Source code for cfme.common.provider

import datetime
from collections import Iterable

from manageiq_client.api import APIException
from widgetastic.widget import View, Text
from widgetastic_patternfly import Button, Input

from cfme.base.credential import (
    Credential, EventsCredential, TokenCredential, SSHCredential, CANDUCredential)
from cfme.common import WidgetasticTaggable
from cfme.exceptions import (
    ProviderHasNoKey, HostStatsNotContains, ProviderHasNoProperty, ItemNotFound)
from cfme.utils import ParamClassName, version, conf
from cfme.utils.appliance import Navigatable
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigate_to, navigator
from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from import resolve_hostname
from cfme.utils.stats import tol_check
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable
from cfme.utils.varmeth import variable
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for, RefreshTimer
from . import PolicyProfileAssignable, SummaryMixin

# TODO: Move to collection when it happens
[docs]def base_types(): from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points return { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points('manageiq.provider_categories')}
# TODO: Move to collection when it happens
[docs]def provider_types(category): from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points return { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points( 'manageiq.provider_types.{}'.format(category)) }
# TODO: Move to collection when it happens
[docs]def all_types(): all_types = base_types() for category in all_types.keys(): all_types.update(provider_types(category)) return all_types
# TODO: Move to collection when it happens
[docs]def provider_db_mapping(): return {v.db_types[0]: v for k, v in all_types().items()}
[docs]class BaseProvider(WidgetasticTaggable, Updateable, SummaryMixin, Navigatable): # List of constants that every non-abstract subclass must have defined _param_name = ParamClassName('name') STATS_TO_MATCH = [] db_types = ["Providers"] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) ^ hash(type(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self.key == other.key @property def data(self): return self.get_yaml_data() @property def mgmt(self): return self.get_mgmt_system() @property def type(self): return self.type_name @property def id(self): """" Return the ID associated with the specified provider name """ return self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.find_by([0].id @property def version(self): return['version']
[docs] def deployment_helper(self, deploy_args): """ Used in utils.virtual_machines and usually overidden""" return {}
@property def default_endpoint(self): return self.endpoints.get('default') if hasattr(self, 'endpoints') else None
[docs] def get_yaml_data(self): """ Returns yaml data for this provider. """ if hasattr(self, 'provider_data') and self.provider_data is not None: return self.provider_data elif self.key is not None: return conf.cfme_data['management_systems'][self.key] else: raise ProviderHasNoKey( 'Provider {} has no key, so cannot get yaml data'.format(
[docs] def get_mgmt_system(self): """ Returns the mgmt_system using the :py:func:`utils.providers.get_mgmt` method. """ # gotta stash this in here to prevent circular imports from cfme.utils.providers import get_mgmt if self.key: return get_mgmt(self.key) elif getattr(self, 'provider_data', None): return get_mgmt(self.provider_data) else: raise ProviderHasNoKey( 'Provider {} has no key, so cannot get mgmt system'.format(
[docs] def create(self, cancel=False, validate_credentials=True, check_existing=False, validate_inventory=False): """ Creates a provider in the UI Args: cancel (boolean): Whether to cancel out of the creation. The cancel is done after all the information present in the Provider has been filled in the UI. validate_credentials (boolean): Whether to validate credentials - if True and the credentials are invalid, an error will be raised. check_existing (boolean): Check if this provider already exists, skip if it does validate_inventory (boolean): Whether or not to block until the provider stats in CFME match the stats gleaned from the backend management system Returns: True if it was created, False if it already existed """ if check_existing and self.exists: created = False else: created = True'Setting up Provider: %s', self.key) add_view = navigate_to(self, 'Add') if not cancel or (cancel and any(self.view_value_mapping.values())): # filling main part of dialog add_view.fill(self.view_value_mapping) if not cancel or (cancel and self.endpoints): # filling endpoints for endpoint_name, endpoint in self.endpoints.items(): try: # every endpoint class has name like 'default', 'events', etc. # endpoints view can have multiple tabs, the code below tries # to find right tab by passing endpoint name to endpoints view endp_view = getattr(self.endpoints_form(parent=add_view), endpoint_name) except AttributeError: # tabs are absent in UI when there is only single (default) endpoint endp_view = self.endpoints_form(parent=add_view) endp_view.fill(endpoint.view_value_mapping) # filling credentials if hasattr(endpoint, 'credentials'): endp_view.fill(endpoint.credentials.view_value_mapping) # sometimes we have cases that we need to validate even though # there is no credentials, such as Hawkular endpoint if (validate_credentials and hasattr(endp_view, 'validate') and endp_view.validate.is_displayed): # there are some endpoints which don't demand validation like # RSA key pair # Flash message widget is in add_view, not in endpoints tab 'Validating credentials flash message for endpoint %s', endpoint_name) add_view.flash.assert_no_error() add_view.flash.assert_success_message( 'Credential validation was successful') main_view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'All').VIEW) if cancel: created = False cancel_text = ('Add of {} Provider was ' 'cancelled by the user'.format(self.string_name)) main_view.entities.flash.assert_message(cancel_text) main_view.entities.flash.assert_no_error() else: if main_view.is_displayed: success_text = '{} Providers "{}" was saved'.format(self.string_name, main_view.entities.flash.assert_message(success_text) else: add_view.flash.assert_no_error() raise AssertionError("Provider wasn't added. It seems form isn't accurately" " filled") if validate_inventory: self.validate() return created
def _fill_provider_attributes(self, provider_attributes): """Fills provider data. Helper method for ``self.create_rest`` """ if getattr(self, "region", None): provider_attributes["provider_region"] = version.pick( self.region) if isinstance(self.region, dict) else self.region if getattr(self, "project", None): provider_attributes["project"] = self.project if self.type_name == "azure": provider_attributes["uid_ems"] = self.tenant_id provider_attributes["provider_region"] = self.region.lower().replace(" ", "") if getattr(self, "subscription_id", None): provider_attributes["subscription"] = self.subscription_id def _fill_default_endpoint_dicts(self, provider_attributes, connection_configs): """Fills dicts with default endpoint data. Helper method for ``self.create_rest`` """ default_connection = { "endpoint": {"role": "default"} } endpoint_default = self.endpoints["default"] if getattr(endpoint_default.credentials, "principal", None): provider_attributes["credentials"] = { "userid": endpoint_default.credentials.principal, "password": endpoint_default.credentials.secret, } elif getattr(endpoint_default.credentials, "service_account", None): default_connection["authentication"] = { "type": "AuthToken", "auth_type": "default", "auth_key": endpoint_default.credentials.service_account, } connection_configs.append(default_connection) else: raise AssertionError("Provider wasn't added. " "No credentials info found for provider {}.".format( cert = getattr(endpoint_default, "ca_certs", None) if cert and self.appliance.version >= "5.8": default_connection["endpoint"]["certificate_authority"] = cert connection_configs.append(default_connection) if hasattr(endpoint_default, "verify_tls"): default_connection["endpoint"]["verify_ssl"] = 1 if endpoint_default.verify_tls else 0 connection_configs.append(default_connection) if getattr(endpoint_default, "api_port", None): default_connection["endpoint"]["port"] = endpoint_default.api_port connection_configs.append(default_connection) if getattr(endpoint_default, "security_protocol", None): security_protocol = endpoint_default.security_protocol.lower() if security_protocol == "basic (ssl)": security_protocol = "ssl" default_connection["endpoint"]["security_protocol"] = security_protocol connection_configs.append(default_connection) def _fill_candu_endpoint_dicts(self, provider_attributes, connection_configs): """Fills