Source code for utils.perf_message_stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
"""Functions for performance analysis/charting of the backend messages and top_output from an
from utils.log import logger
from utils.path import log_path
from utils.perf import convert_top_mem_to_mib
from utils.perf import generate_statistics
from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser as du_parser
from datetime import timedelta
from time import time
import csv
import numpy
import os
import pygal
import subprocess
import re

# Regular Expressions to capture relevant information from each log line:

# [----] I, [2014-03-04T08:11:14.320377 #3450:b15814]  INFO -- : ....
log_stamp = re.compile(r'\[----\]\s[IWE],\s\[([0-9\-]+)T([0-9\:\.]+)\s#([0-9]+):[0-9a-z]+\]')
# [----] .* MIQ( * )
miqmsg = re.compile(r'\[----\].*MIQ\(([a-zA-Z0-9\._]*)\)')
# Command: [ * ]
miqmsg_cmd = re.compile(r'Command:\s\[([a-zA-Z0-9\._\:]*)\]')
# Message id: [ * ]
miqmsg_id = re.compile(r'Message\sid:\s\[([0-9]*)\]')
# Args: [ *]
miqmsg_args = re.compile(
# Dequeued in: [ * ] seconds
miqmsg_deq = re.compile(r'Dequeued\sin:\s\[([0-9\.]*)\]\sseconds')
# Delivered in [ * ] seconds
miqmsg_del = re.compile(r'Delivered\sin\s\[([0-9\.]*)\]\sseconds')

# Worker related regular expressions:
# MIQ(PriorityWorker) ID [15], PID [6461]
miqwkr = re.compile(r'MIQ\(([A-Za-z]*)\)\sID\s\[([0-9]*)\],\sPID\s\[([0-9]*)\]')
# with ID: [21]
miqwkr_id = re.compile(r'with\sID:\s\[([0-9]*)\]')
# For use with workers exiting, such as authentication failures:
miqwkr_id_2 = re.compile(r'ID\s\[([0-9]*)\]')

# top regular expressions
# Cpu(s): 13.7%us,  1.2%sy,  2.1%ni, 80.0%id,  1.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  1.3%st
miq_cpu = re.compile(r'Cpu\(s\)\:\s+([0-9\.]*)%us,\s+([0-9\.]*)%sy,\s+([0-9\.]*)%ni,\s+'
# Mem:   5990952k total,  4864016k used,  1126936k free,   441444k buffers
miq_mem = re.compile(r'Mem:\s+([0-9]*)k\stotal,\s+([0-9]*)k\sused,\s+([0-9]*)k\sfree,\s+'
# Swap:  9957368k total,        0k used,  9957368k free,  1153156k cached
miq_swap = re.compile(r'Swap:\s+([0-9]*)k\stotal,\s+([0-9]*)k\sused,\s+([0-9]*)k\sfree,\s+'
# 17526 2320 root 30 10 324m 9.8m 2444 S 0.0 0.2 0:09.38 /var/www/miq/vmdb/lib/workers/bin/worker.rb
miq_top = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)\s+[0-9]+\s+[A-Za-z0-9]+\s+[0-9]+\s+[0-9\-]+\s+([0-9\.mg]+)\s+'

[docs]def evm_to_messages(evm_file, filters): test_start = '' test_end = '' line_count = 0 messages = {} msg_cmds = {} runningtime = time() evmlogfile = open(evm_file, 'r') evm_log_line = evmlogfile.readline() while evm_log_line: line_count += 1 evm_log_line = evm_log_line.strip() miqmsg_result = if miqmsg_result: # Obtains the first timestamp in the log file if test_start == '': ts, pid = get_msg_timestamp_pid(evm_log_line) test_start = ts # A message was first put on the queue, this starts its queuing time if ( == 'MiqQueue.put'): msg_cmd = get_msg_cmd(evm_log_line) msg_id = get_msg_id(evm_log_line) if msg_id: ts, pid = get_msg_timestamp_pid(evm_log_line) test_end = ts messages[msg_id] = MiqMsgStat() messages[msg_id].msg_id = msg_id messages[msg_id].msg_id = '\'' + msg_id + '\'' messages[msg_id].msg_cmd = msg_cmd messages[msg_id].pid_put = pid messages[msg_id].puttime = ts msg_args = get_msg_args(evm_log_line) if msg_args is False: logger.debug('Could not obtain message args line #: %s', line_count) else: messages[msg_id].msg_args = msg_args else: logger.error('Could not obtain message id, line #: %s', line_count) elif ( == 'MiqQueue.get_via_drb'): msg_id = get_msg_id(evm_log_line) if msg_id: if msg_id in messages: ts, pid = get_msg_timestamp_pid(evm_log_line) test_end = ts messages[msg_id].pid_get = pid messages[msg_id].gettime = ts messages[msg_id].deq_time = get_msg_deq(evm_log_line) else: logger.error('Message ID not in dictionary: %s', msg_id) else: logger.error('Could not obtain message id, line #: %s', line_count) elif ( == 'MiqQueue.delivered'): msg_id = get_msg_id(evm_log_line) if msg_id: ts, pid = get_msg_timestamp_pid(evm_log_line) test_end = ts if msg_id in messages: messages[msg_id].del_time = get_msg_del(evm_log_line) messages[msg_id].total_time = messages[msg_id].deq_time + \ messages[msg_id].del_time else: logger.error('Message ID not in dictionary: %s', msg_id) else: logger.error('Could not obtain message id, line #: %s', line_count) if (line_count % 100000) == 0: timediff = time() - runningtime runningtime = time()'Count {} : Parsed 100000 lines in %s', line_count, timediff) evm_log_line = evmlogfile.readline() # I tried to avoid two loops but this reduced the complexity of filtering on messages. # By filtering over messages, we can better display what is occuring under the covers, as a # daily rollup is picked up off the queue different than a hourly rollup, etc for msg in sorted(messages.keys()): msg_args = messages[msg].msg_args # Determine if the pattern matches and append to the command if it does for p_filter in filters: results = filters[p_filter].search(msg_args.strip()) if results: messages[msg].msg_cmd = '{}{}'.format(messages[msg].msg_cmd, p_filter) break msg_cmd = messages[msg].msg_cmd if msg_cmd not in msg_cmds: msg_cmds[msg_cmd] = {} msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['total'] = [] msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['queue'] = [] msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['execute'] = [] if messages[msg].total_time != 0: msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['total'].append(round(messages[msg].total_time, 2)) msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['queue'].append(round(messages[msg].deq_time, 2)) msg_cmds[msg_cmd]['execute'].append(round(messages[msg].del_time, 2)) return messages, msg_cmds, test_start, test_end, line_count
