Source code for

""" Page functions for Tenant pages
import attr
from navmazing import NavigateToSibling, NavigateToAttribute
from widgetastic.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from widgetastic.utils import VersionPick
from widgetastic.widget import View
from widgetastic_patternfly import BootstrapNav, Button, Dropdown, FlashMessages, Input
from widgetastic_manageiq import (
    Accordion, BootstrapSelect, BreadCrumb, ItemsToolBarViewSelector, PaginationPane,
    SummaryTable, Table, Text, BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView, BaseEntitiesView)

from cfme.base.ui import BaseLoggedInPage
from cfme.common import WidgetasticTaggable
from cfme.exceptions import TenantNotFound, DestinationNotFound
from cfme.modeling.base import BaseCollection, BaseEntity
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import CFMENavigateStep, navigator, navigate_to
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for, TimedOutError
from cfme.utils.version import Version

[docs]class TenantToolbar(View): """The toolbar on the tenants page""" configuration = Dropdown('Configuration') policy = Dropdown('Policy') download = Dropdown('Download') view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
[docs]class TenantDetailsToolbar(View): """The toolbar on the tenant details page""" configuration = Dropdown('Configuration') policy = Dropdown('Policy') download = Button('Download summary in PDF format')
[docs]class TenantDetailsAccordion(View): """The accordion on the details page""" @View.nested class properties(Accordion): # noqa nav = BootstrapNav('//div[@id="ems_prop"]//ul') @View.nested class relationships(Accordion): # noqa nav = BootstrapNav('//div[@id="ems_rel"]//ul')
[docs]class TenantEntities(BaseEntitiesView): """The entities on the main list page""" table = Table('//div[@id="list_grid"]//table')
# todo: remove stuff about and use the same widgets from entities view ^^
[docs]class TenantDetailsEntities(View): """The entities on the details page""" breadcrumb = BreadCrumb() title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h1') relationships = SummaryTable(title='Relationships') quotas = SummaryTable(title='Quotas') smart_management = SummaryTable(title='Smart Management') # element attributes changed from id to class in upstream-fine+, capture both with locator flash = FlashMessages('.//div[@id="flash_msg_div"]' '/div[@id="flash_text_div" or contains(@class, "flash_text_div")]')
[docs]class TenantEditEntities(View): """The entities on the add/edit page""" breadcrumb = BreadCrumb() title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h1')
[docs]class TenantEditTagEntities(View): """The entities on the edit tags page""" breadcrumb = BreadCrumb() title = Text('#explorer_title_text') included_widgets = View.include(BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView, use_parent=True)
[docs]class TenantView(BaseLoggedInPage): """A base view for all the Tenant pages""" @property def in_tenants(self): """Determine if the Tenants page is currently open""" return ( self.logged_in_as_current_user and self.navigation.currently_selected == ['Compute', 'Clouds', 'Tenants'] )
[docs]class TenantAllView(TenantView): """The all tenants page""" toolbar = View.nested(TenantToolbar) including_entities = View.include(TenantEntities, use_parent=True) paginator = PaginationPane() @property def is_displayed(self): """This is page currently being displayed""" return self.in_tenants and self.entities.title.text == 'Cloud Tenants'
[docs]class TenantDetailsView(TenantView): """The details page for a tenant""" toolbar = View.nested(TenantDetailsToolbar) sidebar = View.nested(TenantDetailsAccordion) entities = View.nested(TenantDetailsEntities) @property def is_displayed(self): """Is this page currently being displayed""" expected_title = '{} (Summary)'.format(self.context['object'].name) return ( self.in_tenants and self.entities.title.text == expected_title and self.entities.breadcrumb.active_location == expected_title)
[docs]class TenantAddForm(View): """The form on the Add page""" cloud_provider = BootstrapSelect(id='ems_id') name = Input('name') save_button = VersionPick({ Version.lowest(): Button('Save'), Version.latest(): Button('Add') }) reset_button = Button('Reset') cancel_button = Button('Cancel')
[docs]class TenantAddView(TenantView): """The add page for tenants""" entities = View.nested(TenantEditEntities) form = View.nested(TenantAddForm) @property def is_displayed(self): """Is this page currently being displayed""" expected_title = 'Add New Cloud Tenant' return ( self.in_tenants and self.entities.title.text == expected_title and self.entities.breadcrumb.active_location == expected_title)
[docs]class TenantEditForm(View): """The form on the Edit page""" name = Input('name') save_button = Button('Save') reset_button = Button('Reset') cancel_button = Button('Cancel')
[docs]class TenantEditView(TenantView): """The edit page for tenants""" entities = View.nested(TenantEditEntities) form = View.nested(TenantEditForm) @property def is_displayed(self): """Is this page currently being displayed""" expected_title = 'Edit Cloud Tenant "{}"'.format(self.context['object'].name) return ( self.in_tenants and self.entities.title.text == expected_title and self.entities.breadcrumb.active_location == expected_title)
[docs]class Tenant(BaseEntity, WidgetasticTaggable): """Tenant Class """ _param_name = 'Tenant' name = attr.ib() provider = attr.ib()
