Source code for cfme.configure.configuration.region_settings

import attr
import re

from navmazing import NavigateToAttribute, NavigateToSibling
from widgetastic_patternfly import Input, BootstrapSelect, Button, BootstrapSwitch
# TODO replace with dynamic table
from widgetastic_manageiq import VanillaTable, SummaryFormItem, Table, Dropdown
from widgetastic.widget import Checkbox, Text

from cfme.base.ui import RegionView
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection
from cfme.utils import conf
from cfme.utils.appliance import Navigatable, NavigatableMixin
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigator, CFMENavigateStep, navigate_to
from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable

# =====================================CATEGORY===================================

[docs]class CompanyCategoriesAllView(RegionView): """Company Categories List View""" add_button = Button('Add') table = VanillaTable('//div[@id="settings_co_categories"]/table') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.company_categories.is_active() and self.table.is_displayed )
[docs]class CompanyCategoriesAddView(CompanyCategoriesAllView): """ Add Company Categories View""" name = Input(id='name') display_name = Input(id='description') long_description = Input(id='example_text') show_in_console = BootstrapSwitch(id='show') single_value = BootstrapSwitch(id='single_value') capture_candu = BootstrapSwitch(id='perf_by_tag') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.company_categories.is_active() and )
[docs]class CompanyCategoriesEditView(CompanyCategoriesAddView): """Edit Company Categories View""" save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.company_categories.is_active() and and self.save_button.is_displayed )
[docs]class Category(Pretty, Navigatable, Updateable): """ Class represents a category in CFME UI Args: name: Name of the category display_name: Category display name description: Category description show_in_console: Option to show category in console (True/False) single_value: Option if category is single value (True/False) capture_candu: True/False, capture c&u data by tag """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'display_name', 'description', 'show_in_console', 'single_value', 'capture_candu'] def __init__(self, name=None, display_name=None, description=None, show_in_console=True, single_value=True, capture_candu=False, appliance=None): Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance) = name self.display_name = display_name self.description = description self.show_in_console = show_in_console self.single_value = single_value self.capture_candu = capture_candu def _form_mapping(self, **kwargs): """Returns dist used to fill forms """ return { 'name': kwargs.get('name'), 'display_name': kwargs.get('display_name'), 'long_description': kwargs.get('description'), 'show_in_console': kwargs.get('show_in_console'), 'single_value': kwargs.get('single_value'), 'capture_candu': kwargs.get('capture_candu'), }
[docs] def create(self, cancel=False): """ Create category method Args: cancel: To cancel creation pass True, cancellation message will be verified By defaul user will be created """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') view.fill(self._form_mapping(**self.__dict__)) if cancel: flash_message = 'Add of new Category was cancelled by the user' else: flash_message = 'Category "{}" was added'.format(self.display_name) view = self.create_view(CompanyCategoriesAllView) if not BZ(1510473, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def update(self, updates, cancel=False): """ Update category method Args: updates: category data that should be changed """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') view.fill(self._form_mapping(**updates)) if cancel: flash_message = 'Edit of Category "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format( else: flash_message = 'Category "{}" was saved'.format( view = self.create_view(CompanyCategoriesAllView) if not BZ(1510473, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Delete existing category Args: cancel: Default value 'True', category will be deleted 'False' - deletion of category will be canceled """ view = navigate_to(self, 'All') row = view.table.row( view.browser.handle_alert(cancel=cancel) if not cancel: if not BZ(1525929, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Category "{}": Delete successful'.format(
@navigator.register(Category, 'All')
[docs]class CategoryAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyCategoriesAllView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self): if self.obj.appliance.version < '5.9': else:
@navigator.register(Category, 'Add')
[docs]class CategoryAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyCategoriesAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self):
@navigator.register(Category, 'Edit')
[docs]class CategoryEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyCategoriesEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.table.row(
# =======================================TAGS=============================================
[docs]class CompanyTagsAllView(RegionView): """Company Tags list view""" category_dropdown = BootstrapSelect('classification_name') table = VanillaTable('//div[@id="classification_entries_div"]/table') add_button = Button('Add') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.company_categories.is_active() and self.table.is_displayed )