[docs]def evm_to_workers(evm_file): # Use grep to reduce # of lines to sort through p = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'Interrupt\\|MIQ([A-Za-z]*) ID\\|"evm_worker_uptime_exceeded\\|' '"evm_worker_memory_exceeded\\|"evm_worker_stop\\|Worker exiting.', evm_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) greppedevmlog, err = p.communicate() greppedevmlog = greppedevmlog.strip() evmlines = greppedevmlog.split('\n') workers = {} wkr_upt_exc = 0 wkr_mem_exc = 0 wkr_stp = 0 wkr_int = 0 wkr_ext = 0 for evm_log_line in evmlines: ts, pid = get_msg_timestamp_pid(evm_log_line) miqwkr_result = if miqwkr_result: workerid = int( if workerid not in workers: workers[workerid] = MiqWorker() workers[workerid].worker_type = workers[workerid].pid = workers[workerid].worker_id = int(workerid) workers[workerid].start_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') elif 'evm_worker_uptime_exceeded' in evm_log_line: miqwkr_id_result = if miqwkr_id_result: workerid = int( if workerid in workers: if not workers[workerid].terminated: wkr_upt_exc += 1 workers[workerid].terminated = 'evm_worker_uptime_exceeded' workers[workerid].end_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') elif 'evm_worker_memory_exceeded' in evm_log_line: miqwkr_id_result = if miqwkr_id_result: workerid = int( if workerid in workers: if not workers[workerid].terminated: wkr_mem_exc += 1 workers[workerid].terminated = 'evm_worker_memory_exceeded' workers[workerid].end_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') elif 'evm_worker_stop' in evm_log_line: miqwkr_id_result = if miqwkr_id_result: workerid = int( if workerid in workers: if not workers[workerid].terminated: wkr_stp += 1 workers[workerid].terminated = 'evm_worker_stop' workers[workerid].end_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') elif 'Interrupt' in evm_log_line: for workerid in workers: if not workers[workerid].end_ts: wkr_int += 1 workers[workerid].terminated = 'Interrupted' workers[workerid].end_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') elif 'Worker exiting.' in evm_log_line: miqwkr_id_2_result = if miqwkr_id_2_result: workerid = int( if workerid in workers: if not workers[workerid].terminated: wkr_ext += 1 workers[workerid].terminated = 'Worker Exited' workers[workerid].end_ts = datetime.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') return workers, wkr_mem_exc, wkr_upt_exc, wkr_stp, wkr_int, wkr_ext, len(evmlines)
[docs]def split_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir): # Automatically split top_output data roughly per day minutes_in_a_day = 24 * 60 size_data = len(top_appliance['datetimes']) start_hour = top_appliance['datetimes'][0][11:13] start_minute = top_appliance['datetimes'][0][14:16] bracket_end = minutes_in_a_day - ((int(start_hour) * 60) + int(start_minute)) if size_data > minutes_in_a_day: # Greater than one day worth of data, split file_names = [generate_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir, 0, bracket_end)] for start_bracket in range(bracket_end, len(top_appliance['datetimes']), minutes_in_a_day): if (start_bracket + minutes_in_a_day) > size_data: end_index = size_data - 1 else: end_index = start_bracket + minutes_in_a_day file_names.append(generate_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir, start_bracket, end_index)) return file_names else: # Less than one day worth of data, do not split return [generate_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir, 0, size_data - 1)]
[docs]def generate_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir, start_index, end_index): cpu_chart_file = '/{}-app-cpu.svg'.format(top_appliance['datetimes'][start_index]) mem_chart_file = '/{}-app-mem.svg'.format(top_appliance['datetimes'][start_index]) lines = {} lines['Idle'] = top_appliance['cpuid'][start_index:end_index] lines['User'] = top_appliance['cpuus'][start_index:end_index] lines['System'] = top_appliance['cpusy'][start_index:end_index] lines['Nice'] = top_appliance['cpuni'][start_index:end_index] lines['Wait'] = top_appliance['cpuwa'][start_index:end_index] # lines['Hi'] = top_appliance['cpuhi'][start_index:end_index] # IRQs % # lines['Si'] = top_appliance['cpusi'][start_index:end_index] # Soft IRQs % # lines['St'] = top_appliance['cpust'][start_index:end_index] # Steal CPU % line_chart_render('CPU Usage', 'Date Time', 'Percent', top_appliance['datetimes'][start_index:end_index], lines, charts_dir.join(cpu_chart_file), True) lines = {} lines['Memory Total'] = top_appliance['memtot'][start_index:end_index] lines['Memory Free'] = top_appliance['memfre'][start_index:end_index] lines['Memory Used'] = top_appliance['memuse'][start_index:end_index] lines['Swap Used'] = top_appliance['swause'][start_index:end_index] lines['cached'] = top_appliance['cached'][start_index:end_index] line_chart_render('Memory Usage', 'Date Time', 'KiB', top_appliance['datetimes'][start_index:end_index], lines, charts_dir.join(mem_chart_file)) return cpu_chart_file, mem_chart_file
