return what in self.output def __nonzero__(self): # Handling bool(x) or if x: return self.rc == 0 def __int__(self): # handling int(x) return self.rc def __cmp__(self, other): # Handling comparison to strings or numbers if isinstance(other, int): return cmp(self.rc, other) elif isinstance(other, basestring): return cmp(self.output, other) else: raise ValueError('You can only compare SSHResult with str or int') @property def success(self): return self.rc == 0 @property def failed(self): return self.rc != 0
_ssh_key_file = project_path.join('.generated_ssh_key') _ssh_pubkey_file = project_path.join('') _client_session = []
[docs]class SSHClient(paramiko.SSHClient): """paramiko.SSHClient wrapper Allows copying/overriding and use as a context manager Constructor kwargs are handed directly to paramiko.SSHClient.connect() Args: container: If specified, then it is assumed that the VM hosts a container of CFME. The param then contains the name of the container. project: openshift's project which holds CFME pods is_pod: If specified and True, then it is assumed that the target is a podified openshift app and ``container`` then specifies the name of the pod to interact with. stdout: If specified, overrides the system stdout file for streaming output. stderr: If specified, overrides the system stderr file for streaming output. """ def __init__(self, stream_output=False, **connect_kwargs): super(SSHClient, self).__init__() self._streaming = stream_output # deprecated/useless karg, included for backward-compat self._keystate = connect_kwargs.pop('keystate', None) # Container is used to store both docker VM's container name and Openshift pod name. self._container = connect_kwargs.pop('container', None) self._project = connect_kwargs.pop('project', None) self.is_pod = connect_kwargs.pop('is_pod', False) self.oc_username = connect_kwargs.pop('oc_username', None) self.oc_password = connect_kwargs.pop('oc_password', False) self.f_stdout = connect_kwargs.pop('stdout', sys.stdout) self.f_stderr = connect_kwargs.pop('stderr', sys.stderr) # load the defaults for ssh default_connect_kwargs = { 'timeout': 10, 'allow_agent': False, 'look_for_keys': False, 'gss_auth': False } # Load credentials and destination from confs, if connect_kwargs is empty if not connect_kwargs.get('hostname'): parsed_url = urlparse(store.base_url) default_connect_kwargs["port"] = ports.SSH default_connect_kwargs['username'] = conf.credentials['ssh']['username'] default_connect_kwargs['password'] = conf.credentials['ssh']['password'] default_connect_kwargs['hostname'] = parsed_url.hostname default_connect_kwargs["port"] = connect_kwargs.pop('port', ports.SSH) # Overlay defaults with any passed-in kwargs and store default_connect_kwargs.update(connect_kwargs) self._connect_kwargs = default_connect_kwargs self.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) _client_session.append(self) @property def is_container(self): return self._container is not None and not self.is_pod @property def username(self): return self._connect_kwargs.get('username') def __repr__(self): return "<SSHClient hostname={} port={}>".format( repr(self._connect_kwargs.get("hostname")), repr(self._connect_kwargs.get("port", 22))) def __call__(self, **connect_kwargs): # Update a copy of this instance's connect kwargs with passed in kwargs, # then return a new instance with the updated kwargs new_connect_kwargs = dict(self._connect_kwargs) new_connect_kwargs.update(connect_kwargs) # pass the key state if the hostname is the same, under the assumption that the same # host will still have keys installed if they have already been new_client = SSHClient(**new_connect_kwargs) return new_client def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Noop, call close explicitly to shut down the transport # It will be reopened automatically on next command pass def __del__(self): self.close() def _check_port(self): hostname = self._connect_kwargs['hostname'] if not net_check(ports.SSH, hostname, force=True): raise Exception("SSH connection to {}:{} failed, port unavailable".format( hostname, ports.SSH)) def _progress_callback(self, filename, size, sent): if sent > 0: logger.debug('scp progress for %r: %s of %s ', filename, sent, size)