[docs]class CompanyTagsAddView(CompanyTagsAllView): """Add Company Tags view""" tag_name = Input(id='entry_name') tag_description = Input(id='entry_description') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.company_categories.is_active() and self.tag_name.is_displayed )
[docs]class CompanyTagsEditView(CompanyTagsAddView): """Edit Company Tags view""" save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset')
[docs]class Tag(Pretty, Navigatable, Updateable): """ Class represents a category in CFME UI Args: name: Name of the tag display_name: Tag display name category: Tags Category """ pretty_attrs = ['name', 'display_name', 'category'] def __init__(self, name=None, display_name=None, category=None, appliance=None): Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance) = name self.display_name = display_name self.category = category def _form_mapping(self, **kwargs): """Returns dist used to fill forms """ return { 'tag_name': kwargs.get('name'), 'tag_description': kwargs.get('display_name') }
[docs] def create(self): """ Create category method """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') view.fill(self._form_mapping(**self.__dict__))
[docs] def update(self, updates): """ Update category method """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') view.fill(self._form_mapping(**updates))
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Delete category method """ view = navigate_to(self, 'All') row = view.table.row( view.browser.handle_alert(cancel=cancel)
@navigator.register(Tag, 'All')
[docs]class TagsAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyTagsAllView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self): if self.obj.appliance.version < '5.9': else: self.view.fill({'category_dropdown': self.obj.category.display_name})
@navigator.register(Tag, 'Add')
[docs]class TagsAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyTagsAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self):
@navigator.register(Tag, 'Edit')
[docs]class TagsEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CompanyTagsEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.table.row(
# =======================================MAP TAGS==============================================
[docs]class MapTagsAllView(RegionView): """Map Tags list view""" table = VanillaTable('//div[@id="settings_label_tag_mapping"]/table') add_button = Button('Add') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.map_tags.is_active() and self.table.is_displayed )
[docs]class MapTagsAddView(RegionView): """Add Map Tags view""" resource_entity = BootstrapSelect(id='entity') resource_label = Input(id='label_name') category = Input(id='category') add_button = Button('Add') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.map_tags.is_active() and self.resource_entity.is_displayed )
[docs]class MapTagsEditView(MapTagsAddView): """Edit Map Tags view""" save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset')
[docs]class MapTags(Navigatable, Pretty, Updateable): """ Class represents a category in CFME UI Args: entity: Name of the tag label: Tag display name category: Tags Category """ pretty_attrs = ['entity', 'label', 'category'] def __init__(self, entity=None, label=None, category=None, appliance=None): Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance) self.entity = entity self.label = label self.category = category def _form_mapping(self, **kwargs): """Returns dist used to fill forms """ return { 'resource_entity': kwargs.get('entity'), 'resource_label': kwargs.get('label'), 'category': kwargs.get('category') }
[docs] def create(self, cancel=False): """ Map tags creation method Args: cancel: True - if you want to cancel map creation, by defaul map will be created """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') view.fill(self._form_mapping(**self.__dict__)) if cancel: flash_message = 'Add of new Container Label Tag Mapping was cancelled by the user' else: flash_message = 'Container Label Tag Mapping "{}" was added'.format(self.label) view = self.create_view(MapTagsAllView) if not BZ(1510473, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def update(self, updates, cancel=False): """ Update tag map method Args: updates: tag map data that should be changed cancel: True - if you want to cancel map edition, by defaul map will be updated """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') # only category can be updated, as other fields disabled by default view.fill({ 'category': updates.get('category') }) if cancel: flash_message = ( 'Edit of Container Label Tag Mapping "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format( self.label) ) else: flash_message = 'Container Label Tag Mapping "{}" was saved'.format(self.label) view = self.create_view(MapTagsAllView, override=updates) if not BZ(1510473, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=False): """ Delete existing user Args: cancel: Default value 'False', map will be deleted 'True' - map will not be deleted """ view = navigate_to(self, 'All') row = view.table.row(tag_category=self.category) view.browser.handle_alert(cancel=cancel) if not cancel: view = self.create_view(MapTagsAllView) if not BZ(1510473, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks: view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Container Label Tag Mapping "{}": Delete successful'.format(self.label))
@navigator.register(MapTags, 'All')
[docs]class MapTagsAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = MapTagsAllView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self): if self.obj.appliance.version < '5.9': else:
@navigator.register(MapTags, 'Add')
[docs]class MapTagsAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = MapTagsAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self):
