Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from bugzilla import Bugzilla as _Bugzilla
from collections import Sequence

from cached_property import cached_property
from utils.conf import cfme_data, credentials
from utils.log import logger
from utils.version import (
    LATEST, Version, current_version, appliance_build_datetime, appliance_is_downstream)

NONE_FIELDS = {"---", "undefined", "unspecified"}

[docs]class Product(object): def __init__(self, data): self._data = data @property def default_release(self): return Version(self._data["default_release"]) @property def name(self): return self._data["name"] @property def milestones(self): return map(lambda ms: ms["name"], self._data["milestones"]) @property def releases(self): return map(lambda release: release["name"], self._data["releases"]) @property def versions(self): versions = [] for version in self._data["versions"]: if version["name"] not in NONE_FIELDS: versions.append(Version(version["name"])) return sorted(versions) @property def latest_version(self): return self.versions[-1]
[docs]class Bugzilla(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__product = kwargs.pop("product", None) self.__kwargs = kwargs self.__bug_cache = {} self.__product_cache = {} @property def bug_count(self): return len(self.__bug_cache.keys()) @property def bugs(self): for bug in self.__bug_cache.itervalues(): yield bug
[docs] def products(self, *names): return map(Product, self.bugzilla._proxy.Product.get({"names": names})["products"])
[docs] def product(self, product): if product not in self.__product_cache: self.__product_cache[product] = self.products(product)[0] return self.__product_cache[product]
@property def default_product(self): if self.__product is None: return None return self.product(self.__product) @classmethod
[docs] def from_config(cls): url = cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("url") product = cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("product") if url is None: raise Exception("No Bugzilla URL specified!") cr_root = cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("credentials") username = credentials.get(cr_root, {}).get("username") password = credentials.get(cr_root, {}).get("password") return cls( url=url, user=username, password=password, cookiefile=None, tokenfile=None, product=product)
@cached_property def bugzilla(self): return _Bugzilla(**self.__kwargs) @cached_property def loose(self): return cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("loose", []) @cached_property def open_states(self): return cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("skip", set([])) @cached_property def upstream_version(self): if self.default_product is not None: return self.default_product.latest_version else: return Version(cfme_data.get("bugzilla", {}).get("upstream_version", "9.9"))
[docs] def get_bug(self, id): id = int(id) if id not in self.__bug_cache: self.__bug_cache[id] = BugWrapper(self, self.bugzilla.getbug(id)) return self.__bug_cache[id]
[docs] def get_bug_variants(self, id): if isinstance(id, BugWrapper): bug = id else: bug = self.get_bug(id) expanded = set([]) found = set([]) stack = set([bug]) while stack: b = stack.pop() if b.status == "CLOSED" and b.resolution == "DUPLICATE": b = self.get_bug(b.dupe_of) found.add(b) if b.copy_of: stack.add(self.get_bug(b.copy_of)) if b not in expanded: for cp in map(self.get_bug, b.copies): found.add(cp) stack.add(cp) expanded.add(b) return found
[docs] def resolve_blocker(self, blocker, version=None, ignore_bugs=None, force_block_streams=None): # ignore_bugs is mutable but is not mutated here! Same force_block_streams force_block_streams = force_block_streams or [] ignore_bugs = set([]) if not ignore_bugs else ignore_bugs if isinstance(id, BugWrapper): bug = blocker else: bug = self.get_bug(blocker) if version is None: version = current_version() if version == LATEST: version = bug.product.latest_version variants = self.get_bug_variants(bug) filtered = set([]) version_series = ".".join(str(version).split(".")[:2]) for variant in variants: if in ignore_bugs: continue if variant.version is not None and variant.version > version: continue if ((variant.version is not None and variant.target_release is not None) and ( variant.version.is_in_series(version_series) or variant.target_release.is_in_series(version_series))): filtered.add(variant) elif variant.release_flag is not None: if version.is_in_series(variant.release_flag): # Simple case filtered.add(variant) else: "Ignoring bug #%s, appliance version not in bug release flag", else:"No release flags, wrong versions, ignoring %s", if not filtered: # No appropriate bug was found for forced_stream in force_block_streams: # Find out if we force this bug. if current_version().is_in_series(forced_stream): return bug else: # No bug, yipee :) return None # First, use versions for bug in filtered: if ((bug.version is not None and bug.target_release is not None) and check_fixed_in(bug.fixed_in, version_series) and ( bug.version.is_in_series(version_series) or bug.target_release.is_in_series(version_series))): return bug # Otherwise prefer release_flag for bug in filtered: if bug.release_flag and version.is_in_series(bug.release_flag): return bug return None
