Source code for cfme.modeling.base

import attr
from collections import Callable

from cached_property import cached_property

from cfme.utils.appliance import NavigatableMixin

[docs]class ApplianceCollections(object): """Caches instances of collection objects for use by the collections accessor The appliance object has a ``collections`` attribute. This attribute is an instance of this class. It is initialized with an appliance object and locally stores a cache of all known good collections. """ _collection_classes = None def __init__(self, appliance): self._collection_cache = {} self.appliance = appliance if not self._collection_classes: self.load_collections() for collection, cls in self._collection_classes.items(): self._collection_cache[collection] = cls(self.appliance)
[docs] def load_collections(self): """Loads the collection definitions from the entrypoints system""" from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points ApplianceCollections._collection_classes = { ep.resolve() for ep in iter_entry_points('manageiq.appliance_collections') }
def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self._collection_cache[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('Collection [{}] not known to applinace'.format(name))
[docs]class ObjectCollections(ApplianceCollections): def __init__(self, parent): self._collection_cache = {} self.parent = parent self.appliance = self.parent.appliance self.collections = self.parent._collections self.load_collections()
[docs] def load_collections(self): for collection, cls_and_or_filter in self.collections.items(): filter = {'parent': self.parent} if isinstance(cls_and_or_filter, tuple): filter.update(cls_and_or_filter[1]) cls = cls_and_or_filter[0] else: cls = cls_and_or_filter collection_instance = cls(self.appliance, filters=filter) self._collection_cache[collection] = collection_instance
[docs]class BaseCollection(NavigatableMixin): """Class for helping create consistent Collections The BaseCollection class is responsible for ensuring two things: 1) That the API consistently has the first argument passed to it 2) That that first argument is an appliance instance This class works in tandem with the entrypoint loader which ensures that the correct argument names have been used. """ ENTITY = None parent = attr.ib() filters = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(dict)) @property def appliance(self): if isinstance(self.parent, BaseEntity): return self.parent.appliance else: return self.parent @classmethod
[docs] def for_appliance(cls, appliance, *k, **kw): return cls(appliance)
[docs] def for_entity(cls, obj, *k, **kw): return cls(obj, *k, **kw)
[docs] def for_entity_with_filter(cls, obj, filt, *k, **kw): return cls.for_entity(obj, *k, **kw).filter(filt)
[docs] def instantiate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.ENTITY.from_collection(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def filter(self, filter): filters = self.filters.copy() filters.update(filter) return attr.evolve(self, filters=filters)
[docs]class BaseEntity(NavigatableMixin): """Class for helping create consistent entitys The BaseEntity class is responsible for ensuring two things: 1) That the API consistently has the first argument passed to it 2) That that first argument is a collection instance This class works in tandem with the entrypoint loader which ensures that the correct argument names have been used. """ parent = attr.ib(repr=False) # This is the collection @property def appliance(self): return self.parent.appliance @classmethod
[docs] def from_collection(cls, collection, *k, **kw): return cls(collection, *k, **kw)
@cached_property def collections(self): return ObjectCollections(self)
[docs]class CollectionProperty(object): type_or_get_type = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of((Callable, type))) def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self if not isinstance(self.type_or_get_type, type): self.type_or_get_type = self.type_or_get_type() return self.type_or_get_type.for_entity_with_filter(instance, {'parent': instance})