@navigator.register(MapTags, 'Edit')
[docs]class MapTagsEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = MapTagsEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.table.row(tag_category=self.obj.category).click()
# ====================Red Hat Updates===================================
[docs]class RedHatUpdatesView(RegionView): """Red Hat Updates details view""" title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h3[1]') available_update_version = Text('//td[contains(text(), "Available Product version:")]') edit_registration = Button('Edit Registration') refresh = Button('Refresh List') check_for_updates = Button('Check for Updates') register = Button('Register') apply_cfme_update = Button('Apply CFME Update') updates_table = Table('.table.table-striped.table-bordered') repository_names_info = SummaryFormItem('Red Hat Software Updates', 'Repository Name(s)') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.redhat_updates.is_active() and self.edit_registration.is_displayed and self.title.text == 'Red Hat Software Updates' )
[docs]class RedHatUpdatesEditView(RegionView): """Red Hat Updates edit view""" title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h3[1]') register_to = BootstrapSelect(id='register_to') url = Input(id='server_url') repo_name = Input(id='repo_name') use_proxy = Checkbox('use_proxy') proxy_url = Input(id='proxy_address') proxy_username = Input(id='proxy_userid') proxy_password = Input(id='proxy_password') proxy_password_verify = Input(id='proxy_password2') username = Input(id='customer_userid') password = Input(id='customer_password') password_verify = Input(id='customer_password2') repo_default_name = Button(id='repo_default_name') rhn_default_url = Button(id='rhn_default_button') validate_button = Button('Validate') reset_button = Button('Reset') save_button = Button('Save') cancel_button = Button('Cancel') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.redhat_updates.is_active() and self.validate_button.is_displayed and self.title.text == 'Red Hat Software Updates' )
[docs]class RedHatUpdates(Navigatable, Pretty): """ Class represents a Red Hat updates tab in CFME UI Args: service: Service type (registration method). url: Service server URL address. username: Username to use for registration. password: Password to use for registration. password_verify: 2nd entry of password for verification. Same as 'password' if None. repo_name: Repository/channel to enable. organization: Organization (sat6 only). use_proxy: `True` if proxy should be used, `False` otherwise (default `False`). proxy_url: Address of the proxy server. proxy_username: Username for the proxy server. proxy_password: Password for the proxy server. proxy_password_verify: 2nd entry of proxy server password for verification. Same as 'proxy_password' if None. set_default_rhsm_address: Click the Default button connected to the RHSM (only) address if `True` set_default_repository: Click the Default button connected to the repo/channel if `True` Note: With satellite 6, it is necessary to validate credentials to obtain available organizations from the server. With satellite 5, 'validate' parameter is ignored because there is no validation button available. """ pretty_attrs = ['service', 'url', 'username', 'password'] service_types = { 'rhsm': 'Red Hat Subscription Management', 'sat6': 'Red Hat Satellite 6' } def __init__(self, service, url, username, password, password_verify=None, repo_name=None, organization=None, use_proxy=False, proxy_url=None, proxy_username=None, proxy_password=None, proxy_password_verify=None, set_default_rhsm_address=False, set_default_repository=False, appliance=None): self.service = service self.url = url self.username = username self.password = password self.password_verify = password_verify self.repo_name = repo_name self.organization = organization self.use_proxy = use_proxy self.proxy_url = proxy_url self.proxy_username = proxy_username self.proxy_password = proxy_password self.proxy_password_verify = proxy_password_verify self.set_default_rhsm_address = set_default_rhsm_address self.set_default_repository = set_default_repository Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance)
[docs] def update_registration(self, validate=True, cancel=False): """ Fill in the registration form, validate and save/cancel Args: validate: Click the Validate button and check the flash message for errors if `True` (default `True`) cancel: Click the Cancel button if `True` or the Save button if `False` (default `False`) """ assert self.service in self.service_types, "Unknown service type '{}'".format( self.service) service_value = self.service_types[self.service] password_verify = self.password_verify or self.password proxy_password_verify = self.proxy_password_verify or self.proxy_password view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') details = { 'register_to': service_value, 'url': self.url, 'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'password_verify': password_verify, 'repo_name': self.repo_name, 'use_proxy': self.use_proxy, 'proxy_url': self.proxy_url, 'proxy_username': self.proxy_username, 'proxy_password': self.proxy_password, 'proxy_password_verify': proxy_password_verify } view.fill(details) if self.set_default_rhsm_address: if self.set_default_repository: if validate: if cancel: flash_message = 'Edit of Customer Information was cancelled' else: flash_message = 'Customer Information successfully saved' view = self.create_view(RedHatUpdatesView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_message(flash_message)
