Source code for cfme.control.explorer.alerts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Page model for Control / Explorer"""
from copy import copy
from navmazing import NavigateToAttribute

from widgetastic.widget import Checkbox, Text, View
from widgetastic_manageiq import AlertEmail, SNMPForm, SummaryForm
from widgetastic_patternfly import BootstrapSelect, Button, Input

from . import ControlExplorerView
from cfme.utils.appliance import Navigatable
from cfme.utils.appliance.implementations.ui import navigator, navigate_to, CFMENavigateStep
from cfme.utils.pretty import Pretty
from cfme.utils.update import Updateable

[docs]class AlertsAllView(ControlExplorerView): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_control_explorer and self.title.text == "All Alerts" and self.alerts.tree.currently_selected == ["All Alerts"] )
[docs]class AlertFormCommon(ControlExplorerView): description = Input(name="description") active = Checkbox("enabled_cb") based_on = BootstrapSelect("miq_alert_db") @View.nested class evaluate(View): # noqa type = BootstrapSelect("exp_name") # Real Time Performance Parameters performance_field = BootstrapSelect("perf_column") performance_field_operator = BootstrapSelect("select_operator") performance_field_value = Input(name="value_threshold") performance_trend = BootstrapSelect("trend_direction") performance_time_threshold = BootstrapSelect("rt_time_threshold") # Hardware Reconfigured Parameters hardware_attribute = BootstrapSelect("select_hdw_attr") operator = BootstrapSelect("select_operator") def fill(self, values): new_values = dict(type=values[0], **values[1]) return View.fill(self, new_values) driving_event = BootstrapSelect("exp_event") notification_frequency = BootstrapSelect("repeat_time") snmp_trap_send = Checkbox("send_snmp_cb") snmp_trap = SNMPForm() timeline_event = Checkbox("send_evm_event_cb") mgmt_event_send = Checkbox("send_event_cb") mgmt_event = Input("event_name") cancel_button = Button("Cancel") emails_send = Checkbox("send_email_cb") emails = AlertEmail()
[docs]class NewAlertView(AlertFormCommon): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") add_button = Button("Add") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_control_explorer and self.title.text == "Adding a new Alert" and self.alerts.is_opened and self.alerts.tree.currently_selected == ["All Alerts"] )
[docs]class EditAlertView(AlertFormCommon): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") save_button = Button("Save") reset_button = Button("Reset") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_control_explorer and self.title.text == 'Editing Alert "{}"'.format(self.context["object"].description) and self.alerts.is_opened and self.alerts.tree.currently_selected == [ "All Alerts", self.context["object"].description ] )
[docs]class AlertDetailsView(ControlExplorerView): title = Text("#explorer_title_text") info = SummaryForm("Info") hardware_reconfigured_parameters = SummaryForm("Hardware Reconfigured Parameters") @property def is_displayed(self): return ( self.in_control_explorer and self.title.text == 'Alert "{}"'.format(self.context["object"].description) and self.alerts.is_opened and self.alerts.tree.currently_selected == [ "All Alerts", self.context["object"].description ] )
[docs]class Alert(Updateable, Navigatable, Pretty): """Alert representation object. Example: >>> alert = Alert("my_alert", timeline_event=True, driving_event="Hourly Timer") >>> alert.create() >>> alert.delete() Args: description: Name of the Alert. based_on: Cluster, Datastore, Host, Provider, ... evaluate: Use it as follows: ``("What to Evaluate selection", dict(values="for form"))``. If you want to select Nothing, you will therefore pass ``("Nothing", {})``. Other example: .. code-block:: python ("Hardware Reconfigured", dict(hw_attribute="Number of CPUs", hw_attribute_operator="Increased") ) driving_event: This Alert's driving event (Hourly Timer, ...). notification_frequency: 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, ... snmp_trap: Whether to send snmp traps. emails: Whether to send e-mails. `False` disables, string or list of strings with emails enables. timeline_event: Whether generate a timeline event. mgmt_event: If specified as string, it will reveal the form and types it into the text box. If False, then it will be disabled. None - don't care. """ pretty_attrs = ["description", "evaluate"] def __init__(self, description, active=None, based_on=None, evaluate=None, driving_event=None, notification_frequency=None, snmp_trap=None, emails=None, timeline_event=None, mgmt_event=None, appliance=None): Navigatable.__init__(self, appliance=appliance) self.description = description = active self.based_on = based_on self.evaluate = evaluate self.driving_event = driving_event self.notification_frequency = notification_frequency self.snmp_trap = snmp_trap self.emails = emails self.timeline_event = timeline_event self.mgmt_event = mgmt_event