[docs] def wait_for_disappear(self, timeout=300): self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() try: return wait_for(lambda: self.exists, fail_condition=True, timeout=timeout, message='Wait for cloud tenant to disappear', delay=10, fail_func=self.browser.refresh) except TimedOutError: logger.error('Timed out waiting for tenant to disappear, continuing')
[docs] def wait_for_appear(self, timeout=600): self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() return wait_for(lambda: self.exists, timeout=timeout, delay=10, message='Wait for cloud tenant to appear', fail_func=self.browser.refresh)
[docs] def update(self, updates): view = navigate_to(self, 'Edit') updated_name = updates.get('name', + '_edited') view.form.fill({'name': updated_name}) self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() return wait_for(lambda: self.exists, fail_condition=False, timeout=600, message='Wait for cloud tenant to appear', delay=10, fail_func=self.browser.refresh)
[docs] def delete(self, wait=True): """Delete the tenant""" try: view = navigate_to(self, 'Details') except NoSuchElementException as ex: # Catch general navigation exceptions and raise raise TenantNotFound( 'Exception while navigating to Tenant details: {}'.format(ex)) view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Delete Cloud Tenant') result = view.entities.flash.assert_success_message( 'Delete initiated for 1 Cloud Tenant.') if wait: self.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() result = self.wait_for_disappear(600) return result
@property def exists(self): try: navigate_to(self, 'Details') except NoSuchElementException: return False else: return True
[docs]class TenantCollection(BaseCollection): """Collection object for the :py:class:``.""" ENTITY = Tenant
[docs] def create(self, name, provider, wait=True): """Add a cloud Tenant from the UI and return the Tenant object""" page = navigate_to(self, 'Add') changed = page.form.fill({ 'cloud_provider':, 'name': name }) if changed: else: all_view = self.create_view(TenantAllView) wait_for(lambda: all_view.is_displayed, num_sec=120, delay=3, fail_func=all_view.flush_widget_cache, handle_exception=True) if not changed: if self.appliance.version >= '5.8': msg = 'Add of Cloud Tenant was cancelled by the user' else: msg = 'Add of new Cloud Tenant was cancelled by the user' all_view.entities.flash.assert_success_message(msg) else: all_view.entities.flash.assert_success_message( 'Cloud Tenant "{}" created'.format(name)) tenant = self.instantiate(name, provider) if wait: def refresh(): """Refresh a few things""" tenant.provider.refresh_provider_relationships() all_view.flush_widget_cache() self.browser.refresh() wait_for(lambda: tenant.exists, timeout=600, message='Wait for cloud tenant to appear', delay=10, fail_func=refresh) return tenant
[docs] def delete(self, *tenants): """Delete one or more Tenants from the list of the Tenants Args: list of the `` objects """ tenants = list(tenants) checked_tenants = [] view = navigate_to(self, 'All') # double check we're in List View'List View') if not view.table.is_displayed: raise ValueError('No Tenants found') for row in view.table: for tenant in tenants: if == checked_tenants.append(tenant) row[0].check() break if set(tenants) == set(checked_tenants): break if set(tenants) != set(checked_tenants): raise ValueError('Some tenants were not found in the UI') view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Delete Cloud Tenants', handle_alert=True) for tenant in tenants: tenant.wait_for_disappear() view.entities.flash.assert_no_error()
# TODO: Assert deletion flash message for selected tenants # it is not shown in current UI, so not asserting @navigator.register(TenantCollection, 'All')
[docs]class TenantAll(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = TenantAllView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('appliance.server', 'LoggedIn')
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Go to the All page"""'Compute', 'Clouds', 'Tenants')
[docs] def resetter(self): """Reset the view"""'List View') self.view.paginator.reset_selection()
@navigator.register(Tenant, 'Details')
[docs]class TenantDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = TenantDetailsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute('parent', 'All')
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Navigate to the details page"""'List View') row = self.prerequisite_view.paginator.find_row_on_pages( self.prerequisite_view.table,
[docs] def resetter(self): """Reset the view""" self.view.browser.refresh()
@navigator.register(TenantCollection, 'Add')
[docs]class TenantAdd(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = TenantAddView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('All')
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Navigate to the Add page""" if self.obj.appliance.version >= '5.7': self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Create Cloud Tenant') else: raise DestinationNotFound('Cannot add Cloud Tenants in CFME < 5.7')
@navigator.register(Tenant, 'Edit')
[docs]class TenantEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = TenantEditView prerequisite = NavigateToSibling('Details')
[docs] def step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Navigate to the edit page""" if self.obj.appliance.version >= '5.7': self.prerequisite_view.toolbar.configuration.item_select('Edit Cloud Tenant') else: raise DestinationNotFound('Cannot edit Cloud Tenants in CFME < 5.7')