cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines module

A model of Infrastructure Virtual Machines area of CFME. This includes the VMs explorer tree, quadicon lists, and VM details page.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.Genealogy(o)[source]

Bases: object

Class, representing genealogy of an infra object with possibility of data retrieval and comparison.

Parameters:o – The Vm or Template object.

Returns list of ancestors of the represented object.

apply_button = FormButton('Apply sections')
attr_mapping = {'all': 'All Attributes', 'different': 'Attributes with different values', 'same': 'Attributes with same values'}
compare(*objects, **kwargs)[source]

Compares two or more objects in the genealogy.

Parameters:*objectsVm or Template or str with name.
sections: Which sections to compare. attributes: all, different or same. Default: all. mode: exists or details. Default: exists.
genealogy_tree = <cfme.web_ui.BootstrapTreeview object>
mode_mapping = {'details': 'Details Mode', 'exists': 'Exists Mode'}
section_comparison_tree = <cfme.web_ui.CheckboxTree locator="//div[@id='all_sections_treebox']/div/table">

Returns contents of the tree with genealogy

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraGenericDetailsToolbar(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: widgetastic.widget.View


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmDetailsToolbar(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraGenericDetailsToolbar

Toolbar for VM details differs from All VMs&TemplatesView


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmDetailsView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView

TemplatesToolbar = None
VmsToolbar = None

This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


Conditional switchable view implementation.

This widget proxy is useful when you have a form whose parts displayed depend on certain conditions. Eg. when you select certain value from a dropdown, one form is displayed next, when other value is selected, a different form is displayed next. This widget proxy is designed to register those multiple views and then upon accessing decide which view to use based on the registration conditions.

The resulting widget proxy acts similarly like a nested view (if you use view of course).


class SomeForm(View):
    foo = Input('...')
    action_type = Select(name='action_type')

    action_form = ConditionalSwitchableView(reference='action_type')

    # Simple value matching. If Action type 1 is selected in the select, use this view.
    # And if the action_type value does not get matched, use this view as default
    @action_form.register('Action type 1', default=True)
    class ActionType1Form(View):
        widget = Widget()

    # You can use a callable to declare the widget values to compare
    @action_form.register(lambda action_type: action_type == 'Action type 2')
    class ActionType2Form(View):
        widget = Widget()

    # With callable, you can use values from multiple widgets
        lambda action_type, foo: action_type == 'Action type 2' and foo == 2)
    class ActionType2Form(View):
        widget = Widget()

You can see it gives you the flexibility of decision based on the values in the view.

  • reference – For using non-callable conditions, this must be specified. Specifies the name of the widget whose value will be used for comparing non-callable conditions. Supports going across objects using ..
  • ignore_bad_reference – If this is enabled, then when the widget representing the reference is not displayed or otherwise broken, it will then use the default view.
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmReconfigureView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.base.login.BaseLoggedInPage


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

is_displayed = False

This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmSummaryView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.common.vm_views.VMDetailsEntities


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmTimelinesView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: widgetastic_manageiq.TimelinesView, cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.base.login.BaseLoggedInPage

Base view for header/nav check, inherit for navigatable views

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.MigrateView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.base.login.BaseLoggedInPage


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.ProvisionVM(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of ProvisionView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.SetRetirement(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of RetirementView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.Template(name, provider, template_name=None)[source]

Bases: cfme.common.vm.Template

REMOVE_MULTI = 'Remove Templates from the VMDB'
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.TemplatesAll(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of TemplatesOnlyAllView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.TemplatesOnlyAllView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.Timelines(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of InfraVmTimelinesView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VMConfiguration(vm)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.pretty.Pretty

Represents VM’s full configuration - hardware, disks and so forth

Parameters:vm – VM that exists within current appliance


It can be only instantiated by fetching an existing VM’s configuration, as it is designed to be used to reconfigure an existing VM.