[docs]def check_fixed_in(fixed_in, version_series): # used to check if the bug belongs to that series if fixed_in is None: return True if not isinstance(fixed_in, Version): fixed_in = Version(fixed_in) return fixed_in.is_in_series(version_series)
[docs]class BugWrapper(object): _copy_matchers = map(re.compile, [ r'^[+]{3}\s*This bug is a CFME zstream clone. The original bug is:\s*[+]{3}\n[+]{3}\s*' '\?id=(\d+)\.\s*[+]{3}', r"^\+\+\+ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #([0-9]+) \+\+\+" ]) def __init__(self, bugzilla, bug): self._bug = bug self._bugzilla = bugzilla @property def loose(self): return self._bugzilla.loose @property def bugzilla(self): return self._bugzilla
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """This proxies the attribute queries to the Bug object and modifies its result. If the field looked up is specified as loose field, it will be converted to Version. If the field is string and it has zero length, or the value is specified as "not specified", it will return None. """ value = getattr(self._bug, attr) if attr in self.loose: if isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance(value, basestring): value = value[0] value = value.strip() if not value: return None if value.lower() in NONE_FIELDS: return None # We have to strip any leading non-number characters to correctly match value = re.sub(r"^[^0-9]+", "", value) if not value: return None return Version(value) if isinstance(value, basestring): if len(value.strip()) == 0: return None else: return value else: return value
@property def qa_whiteboard(self): """Returns a set of QA Whiteboard markers. It relies on the fact, that our QA Whiteboard uses format foo:bar:baz. Should be able to handle cases like 'foo::bar', or 'abc:'. """ return {x.strip() for x in self._bug.qa_whiteboard.strip().split(":") if x.strip()} @property def copy_of(self): """Returns either id of the bug this is copy of, or None, if it is not a copy.""" try: first_comment = self._bug.comments[0]["text"].lstrip() except IndexError: return None for copy_matcher in self._copy_matchers: copy_match = copy_matcher.match(first_comment) if copy_match is not None: return int(copy_match.groups()[0]) else: return None @property def copies(self): """Returns list of copies of this bug.""" result = [] for bug_id in self._bug.blocks: bug = self._bugzilla.get_bug(bug_id) if bug.copy_of == result.append(bug_id) return map(int, result) @property def _release_flag_data(self): for flag in self.flags: if flag["name"].startswith("cfme-"): release_flag = flag["name"].split("-", 1)[-1] if release_flag.endswith(".z"): return release_flag.rsplit(".", 1)[0], True else: return release_flag, False else: return None, False @property def release_flag(self): return self._release_flag_data[0] @property def zstream(self): return self._release_flag_data[1] @property def is_opened(self): states = self._bugzilla.open_states if not self.upstream_bug and appliance_is_downstream(): states = self._bugzilla.open_states + ["POST", "MODIFIED"] return self.status in states @property def product(self): return self._bugzilla.product(self._bug.product) @property def upstream_bug(self): if self.version is None: return True return self.version >= self.product.latest_version @property def can_test_on_upstream(self): change_states = {"POST", "MODIFIED"} # With these states, the change is in upstream if self.status not in {"POST", "MODIFIED", "ON_QA", "VERIFIED", "RELEASE_PENDING"}: return False history = self.get_history_raw()["bugs"][0]["history"] changes = [] # We look for status changes in the history for event in history: for change in event["changes"]: if change["field_name"].lower() != "status": continue if change["added"] in change_states: changes.append(event["when"]) return event["when"] < appliance_build_datetime() else: return False def __repr__(self): return repr(self._bug) def __str__(self): return str(self._bug)