[docs]def generate_hourly_charts_and_csvs(hourly_buckets, charts_dir): for cmd in sorted(hourly_buckets): current_csv = 'hourly_' + cmd + '.csv' csv_rawdata_path = log_path.join('csv_output', current_csv)'Writing %s csvs/charts', cmd) output_file ='w', ensure=True) csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=MiqMsgBucket().headers, delimiter=',', quotechar='\'', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csvwriter.writeheader() for dt in sorted(hourly_buckets[cmd].keys()): linechartxaxis = [] avgdeqtimings = [] mindeqtimings = [] maxdeqtimings = [] avgdeltimings = [] mindeltimings = [] maxdeltimings = [] cmd_put = [] cmd_get = [] sortedhr = sorted(hourly_buckets[cmd][dt].keys()) for hr in sortedhr: linechartxaxis.append(str(hr)) bk = hourly_buckets[cmd][dt][hr] avgdeqtimings.append(round(bk.avg_deq, 2)) mindeqtimings.append(round(bk.min_deq, 2)) maxdeqtimings.append(round(bk.max_deq, 2)) avgdeltimings.append(round(bk.avg_del, 2)) mindeltimings.append(round(bk.min_del, 2)) maxdeltimings.append(round(bk.max_del, 2)) cmd_put.append(bk.total_put) cmd_get.append(bk.total_get) = dt bk.hour = hr csvwriter.writerow(dict(bk)) lines = {} lines['Put ' + cmd] = cmd_put lines['Get ' + cmd] = cmd_get line_chart_render(cmd + ' Command Put/Get Count', 'Hour during ' + dt, '# Count of Commands', linechartxaxis, lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-{}-cmdcnt.svg'.format(cmd, dt))) lines = {} lines['Average Dequeue Timing'] = avgdeqtimings lines['Min Dequeue Timing'] = mindeqtimings lines['Max Dequeue Timing'] = maxdeqtimings line_chart_render(cmd + ' Dequeue Timings', 'Hour during ' + dt, 'Time (s)', linechartxaxis, lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-{}-dequeue.svg'.format(cmd, dt))) lines = {} lines['Average Deliver Timing'] = avgdeltimings lines['Min Deliver Timing'] = mindeltimings lines['Max Deliver Timing'] = maxdeltimings line_chart_render(cmd + ' Deliver Timings', 'Hour during ' + dt, 'Time (s)', linechartxaxis, lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-{}-deliver.svg'.format(cmd, dt))) output_file.close()
[docs]def generate_raw_data_csv(rawdata_dict, csv_file_name): csv_rawdata_path = log_path.join('csv_output', csv_file_name) output_file ='w', ensure=True) csvwriter = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=rawdata_dict[rawdata_dict.keys()[0]].headers, delimiter=',', quotechar='\'', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csvwriter.writeheader() sorted_rd_keys = sorted(rawdata_dict.keys()) for key in sorted_rd_keys: csvwriter.writerow(dict(rawdata_dict[key]))
[docs]def generate_total_time_charts(msg_cmds, charts_dir): for cmd in sorted(msg_cmds):'Generating Total Time Chart for %s', cmd) lines = {} lines['Total Time'] = msg_cmds[cmd]['total'] lines['Queue'] = msg_cmds[cmd]['queue'] lines['Execute'] = msg_cmds[cmd]['execute'] line_chart_render(cmd + ' Total Time', 'Message #', 'Time (s)', [], lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-total.svg'.format(cmd)))
[docs]def generate_worker_charts(workers, top_workers, charts_dir): for worker in top_workers:'Generating Charts for Worker: %s Type: %s', worker, workers[worker].worker_type) worker_name = '{}-{}'.format(worker, workers[worker].worker_type) lines = {} lines['Virt Mem'] = top_workers[worker]['virt'] lines['Res Mem'] = top_workers[worker]['res'] lines['Shared Mem'] = top_workers[worker]['share'] line_chart_render(worker_name, 'Date Time', 'Memory in MiB', top_workers[worker]['datetimes'], lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-Memory.svg'.format(worker_name))) lines = {} lines['CPU %'] = top_workers[worker]['cpu_per'] line_chart_render(worker_name, 'Date Time', 'CPU Usage', top_workers[worker]['datetimes'], lines, charts_dir.join('/{}-CPU.svg'.format(worker_name)))
[docs]def get_first_miqtop(top_log_file): # Find first miqtop log line p = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-m', '1', '^miqtop\:', top_log_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) greppedtop, err = p.communicate() str_start = greppedtop.index('is->') miqtop_time = du_parser.parse(greppedtop[str_start:], fuzzy=True, ignoretz=True) timezone_offset = int(greppedtop[str_start + 34:str_start + 37]) miqtop_time = miqtop_time - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) return miqtop_time, timezone_offset
[docs]def get_msg_args(log_line): miqmsg_args_result = if miqmsg_args_result: return else: return False
[docs]def get_msg_cmd(log_line): miqmsg_cmd_result = if miqmsg_cmd_result: return else: return False
[docs]def get_msg_del(log_line): miqmsg_del_result = if miqmsg_del_result: return float( else: return False