[docs] def __str__(self): """Conversion to string used when assigning in multibox selector.""" return self.description
[docs] def create(self): """Create this Alert in UI.""" view = navigate_to(self, "Add") self._fill(view) view = self.create_view(AlertDetailsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_no_error() view.flash.assert_message('Alert "{}" was added'.format(self.description))
[docs] def update(self, updates, cancel=False): """Update this Alert in UI. Args: updates: Provided by update() context manager. cancel: Whether to cancel the update (default False). """ view = navigate_to(self, "Edit") for attr, value in updates.items(): setattr(self, attr, value) changed = self._fill(view) if changed: else: view = self.create_view(AlertDetailsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_no_error() if changed: view.flash.assert_message( 'Alert "{}" was saved'.format(updates.get("description", self.description))) else: view.flash.assert_message( 'Edit of Alert "{}" was cancelled by the user'.format(self.description))
[docs] def delete(self, cancel=False): """Delete this Alert in UI. Args: cancel: Whether to cancel the deletion (default False). """ view = navigate_to(self, "Details") view.configuration.item_select("Delete this Alert", handle_alert=not cancel) if cancel: assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_no_error() else: view = self.create_view(AlertsAllView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_no_error() view.flash.assert_message('Alert "{}": Delete successful'.format(self.description))
[docs] def copy(self, **updates): """Copy this Alert in UI. Args: updates: updates for the alert. """ view = navigate_to(self, "Copy") new_alert = copy(self) changed = view.fill(updates) if changed: else: for attr, value in updates.items(): setattr(new_alert, attr, value) view = new_alert.create_view(AlertDetailsView) assert view.is_displayed view.flash.assert_no_error() if changed: view.flash.assert_message( 'Alert "{}" was added'.format(updates.get("description", new_alert.description))) else: view.flash.assert_message("Add of new Alert was cancelled by the user") return new_alert
def _fill(self, view): """This function prepares the values and fills the form.""" fill_details = dict( description=self.description,, based_on=self.based_on, evaluate=self.evaluate, driving_event=self.driving_event, notification_frequency=self.notification_frequency, timeline_event=self.timeline_event, ) if self.mgmt_event is not None: # We have to check or uncheck the checkbox and then subsequently handle the form fill if not self.mgmt_event: fill_details["mgmt_event_send"] = False fill_details["mgmt_event"] = None else: fill_details["mgmt_event_send"] = True fill_details["mgmt_event"] = self.mgmt_event if self.snmp_trap is not None: if not self.snmp_trap: fill_details["snmp_trap_send"] = False fill_details["snmp_trap"] = None else: fill_details["snmp_trap_send"] = True fill_details["snmp_trap"] = self.snmp_trap if self.emails is not None: if not self.emails: fill_details["emails_send"] = False fill_details["emails"] = None else: fill_details["emails_send"] = True fill_details["emails"] = self.emails return view.fill(fill_details) @property def exists(self): """Check existence of this Alert. Returns: :py:class:`bool` signalizing the presence of the Alert in the database. """ alerts = self.appliance.db.client["miq_alerts"] return self.appliance.db.client.session\ .query(alerts.description)\ .filter(alerts.description == self.description)\ .count() > 0
@navigator.register(Alert, "Add")
[docs]class AlertNew(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = NewAlertView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "ControlExplorer")
[docs] def step(self): self.view.alerts.tree.click_path("All Alerts") self.view.configuration.item_select("Add a New Alert")
@navigator.register(Alert, "Edit")
[docs]class AlertEdit(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = EditAlertView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "ControlExplorer")
[docs] def step(self): self.view.alerts.tree.click_path("All Alerts", self.obj.description) self.view.configuration.item_select("Edit this Alert")
@navigator.register(Alert, "Details")
[docs]class AlertDetails(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = AlertDetailsView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "ControlExplorer")
[docs] def step(self): self.view.alerts.tree.click_path("All Alerts", self.obj.description)
@navigator.register(Alert, "Copy")
[docs]class AlertCopy(CFMENavigateStep): VIEW = NewAlertView prerequisite = NavigateToAttribute("appliance.server", "ControlExplorer")
[docs] def step(self): self.view.alerts.tree.click_path("All Alerts", self.obj.description) self.view.configuration.item_select("Copy this Alert", handle_alert=True)