Source code for cfme.web_ui.history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module handling the history button.

:var HISTORY_ITEMS: Locator that finds all the history items from dropdown
:var SINGLE_HISTORY_BUTTON: Locator that finds the history button if it is without the dropdown.
from cfme.fixtures import pytest_selenium as sel
from . import toolbar

    '//button[following-sibling::ul and ./i[contains(normalize-space(@class), "fa-arrow-left")]]'
    '//button[not(following-sibling::ul) and '
    './i[contains(normalize-space(@class), "fa-arrow-left")]]')

[docs]def single_button(): """Returns the textual contents of the single history button. If not present, None is returned. """ if not sel.is_displayed(SINGLE_HISTORY_BUTTON): return None return sel.get_attribute(SINGLE_HISTORY_BUTTON, 'title')
[docs]def any_history_present(): """Returns if the single history button or the dropdown is present.""" return bool(single_button() or dropdown_history_items())
[docs]def history_items_present(): """Checks if the history items are present, returns bool""" return bool(dropdown_history_items())
[docs]def single_button_present(): """Checks if the single history button is present, returns bool""" return bool(single_button())
[docs]def history_items(): """Returns a list of all history items on the page.""" sb = single_button() if sb: return [sb] else: return dropdown_history_items()
[docs]def select_history_item(text): """Handles selecting the history item by text using the toolbar module.""" sb = single_button() if sb is not None: # No dropdown items if sb != text: raise ValueError('There is no such history button: {!r}'.format(text)) return else: # There are dropdown items di = dropdown_history_items() if text not in di: raise ValueError('There is no such history button: {!r}'.format(text)) return'History', text)
[docs]def select_nth_history_item(n): """Handles selecting the history items by the position. 0 is the latest (top one).""" try: return select_history_item(history_items()[n]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'There are only {} history items, you wanted the {}th'.format(len(history_items(), n)))