[docs] def close(self): with diaper: _client_session.remove(self) super(SSHClient, self).close()
@property def connected(self): return self._transport and
[docs] def connect(self, hostname=None, **kwargs): """See paramiko.SSHClient.connect""" if hostname and hostname != self._connect_kwargs['hostname']: self._connect_kwargs['hostname'] = hostname self.close() if not self.connected: self._connect_kwargs.update(kwargs) self._check_port() # Only install ssh keys if they aren't installed (or currently being installed) conn = super(SSHClient, self).connect(**self._connect_kwargs) else: conn = None self._after_connect() return conn
def _after_connect(self): if self.is_pod: # checking whether already logged into openshift is_loggedin = self.run_command(command='oc whoami', ensure_host=True) if is_loggedin.success: username = str(is_loggedin).strip()'user {u} is already logged in'.format(u=username)) if username != self.oc_username:'logging out from openshift') self.run_command(command='oc logout', ensure_host=True) else: return"logging into openshift") login_cmd = 'oc login --username={u} --password={p}' login_cmd = login_cmd.format(u=self.oc_username, p=self.oc_password) self.run_command(command=login_cmd, ensure_host=True)
[docs] def open_sftp(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_container: logger.warning( 'You are about to use sftp on a containerized appliance. It may not work.') self.connect() return super(SSHClient, self).open_sftp(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_transport(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.connected: self.connect() return super(SSHClient, self).get_transport(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_command( self, command, timeout=RUNCMD_TIMEOUT, reraise=False, ensure_host=False, ensure_user=False): """Run a command over SSH. Args: command: The command. Supports taking dicts as version picking. timeout: Timeout after which the command execution fails. reraise: Does not muffle the paramiko exceptions in the log. ensure_host: Ensure that the command is run on the machine with the IP given, not any container or such that we might be using by default. ensure_user: Ensure that the command is run as the user we logged in, so in case we are not root, setting this to True will prevent from running sudo. Returns: A :py:class:`SSHResult` instance. """ if isinstance(command, dict): command = version.pick(command) original_command = command uses_sudo = False"Running command %r", command) if self.is_pod and not ensure_host: # This command will be executed in the context of the host provider command_to_run = 'source /etc/default/evm; ' + command oc_cmd = 'oc exec --namespace={proj} {pod} -- bash -c {cmd}'.format( proj=self._project, pod=self._container, cmd=quote(command_to_run)) command = oc_cmd ensure_host = True elif self.is_container and not ensure_host: command = 'docker exec {} bash -c {}'.format(self._container, quote( 'source /etc/default/evm; ' + command)) if self.username != 'root' and not ensure_user: # We need sudo command = 'sudo -i bash -c {command}'.format(command=quote(command)) uses_sudo = True if command != original_command:"> Actually running command %r", command) command += '\n' output = [] try: session = self.get_transport().open_session() if uses_sudo: # We need a pseudo-tty for sudo session.get_pty() if timeout: session.settimeout(float(timeout)) session.exec_command(command) stdout = session.makefile() stderr = session.makefile_stderr() while True: if session.recv_ready: for line in stdout: output.append(line) if self._streaming: self.f_stdout.write(line) if session.recv_stderr_ready: for line in stderr: output.append(line) if self._streaming: self.f_stderr.write(line) if session.exit_status_ready(): break exit_status = session.recv_exit_status() return SSHResult(exit_status, ''.join(output)) except paramiko.SSHException: if reraise: raise else: logger.exception('Exception happened during SSH call') except socket.timeout: logger.exception( "Command %r timed out. Output before it failed was:\n%r", command, ''.join(output)) raise # Returning two things so tuple unpacking the return works even if the ssh client fails # Return whatever we have in the output return SSHResult(1, ''.join(output))