dicts with candu endpoint data. Helper method for ``self.create_rest`` """ if "candu" not in self.endpoints: return endpoint_candu = self.endpoints["candu"] if isinstance(provider_attributes["credentials"], dict): provider_attributes["credentials"] = [provider_attributes["credentials"]] provider_attributes["credentials"].append({ "userid": endpoint_candu.credentials.principal, "password": endpoint_candu.credentials.secret, "auth_type": "metrics", }) candu_connection = { "endpoint": { "hostname": endpoint_candu.hostname, "path": endpoint_candu.database, "role": "metrics", }, } if getattr(endpoint_candu, "api_port", None): candu_connection["endpoint"]["port"] = endpoint_candu.api_port if hasattr(endpoint_candu, "verify_tls") and not endpoint_candu.verify_tls: candu_connection["endpoint"]["verify_ssl"] = 0 connection_configs.append(candu_connection) def _compile_connection_configurations(self, provider_attributes, connection_configs): """Compiles togetger all dicts with data for ``connection_configurations``. Helper method for ``self.create_rest`` """ provider_attributes["connection_configurations"] = [] appended = [] for config in connection_configs: role = config["endpoint"]["role"] if role not in appended: provider_attributes["connection_configurations"].append(config) appended.append(role)
[docs] def create_rest(self, check_existing=False, validate_inventory=False): """ Creates a provider using REST Args: check_existing (boolean): Check if this provider already exists, skip if it does validate_inventory (boolean): Whether or not to block until the provider stats in CFME match the stats gleaned from the backend management system Returns: True if it was created, False if it already existed """ if check_existing and self.exists: return False"Setting up provider via REST: %s", self.key) # provider attributes provider_attributes = { "hostname": self.hostname, "ipaddress": self.ip_address, "name":, "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::{}".format(self.db_types[0]), } # data for provider_attributes['connection_configurations'] connection_configs = [] # produce final provider_attributes self._fill_provider_attributes(provider_attributes) self._fill_default_endpoint_dicts(provider_attributes, connection_configs) self._fill_candu_endpoint_dicts(provider_attributes, connection_configs) self._compile_connection_configurations(provider_attributes, connection_configs) try: self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.action.create(**provider_attributes) except APIException as err: raise AssertionError("Provider wasn't added: {}".format(err)) response = self.appliance.rest_api.response if not response: raise AssertionError("Provider wasn't added, status code {}".format( response.status_code)) if validate_inventory: self.validate() self.appliance.rest_api.response = response return True
[docs] def update(self, updates, cancel=False, validate_credentials=True): """ Updates a provider in the UI. Better to use utils.update.update context manager than call this directly. Args: updates (dict): fields that are changing. cancel (boolean): whether to cancel out of the update. validate_credentials (boolean): whether credentials have to be validated """ edit_view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') # todo: to replace/merge this code with create # update values: # filling main part of dialog endpoints = updates.pop('endpoints', None) if updates: edit_view.fill(updates) # filling endpoints if endpoints: endpoints = self._prepare_endpoints(endpoints) for endpoint in endpoints.values(): # every endpoint class has name like 'default', 'events', etc. # endpoints view can have multiple tabs, the code below tries # to find right tab by passing endpoint name to endpoints view try: endp_view = getattr(self.endpoints_form(parent=edit_view), except AttributeError: # tabs are absent in UI when there is only single (default) endpoint endp_view = self.endpoints_form(parent=edit_view) endp_view.fill(endpoint.view_value_mapping) # filling credentials # the code below looks for existing endpoint equal to passed one and # compares their credentials. it fills passed credentials # if credentials are different cur_endpoint = self.endpoints[] if hasattr(endpoint, 'credentials'): if not hasattr(cur_endpoint, 'credentials') or \ endpoint.credentials != cur_endpoint.credentials: if hasattr(endp_view, 