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Click refresh button to update statuses of appliances """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details')
[docs] def register_appliances(self, *appliance_names): """ Register appliances by names Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to register; will register all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') self.select_appliances(*appliance_names) view.flash.assert_message("Registration has been initiated for the selected Servers")
[docs] def update_appliances(self, *appliance_names): """ Update appliances by names Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to update; will update all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') self.select_appliances(*appliance_names) view.flash.assert_message("Update has been initiated for the selected Servers")
[docs] def check_updates(self, *appliance_names): """ Run update check on appliances by names Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') self.select_appliances(*appliance_names) view.flash.assert_message( "Check for updates has been initiated for the selected Servers")
[docs] def is_registering(self, *appliance_names): """ Check if at least one appliance is registering """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') for appliance_name in appliance_names: row = view.updates_table.row(appliance=appliance_name) if row.last_message.text.lower() == 'registering': return True else: return False
[docs] def is_registered(self, *appliance_names): """ Check if each appliance is registered Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') for appliance_name in appliance_names: row = view.updates_table.row(appliance=appliance_name) if row.last_message.text.lower() == 'registered': return True else: return False
[docs] def is_subscribed(self, *appliance_names): """ Check if appliances are subscribed Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ for row in self.get_appliance_rows(*appliance_names): if row.update_status.text.lower() in {'not registered', 'unsubscribed'}: return False return True
[docs] def versions_match(self, version, *appliance_names): """ Check if versions of appliances match version Args: version: Version to match against appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ for row in self.get_appliance_rows(*appliance_names): if row.cfme_version.text != version: return False return True
[docs] def checked_updates(self, *appliance_names): """ Check if appliances checked if there is an update available Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ for row in self.get_appliance_rows(*appliance_names): if row.last_checked_for_updates.text == '': return False return True
[docs] def platform_updates_available(self, *appliance_names): """ Check if appliances have a platform update available Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to check; will check all if empty """ for row in self.get_appliance_rows(*appliance_names): if row.platform_updates_available.text.lower() != 'yes': return False return True
[docs] def get_available_version(self): """ Get available version printed on the page Returns: `None` if not available; string with version otherwise e.g. ```` """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') available_version_raw = view.available_update_version.text() available_version_search_res ="([0-9]+\.)*[0-9]+", available_version_raw) if available_version_search_res: return return None
[docs] def get_repository_names(self): """Get available repositories names Returns: string: summary info for repositories names """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') return view.repository_names_info.text
[docs] def select_appliances(self, *appliance_names): """ Select appliances by names Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to select; will select all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if appliance_names: view.updates_table.uncheck_all() for name in appliance_names: view.updates_table.row(appliance=name)[0].click() else: view.updates_table.check_all()
[docs] def get_appliance_rows(self, *appliance_names): """ Get appliances as table rows Args: appliance_names: Names of appliances to get; will get all if empty """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if appliance_names: rows = [row for row in view.updates_table.rows() if row.appliance.text in appliance_names] else: rows = view.updates_table.rows() return rows
[docs]class Details(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = RedHatUpdatesView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self):
[docs]class Edit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = RedHatUpdatesEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self):
# ====================C and U===================================
[docs]class CANDUCollectionView(RegionView): """C and U View""" all_clusters_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='all_clusters') all_datastores_cb = BootstrapSwitch(id='all_storages') save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.candu_collection.is_active() and self.all_clusters_cb.is_displayed )
[docs]class CANDUCollection(BaseCollection): """ Class represents a C and U in CFME UI """ def _set_state(self, enable=True, reset=False): """ Enable/Disable C and U Args: enable: Switches states, 'True'- enable reset: Reset changes, default is 'False' - changes will not be reset """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.fill({ 'all_clusters_cb': enable, 'all_datastores_cb': enable }) if reset: flash_message = 'All changes have been reset' else: flash_message = 'Capacity and Utilization Collection settings saved' view.flash.assert_success_message(flash_message)