[docs]def get_msg_deq(log_line): miqmsg_deq_result = if miqmsg_deq_result: return float( else: return False
[docs]def get_msg_id(log_line): miqmsg_id_result = if miqmsg_id_result: return else: return False
[docs]def get_msg_timestamp_pid(log_line): # Obtains the timestamp and pid ts_result = if ts_result: dt_evm = '{} {}'.format(, return dt_evm, else: return False, 0
[docs]def hour_bucket_init(init): if init: return MiqMsgBucket() else: return {}
[docs]def line_chart_render(title, xtitle, ytitle, x_labels, lines, fname, stacked=False): if stacked: line_chart = pygal.StackedLine() else: line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_title = xtitle line_chart.y_title = ytitle line_chart.title_font_size = 8 line_chart.legend_font_size = 8 line_chart.truncate_legend = 26 line_chart.x_labels = x_labels sortedlines = sorted(lines.keys()) for line in sortedlines: line_chart.add(line, lines[line]) line_chart.render_to_file(str(fname))
[docs]def messages_to_hourly_buckets(messages, test_start, test_end): hr_bkt = {} # Hour buckets look like: hr_bkt[msg_cmd][msg_date][msg_hour] = MiqMsgBucket() for msg in messages: # put on queue, deals with queuing: msg_cmd = messages[msg].msg_cmd putdate = messages[msg].puttime[:10] puthour = messages[msg].puttime[11:13] if msg_cmd not in hr_bkt: hr_bkt[msg_cmd] = provision_hour_buckets(test_start, test_end) hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].total_put += 1 hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].sum_deq += messages[msg].deq_time if (hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].min_deq == 0 or hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].min_deq > messages[msg].deq_time): hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].min_deq = messages[msg].deq_time if (hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].max_deq == 0 or hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].max_deq < messages[msg].deq_time): hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].max_deq = messages[msg].deq_time hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].avg_deq = \ hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].sum_deq / hr_bkt[msg_cmd][putdate][puthour].total_put # Get time is when the message is delivered getdate = messages[msg].gettime[:10] gethour = messages[msg].gettime[11:13] hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].total_get += 1 hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].sum_del += messages[msg].del_time if (hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].min_del == 0 or hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].min_del > messages[msg].del_time): hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].min_del = messages[msg].del_time if (hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].max_del == 0 or hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].max_del < messages[msg].del_time): hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].max_del = messages[msg].del_time hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].avg_del = \ hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].sum_del / hr_bkt[msg_cmd][getdate][gethour].total_get return hr_bkt
[docs]def messages_to_statistics_csv(messages, statistics_file_name): all_statistics = [] for msg_id in messages: msg = messages[msg_id] added = False if len(all_statistics) > 0: for msg_statistics in all_statistics: if msg_statistics.cmd == msg.msg_cmd: if msg.del_time > 0: msg_statistics.delivertimes.append(float(msg.del_time)) msg_statistics.gets += 1 msg_statistics.dequeuetimes.append(float(msg.deq_time)) msg_statistics.totaltimes.append(float(msg.total_time)) msg_statistics.puts += 1 added = True break if not added: msg_statistics = MiqMsgLists() msg_statistics.cmd = msg.msg_cmd if msg.del_time > 0: msg_statistics.delivertimes.append(float(msg.del_time)) msg_statistics.gets = 1 msg_statistics.dequeuetimes.append(float(msg.deq_time)) msg_statistics.totaltimes.append(float(msg.total_time)) msg_statistics.puts = 1 all_statistics.append(msg_statistics) csvdata_path = log_path.join('csv_output', statistics_file_name) outputfile ='w', ensure=True) try: csvfile = csv.writer(outputfile) metrics = ['samples', 'min', 'avg', 'median', 'max', 'std', '90', '99'] measurements = ['deq_time', 'del_time', 'total_time'] headers = ['cmd', 'puts', 'gets'] for measurement in measurements: for metric in metrics: headers.append('{}_{}'.format(measurement, metric)) csvfile.writerow(headers) # Contents of CSV for msg_statistics in sorted(all_statistics, key=lambda x: x.cmd): if msg_statistics.gets > 1: logger.debug('Samples/Avg/90th/Std: %s: %s : %s : %s,Cmd: %s', str(len(msg_statistics.totaltimes)).rjust(7), str(round(numpy.average(msg_statistics.totaltimes), 3)).rjust(7), str(round(numpy.percentile(msg_statistics.totaltimes, 90), 3)).rjust(7), str(round(numpy.std(msg_statistics.totaltimes), 3)).rjust(7), msg_statistics.cmd) stats = [msg_statistics.cmd, msg_statistics.puts, msg_statistics.gets] stats.extend(generate_statistics(msg_statistics.dequeuetimes, 3)) stats.extend(generate_statistics(msg_statistics.delivertimes, 3)) stats.extend(generate_statistics(msg_statistics.totaltimes, 3)) csvfile.writerow(stats) finally: outputfile.close()
