Source code for utils.perf

"""Functions that performance tests use."""
from fixtures.pytest_store import store
from utils.ssh import SSHClient, SSHTail
from utils.log import logger
import numpy
import time

[docs]def collect_log(ssh_client, log_prefix, local_file_name, strip_whitespace=False): """Collects all of the logs associated with a single log prefix (ex. evm or top_output) and combines to single gzip log file. The log file is then scp-ed back to the host. """ log_dir = '/var/www/miq/vmdb/log/' log_file = '{}{}.log'.format(log_dir, log_prefix) dest_file = '{}{}.perf.log'.format(log_dir, log_prefix) dest_file_gz = '{}{}.perf.log.gz'.format(log_dir, log_prefix) ssh_client.run_command('rm -f {}'.format(dest_file_gz)) status, out = ssh_client.run_command('ls -1 {}-*'.format(log_file)) if status == 0: files = out.strip().split('\n') for lfile in sorted(files): ssh_client.run_command('cp {} {}-2.gz'.format(lfile, lfile)) ssh_client.run_command('gunzip {}-2.gz'.format(lfile)) if strip_whitespace: ssh_client.run_command('sed -i \'s/^ *//; s/ *$//; /^$/d; /^\s*$/d\' ' '{}-2'.format(lfile)) ssh_client.run_command('cat {}-2 >> {}'.format(lfile, dest_file)) ssh_client.run_command('rm {}-2'.format(lfile)) ssh_client.run_command('cp {} {}-2'.format(log_file, log_file)) if strip_whitespace: ssh_client.run_command('sed -i \'s/^ *//; s/ *$//; /^$/d; /^\s*$/d\' ' '{}-2'.format(log_file)) ssh_client.run_command('cat {}-2 >> {}'.format(log_file, dest_file)) ssh_client.run_command('rm {}-2'.format(log_file)) ssh_client.run_command('gzip {}{}.perf.log'.format(log_dir, log_prefix)) ssh_client.get_file(dest_file_gz, local_file_name) ssh_client.run_command('rm -f {}'.format(dest_file_gz))
[docs]def convert_top_mem_to_mib(top_mem): """Takes a top memory unit from top_output.log and converts it to MiB""" if top_mem[-1:] == 'm': num = float(top_mem[:-1]) elif top_mem[-1:] == 'g': num = float(top_mem[:-1]) * 1024 else: num = float(top_mem) / 1024 return num
[docs]def generate_statistics(the_list, decimals=2): """Returns comma seperated statistics over a list of numbers. Returns: list of samples(runs), minimum, average, median, maximum, stddev, 90th(percentile), 99th(percentile) """ if len(the_list) == 0: return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] else: numpy_arr = numpy.array(the_list) minimum = round(numpy.amin(numpy_arr), decimals) average = round(numpy.average(numpy_arr), decimals) median = round(numpy.median(numpy_arr), decimals) maximum = round(numpy.amax(numpy_arr), decimals) stddev = round(numpy.std(numpy_arr), decimals) percentile90 = round(numpy.percentile(numpy_arr, 90), decimals) percentile99 = round(numpy.percentile(numpy_arr, 99), decimals) return [len(the_list), minimum, average, median, maximum, stddev, percentile90, percentile99]
[docs]def get_worker_pid(worker_type): """Obtains the pid of the first worker with the worker_type specified""" with SSHClient() as ssh_client: exit_status, out = ssh_client.run_command('systemctl status evmserverd 2> /dev/null | grep ' '-m 1 \'{}\' | awk \'{{print $7}}\''.format(worker_type)) worker_pid = str(out).strip() if out:'Obtained {} PID: {}'.format(worker_type, worker_pid)) else: logger.error('Could not obtain {} PID, check evmserverd running or if specific role is' ' enabled...'.format(worker_type)) assert out return worker_pid
[docs]def set_rails_loglevel(level, validate_against_worker='MiqUiWorker'): """Sets the logging level for level_rails and detects when change occured.""" ui_worker_pid = '#{}'.format(get_worker_pid(validate_against_worker))'Setting log level_rails on appliance to {}'.format(level)) yaml = store.current_appliance.get_yaml_config() if not str(yaml['log']['level_rails']).lower() == level.lower():'Opening /var/www/miq/vmdb/log/evm.log for tail') evm_tail = SSHTail('/var/www/miq/vmdb/log/evm.log') evm_tail.set_initial_file_end() yaml['log']['level_rails'] = level store.current_appliance.set_yaml_config(yaml) attempts = 0 detected = False while (not detected and attempts < 60): logger.debug('Attempting to detect log level_rails change: {}'.format(attempts)) for line in evm_tail: if ui_worker_pid in line: if 'Log level for production.log has been changed to' in line: # Detects a log level change but does not validate the log level'Detected change to log level for production.log') detected = True break time.sleep(1) # Allow more log lines to accumulate attempts += 1 if not (attempts < 60): # Note the error in the logger but continue as the appliance could be slow at logging # that the log level changed logger.error('Could not detect log level_rails change.') evm_tail.close() else:'Log level_rails already set to {}'.format(level))