[docs] def enable_all(self, reset=False): """ Enable C and U Args: reset: Reset changes, default is 'False' - changes will not be reset """ self._set_state(reset=reset)
[docs] def disable_all(self, reset=False): """ Disable C and U Args: reset: Reset changes, default is 'False' - changes will not be reset """ self._set_state(False, reset=reset)
@navigator.register(CANDUCollection, 'Details')
[docs]class CANDUCollectionDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = CANDUCollectionView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self):
# ========================= Replication ================================
[docs]class ReplicationView(RegionView): """ Replication Tab View """ replication_type = BootstrapSelect(id='replication_type') save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') @property def in_region(self): return ( self.accordions.settings.tree.currently_selected == [] ) @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_region and self.replication_type.is_displayed )
[docs]class ReplicationGlobalView(ReplicationView): """ Replication Global setup View""" add_subscription = Button('Add Subscription') subscription_table = VanillaTable('//form[@id="form_div"]//table[contains(@class, "table")]') @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_region and self.add_subscription.is_displayed )
[docs]class ReplicationGlobalAddView(ReplicationView): database = Input(locator='//input[contains(@ng-model, "dbname")]') port = Input(name='port') host = Input(locator='//input[contains(@ng-model, "host")]') username = Input(name='userid') password = Input(name='password') accept_button = Button('Accept') action_dropdown = Dropdown( "//*[@id='form_div']//table//button[contains(@class, 'dropdown-toggle')]") @property def is_displayed(self): return self.accept_button.is_displayed
[docs]class ReplicationRemoteView(ReplicationView): """ Replication Remote setup View """ pass
# TODO add widget for "Excluded Tables"
[docs]class Replication(NavigatableMixin): """ Class represents a Replication tab in CFME UI Note: Remote settings is not covered for now as 'Excluded Tables' element widget should be added """ def __init__(self, appliance): self.appliance = appliance
[docs] def set_replication(self, updates=None, replication_type=None, reset=False): """ Set replication settings Args: updates(dict): Replication update values, mandatory is host, db creds get from credentials replication_type(str): Replication type, use 'global' or 'remote' reset: Pass True to reset made changes """ db_creds = conf.credentials.database if not replication_type: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.replication_type.fill('<None>') elif replication_type == 'global': view = navigate_to(self, 'GlobalAdd') view.fill({ 'database': ( updates.get('database') if updates.get('database') else 'vmdb_production'), 'host': updates.get('host'), 'port': updates.get('port') if updates.get('port') else '5432', 'username': ( updates.get('username') if updates.get('username') else db_creds.username), 'password': ( updates.get('password') if updates.get('password') else db_creds.password) }) else: view = navigate_to(self, 'RemoteAdd') # TODO fill remote settings will be done after widget added if reset: view.flash.assert_message('All changes have been reset') else: try: except Exception: logger.warning('Nothing was updated, please check the data')
def _global_replication_row(self, host=None): """ Get replication row from table Args: host: host values Returns: host row object, of is host is not passed first table row is returned """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Global') if host: return view.subscription_table.row(host='host') else: return view.subscription_table.row[0]
[docs] def get_replication_status(self, replication_type='global', host=None): """ Get replication status, if replication is active Args: replication_type: Replication type string, default is global host: host to check Returns: True if active, otherwise False """ view = navigate_to(self, replication_type.capitalize()) if replication_type == 'remote': return view.is_displayed else: return self._global_replication_row(host).is_displayed
[docs] def get_global_replication_backlog(self, host=None): """ Get global replication backlog value Args: host: host value Returns: backlog number value """ row = self._global_replication_row(host) return int(row.backlog.text.split(' ')[0])
@navigator.register(Replication, 'Details')
[docs]class ReplicationDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = ReplicationView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('', 'Details')
[docs] def step(self):
@navigator.register(Replication, 'Global')
[docs]class ReplicationGlobalSetup(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = ReplicationGlobalView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.replication_type.fill('Global')
@navigator.register(Replication, 'GlobalAdd')
[docs]class ReplicationGlobalAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = ReplicationGlobalAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Global')
[docs] def step(self): if not self.view.accept_button.is_displayed:
@navigator.register(Replication, 'RemoteAdd')
[docs]class ReplicationRemoteAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = ReplicationRemoteView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self): self.prerequisite_view.replication_type.fill('Remote')