'change_password'): elif hasattr(endp_view, 'change_key'): else: NotImplementedError( "Such endpoint doesn't have change password/key button") endp_view.fill(endpoint.credentials.view_value_mapping) # sometimes we have cases that we need to validate even though # there is no credentials, such as Hawkular endpoint if (validate_credentials and hasattr(endp_view, 'validate') and endp_view.validate.is_displayed): # cloud rhos provider always requires validation of all endpoints # there should be a bz about that from import OpenStackProvider if self.one_of(OpenStackProvider): for endp in self.endpoints.values(): endp_view = getattr(self.endpoints_form(parent=edit_view), if hasattr(endp_view, 'validate') and endp_view.validate.is_displayed: details_view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'Details').VIEW) main_view = self.create_view(navigator.get_class(self, 'All').VIEW) if cancel: cancel_text = 'Edit of {type} Provider "{name}" ' \ 'was cancelled by the user'.format(type=self.string_name, main_view.entities.flash.assert_message(cancel_text) main_view.entities.flash.assert_no_error() else: if endpoints: for endp_name, endp in endpoints.items(): self.endpoints[endp_name] = endp if updates: = updates.get('name', success_text = '{} Provider "{}" was saved'.format(self.string_name, if main_view.is_displayed: # since 5.8.1 main view is displayed when edit starts from main view main_view.flash.assert_message(success_text) elif details_view.is_displayed: # details view is always displayed up to 5.8.1 details_view.flash.assert_message(success_text) else: edit_view.flash.assert_no_error() raise AssertionError("Provider wasn't updated. It seems form isn't accurately" " filled")
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=True): """ Deletes a provider from CFME Args: cancel: Whether to cancel the deletion, defaults to True """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') item_title = version.pick({'5.9': 'Remove this {} Provider from Inventory', version.LOWEST: 'Remove this {} Provider'}) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(item_title.format(self.string_name), handle_alert=not cancel) if not cancel: msg = ('Delete initiated for 1 {} Provider from ' 'the {} Database'.format(self.string_name, self.appliance.product_name)) view.flash.assert_success_message(msg)
[docs] def setup(self, rest=False): """ Sets up the provider robustly """ return self.create( cancel=False, validate_credentials=True, check_existing=True, validate_inventory=True)
[docs] def delete_if_exists(self, *args, **kwargs): """Combines ``.exists`` and ``.delete()`` as a shortcut for ``request.addfinalizer`` Returns: True if provider existed and delete was initiated, False otherwise """ if self.exists: self.delete(*args, **kwargs) return True return False
@variable(alias='rest') def is_refreshed(self, refresh_timer=None, refresh_delta=600): if refresh_timer: if refresh_timer.is_it_time():' Time for a refresh!') self.refresh_provider_relationships() refresh_timer.reset() rdate = self.last_refresh_date() if not rdate: return False td = self.appliance.utc_time() - rdate if td > datetime.timedelta(0, refresh_delta): self.refresh_provider_relationships() return False else: return True
[docs] def validate(self): refresh_timer = RefreshTimer(time_for_refresh=300) try: wait_for(self.is_refreshed, [refresh_timer], message="is_refreshed", num_sec=1000, delay=60, handle_exception=True) except Exception: # To see the possible error. self.load_details(refresh=True) raise
[docs] def validate_stats(self, ui=False): """ Validates that the detail page matches the Providers information. This method logs into the provider using the mgmt_system interface and collects a set of statistics to be matched against the UI. The details page is then refreshed continuously until the matching of all items is complete. A error will be raised if the match is not complete within a certain defined time period. """ # If we're not using db, make sure we are on the provider detail page if ui: self.load_details() # Initial bullet check if self._do_stats_match(self.mgmt, self.STATS_TO_MATCH, ui=ui): self.mgmt.disconnect() return else: # Set off a Refresh Relationships method = 'ui' if ui else None self.refresh_provider_relationships(method=method) refresh_timer = RefreshTimer(time_for_refresh=300) wait_for(self._do_stats_match, [self.mgmt, self.STATS_TO_MATCH, refresh_timer], {'ui': ui}, message="do_stats_match_db", num_sec=1000, delay=60) self.mgmt.disconnect()
