Source code for cfme.web_ui.multibox

import re
from collections import Sequence, namedtuple

from cfme.fixtures import pytest_selenium as sel
from cfme.web_ui import Select, fill, flash
from cfme.utils.category import CategoryBase, categorize
from cfme.utils.log import logger
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty

SelectItem = namedtuple("SelectItem", ["sync", "value", "text"])

[docs]class Sync(CategoryBase): pass
[docs]class Async(CategoryBase): pass
[docs]class MultiBoxSelect(Pretty): """ Common UI element for selecting multiple items. Presence in eg. Control/Explorer/New Policy Profile (for selecting policies) Args: unselected: Locator for the left (unselected) list of items. selected: Locator for the right (selected) list of items. to_unselected: Locator for a button which moves items from right to left (unselecting) to_selected: Locator for a button which moves items from left to right (selecting) remove_all: If present, locator for a button which unselects all items (Default None) """ pretty_attrs = ['unselected', 'selected'] def __init__(self, unselected, selected, to_unselected, to_selected, remove_all=None, sync=None, async=None): self._unselected = Select(unselected, multi=True) self._selected = Select(selected, multi=True) self._to_unselected = to_unselected self._to_selected = to_selected self._remove_all = remove_all if bool(sync) ^ bool(async): raise TypeError("You have to specify either both or none of (a)sync!") self._async = async self._sync = sync def __str__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format( type(self).__name__, str(self._unselected), str(self._selected)) def _move_to_unselected(self): """ Clicks the button for moving items from selected to unselected. Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ return not any(map(flash.is_error, flash.get_all_messages())) def _move_to_selected(self): """ Clicks the button for moving items from unselected to selected. Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ return not any(map(flash.is_error, flash.get_all_messages())) def _select_unselected(self, *items): """ Selects items in 'Unselected items' list Args: *items: Items to select """ for item in items:, item) def _select_selected(self, *items): """ Selects items in 'Selected items' list Args: *items: Items to select """ for item in items:, item) def _clear_selection(self): """ Unselects all items in both lists to ensure unwanted items don't travel in between. """ self._unselected.deselect_all() self._selected.deselect_all()
[docs] def remove_all(self): """ Flush the list of selected items. Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ if len(self._selected.options) == 0: return # No need to flush if self._remove_all is None: # Check all selected self.remove(*[sel.text(o).encode("utf-8").strip() for o in self._selected.options]) else: return not any(map(flash.is_error, flash.get_all_messages()))
[docs] def add(self, *values, **kwargs): """ Mark items for selection and then clicks the button to select them. Args: *values: Values to select Keywords: flush: By using `flush` keyword, the selected items list is flushed prior to selecting new ones Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ if kwargs.get("flush", False): self.remove_all() self._clear_selection() self._select_unselected(*values) if len(self._unselected.all_selected_options) > 0: return self._move_to_selected() else: return True
[docs] def remove(self, *values): """ Mark items for deselection and then clicks the button to deselect them. Args: *values: Values to deselect Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ self._clear_selection() self._select_selected(*values) if len(self._selected.all_selected_options) > 0: return self._move_to_unselected() else: return True
@property def all_selected(self): result = [] for item in self._selected.options: sync = None desc = sel.text(item).encode("utf-8").lstrip() value = sel.get_attribute(item, "value") if self._sync: # Or _async, this does not matter, protected in constructor # Extract sync_res, desc = re.match(r"^\(([AS])\) (.*?)$", desc).groups() sync = sync_res == "S" result.append(SelectItem(sync=sync, value=value, text=desc)) return result def _set_sync_state(self, state, *values): assert self._async and self._sync, "You must set async= and sync=!" for value in values: self._clear_selection() try: self._unselected.select_by_visible_text(value) self._move_to_selected() except sel.NoSuchElementException: # Already selected pass try: item = filter(lambda i: i.text == value, self.all_selected)[0] except IndexError: raise NameError("Could not find {}!".format(value)) if item.sync != state: self._clear_selection() self._selected.select_by_value(item.value) if state: else:
[docs] def set_sync(self, *values): return self._set_sync_state(True, *values)
[docs] def set_async(self, *values): return self._set_sync_state(False, *values)
[docs] def default(cls): """ The most common type of the MultiBoxSelect Returns: :py:class:`MultiBoxSelect` instance """ return cls( "//select[@id='choices_chosen']", "//select[@id='members_chosen']", "//a/img[contains(@alt, 'Remove selected')]", "//a/img[contains(@alt, 'Move selected')]", "//a/img[contains(@alt, 'Remove all')]", )
[docs] def categorize(cls, values, sync_l, async_l, dont_care_l): """Does categorization of values based on their Sync/Async status. Args: values: Values to be categorized. sync_l: List that will be used for appending the Sync values. async_l: List that will be used for appending the Async values. dont_care_l: List that will be used for appending all the other values. """ categorize(values, { lambda item: isinstance(item, Async): lambda item: async_l.append(str(item)), lambda item: isinstance(item, Sync): lambda item: sync_l.append(str(item)), "default": lambda item: dont_care_l.append(str(item)) })
@fill.method((MultiBoxSelect, Sequence)) def _fill_multibox_list(multi, values): """ Filler function for MultiBoxSelect Designed for `list` styled items, it flushes the selected list and then selects all items in provided list. Args: multi: :py:class:`MultiBoxSelect` to fill values: List with items to select Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ logger.debug(' Filling in %s with values %s', str(multi), str(values)) if multi._async: sync = [] async = [] dont_care = [] MultiBoxSelect.categorize(values, sync, async, dont_care) multi.add(*dont_care, flush=True) multi.set_async(*async) multi.set_sync(*sync) else: multi.add(*map(str, values), flush=True) @fill.method((MultiBoxSelect, basestring)) def _fill_multibox_str(multi, string): """ Filler function for MultiBoxSelect Designed for `string`. Selects item with the name. Args: multi: :py:class:`MultiBoxSelect` to fill string: String to select Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ logger.debug(' Filling in %s with value %s', str(multi), string) return multi.add(string) @fill.method((MultiBoxSelect, dict)) def _fill_multibox_dict(multi, d): """ Filler function for MultiBoxSelect Designed for `dict` styled items. It expects a dictionary in format: >>> {"Some item": True, "Another item": False} Where key stands for the item name and value its selection status. Any items that have to be unselected will be unselected before selecting the unselected happens. Args: multi: :py:class:`MultiBoxSelect` to fill d: :py:class:`dict` with values. Returns: :py:class:`bool` with success. """ enable_list, disable_list = [], [] for key, value in d.iteritems(): if value: enable_list.append(key) else: disable_list.append(key) logger.debug(' Disabling values %s in %s', str(disable_list), str(multi)) logger.debug(' Enabling values %s in %s', str(enable_list), str(multi)) multi.remove(*disable_list) if multi._async: sync, async, dont_care = [], [], [] MultiBoxSelect.categorize(enable_list, sync, async, dont_care) multi.add(*dont_care) multi.set_async(*async) multi.set_sync(*sync) else: multi.add(*map(str, enable_list))