utils.providers module

Helper functions related to the creation, listing, filtering and destruction of providers

The list_providers function in this module depend on a (by default global) dict of filters. If you are writing tests or fixtures, you want to depend on this function as a de facto gateway.

The rest of the functions, such as get_mgmt, get_crud, get_provider_keys etc ignore this global dict and will provide you with whatever you ask for with no limitations.

The main clue to know what is limited by the filters and what isn’t is the ‘filters’ parameter.

class utils.providers.ProviderFilter(keys=None, classes=None, required_fields=None, required_tags=None, required_flags=None, restrict_version=False, inverted=False, conjunctive=True)[source]

Bases: object

Filter used to obtain only providers matching given requirements

  • keys – List of acceptable provider keys, all if None
  • categories – List of acceptable provider categories, all if None
  • types – List of acceptable provider types, all if None
  • required_fields – List of required fields, see providers_by_class()
  • restrict_version – Checks provider version in yamls if True
  • required_tags – List of tags that must be set in yamls
  • inverted – Inclusive if False, exclusive otherwise
  • conjunctive – If true, all subfilters are applied and all must match (default) If false (disjunctive), at least one of the subfilters must match

Applies this filter on a given provider


pf = ProviderFilter('cloud_infra', categories=['cloud', 'infra'])
providers = list_providers([pf])
pf2 = ProviderFilter(
    classes=[GCEProvider, EC2Provider], required_fields=['small_template'])
provider_keys = [prov.key for prov in list_providers([pf, pf2])]
^ this will list keys of all GCE and EC2 providers
pf = ProviderFilter(required_tags=['openstack', 'complete'])
pf_inverted = ProviderFilter(required_tags=['disabled'], inverted=True)
providers = list_providers([pf, pf_inverted])
^ this will return providers that have both the "openstack" and "complete" tags set
  and at the same time don't have the "disabled" tag
pf = ProviderFilter(keys=['rhevm34'], class=CloudProvider, conjunctive=False)
providers = list_providers([pf])
^ this will list all providers that either have the 'rhevm34' key or are an instance
  of the CloudProvider class and therefore are a cloud provider
Returns:True if provider passed all checks and was not filtered out, False otherwise. The result is opposite if the ‘inverted’ attribute is set to True.
exception utils.providers.UnknownProvider(provider_key, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

utils.providers.get_crud(provider_key, appliance=None)[source]

Creates a Provider object given a management_system key in cfme_data.



Returns: A Provider object that has methods that operate on CFME

utils.providers.get_crud_by_name(provider_name, appliance=None)[source]

Creates a Provider object given a management_system name in cfme_data.


get_crud_by_name('My RHEV 3.6 Provider')

Returns: A Provider object that has methods that operate on CFME

utils.providers.get_mgmt(provider_key, providers=None, credentials=None)[source]

Provides a wrapanapi object, based on the request.

  • provider_key – The name of a provider, as supplied in the yaml configuration files. You can also use the dictionary if you want to pass the provider data directly.
  • providers – A set of data in the same format as the management_systems section in the configuration yamls. If None then the configuration is loaded from the default locations. Expects a dict.
  • credentials – A set of credentials in the same format as the credentials yamls files. If None then credentials are loaded from the default locations. Expects a dict.
Return: A provider instance of the appropriate wrapanapi.WrapanapiAPIBase

Lists provider keys from conf (yamls)

Parameters:provider_type – Optional filtering by ‘type’ string (from yaml); disabled by default

Note: Doesn’t require the framework to be pointed at an appliance to succeed.

Returns: List of provider keys (strings).

utils.providers.list_providers(filters=None, use_global_filters=True, appliance=None)[source]

Lists provider crud objects, global filter optional

  • filters – List if ProviderFilter or None
  • use_global_filters – Will apply global filters as well if True, will not otherwise
  • appliance – Optional utils.appliance.IPAppliance to be passed to provider CRUD objects

Note: Requires the framework to be pointed at an appliance to succeed.

Returns: List of provider crud objects.

utils.providers.list_providers_by_class(prov_class, use_global_filters=True, appliance=None)[source]

Lists provider crud objects of a specific class (or its subclasses), global filter optional


Note: Requires the framework to be pointed at an appliance to succeed.

Returns: List of provider crud objects.


Load modules from querying the specified setuptools entrypoint name.