@variable(alias='rest') def refresh_provider_relationships(self, from_list_view=False): # from_list_view is ignored as it is included here for sake of compatibility with UI call. logger.debug('Refreshing provider relationships') col = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.find_by( try: col[0].action.refresh() except IndexError: raise Exception("Provider collection empty") @refresh_provider_relationships.variant('ui') def refresh_provider_relationships_ui(self, from_list_view=False): """Clicks on Refresh relationships button in provider""" if from_list_view: view = navigate_to(self, 'All') entity = view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True) entity.check() else: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select(self.refresh_text, handle_alert=True) @variable(alias='rest') def last_refresh_date(self): try: col = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.find_by([0] return col.last_refresh_date except AttributeError: return None def _num_db_generic(self, table_str): """ Fetch number of rows related to this provider in a given table Args: table_str: Name of the table; e.g. 'vms' or 'hosts' """ res = self.appliance.db.client.engine.execute( "SELECT count(*) " "FROM ext_management_systems, {0} " "WHERE {0} " "AND'{1}'".format(table_str, return int(res.first()[0]) def _do_stats_match(self, client, stats_to_match=None, refresh_timer=None, ui=False): """ A private function to match a set of statistics, with a Provider. This function checks if the list of stats match, if not, the page is refreshed. Note: Provider mgmt_system uses the same key names as this Provider class to avoid having to map keyname/attributes e.g. ``num_template``, ``num_vm``. Args: client: A provider mgmt_system instance. stats_to_match: A list of key/attribute names to match. Raises: KeyError: If the host stats does not contain the specified key. ProviderHasNoProperty: If the provider does not have the property defined. """ host_stats = client.stats(*stats_to_match) method = None if ui: self.browser.selenium.refresh() method = 'ui' if refresh_timer: if refresh_timer.is_it_time():' Time for a refresh!') self.refresh_provider_relationships() refresh_timer.reset() for stat in stats_to_match: try: cfme_stat = getattr(self, stat)(method=method) success, value = tol_check(host_stats[stat], cfme_stat, min_error=0.05, low_val_correction=2)' Matching stat [%s], Host(%s), CFME(%s), ' 'with tolerance %s is %s', stat, host_stats[stat], cfme_stat, value, success) if not success: return False except KeyError: raise HostStatsNotContains( "Host stats information does not contain '{}'".format(stat)) except AttributeError: raise ProviderHasNoProperty("Provider does not know how to get '{}'".format(stat)) else: return True @property def exists(self): """ Returns ``True`` if a provider of the same name exists on the appliance """ if in self.appliance.managed_provider_names: return True return False
[docs] def wait_for_delete(self): view = navigate_to(self, 'All') def is_entity_present(): try: view.entities.get_entity(, surf_pages=True) return True except ItemNotFound: return False'Waiting for a provider to delete...') wait_for(is_entity_present, fail_condition=True, message="Wait provider to disappear", num_sec=1000, fail_func=self.browser.selenium.refresh)
[docs] def load_details(self, refresh=False): """To be compatible with the Taggable and PolicyProfileAssignable mixins. Returns: ProviderDetails view """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if refresh: return view
[docs] def get_detail(self, *ident): """ Gets details from the details infoblock The function first ensures that we are on the detail page for the specific provider. Args: *ident: An SummaryTable title, followed by the Key name, e.g. "Relationships", "Images" Returns: A string representing the contents of passed field value. """ view = self.load_details() block, field = ident return getattr(view.entities, block.lower()).get_text_of(field)
