Source code for cfme.scripting.setup_env

import click
import re
import sys

from cfme.test_framework.sprout.client import SproutClient
from collections import namedtuple
from cfme.utils.conf import credentials, cfme_data
from cfme.utils.appliance import IPAppliance
from wait_for import wait_for

TimedCommand = namedtuple('TimedCommand', ['command', 'timeout'])
pwd = credentials['database']['password']

[docs]def tot_time(string): """Takes the lease string and converts it to minutes to pass to sprout""" mtch = re.match('^((?P<days>\d+)+d)?\s?((?P<hours>\d+)+h)?\s?((?P<minutes>\d+)+m)?\s?', string) tot = int('days') or 0) * 24 * 60 tot += int('hours') or 0) * 60 tot += int('minutes')or 0) return tot
[docs]def provision_appliances(count, cfme_version, provider, lease_time): sprout_client = SproutClient.from_config() apps, request_id = sprout_client.provision_appliances(version=str(cfme_version), count=count, preconfigured=False, lease_time=lease_time, provider=provider) return apps'Commands to set up appliance environments with version arg and lease option') def main(): """Main setup-env group""" pass @main.command('distributed', help='Sets up distributed environment') @click.option('--cfme-version', required=True) @click.option('--provider', default=None, help='Specify sprout provider') @click.option('--lease', default='3h', help='Set pool lease time, example: 1d4h30m') def setup_distributed_env(cfme_version, provider, lease): lease_time = tot_time(lease) """multi appliance single region configuration (distributed setup, 1st appliance has a local database and workers, 2nd appliance has workers pointing at 1st appliance)""" print("Provisioning and configuring distributed environment") apps = provision_appliances(count=2, cfme_version=cfme_version, provider=provider, lease_time=lease_time) opt = '5' if cfme_version >= "5.8" else '8' ip0 = apps[0].hostname ip1 = apps[1].hostname port = (ip0, '') if cfme_version >= "5.8" else (ip0,) command_set0 = ('ap', '', opt, '1', '1', 'y', '1', 'n', '1', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[0].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set0) apps[0].wait_for_evm_service() apps[0].wait_for_web_ui() print("VMDB appliance provisioned and configured {}".format(ip0)) command_set1 = ('ap', '', opt, '2', ip0, '', pwd, '', '3') + port + ('', '', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[1].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set1) apps[1].wait_for_evm_service() apps[1].wait_for_web_ui() print("Non-VMDB appliance provisioned and configured {}".format(ip1)) print("Appliance pool lease time is {}".format(lease)) @main.command('ha', help='Sets up high availability environment') @click.option('--cfme-version', required=True) @click.option('--provider', default=cfme_data.get('basic_info', {}).get('ha_provider'), help='Specify sprout provider, must not be RHOS') @click.option('--lease', default='3h', help='set pool lease time, example: 1d4h30m') def setup_ha_env(cfme_version, provider, lease): lease_time = tot_time(lease) """multi appliance setup consisting of dedicated primary and standy databases with a single UI appliance.""" print("Provisioning and configuring HA environment") apps = provision_appliances(count=3, cfme_version=cfme_version, provider=provider, lease_time=lease_time) ip0 = apps[0].hostname ip1 = apps[1].hostname ip2 = apps[2].hostname opt = '5' if cfme_version >= "5.8" else '8' rep = '6' if cfme_version >= "5.8" else '9' mon = '9' if cfme_version >= "5.8" else '12' port = (ip0, '') if cfme_version >= "5.8" else (ip0,) command_set0 = ('ap', '', opt, '1', '1', '1', 'y', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[0].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set0) wait_for(lambda: apps[0].db.is_dedicated_active) print("Dedicated database provisioned and configured {}".format(ip0)) command_set1 = ('ap', '', opt, '1', '2', '1', 'y') + port + ('', '', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[1].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set1) apps[1].wait_for_evm_service() apps[1].wait_for_web_ui() print("Non-VMDB appliance provisioned and region created {}".format(ip1)) command_set2 = ('ap', '', rep, '1', '1', '', '', pwd, pwd, ip0, 'y', '') apps[0].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set2) print("Primary HA node configured {}".format(ip0)) command_set3 = ('ap', '', rep, '2', '1', '2', '', '', pwd, pwd, ip0, ip2, 'y', TimedCommand('y', 300), '') apps[2].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set3) print("Secondary HA node provision and configured {}".format(ip2)) command_set4 = ('ap', '', mon, '1', '') apps[1].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set4) print("HA configuration complete") print("Appliance pool lease time is {}".format(lease)) @main.command('replicated', help='Sets up replicated environment') @click.option('--cfme-version', required=True) @click.option('--provider', default=None, help='Specify sprout provider') @click.option('--lease', default='3h', help='set pool lease time, example: 1d4h30m') @click.option('--sprout-poolid', default=None, help='Specify ID of existing pool') def setup_replication_env(cfme_version, provider, lease, sprout_poolid): lease_time = tot_time(lease) """Multi appliance setup with multi region and replication from remote to global""" required_app_count = 2 if sprout_poolid: sprout_client = SproutClient.from_config() if sprout_client.call_method('pool_exists', sprout_poolid): sprout_pool = sprout_client.call_method('request_check', sprout_poolid) if len(sprout_pool['appliances']) >= required_app_count: print("Processing pool...") apps = [] for app in sprout_pool['appliances']: apps.append(IPAppliance(app['ip_address'])) else: sys.exit("Pool does not meet the minimum size requirements!") else: sys.exit("Pool not found!") else: print("Provisioning appliances") apps = provision_appliances( count=required_app_count, cfme_version=cfme_version, provider=provider, lease_time=lease_time ) print("Appliance pool lease time is {}".format(lease)) print("Configuring replicated environment") ip0 = apps[0].hostname ip1 = apps[1].hostname opt = '5' if cfme_version >= "5.8" else '8' command_set0 = ('ap', '', opt, '1', '1', 'y', '1', 'n', '99', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[0].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set0) apps[0].wait_for_evm_service() apps[0].wait_for_web_ui() print("Global region appliance provisioned and configured {}".format(ip0)) command_set1 = ('ap', '', opt, '2', ip0, '', pwd, '', '1', 'y', '1', 'n', '1', pwd, TimedCommand(pwd, 360), '') apps[1].appliance_console.run_commands(command_set1) apps[1].wait_for_evm_service() apps[1].wait_for_web_ui() print("Remote region appliance provisioned and configured {}".format(ip1)) print("Setup - Replication on remote appliance") apps[1].set_pglogical_replication(replication_type=':remote') print("Setup - Replication on global appliance") apps[0].set_pglogical_replication(replication_type=':global') apps[0].add_pglogical_replication_subscription(apps[1].hostname) print("Done!") if __name__ == "__main__": main()