Designing Models

General Guidelines

In general, any object that is represented in the MiQ Appliance is going to be only relevant along with the context of a particular appliance. The objects in the codebase are designed to function similarly to REST API based objects where you have a Collection object that handles the creation/searching/non-instance functions, and then an Entity object that handles the particular instance usage.


A collection object must take an appliance as its first argument. This is to ensure that

  1. any objects created with the collection will have the correct context and
  2. that there is a consistent API for collection objects.

An entity object must take a collection as its first argument. This is to ensure that

  1. the entity can access an appliance through its collecion and
  2. that there is a consistent API for collection objects


Objects should never be instantiated directly. They should always come from a collection.

Collection Methods

  • __init__() - The collection object must take an appliance argument as its first argument and assign this to the self.appliance attribute.
  • instantiate() - The collection object should provide an instantiate() method which will simply return an entity instance with the supplied arguments. It must pass self as the first argument so that the user doesn’t have to.
  • create() - The collection object should provider a create() method where appropriate. This method will attempt to create the object on the appliance and must then call self.instantiate and return the object.


The __init__() method could in the future become part automatic in the BaseCollection class but this is a future feature and is not yet planned.


Failure to comply with the above guidelines in the future may result in an Exception being raised

Entity Methods

  • __init__() - The entity object must take a collection argument as its first argument and assign this to the self.collection attribute. It must then assign self.appliance to be equal to self.collection.appliance


The __init__() method could in the future become part automatic in the BaseEntity class but this is a future feature and is not yet planned.


Failure to comply with the above guidelines in the future may result in an Exception being raised


Below is an example of a generic object using the collection and entity relationships

from cfme.utils.appliance import BaseCollection, BaseEntity

class ObjectCollection(BaseCollection):
    """An object collection"""

    def __init__(self, appliance):
        self.appliance = appliance

    def instantiate(self, name, label):
        return Object(self, name, label)

    def create(self, name, label):
        run_create(name, label)
        return self.instantiate(name, label)

class Object(BaseEntity):
    """An object entity"""

    def __init__(self, collection, name, label):
        self.collection = collection
        self.appliance = self.collection.appliance

    def update(self, *updates):

An example of the models usage in testing is described below

from some.model import ObjectCollection

def test_something_good(appliance):
    """A test for something good"""

    oc = ObjectCollection(appliance)
    ob = oc.create('ObName', 'ObLabel')
    ob.update({'label': 'Edited'})