add_disk(size, size_unit='GB', type='thin', mode='persistent')[source]

Adds a disk to the VM

  • size – Size of the disk
  • size_unit – Unit of size (‘MB’ or ‘GB’)
  • type – Type of the disk (‘thin’ or ‘thick’)
  • mode – Mode of the disk (‘persistent’, ‘independent_persistent’ or ‘independent_nonpersistent’)


This method is designed to correspond with the DB, not with the UI. In the UI, dependency is represented by a separate Yes / No option which is _incorrect_ design that we don’t follow. Correctly, mode should be a selectbox of 3 items: Persistent, Independent Persistent and Independent Nonpersistent. Just Nonpersistent is an invalid setup that UI currently (5.8) allows.


Returns a copy of this configuration

delete_disk(filename=None, index=None)[source]

Removes a disk of given filename or index


Returns changes to be applied to this config to reach the other config


Result of this method is used for form filling by VM’s reconfigure method.

pretty_attrs = ['hw', 'num_disks']
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VMDisk[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VMDisk

Represents a single VM disk


Cannot be changed once created.

EQUAL_ATTRS = set(['size_mb', 'type', 'mode'])
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VMHardware(cores_per_socket=None, sockets=None, mem_size=None, mem_size_unit='MB')[source]

Bases: object

Represents VM’s hardware, i.e. CPU (cores, sockets) and memory

EQUAL_ATTRS = set(['mem_size_mb', 'cores_per_socket', 'sockets'])
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.Vm(name, provider, template_name=None, appliance=None)[source]

Bases: cfme.common.vm.VM

Represents a VM in CFME

  • name – Name of the VM
  • object
  • template_name – Name of the template to use for provisioning
ALL_LIST_LOCATION = 'infra_vms'
class CfmeRelationship(o)[source]

Bases: object

relationship_form = <cfme.web_ui.Form fields=[('server_select', <cfme.web_ui.AngularSelect _loc="//button[@data-id='server_id']", none=None, multi=False, exact=False>), ('save_button', FormButton('Save Changes')), ('reset_button', FormButton('Reset Changes')), ('cancel_button', FormButton('Cancel'))]>
set_relationship(server_name, server_id, click_cancel=False)[source]
Vm.GUEST_RESTART = 'Restart Guest'
Vm.GUEST_SHUTDOWN = 'Shutdown Guest'
Vm.POWER_OFF = 'Power Off'
Vm.POWER_ON = 'Power On'
Vm.RESET = 'Reset'
Vm.STATE_OFF = 'off'
Vm.STATE_ON = 'on'
Vm.STATE_SUSPENDED = 'suspended'
Vm.SUSPEND = 'Suspend'
class Vm.Snapshot(name=None, description=None, memory=None, parent_vm=None)[source]

Bases: object


Check if the snapshot is active.

Returns:True if snapshot is active, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
snapshot_tree = <cfme.web_ui.BootstrapTreeview object>
Vm.TO_OPEN_EDIT = 'Edit this VM'
Vm.TO_OPEN_RECONFIGURE = 'Reconfigure this VM'
Vm.TO_RETIRE = 'Retire this VM'
Vm.VM_TYPE = 'Virtual Machine'
Vm.clone_vm(email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, vm_name=None, provision_type=None)[source]

returns id of cluster current vm belongs to


Returns the current snapshot description.


Returns the current snapshot name.