[docs]def provision_hour_buckets(test_start, test_end, init=True): buckets = {} start_date = datetime.strptime(test_start[:10], '%Y-%m-%d') end_date = datetime.strptime(test_end[:10], '%Y-%m-%d') start_hr = int(test_start[11:13]) end_hr = int(test_end[11:13]) + 1 delta_date = end_date - start_date for dates in range(delta_date.days + 1): new_date = start_date + timedelta(days=dates) buckets[new_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] = {} sorteddt = sorted(buckets.keys()) for date in sorteddt: if date == test_start[:10]: if date == test_end[:10]: for hr in range(start_hr, end_hr): buckets[date][str(hr).zfill(2)] = hour_bucket_init(init) else: for hr in range(start_hr, 24): buckets[date][str(hr).zfill(2)] = hour_bucket_init(init) elif date == test_end[:10]: for hr in range(end_hr): buckets[date][str(hr).zfill(2)] = hour_bucket_init(init) else: for hr in range(24): buckets[date][str(hr).zfill(2)] = hour_bucket_init(init) if init: buckets[''] = {} buckets[''][''] = MiqMsgBucket() return buckets
[docs]def top_to_appliance(top_file): # Find first miqtop log line miqtop_time, timezone_offset = get_first_miqtop(top_file) runningtime = time() grep_pattern = '^top\s\-\s\\|^miqtop\:\\|^Cpu(s)\:\\|^Mem\:\\|^Swap\:' # Use grep to reduce # of lines to sort through p = subprocess.Popen(['grep', grep_pattern, top_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) greppedtop, err = p.communicate() timediff = time() - runningtime'Grepped top_output for CPU/Mem/Swap & time data in %s', timediff) top_lines = greppedtop.strip().split('\n') line_count = 0 top_keys = ['datetimes', 'cpuus', 'cpusy', 'cpuni', 'cpuid', 'cpuwa', 'cpuhi', 'cpusi', 'cpust', 'memtot', 'memuse', 'memfre', 'buffer', 'swatot', 'swause', 'swafre', 'cached'] top_app = dict((key, []) for key in top_keys) cur_time = None miqtop_ahead = True runningtime = time() for top_line in top_lines: line_count += 1 if 'top - ' in top_line: # top - 11:00:43 cur_hour = int(top_line[6:8]) cur_min = int(top_line[9:11]) cur_sec = int(top_line[12:14]) if miqtop_ahead: # Have not found miqtop date/time yet so we must rely on miqtop date/time "ahead" if cur_hour <= miqtop_time.hour: cur_time = miqtop_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) else: # miqtop_time is ahead by date'miqtop_time is ahead by one day') cur_time = miqtop_time - timedelta(days=1) cur_time = cur_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) else: cur_time = miqtop_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) elif 'miqtop: ' in top_line: miqtop_ahead = False # miqtop: .* is-> Mon Jan 26 08:57:39 EST 2015 -0500 str_start = top_line.index('is->') miqtop_time = du_parser.parse(top_line[str_start:], fuzzy=True, ignoretz=True) # Time logged in top is the system's time which is ahead/behind by the timezone offset timezone_offset = int(top_line[str_start + 34:str_start + 37]) miqtop_time = miqtop_time - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) elif 'Cpu(s): ' in top_line: miq_cpu_result = if miq_cpu_result: top_app['datetimes'].append(str(cur_time)) top_app['cpuus'].append(float( top_app['cpusy'].append(float( top_app['cpuni'].append(float( top_app['cpuid'].append(float( top_app['cpuwa'].append(float( top_app['cpuhi'].append(float( top_app['cpusi'].append(float( top_app['cpust'].append(float( else: logger.error('Issue with miq_cpu regex: %s', top_line) elif 'Mem: ' in top_line: miq_mem_result = if miq_mem_result: top_app['memtot'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['memuse'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['memfre'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['buffer'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) else: logger.error('Issue with miq_mem regex: %s', top_line) elif 'Swap: ' in top_line: miq_swap_result = if miq_swap_result: top_app['swatot'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['swause'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['swafre'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) top_app['cached'].append(round(float( / 1024, 2)) else: logger.error('Issue with miq_swap regex: %s', top_line) else: logger.error('Issue with grepping of top file:%s', top_line) if (line_count % 20000) == 0: timediff = time() - runningtime runningtime = time()'Count {} : Parsed 20000 lines in %s', line_count, timediff) return top_app, len(top_lines)