[docs] def cpu_spike(self, seconds=60, cpus=2, **kwargs): """Creates a CPU spike of specific length and processes. Args: seconds: How long the spike should last. cpus: How many processes to use. Returns: See :py:meth:`SSHClient.run_command` """ return self.run_command( "duration={}; instances={}; endtime=$(($(date +%s) + $duration)); " "for ((i=0; i<instances; i++)) do while (($(date +%s) < $endtime)); " "do :; done & done".format(seconds, cpus), **kwargs)
[docs] def run_rails_command(self, command, timeout=RUNCMD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs):"Running rails command %r", command) return self.run_command('cd /var/www/miq/vmdb; bin/rails runner {command}'.format( command=command), timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
[docs] def run_rails_console(self, command, sandbox=False, timeout=RUNCMD_TIMEOUT): """Runs Ruby inside of rails console. stderr is thrown away right now but could prove useful for future performance analysis of the queries rails runs. The command is encapsulated by double quotes. Sandbox rolls back all changes made to the database if used. """ if sandbox: return self.run_command('cd /var/www/miq/vmdb; echo \"{}\" ' '| bundle exec bin/rails c -s 2> /dev/null'.format(command), timeout=timeout) return self.run_command('cd /var/www/miq/vmdb; echo \"{}\" ' '| bundle exec bin/rails c 2> /dev/null'.format(command), timeout=timeout)
[docs] def run_rake_command(self, command, timeout=RUNCMD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs):"Running rake command %r", command) return self.run_command( 'cd /var/www/miq/vmdb; bin/rake -f /var/www/miq/vmdb/Rakefile {command}'.format( command=command), timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
[docs] def put_file(self, local_file, remote_file='.', **kwargs):"Transferring local file %r to remote %r", local_file, remote_file) if self.is_container: tempfilename = '/share/temp_{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha())'For this purpose, temporary file name is %r', tempfilename) scp = SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).put( local_file, tempfilename, **kwargs) self.run_command('mv {} {}'.format(tempfilename, remote_file)) return scp elif self.is_pod: tmp_folder_name = 'automation-{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha().lower())'For this purpose, temporary folder name is /tmp/%s', tmp_folder_name) # Clean up container's temporary folder self.run_command('rm -rf /tmp/{0}'.format(tmp_folder_name)) # Create/Clean up the host's temporary folder self.run_command( 'rm -rf /tmp/{0}; mkdir -p /tmp/{0}'.format(tmp_folder_name), ensure_host=True) # Now upload the file to the openshift host tmp_file_name = 'file-{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha().lower()) tmp_full_name = '/tmp/{}/{}'.format(tmp_folder_name, tmp_file_name) scp = SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).put( local_file, tmp_full_name, **kwargs) # use oc rsync to put the file in the container rsync_cmd = 'oc rsync --namespace={proj} /tmp/{file} {pod}:/tmp/' assert self.run_command(rsync_cmd.format(proj=self._project, file=tmp_folder_name, pod=self._container), ensure_host=True) # Move the file onto correct place assert self.run_command('mv {} {}'.format(tmp_full_name, remote_file)) return scp else: if self.username == 'root': return SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).put( local_file, remote_file, **kwargs) # scp client is not sudo, may not work for non sudo tempfilename = '/home/{user_name}/temp_{random_alpha}'.format( user_name=self.username, random_alpha=fauxfactory.gen_alpha())'For this purpose, temporary file name is %r', tempfilename) scp = SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).put( local_file, tempfilename, **kwargs) self.run_command('mv {temp_file} {remote_file}'.format(temp_file=tempfilename, remote_file=remote_file)) return scp
