Source code for cfme.web_ui.paginator

"""A set of functions for dealing with the paginator controls."""
from cfme.exceptions import PaginatorException
from widgetastic_manageiq import PaginationPane
from cfme.utils.appliance import get_or_create_current_appliance

[docs]def new_paginator(): """ Simple function to avoid module level import """ appliance = get_or_create_current_appliance() paginator = PaginationPane(parent=appliance.browser.widgetastic) return paginator
[docs]def page_controls_exist(): """ Simple check to see if page controls exist. """ return new_paginator().is_displayed
def _page_nums(): return new_paginator().pages_amount
[docs]def check_all(): """ selects all items """ new_paginator().check_all()
[docs]def uncheck_all(): """ unselects all items """ new_paginator().uncheck_all()
[docs]def first(): """ Returns the First button locator.""" new_paginator().first_page()
[docs]def last(): """ Returns the Last button locator.""" new_paginator().last_page()
[docs]def results_per_page(num): """ Changes the number of results on a page. Args: num: Number of results per page """ new_paginator().set_items_per_page(num)
[docs]def sort_by(sort): """ Changes the sort by field. Args: sort: Value to sort by (visible text in select box) """ new_paginator().sort(sort)
[docs]def rec_offset(): """ Returns the first record offset.""" try: return int(new_paginator().paginator.page_info()[0]) except TypeError: raise PaginatorException()
[docs]def rec_end(): """ Returns the record set index.""" return new_paginator().paginator.page_info()[1]
[docs]def rec_total(): """ Returns the total number of records.""" return new_paginator().items_amount
[docs]def reset(): """Reset the paginator to the first page or do nothing if no pages""" new_paginator().first_page()
[docs]def pages(): """A generator to facilitate looping over pages Usage: for page in pages(): # Do seleniumy things here, like finding and clicking elements Raises: :py:class:`ValueError`: When the paginator "breaks" (does not change) """ return new_paginator().pages()