[docs]def top_to_workers(workers, top_file): # Find first miqtop log line miqtop_time, timezone_offset = get_first_miqtop(top_file) runningtime = time() grep_pids = '' for wkr in workers: grep_pids = '{}^{}\s\\|'.format(grep_pids, workers[wkr].pid) grep_pattern = '{}^top\s\-\s\\|^miqtop\:'.format(grep_pids) # Use grep to reduce # of lines to sort through p = subprocess.Popen(['grep', grep_pattern, top_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) greppedtop, err = p.communicate() timediff = time() - runningtime'Grepped top_output for pids & time data in %s', timediff) # This is very ugly because miqtop does include the date but top does not # Also pids can be duplicated, so careful attention to detail on when a pid starts and ends top_lines = greppedtop.strip().split('\n') line_count = 0 top_workers = {} cur_time = None miqtop_ahead = True runningtime = time() for top_line in top_lines: line_count += 1 if 'top - ' in top_line: # top - 11:00:43 cur_hour = int(top_line[6:8]) cur_min = int(top_line[9:11]) cur_sec = int(top_line[12:14]) if miqtop_ahead: # Have not found miqtop time yet so we must rely on miqtop time "ahead" if cur_hour <= miqtop_time.hour: cur_time = miqtop_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) else: # miqtop_time is ahead by date'miqtop_time is ahead by one day') cur_time = miqtop_time - timedelta(days=1) cur_time = cur_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) else: cur_time = miqtop_time.replace(hour=cur_hour, minute=cur_min, second=cur_sec) \ - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) elif 'miqtop: ' in top_line: miqtop_ahead = False # miqtop: .* is-> Mon Jan 26 08:57:39 EST 2015 -0500 str_start = top_line.index('is->') miqtop_time = du_parser.parse(top_line[str_start:], fuzzy=True, ignoretz=True) # Time logged in top is the system's time which is ahead/behind by the timezone offset timezone_offset = int(top_line[str_start + 34:str_start + 37]) miqtop_time = miqtop_time - timedelta(hours=timezone_offset) else: top_results = if top_results: top_pid = top_virt = convert_top_mem_to_mib( top_res = convert_top_mem_to_mib( top_share = convert_top_mem_to_mib( top_cpu_per = float( top_mem_per = float( for worker in workers: if workers[worker].pid == top_pid: if cur_time > workers[worker].start_ts and \ (workers[worker].end_ts == '' or cur_time < workers[worker].end_ts): w_id = workers[worker].worker_id if w_id not in top_workers: top_workers[w_id] = {} top_workers[w_id]['datetimes'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['virt'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['res'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['share'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['cpu_per'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['mem_per'] = [] top_workers[w_id]['datetimes'].append(str(cur_time)) top_workers[w_id]['virt'].append(top_virt) top_workers[w_id]['res'].append(top_res) top_workers[w_id]['share'].append(top_share) top_workers[w_id]['cpu_per'].append(top_cpu_per) top_workers[w_id]['mem_per'].append(top_mem_per) break else: logger.error('Issue with miq_top regex or grepping of top file:%s', top_line) if (line_count % 20000) == 0: timediff = time() - runningtime runningtime = time()'Count %s : Parsed 20000 lines in %s', line_count, timediff) return top_workers, len(top_lines)
[docs]def perf_process_evm(evm_file, top_file): msg_filters = { '-hourly': re.compile(r'\"[0-9\-]*T[0-9\:]*Z\",\s\"hourly\"'), '-daily': re.compile(r'\"[0-9\-]*T[0-9\:]*Z\",\s\"daily\"'), '-EmsRedhat': re.compile(r'\[\[\"EmsRedhat\"\,\s[0-9]*\]\]'), '-EmsVmware': re.compile(r'\[\[\"EmsVmware\"\,\s[0-9]*\]\]'), '-EmsAmazon': re.compile(r'\[\[\"EmsAmazon\"\,\s[0-9]*\]\]'), '-EmsOpenstack': re.compile(r'\[\[\"EmsOpenstack\"\,\s[0-9]*\]\]') } starttime = time() initialtime = starttime'----------- Parsing evm log file for messages -----------') messages, msg_cmds, test_start, test_end, msg_lc = evm_to_messages(evm_file, msg_filters) timediff = time() - starttime'----------- Completed Parsing evm log file -----------')'Parsed %s lines of evm log file for messages in %s', msg_lc, timediff)'Total # of Messages: %d', len(messages))'Total # of Commands: %d', len(msg_cmds))'Start Time: %s', test_start)'End Time: %s', test_end)'----------- Parsing evm log file for workers -----------') starttime = time() workers, wkr_mem_exc, wkr_upt_exc, wkr_stp, wkr_int, wkr_ext, wkr_lc = evm_to_workers(evm_file) timediff = time() - starttime'----------- Completed Parsing evm log for workers -----------')'Parsed %s lines of evm log file for workers in %s', wkr_lc, timediff)'Total # of Workers: %d', len(workers))'# Workers Memory Exceeded: %s', wkr_mem_exc)'# Workers Uptime Exceeded: %s', wkr_upt_exc)'# Workers Exited: %s', wkr_ext)'# Workers Stopped: %s', wkr_stp)'# Workers Interrupted: %s', wkr_int)'----------- Parsing top_output log file for Appliance Metrics -----------') starttime = time() top_appliance, tp_lc = top_to_appliance(top_file) timediff = time() - starttime'----------- Completed Parsing top_output log -----------')'Parsed %s lines of top_output file for Appliance Metrics in %s', tp_lc, timediff)'----------- Parsing top_output log file for worker CPU/Mem -----------') starttime = time() top_workers, tp_lc = top_to_workers(workers, top_file) timediff = time() - starttime'----------- Completed Parsing top_output log -----------')'Parsed %s lines of top_output file for workers in %s', tp_lc, timediff) charts_dir = log_path.join('charts') if not os.path.exists(str(charts_dir)): os.mkdir(str(charts_dir))'----------- Generating Raw Data csv files -----------') starttime = time() generate_raw_data_csv(messages, 'queue-rawdata.csv') generate_raw_data_csv(workers, 'workers-rawdata.csv') timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Raw Data csv files in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Hourly