Vm.migrate_vm(email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, host_name=None, datastore_name=None)[source]

Power control a vm from the provider

Parameters:option – power control action to take against vm
Raises:OptionNotAvailable – option parm must have proper value
Vm.publish_to_template(template_name, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None)[source]
Vm.reconfigure(new_configuration=None, changes=None, cancel=False)[source]

Reconfigures the VM based on given configuration or set of changes

  • new_configuration – VMConfiguration object with desired configuration
  • changes – Set of changes to request; alternative to new_configuration See VMConfiguration.get_changes_to_fill to see expected format of the data
  • cancelFalse if we want to submit the changes, True otherwise

Returns the number of snapshots for this VM. If it says None, returns 0.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAll(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of VmsOnlyAllView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

resetter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAllWithTemplates(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of VmsTemplatesAllView


This is a helper descriptor for destinations which are linked to an attribute of the object.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has an attribute(parent) which has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToAttribute as a helper, supplying only the name of the attribute which stores the object to be used in the navigation, and the destination name. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

resetter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAllWithTemplatesDetails(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of InfraVmDetailsView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

resetter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAllWithTemplatesDetailsAnyProvider(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAllWithTemplatesDetails

Page with details for VM or template. This is required in case you want to get details about archived/orphaned VM/template. In such case, you cannot get to the detail page by navigating from list of VMs for a provider since archived/orphaned VMs has lost its relationship with the original provider.


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmAllWithTemplatesForProvider(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of VmTemplatesAllForProviderView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

resetter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmClone(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of ProvisionView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmDetails(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of InfraVmDetailsView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

resetter(*args, **kwargs)[source]
step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmEdit(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of EditView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmEngineRelationship(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of ManagementEngineView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmMigrate(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of MigrateView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmReconfigure(obj, navigate_obj)[source]

Bases: cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui.CFMENavigateStep


alias of InfraVmReconfigureView


This is a helper descriptor for navigation destinations which are linked to the same class.

For instance, imagine you have an object that has a ‘ViewAll’, destination that needs to be visited before you can click on ‘New’. In this instance, you would need to make the ‘New’ destination use ‘ViewAll’ as a prerequisite. As this would need no other special input, we can use NavigateToSibling as a helper. This will set prerequisite to be a callable that will navigate to the prerequisite step.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmTemplatesAllForProviderView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmsOnlyAllView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmsTemplatesAccordion(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: widgetastic.widget.View

The accordion on the Virtual Machines page


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.VmsTemplatesAllView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.InfraVmView

The collection page for instances


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.do_power_control(vm_names, option, provider_crud=None, cancel=True)[source]

Executes a power option against a list of VMs.

  • vm_names – List of VMs to interact with
  • option – Power option param.
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)
  • cancel – Whether or not to cancel the power control action

Find and return a quadicon belonging to a specific vm

Parameters:vm – vm name as displayed at the quadicon

Returns: entity of appropriate class


Returns list of all vms on current page


Returns the total number of VMs visible to the user, including those archived or orphaned

cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.is_pwr_option_enabled(vm_names, option, provider_crud=None)[source]

Returns whether a particular power option is enabled.

  • vm_names – List of VMs to interact with
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)
  • option – Power option param.


When unable to find the power option passed

cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.is_pwr_option_visible(vm_names, option, provider_crud=None)[source]

Returns whether a particular power option is visible.

  • vm_names – List of VMs to interact with, if from_details=True is passed, only one VM can be passed in the list.
  • option – Power option param.
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)
cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.perform_smartstate_analysis(vm_names, provider_crud=None, cancel=True)[source]

Executes a refresh relationships action against a list of VMs.

  • vm_names – List of VMs to interact with
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)
  • cancel – Whether or not to cancel the refresh relationships action
cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.remove(vm_names, cancel=True, provider_crud=None)[source]

Removes multiple VMs from CFME VMDB

  • vm_names – List of VMs to interact with
  • cancel – Whether to cancel the deletion, defaults to True
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)
cfme.infrastructure.virtual_machines.wait_for_vm_state_change(vm_name, desired_state, timeout=300, provider_crud=None)[source]

Wait for VM to come to desired state.

This function waits just the needed amount of time thanks to wait_for.

  • vm_name – Displayed name of the VM
  • desired_state – ‘on’ or ‘off’
  • timeout – Specify amount of time (in seconds) to wait until TimedOutError is raised
  • provider_crud – provider object where vm resides on (optional)