cfme.common package

Module contents

class cfme.common.PolicyProfileAssignable[source]

Bases: object

This class can be inherited by anything that provider load_details method.

It provides functionality to assign and unassign Policy Profiles


Assign Policy Profiles to this object.

Parameters:policy_profile_namesstr with Policy Profile names. After Control/Explorer coverage goes in, PolicyProfile objects will be also passable.
manage_policies_tree = <cfme.web_ui.BootstrapTreeview object>

Unssign Policy Profiles to this object.

Parameters:policy_profile_namesstr with Policy Profile names. After Control/Explorer coverage goes in, PolicyProfile objects will be also passable.
class cfme.common.Summary(o)[source]

Bases: object

Summary container class. An entry point to the summary listing

HEADERS = '//th[@align="left"]'

This enables you to iterate through like it was a dictionary, just without .iteritems


Returns names of the tables.


Returns a dictionary of keys (table titles) and table objects.

class cfme.common.SummaryMixin[source]

Bases: object

Use this mixin to have simple access to the Summary informations of an object.

Requires that the class has load_details(refresh) method defined.

All the names from the UI are “attributized”.

Sample usage:

# You can retrieve the text value as it is in the UI  # => 'hostname'
# Or let it guess if it is a number and return float or int  # => 12
# You can get the image address  # => value parsed by urlparse()
# Or the onclick link  # => 'http://foo/bar'
# Check if it is clickable

# You can iterate like it was a dictionary
for table_name, table in provider.summary:
    # table_name contains title of the table
    for key, value in table:
        # key contains the left cell text, value contains the value holder
        print('{}: {}'.format(key, value.text_value))
class cfme.common.SummaryTable(o, text, entry, skip_load=False)[source]

Bases: object

MULTIKEY_LOC = '../../../tbody/tr[1]/td/strong'
ROWS = '../../../tbody/tr'
class cfme.common.SummaryValue(el)[source]

Bases: object


A convenience function to click the summary item.

class cfme.common.TagPageView(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cfme.base.login.BaseLoggedInPage

Class represents common tag page in CFME UI


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class cfme.common.Taggable[source]

Bases: object

This class can be inherited by anything that provider load_details method.

It provides functionality to assign and unassign tags.

add_tag(tag, single_value=False)[source]

Add list of tags

Parameters:tags – List of Tag
get_tags(*args, **kwargs)
get_tags_db = None

Remove list of tags

Parameters:tags – List of Tag
class cfme.common.TimelinesMixin[source]

Bases: object

Use this mixin to have simple access to the Timelines page. To use this TimelinesMixin you have to implement load_timelines_page function, which should take to timelines page

Sample usage:

# Change Timelines showing interval Select
# Change Timelines showing event group Select
# Change Level of showed Timelines
# Check whether timelines contain particular event
# which is generated after provided datetime
timelines.contains_event('hawkular_deployment.ok', before_test_date)
class cfme.common.TopologyMixin[source]

Bases: object

Use this mixin to have simple access to the Topology page. To use this TopologyMixin you have to implement load_topology_page function, which should take to topology page

Sample usage:

# You can retrieve the elements details as it is in the UI
topology.elements  # => 'hostname'
# You can do actions on topology page
# You can do actions on topology search box
topology.search_box.text(text='hello', submit=False)
# You can get legends and can perform actions
# You can get elements, element parents and children
class cfme.common.UtilizationMixin[source]

Bases: object

Use this mixin to have simple access to the Utilization information of an object.

Requires that the class(page) has load_details(refresh) method and taggable_type should be defined.

All the chart names from the UI are “attributized”.

Sample usage: .. code-block:: python

# You can list available charts page.utilization.charts # => ‘[ ‘jvm_heap_usage_bytes’,’web_sessions’,’transactions’]’ # You can get the data from chart page.utilization.jvm_heap_usage_bytes.list_data_chart() # => returns data as list # You can get the data from table provider.utilization.jvm_heap_usage_bytes.list_data_table() # => returns data as list # You can get the data from wrapanapi page.utilization.jvm_heap_usage_bytes.list_data_mgmt() # => returns data as list # You can change chart option page.utilization.jvm_non_heap_usage_bytes.option.set_by_visible_text(op_interval=’Daily’) # You can list available ledgends page.utilization.jvm_non_heap_usage_bytes.legends # You can enable/disable legends page.utilization.jvm_non_heap_usage_bytes.committed.set_active(active=False) # => Disables page.utilization.jvm_non_heap_usage_bytes.committed.set_active(active=True) # => Enables
class cfme.common.Validatable[source]

Bases: cfme.common.SummaryMixin

Mixin for various validations. Requires the class to be also Taggable.

:var property_tuples: Tuples which first value is the provider class’s attribute
name, the second value is provider’s UI summary page field key. Should have values in child classes.
property_tuples = []

Validation method which checks whether class attributes, which were used during creation of provider, are correctly displayed in Properties section of provider UI.

The maps between class attribute and UI property is done via ‘property_tuples’ variable.

Fails if some property does not match.

validate_tags(tag='My Company Tags', reference_tags=None)[source]

Validation method which check tagging between UI and database.

To use this method, self/caller should be extended with Taggable class

  • tag – tag name, default is My Company Tags
  • reference_tags – If you want to compare user input with database, pass user input as reference_tags
class cfme.common.WidgetasticTaggable[source]

Bases: object

This class can be inherited by any class that honors tagging. Class should have following

  • ‘Details’ navigation
  • ‘Details’ view should have entities.smart_management SummaryTable widget
  • ‘EditTags’ navigation
  • ‘EditTags’ view should have nested ‘form’ view with ‘tags’ table widget
  • Suggest using class cfme.common.TagPageView as view for ‘EditTags’ nav

This class provides functionality to assign and unassigned tags for page models with standardized widgetastic views

add_tag(category=None, tag=None, cancel=False, reset=False, details=True)[source]

Add tag to tested item

  • category – category(str)
  • tag – tag(str) or Tag object
  • cancel – set True to cancel tag assigment
  • reset – set True to reset already set up tag
  • details (bool) – set False if tag should be added for list selection, default is details page

Add multiple tags

Parameters:tags – pass dict with category name as key, and tag as value, or pass list with tag objects
get_tags(tenant='My Company Tags')[source]
Get list of tags assigned to item.
Details entities should have smart_management widget For vm, providers, and other like pages ‘SummaryTable’ widget should be used, for user, group like pages(no tables on details page) use ‘SummaryForm’
Parameters:tenant – string, tags tenant, default is “My Company Tags”
Returns:py:class:`list’ List of Tag objects
remove_tag(category=None, tag=None, cancel=False, reset=False, details=True)[source]

Remove tag of tested item

  • category – category(str)
  • tag – tag(str) or Tag object
  • cancel – set True to cancel tag deletion
  • reset – set True to reset tag changes
  • details (bool) – set False if tag should be added for list selection, default is details page

Remove multiple of tags

Parameters:tags – pass dict with category name as key, and tag as value, or pass list with tag objects