Buckets -----------') starttime = time() hr_bkt = messages_to_hourly_buckets(messages, test_start, test_end) timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Hourly Buckets in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Hourly Charts and csvs -----------') starttime = time() generate_hourly_charts_and_csvs(hr_bkt, charts_dir) timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Hourly Charts and csvs in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Total Time Charts -----------') starttime = time() generate_total_time_charts(msg_cmds, charts_dir) timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Total Time Charts in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Appliance Charts -----------') starttime = time() app_chart_files = split_appliance_charts(top_appliance, charts_dir) timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Appliance Charts in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Worker Charts -----------') starttime = time() generate_worker_charts(workers, top_workers, charts_dir) timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Worker Charts in: %s', timediff)'----------- Generating Message Statistics -----------') starttime = time() messages_to_statistics_csv(messages, 'queue-statistics.csv') timediff = time() - starttime'Generated Message Statistics in: %s', timediff)'----------- Writing html files for report -----------') # Write an index.html file for fast switching between graphs: html_index = log_path.join('index.html').open('w', ensure=True) cmd = hr_bkt.keys()[0] html_index.write( '<html>\n' '<title>Performance Worker/Message Metrics</title>\n' '<frameset cols="17%,83%">\n' ' <frame src="msg_menu.html" name="menu"/>\n' ' <frame src="charts/{}-{}-dequeue.svg" name="showframe" />\n' '</frameset>\n' '</html>'.format(cmd, sorted(hr_bkt[cmd].keys())[-1])) html_index.close() # Write the side bar menu html file html_menu = log_path.join('msg_menu.html').open('w', ensure=True) html_menu.write('<html>\n') html_menu.write('<font size="2">') html_menu.write('Appliance:<BR>') for cpu_mem_charts in app_chart_files: html_menu.write('{}&nbsp;<a href="charts{}" target="showframe">CPU</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.format( cpu_mem_charts[0][1:11], cpu_mem_charts[0])) html_menu.write('<a href="charts{}" target="showframe">Memory</a><br>'.format( cpu_mem_charts[1])) html_menu.write('<a href="worker_menu.html" target="menu">Worker CPU/Memory</a><br>') html_menu.write('Parsed {} lines for messages<br>'.format(msg_lc)) html_menu.write('Start Time: {}<br>'.format(test_start)) html_menu.write('End Time: {}<br>'.format(test_end)) html_menu.write('Message Count: {}<br>'.format(len(messages))) html_menu.write('Command Count: {}<br>'.format(len(msg_cmds))) html_menu.write('Parsed {} lines for workers<br>'.format(wkr_lc)) html_menu.write('Total Workers: {}<br>'.format(len(workers))) html_menu.write('Workers Memory Exceeded: {}<br>'.format(wkr_mem_exc)) html_menu.write('Workers Uptime Exceeded: {}<br>'.format(wkr_upt_exc)) html_menu.write('Workers Exited: {}<br>'.format(wkr_ext)) html_menu.write('Workers Stopped: {}<br>'.format(wkr_stp)) html_menu.write('Workers Interrupted: {}<br>'.format(wkr_int)) html_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/messages-rawdata.csv">messages-rawdata.csv</a><br>') html_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/messages-statistics.csv">messages-statistics.csv</a><br>') html_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/workers-rawdata.csv">workers-rawdata.csv</a><br><br>') # Sorts by the the messages which have the most, descending for cmd in sorted(msg_cmds, key=lambda x: len(msg_cmds[x]['total']), reverse=True): html_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/hourly_{}.csv"' 'target="showframe">{}</a><br>'.format(cmd, cmd)) html_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-total.svg" target="showframe">' 'Total Messages: {} </a><br>'.format(cmd, len(msg_cmds[cmd]['total']))) for dt in sorted(hr_bkt[cmd].keys()): if dt == '': html_menu.write('Queued:&nbsp;') else: html_menu.write('{}:&nbsp;'.format(dt)) html_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-{}-cmdcnt.svg" target="showframe">' 'cnt</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.format(cmd, dt)) html_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-{}-dequeue.svg" target="showframe">' 'deq</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.format(cmd, dt)) html_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-{}-deliver.svg" target="showframe">' 'del</a><br>'.format(cmd, dt)) html_menu.write('<br>') html_menu.write('</font>') html_menu.write('</html>') html_menu.close() html_wkr_menu = log_path.join('worker_menu.html').open('w', ensure=True) html_wkr_menu.write('<html>\n') html_wkr_menu.write('<font size="2">') html_wkr_menu.write('Appliance:<BR>') for cpu_mem_charts in app_chart_files: html_wkr_menu.write('{}-<a