Source code for fixtures.artifactor_plugin

"""An example config::

        log_dir: /home/test/workspace/cfme_tests/artiout
        per_run: test #test, run, None
        reuse_dir: True
        squash_exceptions: False
        threaded: False
        server_port: 21212
        server_enabled: True

``log_dir`` is the destination for all artifacts

``per_run`` denotes if the test artifacts should be group by run, test, or None

``reuse_dir`` if this is False and Artifactor comes across a dir that has
already been used, it will die

import atexit
import os
import subprocess

import diaper
import pytest

from artifactor import ArtifactorClient
from fixtures.pytest_store import write_line, store
from markers.polarion import extract_polarion_ids
from threading import RLock
from cfme.utils.blockers import BZ, Blocker
from cfme.utils.conf import env, credentials
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from import random_port, net_check
from cfme.utils.wait import wait_for

UNDER_TEST = False  # set to true for artifactor using tests

# Create a list of all our passwords for use with the sanitize request later in this module
words = []
for cred in credentials:
    word = credentials[cred].get('password')
    if word:

[docs]def get_test_idents(item): try: return item.location[2], item.location[0] except AttributeError: try: return item.fspath.strpath, None except AttributeError: return (None, None)
[docs]def get_name(obj): return getattr(obj, '_param_name', None) or getattr(obj, 'name', None) or str(obj)
[docs]class DummyClient(object):
[docs] def fire_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def terminate(self): return
[docs] def task_status(self): return
def __nonzero__(self): # DummyClient is always False, # so it's easy to see if we have an artiactor client return False
[docs]def get_client(art_config, pytest_config): if art_config and not UNDER_TEST: port = getattr(pytest_config.option, 'artifactor_port', None) or \ art_config.get('server_port') or random_port() pytest_config.option.artifactor_port = port art_config['server_port'] = port return ArtifactorClient( art_config['server_address'], art_config['server_port']) else: return DummyClient()
[docs]def spawn_server(config, art_client): if store.slave_manager or UNDER_TEST: return None import subprocess cmd = ['miq-artifactor-server', '--port', str(art_client.port)] if config.getvalue('run_id'): cmd.append('--run-id') cmd.append(str(config.getvalue('run_id'))) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) return proc
session_ver = None session_build = None session_stream = None session_fw_version = None
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--run-id", action="store", default=None, help="A run id to assist in logging")
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): art_client = get_client( art_config=env.get('artifactor', {}), pytest_config=config) # just in case if not store.slave_manager: with diaper: atexit.register(shutdown, config) if art_client: config._art_proc = spawn_server(config, art_client) wait_for( net_check, func_args=[art_client.port, ''], func_kwargs={'force': True}, num_sec=10, message="wait for artifactor to start") art_client.ready = True else: config._art_proc = None from cfme.utils.log import artifactor_handler artifactor_handler.artifactor = art_client if store.slave_manager: artifactor_handler.slaveid = store.slaveid config._art_client = art_client
[docs]def merkyl_setup(request, appliance): fire_art_hook(request.config, 'setup_merkyl', ip=appliance.address)
[docs]def fire_art_hook(config, hook, **hook_args): client = getattr(config, '_art_client', None) if client is None: assert UNDER_TEST, 'missing artifactor is only valid for inprocess tests' else: client.fire_hook(hook, **hook_args)
[docs]def fire_art_test_hook(node, hook, **hook_args): name, location = get_test_idents(node) fire_art_hook( node.config, hook, test_name=name, test_location=location, **hook_args)
[docs]def pytest_runtest_protocol(item): holder = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') global session_ver global session_build global session_stream appliance = holder.held_appliance if not session_ver: session_ver = str(appliance.version) session_build = session_stream = if str(session_ver) not in session_build: session_build = "{}-{}".format(str(session_ver), session_build) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc.wait() session_fw_version = except: session_fw_version = None fire_art_hook( item.config, 'session_info', version=session_ver, build=session_build, stream=session_stream, fw_version=session_fw_version ) tier = item.get_marker('tier') if tier: tier = tier.args[0] requirement = item.get_marker('requirement') if requirement: requirement = requirement.args[0] try: params = item.callspec.params param_dict = {p: get_name(v) for p, v in params.iteritems()} except: param_dict = {} ip = appliance.address # This pre_start_test hook is needed so that filedump is able to make get the test # object set up before the logger starts logging. As the logger fires a nested hook # to the filedumper, and we can't specify order inriggerlib. meta = item.get_marker('meta') if meta and 'blockers' in meta.kwargs: blocker_spec = meta.kwargs['blockers'] blockers = [] for blocker in blocker_spec: if isinstance(blocker, int): blockers.append(BZ(blocker).url) else: blockers.append(Blocker.parse(blocker).url) else: blockers = [] fire_art_test_hook( item, 'pre_start_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip) fire_art_test_hook( item, 'start_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip, tier=tier, requirement=requirement, param_dict=param_dict, issues=blockers) yield
[docs]def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, nextitem): name, location = get_test_idents(item) holder = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') app = holder.held_appliance ip = app.address fire_art_test_hook( item, 'finish_test', slaveid=store.slaveid, ip=ip, wait_for_task=True) fire_art_test_hook(item, 'sanitize', words=words) jenkins_data = { 'build_url': os.environ.get('BUILD_URL'), 'build_number': os.environ.get('BUILD_NUMBER'), 'git_commit': os.environ.get('GIT_COMMIT'), 'job_name': os.environ.get('JOB_NAME') } try: caps = app.browser.widgetastic.selenium.capabilities param_dict = { 'browserName': caps['browserName'], 'browserPlatform': caps['platform'], 'browserVersion': caps['version'] } except Exception as e: logger.error(e) param_dict = None fire_art_test_hook( item, 'ostriz_send', env_params=param_dict, slaveid=store.slaveid, polarion_ids=extract_polarion_ids(item), jenkins=jenkins_data)
[docs]def pytest_runtest_logreport(report): if store.slave_manager: return # each node does its own reporting config = pytest.config # tech debt name, location = get_test_idents(report) if hasattr(report, 'wasxfail'): xfail = True else: xfail = False if hasattr(report, 'skipped'): if report.skipped: fire_art_hook( config, 'filedump', test_location=location, test_name=name, description="Short traceback", contents=report.longreprtext, file_type="short_tb", group_id="skipped") fire_art_hook( config, 'report_test', test_location=location, test_name=name, test_xfail=xfail, test_when=report.when, test_outcome=report.outcome) fire_art_hook(config, 'build_report')
[docs]def pytest_unconfigure(config): yield shutdown(config)
lock = RLock()
[docs]def shutdown(config): holder = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('appliance-holder') if holder: app = holder.held_appliance with lock: proc = config._art_proc if proc: if not store.slave_manager: write_line('collecting artifacts') fire_art_hook(config, 'finish_session') fire_art_hook(config, 'teardown_merkyl', ip=app.address) if not store.slave_manager: config._art_client.terminate() proc = config._art_proc if proc: proc.wait()