[docs] def get_credentials(cls, credential_dict, cred_type=None): """Processes a credential dictionary into a credential object. Args: credential_dict: A credential dictionary. cred_type: Type of credential (None, token, ssh, amqp, ...) Returns: A :py:class:`cfme.base.credential.Credential` instance. """ domain = credential_dict.get('domain') token = credential_dict.get('token') if not cred_type: return Credential(principal=credential_dict['username'], secret=credential_dict['password'], domain=domain) elif cred_type == 'amqp': return EventsCredential(principal=credential_dict['username'], secret=credential_dict['password']) elif cred_type == 'ssh': return SSHCredential(principal=credential_dict['username'], secret=credential_dict['password']) elif cred_type == 'candu': return CANDUCredential(principal=credential_dict['username'], secret=credential_dict['password']) elif cred_type == 'token': return TokenCredential(token=token)
[docs] def get_credentials_from_config(cls, credential_config_name, cred_type=None): """Retrieves the credential by its name from the credentials yaml. Args: credential_config_name: The name of the credential in the credentials yaml. cred_type: Type of credential (None, token, ssh, amqp, ...) Returns: A :py:class:`cfme.base.credential.Credential` instance. """ creds = conf.credentials[credential_config_name] return cls.get_credentials(creds, cred_type=cred_type)
[docs] def process_credential_yaml_key(cls, cred_yaml_key, cred_type=None): """Function that detects if it needs to look up credentials in the credential yaml and acts as expected. If you pass a dictionary, it assumes it does not need to look up in the credentials yaml file. If anything else is passed, it continues with looking up the credentials in the yaml file. Args: cred_yaml_key: Either a string pointing to the credentials.yaml or a dictionary which is considered as the credentials. Returns: :py:class:`cfme.base.credential.Credential` instance """ if isinstance(cred_yaml_key, dict): return cls.get_credentials(cred_yaml_key, cred_type=cred_type) else: return cls.get_credentials_from_config(cred_yaml_key, cred_type=cred_type)
# Move to collection @classmethod
[docs] def clear_providers(cls): """ Clear all providers of given class on the appliance """ from cfme.utils.appliance import current_appliance as app app.rest_api.collections.providers.reload() # cfme 5.9 doesn't allow to remove provider thru api bz_blocked = BZ(1501941, forced_streams=['5.9']).blocks if app.version < '5.9' or (app.version >= '5.9' and not bz_blocked): for prov in app.rest_api.collections.providers.all: try: if any(db_type in prov.type for db_type in cls.db_types):'Deleting provider: %s', prov.action.delete() prov.wait_not_exists() except APIException as ex: # Provider is already gone (usually caused by NetworkManager objs) if 'RecordNotFound' not in str(ex): raise ex else: # Delete all matching for prov in app.managed_known_providers: if prov.one_of(cls):'Deleting provider: %s', prov.delete(cancel=False) # Wait for all matching to be deleted for prov in app.managed_known_providers: if prov.one_of(cls): prov.wait_for_delete() app.rest_api.collections.providers.reload()
[docs] def one_of(self, *classes): """ Returns true if provider is an instance of any of the classes or sublasses there of""" return isinstance(self, classes)
@staticmethod def _prepare_endpoints(endpoints): if not endpoints: return {} elif isinstance(endpoints, dict): return endpoints elif isinstance(endpoints, Iterable): return {(, e) for e in endpoints} elif isinstance(endpoints, DefaultEndpoint): return { endpoints} else: raise ValueError("Endpoints should be either dict or endpoint class") # These methods need to be overridden in the provider specific classes
[docs] def get_console_connection_status(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for given provider")
[docs] def get_remote_console_canvas(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for given provider")
[docs] def get_console_ctrl_alt_del_btn(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for given provider")
[docs] def get_console_fullscreen_btn(self): raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented for given provider")
[docs] def get_all_provider_ids(self): """ Returns an integer list of provider ID's via the REST API """ # TODO: Move to ProviderCollection logger.debug('Retrieving the list of provider ids') provider_ids = [] try: for prov in self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.all: provider_ids.append( except APIException: return None return provider_ids
