Source code for

from collections import defaultdict
import socket
import os
import re
import urlparse
from fixtures.pytest_store import store

from utils.log import logger

_ports = defaultdict(dict)
_dns_cache = {}
ip_address = re.compile(

[docs]def random_port(tcp=True): """Get a random port number for making a socket Args: tcp: Return a TCP port number if True, UDP if False This may not be reliable at all due to an inherent race condition. This works by creating a socket on an ephemeral port, inspecting it to see what port was used, closing it, and returning that port number. In the time between closing the socket and opening a new one, it's possible for the OS to reopen that port for another purpose. In practical testing, this race condition did not result in a failure to (re)open the returned port number, making this solution squarely "good enough for now". """ # Port 0 will allocate an ephemeral port socktype = socket.SOCK_STREAM if tcp else socket.SOCK_DGRAM s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socktype) s.bind(('', 0)) addr, port = s.getsockname() s.close() return port
[docs]def my_ip_address(http=False): """Get the ip address of the host running tests using the service listed in cfme_data['ip_echo'] The ip echo endpoint is expected to write the ip address to the socket and close the connection. See a working example of this in :py:func:`ip_echo_socket`. """ # the pytest store does this work, it's included here for convenience return store.my_ip_address
[docs]def ip_echo_socket(port=32123): """A simple socket server, for use with :py:func:`my_ip_address`""" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', port)) s.listen(0) while True: conn, addr = s.accept() conn.sendall(addr[0]) conn.close()
[docs]def net_check(port, addr=None, force=False): """Checks the availablility of a port""" port = int(port) if not addr: addr = urlparse.urlparse(store.base_url).hostname if port not in _ports[addr] or force: # First try DNS resolution try: addr = socket.gethostbyname(addr) # Then try to connect to the port try: socket.create_connection((addr, port), timeout=10) _ports[addr][port] = True except socket.error: _ports[addr][port] = False except: _ports[addr][port] = False return _ports[addr][port]
[docs]def net_check_remote(port, addr=None, machine_addr=None, ssh_creds=None, force=False): """Checks the availability of a port from outside using another machine (over SSH)""" from utils.ssh import SSHClient port = int(port) if not addr: addr = my_ip_address() if port not in _ports[addr] or force: if not machine_addr: machine_addr = urlparse.urlparse(store.base_url).hostname if not ssh_creds: ssh_client = store.current_appliance.ssh_client else: ssh_client = SSHClient( hostname=machine_addr, username=ssh_creds['username'], password=ssh_creds['password'] ) with ssh_client: # on exception => fails with return code 1 cmd = '''python -c " import sys, socket addr = socket.gethostbyname('%s') socket.create_connection((addr, %d), timeout=10) sys.exit(0) "''' % (addr, port) ret, out = ssh_client.run_command(cmd) if ret == 0: _ports[addr][port] = True else: _ports[addr][port] = False return _ports[addr][port]
[docs]def resolve_hostname(hostname, force=False): """Cached DNS resolver. If the hostname does not resolve to an IP, returns None.""" if hostname not in _dns_cache or force: try: _dns_cache[hostname] = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) except socket.gaierror: _dns_cache[hostname] = None return _dns_cache[hostname]
[docs]def resolve_ips(host_iterable, force_dns=False): """Takes list of hostnames, ips and another things. If the item is not an IP, it will be tried to be converted to an IP. If that succeeds, it is appended to the set together with original hostname. If it can't be resolved, just the original hostname is appended. """ result = set([]) for host in map(str, host_iterable): result.add(host) # It is already an IP address if ip_address.match(host) is None: ip = resolve_hostname(host, force=force_dns) if ip is not None: result.add(ip) return result
[docs]def is_pingable(ip_addr): """verifies the specified ip_address is reachable or not. Args: ip_addr: ip_address to verify the PING. returns: return True is ip_address is pinging else returns False. """ try: status = os.system("ping -c1 -w2 {}".format(ip_addr)) if status == 0:'IP: %s is UP !', ip_addr) return True'IP: %s is DOWN !', ip_addr) return False except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return False