href="charts{}" target="showframe">CPU</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;'.format( cpu_mem_charts[0][1:11], cpu_mem_charts[0])) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="charts{}" target="showframe">Memory</a><br>'.format( cpu_mem_charts[1])) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="msg_menu.html" target="menu">Message Latencies</a><br>') html_wkr_menu.write('Parsed {} lines for messages<br>'.format(msg_lc)) html_wkr_menu.write('Start Time: {}<br>'.format(test_start)) html_wkr_menu.write('End Time: {}<br>'.format(test_end)) html_wkr_menu.write('Message Count: {}<br>'.format(len(messages))) html_wkr_menu.write('Command Count: {}<br>'.format(len(msg_cmds))) html_wkr_menu.write('Parsed {} lines for workers<br>'.format(wkr_lc)) html_wkr_menu.write('Total Workers: {}<br>'.format(len(workers))) html_wkr_menu.write('Workers Memory Exceeded: {}<br>'.format(wkr_mem_exc)) html_wkr_menu.write('Workers Uptime Exceeded: {}<br>'.format(wkr_upt_exc)) html_wkr_menu.write('Workers Exited: {}<br>'.format(wkr_ext)) html_wkr_menu.write('Workers Stopped: {}<br>'.format(wkr_stp)) html_wkr_menu.write('Workers Interrupted: {}<br>'.format(wkr_int)) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/messages-rawdata.csv">messages-rawdata.csv</a><br>') html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/messages-statistics.csv">' 'messages-statistics.csv</a><br>') html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="csv_output/workers-rawdata.csv">workers-rawdata.csv</a><br><br>') html_wkr_menu.write('Running Workers:<br>') w_type = '' for worker_id in sorted(workers, key=lambda x: workers[x].worker_type): if workers[worker_id].terminated == '': if not w_type == workers[worker_id].worker_type: w_type = workers[worker_id].worker_type html_wkr_menu.write('{}<br>'.format(w_type)) worker_name = '{}-{}'.format(worker_id, workers[worker_id].worker_type) html_wkr_menu.write('{} - '.format(worker_id)) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-CPU.svg" target="showframe">CPU</a>' ' | '.format(worker_name)) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-Memory.svg" target="showframe">Memory</a><br>' ''.format(worker_name)) html_wkr_menu.write('<br>Terminated Workers:<br>') w_type = '' for worker_id in sorted(workers, key=lambda x: workers[x].worker_type): if not workers[worker_id].terminated == '': if not w_type == workers[worker_id].worker_type: w_type = workers[worker_id].worker_type html_wkr_menu.write('<br>{}<br>'.format(w_type)) worker_name = '{}-{}'.format(worker_id, workers[worker_id].worker_type) html_wkr_menu.write('{} - '.format(worker_id)) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-CPU.svg" target="showframe">CPU</a>' ' | '.format(worker_name)) html_wkr_menu.write('<a href="charts/{}-Memory.svg" target="showframe">Memory</a><br>' ''.format(worker_name)) html_wkr_menu.write('{}<br>'.format(workers[worker_id].terminated)) html_wkr_menu.write('</font>') html_wkr_menu.write('</html>') html_wkr_menu.close() timediff = time() - initialtime'----------- Finished -----------')'Total time processing evm log file and generating report: %s', timediff)
[docs]class MiqMsgStat(object): def __init__(self): self.headers = ['msg_id', 'msg_cmd', 'msg_args', 'pid_put', 'pid_get', 'puttime', 'gettime', 'deq_time', 'del_time', 'total_time'] self.msg_id = '' self.msg_cmd = '' self.msg_args = '' self.pid_put = '' self.pid_get = '' self.puttime = '' self.gettime = '' self.deq_time = 0.0 self.del_time = 0.0 self.total_time = 0.0 def __iter__(self): for header in self.headers: yield header, getattr(self, header) def __str__(self): return self.msg_cmd + ' : ' + self.msg_args + ' : ' + self.pid_put + ' : ' + self.pid_get \ + ' : ' + self.puttime + ' : ' + self.gettime + ' : ' + str(self.deq_time) + ' : ' + \ str(self.del_time) + ' : ' + str(self.total_time)
[docs]class MiqMsgLists(object): def __init__(self): self.cmd = '' self.puts = 0 self.gets = 0 self.dequeuetimes = [] self.delivertimes = [] self.totaltimes = []
[docs]class MiqMsgBucket(object): def __init__(self): self.headers = ['date', 'hour', 'total_put', 'total_get', 'sum_deq', 'min_deq', 'max_deq', 'avg_deq', 'sum_del', 'min_del', 'max_del', 'avg_del'] = '' self.hour = '' self.total_put = 0 self.total_get = 0 self.sum_deq = 0.0 self.min_deq = 0.0 self.max_deq = 0.0 self.avg_deq = 0.0 self.sum_del = 0.0 self.min_del = 0.0 self.max_del = 0.0 self.avg_del = 0.0 def __iter__(self): for header in self.headers: yield header, getattr(self, header) def __str__(self): return + ' : ' + self.hour + ' : ' + str(self.total_put) \ + ' : ' + str(self.total_get) + ' : ' + str(self.sum_deq) + ' : ' + str(self.min_deq) \ + ' : ' + str(self.max_deq) + ' : ' + str(self.avg_deq) + ' : ' + str(self.sum_del) \ + ' : ' + str(self.min_del) + ' : ' + str(self.max_del) + ' : ' + str(self.avg_del)
[docs]class MiqWorker(object): def __init__(self): self.headers = ['worker_id', 'worker_type', 'pid', 'start_ts', 'end_ts', 'terminated'] self.worker_id = 0 self.worker_type = '' = '' self.start_ts = '' self.end_ts = '' self.terminated = '' def __iter__(self): for header in self.headers: yield header, getattr(self, header) def __str__(self): return self.worker_id + ' : ' + self.worker_type + ' : ' + + ' : ' + \ str(self.start_ts) + ' : ' + str(self.end_ts) + ' : ' + self.terminated