[docs] def get_all_vm_ids(self): """ Returns an integer list of vm ID's via the REST API """ # TODO: Move to VMCollection or BaseVMCollection logger.debug('Retrieving the list of vm ids') vm_ids = [] try: for vm in self.appliance.rest_api.collections.vms.all: vm_ids.append( except APIException: return None return vm_ids
[docs] def get_all_host_ids(self): """ Returns an integer list of host ID's via the Rest API """ # TODO: Move to HostCollection logger.debug('Retrieving the list of host ids') host_ids = [] try: for host in self.appliance.rest_api.collections.hosts.all: host_ids.append( except APIException: return None return host_ids
[docs] def get_all_template_ids(self): """Returns an integer list of template ID's via the Rest API""" # TODO: Move to TemplateCollection logger.debug('Retrieving the list of template ids') template_ids = [] try: for template in self.appliance.rest_api.collections.templates.all: template_ids.append( except APIException: return None return template_ids
[docs] def get_provider_details(self, provider_id): """Returns the name, and type associated with the provider_id""" # TODO: Move to ProviderCollection.find logger.debug('Retrieving the provider details for ID: {}'.format(provider_id)) details = {} try: prov = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.providers.get(id=provider_id) except APIException: return None details['id'] = details['name'] = details['type'] = prov.type return details
[docs] def get_vm_details(self, vm_id): """ Returns the name, type, vendor, host_id, and power_state associated with the vm_id. """ # TODO: Move to VMCollection.find logger.debug('Retrieving the VM details for ID: {}'.format(vm_id)) details = {} try: vm = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.vms.get(id=vm_id) except APIException: return None details['id'] = details['ems_id'] = vm.ems_id details['name'] = details['type'] = vm.type details['vendor'] = vm.vendore details['host_id'] = vm.host_id details['power_state'] = vm.power_state return details
[docs] def get_template_details(self, template_id): """ Returns the name, type, and guid associated with the template_id """ # TODO: Move to TemplateCollection.find logger.debug('Retrieving the template details for ID: {}' .format(template_id)) template_details = {} try: template = self.appliance.rest_api.collections.templates.get(id=template_id) except APIException: return None template_details['name'] = template_details['type'] = template.type template_details['guid'] = template.guid return template_details
[docs] def get_all_template_details(self): """ Returns a dictionary mapping template ids to their name, type, and guid """ # TODO: Move to TemplateCollection.all all_details = {} for id in self.get_all_template_ids(): all_details[id] = self.get_template_details(id) return all_details
[docs] def get_vm_id(self, vm_name): """ Return the ID associated with the specified VM name """ # TODO: Get Provider object from VMCollection.find, then use to get the id logger.debug('Retrieving the ID for VM: {}'.format(vm_name)) for vm_id in self.get_all_vm_ids(): details = self.get_vm_details(vm_id) if details['name'] == vm_name: return vm_id
[docs] def get_vm_ids(self, vm_names): """ Returns a dictionary mapping each VM name to it's id """ # TODO: Move to VMCollection.find or VMCollection.all name_list = vm_names[:] logger.debug('Retrieving the IDs for {} VM(s)'.format(len(name_list))) id_map = {} for vm_id in self.get_all_vm_ids(): if not name_list: break vm_name = self.get_vm_details(vm_id)['name'] if vm_name in name_list: id_map[vm_name] = vm_id name_list.remove(vm_name) return id_map
[docs] def get_template_guids(self, template_dict): """ Returns a list of tuples. The inner tuples are formated so that each guid is in index 0, and its provider's name is in index 1. Expects a dictionary mapping a provider to its templates """ # TODO: Move to TemplateCollection result_list = [] all_template_details = self.get_all_template_details() for provider, templates in template_dict.iteritems(): for template_name in templates: inner_tuple = () for id in all_template_details: if ((all_template_details[id]['name'] == template_name) and (self.db_types[0] in all_template_details[id]['type'])): inner_tuple += (all_template_details[id]['guid'],) inner_tuple += (provider,) result_list.append(inner_tuple) return result_list