[docs] def get_file(self, remote_file, local_path='', **kwargs):"Transferring remote file %r to local %r", remote_file, local_path) base_name = os_path.basename(remote_file) if self.is_container: tmp_file_name = 'temp_{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha()) tempfilename = '/share/{}'.format(tmp_file_name)'For this purpose, temporary file name is %r', tempfilename) self.run_command('cp {} {}'.format(remote_file, tempfilename)) scp = SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).get( tempfilename, local_path, **kwargs) self.run_command('rm {}'.format(tempfilename)) check_call([ 'mv', os_path.join(local_path, tmp_file_name), os_path.join(local_path, base_name)]) return scp elif self.is_pod: tmp_folder_name = 'automation-{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha().lower()) tmp_file_name = 'file-{}'.format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha().lower()) tmp_full_name = '/tmp/{}/{}'.format(tmp_folder_name, tmp_file_name)'For this purpose, temporary file name is %r', tmp_full_name) # Clean up container's temporary folder self.run_command('rm -rf /tmp/{0}; mkdir -p /tmp/{0}'.format(tmp_folder_name)) # Create/Clean up the host's temporary folder self.run_command( 'rm -rf /tmp/{0}; mkdir -p /tmp/{0}'.format(tmp_folder_name), ensure_host=True) # Now copy the file in container to the tmp folder assert self.run_command('cp {} {}'.format(remote_file, tmp_full_name)) # Use the oc rsync to pull the file onto the host rsync_cmd = 'oc rsync --namespace={proj} {pod}:/tmp/{file} /tmp' assert self.run_command(rsync_cmd.format(proj=self._project, pod=self._container, file=tmp_folder_name), ensure_host=True) # Now download the file to the openshift host scp = SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).get( tmp_full_name, local_path, **kwargs) check_call([ 'mv', os_path.join(local_path, tmp_file_name), os_path.join(local_path, base_name)]) return scp else: return SCPClient(self.get_transport(), progress=self._progress_callback).get( remote_file, local_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def patch_file(self, local_path, remote_path, md5=None): """ Patches a single file on the appliance Args: local_path: Path to patch (diff) file remote_path: Path to file to be patched (on the appliance) md5: MD5 checksum of the original file to check if it has changed Returns: True if changes were applied, False if patching was not necessary Note: If there is a .bak file present and the file-to-be-patched was not patched by the current patch-file, it will be used to restore it first. Recompiling assets and restarting appropriate services might be required. """'Patching %s', remote_path) # Upload diff to the appliance diff_remote_path = os_path.join('/tmp/', os_path.basename(remote_path)) self.put_file(local_path, diff_remote_path) # If already patched with current file, exit'Checking if already patched') rc, out = self.run_command( 'patch {} {} -f --dry-run -R'.format(remote_path, diff_remote_path)) if rc == 0: return False # If we have a .bak file available, it means the file is already patched # by some older patch; in that case, replace the file-to-be-patched by the .bak first"Checking if %s.bak is available", remote_path) rc, out = self.run_command('test -e {}.bak'.format(remote_path)) if rc == 0:"%s.bak found; using it to replace %s", remote_path, remote_path) rc, out = self.run_command('mv {}.bak {}'.format(remote_path, remote_path)) if rc != 0: raise Exception( "Unable to replace {} with {}.bak".format(remote_path, remote_path)) else:"%s.bak not found", remote_path) # If not patched and there's MD5 checksum available, check it if md5:"MD5 sum check in progress for %s", remote_path) rc, out = self.run_command('md5sum -c - <<< "{} {}"'.format(md5, remote_path)) if rc == 0:'MD5 sum check result: file not changed') else: logger.warning('MD5 sum check result: file has been changed!') # Create the backup and patch rc, out = self.run_command( 'patch {} {} -f -b -z .bak'.format(remote_path, diff_remote_path)) if rc != 0: raise Exception("Unable to patch file {}: {}".format(remote_path, out)) return True
[docs] def get_build_datetime(self): command = "stat --printf=%Y /var/www/miq/vmdb/VERSION" return parsetime.fromtimestamp(int(self.run_command(command).output.strip()))
[docs] def get_build_date(self): return self.get_build_datetime().date()
[docs] def is_appliance_downstream(self): return self.run_command("stat /var/www/miq/vmdb/BUILD").rc == 0
[docs] def uptime(self): out = self.run_command('cat /proc/uptime')[1] match = re.findall('\d+\.\d+', out) if match: return float(match[0]) return 0
