Source code for cfme.scripting.quickstart

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
import json
import hashlib
from pipes import quote

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--mk-virtualenv", default="../cfme_venv")
parser.add_argument("--system-site-packages", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--config-path", default="../cfme-qe-yamls/complete/")

IS_SCRIPT = sys.argv[0] == __file__
CWD = os.getcwd()  # we expect to be in the workdir
IS_ROOT = os.getuid() == 0
REDHAT_RELEASE_FILE = '/etc/redhat-release'
CREATED = object()
REQUIREMENT_FILE = 'requirements/frozen.txt'
HAS_DNF = os.path.exists('/usr/bin/dnf')
IN_VIRTUALENV = getattr(sys, 'real_prefix', None) is not None

PRISTINE_ENV = dict(os.environ)

    ("Fedora release 23", "nss",
     " python-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq3-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python-devel tesseract"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("Fedora release 24", "nss",
     " python-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq3-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python-devel tesseract"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("Fedora release 25", "nss",
     " python2-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq3-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python2-devel tesseract"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("Fedora release 26", "nss",
     " python2-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python2-devel tesseract"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("Fedora release 27", "openssl",
     " python2-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python2-devel tesseract"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("CentOS Linux release 7", "nss",
     " python-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq3-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python-devel tesseract"
     " libpng-devel"
     " freetype-devel"),
    ("Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7", "nss",
     " python-virtualenv gcc postgresql-devel libxml2-devel"
     " libxslt-devel zeromq3-devel libcurl-devel"
     " redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ openssl-devel"
     " libffi-devel python-devel tesseract"
     " libpng-devel"
     " freetype-devel")

if os.path.exists(REDHAT_RELEASE_FILE):

    with open(REDHAT_RELEASE_FILE) as fp:
        release_string =
    for release, curl_ssl, packages in REDHAT_PACKAGES_SPECS:
        if release_string.startswith(release):
            REDHAT_PACKAGES = packages
            os.environ['PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY'] = curl_ssl
        print("{} not known".format(release_string))

    if HAS_DNF:
        INSTALL_COMMAND = 'dnf install -y'
        INSTALL_COMMAND = 'yum install -y'
    if not IS_ROOT:
    # to actually print them

[docs]def command_text(command, shell): if shell: return command else: return ' '.join(map(quote, command))
[docs]def call_or_exit(command, shell=False, long_running=False, **kw): try: if long_running: print( 'QS $', command_text(command, shell), '# this may take some time to finish ...') else: print('QS $', command_text(command, shell)) res =, shell=shell, **kw) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) sys.exit(1) else: if res: print("call failed with", res) sys.exit(res)
[docs]def pip_json_list(venv): os.environ.pop('PYTHONHOME', None) proc = subprocess.Popen([ os.path.join(venv, 'bin/pip'), 'list', '--format=json', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return json.load(proc.stdout)
[docs]def install_system_packages(): if INSTALL_COMMAND: call_or_exit(INSTALL_COMMAND + REDHAT_PACKAGES, shell=True) else: print("WARNING: unknown distribution,", "please ensure you have the required packages installed") print("INFO: on redhat based systems this is the equivalend of:") print("$ dnf install -y", REDHAT_PACKAGES)
[docs]def setup_virtualenv(target, use_site): if os.path.isdir(target): print("INFO: Virtualenv", target, "already exists, skipping creation") return CREATED add = ['--system-site-packages'] if use_site else [] call_or_exit(['virtualenv', target] + add) venv_call(target, 'pip', 'install', '-U', # pip wheel and setuptools are updated just in case # since enterprise distros ship versions that are too stable # for our purposes 'pip', 'wheel', 'setuptools', # setuptools_scm and docutils installation prevents # missbehaved packages from failing 'setuptools_scm', 'docutils')
[docs]def venv_call(venv_path, command, *args, **kwargs): # pop PYTHONHOME to avoid nested environments os.environ.pop('PYTHONHOME', None) call_or_exit([ os.path.join(venv_path, 'bin', command), ] + list(args), **kwargs)
[docs]def hash_file(path): content_hash = hashlib.sha1() with open(path, 'rb') as fp: content_hash.update( return content_hash.hexdigest()
[docs]def install_requirements(venv_path, quiet=False): remember_file = os.path.join(venv_path, '.cfme_requirements_hash') current_hash = hash_file(REQUIREMENT_FILE) if os.path.isfile(remember_file): with open(remember_file, 'r') as fp: last_hash = elif os.path.exists(remember_file): sys.exit("ERROR: {} is required to be a file".format(remember_file)) else: last_hash = None if last_hash == current_hash: print("INFO: skipping requirement installation as frozen ones didn't change") print(" to enforce please invoke pip manually") return elif last_hash is not None: current_packages = pip_json_list(venv_path) print("INFO:", REQUIREMENT_FILE, 'changed, updating virtualenv') venv_call( venv_path, 'pip', 'install', '-r', REQUIREMENT_FILE, '--no-binary', 'pycurl', *(['-q'] if quiet else []), long_running=quiet) with open(remember_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(current_hash) if last_hash is not None: updated_packages = pip_json_list(venv_path) print_packages_diff(old=current_packages, new=updated_packages)
[docs]def pip_version_list_to_map(version_list): res = {} for item in version_list: try: res[item['name']] = item['version'] except KeyError: pass return res
[docs]def version_changes(old, new): names = sorted(set(old) & set(new)) for name in names: initial = old.get(name, 'missing') afterwards = new.get(name, 'removed') if initial != afterwards: yield name, initial, afterwards
[docs]def self_install(venv_path): venv_call(venv_path, 'pip', 'install', '-q', '-e', '.')
[docs]def disable_bytecode(venv_path): venv_call(venv_path, 'python', '-m', 'cfme.scripting.disable_bytecode')
[docs]def ensure_pycurl_works(venv_path): venv_call(venv_path, 'python', '-c', 'import curl', env=PRISTINE_ENV)
[docs]def main(args): if not IN_VIRTUALENV: # invoked from outside, its ok to be slow install_system_packages() else: print("INFO: skipping installation of system packages from inside of virtualenv") venv_state = setup_virtualenv( args.mk_virtualenv, args.system_site_packages) install_requirements(args.mk_virtualenv, quiet=(venv_state is CREATED)) disable_bytecode(args.mk_virtualenv) self_install(args.mk_virtualenv) link_config_files(args.mk_virtualenv, args.config_path, 'conf') ensure_pycurl_works(args.mk_virtualenv) if not IN_VIRTUALENV: print("INFO: please remember to activate the virtualenv via") print(" .", os.path.join(args.mk_virtualenv, 'bin/activate'))
if IS_SCRIPT: main(parser.parse_args())