[docs]class CloudInfraProvider(BaseProvider, PolicyProfileAssignable, WidgetasticTaggable): vm_name = "" template_name = "" detail_page_suffix = 'provider' edit_page_suffix = 'provider_edit' refresh_text = "Refresh Relationships and Power States" db_types = ["CloudManager", "InfraManager"] @property def hostname(self): return getattr(self.default_endpoint, "hostname", None) @hostname.setter def hostname(self, value): if self.default_endpoint: if value: self.default_endpoint.hostname = value else: logger.warn("can't set hostname because default endpoint is absent") @property def ip_address(self): return getattr(self.default_endpoint, "ipaddress", resolve_hostname(str(self.hostname))) @ip_address.setter def ip_address(self, value): if self.default_endpoint: if value: self.default_endpoint.ipaddress = value else: logger.warn("can't set ipaddress because default endpoint is absent") @variable(alias="db") def num_template(self): """ Returns the providers number of templates, as shown on the Details page.""" ext_management_systems = self.appliance.db.client["ext_management_systems"] vms = self.appliance.db.client["vms"] temlist = list(self.appliance.db.client.session.query( .join(ext_management_systems, vms.ems_id == .filter( == .filter(vms.template == True)) # NOQA return len(temlist) @num_template.variant('ui') def num_template_ui(self): return int(self.get_detail("Relationships", self.template_name)) @variable(alias="db") def num_vm(self): """ Returns the providers number of instances, as shown on the Details page.""" ext_management_systems = self.appliance.db.client["ext_management_systems"] vms = self.appliance.db.client["vms"] vmlist = list(self.appliance.db.client.session.query( .join(ext_management_systems, vms.ems_id == .filter( == .filter(vms.template == False)) # NOQA return len(vmlist) @num_vm.variant('ui') def num_vm_ui(self): return int(self.get_detail("Relationships", self.vm_name))
[docs] def load_all_provider_instances(self): return self.load_all_provider_vms()
[docs] def load_all_provider_vms(self): """ Loads the list of instances that are running under the provider. """ view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if view.entities.relationships.get_text_of(self.vm_name) == "0": return False else: view.entities.relationships.click_at(self.vm_name) return True
[docs] def load_all_provider_images(self): self.load_all_provider_templates()
[docs] def load_all_provider_templates(self): """ Loads the list of images that are available under the provider. """ # todo: replace these methods with new nav location view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') if view.entities.relationships.get_text_of(self.template_name) == "0": return False else: view.entities.relationships.click_at(self.template_name) return True
[docs]def cleanup_vm(vm_name, provider): try:'Cleaning up VM %s on provider %s', vm_name, provider.key) provider.mgmt.delete_vm(vm_name) except: # The mgmt_sys classes raise Exception :\ logger.warning('Failed to clean up VM %s on provider %s', vm_name, provider.key)
[docs]class DefaultEndpoint(object): credential_class = Credential name = 'default' def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'credentials' and isinstance(val, str): val = self.credential_class.from_config(val) elif key == 'credentials' and isinstance(val, Iterable): val = self.credential_class.from_plaintext(val) elif key == 'credentials' and isinstance(val, (Credential, TokenCredential)): pass setattr(self, key, val) @property def view_value_mapping(self): return {'hostname': self.hostname}
[docs]class CANDUEndpoint(DefaultEndpoint): credential_class = CANDUCredential name = 'candu' @property def view_value_mapping(self): return {'hostname': self.hostname, 'api_port': getattr(self, 'api_port', None), 'database_name': self.database}
[docs]class EventsEndpoint(DefaultEndpoint): credential_class = EventsCredential name = 'events' @property def view_value_mapping(self): return {'event_stream': self.event_stream, 'security_protocol': getattr(self, 'security_protocol', None), 'hostname': self.hostname, 'api_port': getattr(self, 'api_port', None), }
[docs]class SSHEndpoint(DefaultEndpoint): credential_class = SSHCredential name = 'rsa_keypair' @property def view_value_mapping(self): return {}
[docs]class DefaultEndpointForm(View): hostname = Input('default_hostname') username = Input('default_userid') password = Input('default_password') confirm_password = Input('default_verify') change_password = Text(locator='.//a[normalize-space(.)="Change stored password"]') validate = Button('Validate')