[docs] def client_address(self): res = self.run_command('echo $SSH_CLIENT', ensure_host=True, ensure_user=True) # SSH_CLIENT format is 'clientip clientport serverport', we want clientip if not res.output: raise Exception('unable to get client address via SSH') return res.output.split()[0]
[docs] def appliance_has_netapp(self): return self.run_command("stat /var/www/miq/vmdb/HAS_NETAPP").rc == 0
@property def status(self): """Parses the output of the ``systemctl status evmserverd``. Returns: A dictionary containing ``servers`` and ``workers``, both lists. Each of the lists contains dictionaries, one per line. You can refer inside the dictionary using the headers. """ matcher = re.compile( '|'.join([ 'DEPRECATION WARNING', 'called from block in', 'Please use .* instead', 'key :terminate is duplicated and overwritten', ])) data = self.run_rake_command("evm:status") if data.rc != 0: raise Exception("systemctl status evmserverd $?={}".format(data.rc)) data = data.output.strip().split("\n\n") if len(data) == 2: srvs, wrks = data else: srvs = data[0] wrks = "" if "checking evm status" not in srvs.lower(): raise Exception("Wrong command output:\n{}".format(data.output)) def _process_dict(d): d["ID"] = int(d["ID"]) try: # this function fails if some server process isn't running. pid will be '' then d["PID"] = int(d["PID"]) except ValueError: d["PID"] = None try: d["SPID"] = int(d["SPID"]) except ValueError: d["SPID"] = None if "Active Roles" in d: d["Active Roles"] = set(d["Active Roles"].split(":")) if "Last Heartbeat" in d: d["Last Heartbeat"] = iso8601.parse_date(d["Last Heartbeat"]) if "Started On" in d: d["Started On"] = iso8601.parse_date(d["Started On"]) # Servers part srvs = [line for line in srvs.split("\n")[1:] if is None] srv_headers = [h.strip() for h in srvs[0].strip().split("|")] srv_body = srvs[2:] servers = [] for server in srv_body: fields = [f.strip() for f in server.strip().split("|")] srv = dict(zip(srv_headers, fields)) _process_dict(srv) servers.append(srv) # Workers part # TODO: Figure more permanent solution for ignoring the warnings wrks = [line for line in wrks.split("\n") if is None] workers = [] if wrks: wrk_headers = [h.strip() for h in wrks[0].strip().split("|")] wrk_body = wrks[2:] for worker in wrk_body: fields = [f.strip() for f in worker.strip().split("|")] wrk = dict(zip(wrk_headers, fields)) _process_dict(wrk) # ansible worker doesn't work in pod in 5.8 if (wrk['Worker Type'] == 'EmbeddedAnsibleWorker' and "5.8" in version.current_version() and self.run_command('[[ -f Dockerfile ]]').success): continue workers.append(wrk) return {"servers": servers, "workers": workers}
[docs]class SSHTail(SSHClient): def __init__(self, remote_filename, **connect_kwargs): super(SSHTail, self).__init__(stream_output=False, **connect_kwargs) self._remote_filename = remote_filename self._sftp_client = None self._remote_file_size = None def __iter__(self): for line in self.raw_lines(): yield line.rstrip()
[docs] def raw_lines(self): with self as sshtail: fstat = sshtail._sftp_client.stat(self._remote_filename) if self._remote_file_size is not None: if self._remote_file_size < fstat.st_size: remote_file =, 'r'), 0) while (remote_file.tell() < fstat.st_size): line = remote_file.readline() # Note the missing rstrip() here! yield line self._remote_file_size = fstat.st_size
[docs] def raw_string(self): return ''.join(self)
def __enter__(self): self.connect(**self._connect_kwargs) self._sftp_client = self.open_sftp() return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._sftp_client.close()
[docs] def set_initial_file_end(self): with self as sshtail: fstat = sshtail._sftp_client.stat(self._remote_filename) self._remote_file_size = fstat.st_size # Seed initial size of file
[docs] def lines_as_list(self): """Return lines as list""" return list(self)
[docs]def keygen(): """Generate temporary ssh keypair for appliance SSH auth Intended not only to simplify ssh access to appliances, but also to simplify SSH access from one appliance to another in multi-appliance setups """ # private key prv = paramiko.RSAKey.generate(bits=1024) with'w') as f: prv.write_private_key(f) # public key pub = paramiko.RSAKey(filename=_ssh_key_file.strpath) with'w') as f: f.write("{} {} {}\n".format(pub.get_name(), pub.get_base64(), 'autogenerated cfme_tests key'))