Source code for utils.browser

"""Core functionality for starting, restarting, and stopping a selenium browser."""
import atexit
import json
import os
import urllib2
import time
import threading
from shutil import rmtree
from string import Template
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import warnings

# import logging

from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common import keys
from selenium.common.exceptions import UnexpectedAlertPresentException, WebDriverException
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile import FirefoxProfile
from selenium.webdriver.remote.file_detector import UselessFileDetector

from cached_property import cached_property

from fixtures.pytest_store import store, write_line
from utils import conf, tries
from utils.path import data_path

from utils.log import logger as log  # TODO remove after artifactor handler
# log = logging.getLogger('cfme.browser')


def _load_firefox_profile():
    # create a firefox profile using the template in data/firefox_profile.js.template

    # Make a new firefox profile dir if it's unset or doesn't exist for some reason
    firefox_profile_tmpdir = mkdtemp(prefix='firefox_profile_')
    log.debug("created firefox profile")
    # Clean up tempdir at exit
    atexit.register(rmtree, firefox_profile_tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)

    template = data_path.join('firefox_profile.js.template').read()
    profile_json = Template(template).substitute(profile_dir=firefox_profile_tmpdir)
    profile_dict = json.loads(profile_json)

    profile = FirefoxProfile(firefox_profile_tmpdir)
    for pref in profile_dict.iteritems():
    return profile

[docs]class Wharf(object): # class level to allow python level atomic removal of instance values docker_id = None def __init__(self, wharf_url): self.wharf_url = wharf_url self._renew_thread = None def _get(self, *args): response = requests.get(os.path.join(self.wharf_url, *args)) if response.status_code == 204: return try: return json.loads(response.content) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "JSON could not be decoded:\n{}".format(response.content))
[docs] def checkout(self): if self.docker_id is not None: return self.docker_id checkout = self._get('checkout') self.docker_id, self.config = checkout.items()[0] self._start_renew_thread()'Checked out webdriver container %s', self.docker_id) log.debug("%r", checkout) return self.docker_id
[docs] def checkin(self): # using dict pop to avoid race conditions my_id = self.__dict__.pop('docker_id', None) if my_id: self._get('checkin', my_id)'Checked in webdriver container %s', my_id) self._renew_thread = None
def _start_renew_thread(self): assert self._renew_thread is None self._renew_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._renew_function) self._renew_thread.daemon = True self._renew_thread.start() def _renew_function(self): # If we have a docker id, renew_timer shouldn't still be None log.debug("renew thread started") while True: time.sleep(FIVE_MINUTES) if self._renew_thread is not threading.current_thread(): log.debug("renew done %s is not %s", self._renew_thread, threading.current_thread()) return if self.docker_id is None: log.debug("renew done, docker id %s", self.docker_id) return expiry_info = self._get('renew', self.docker_id) self.config.update(expiry_info)'Renewed webdriver container %s', self.docker_id) def __nonzero__(self): return self.docker_id is not None
[docs]class BrowserFactory(object): def __init__(self, webdriver_class, browser_kwargs): self.webdriver_class = webdriver_class self.browser_kwargs = browser_kwargs if webdriver_class is not webdriver.Remote: # desired_capabilities is only for Remote driver, but can sneak in browser_kwargs.pop('desired_capabilities', None) elif browser_kwargs['desired_capabilities']['browserName'] == 'firefox': browser_kwargs['browser_profile'] = self._firefox_profile if webdriver_class is webdriver.Firefox: browser_kwargs['firefox_profile'] = self._firefox_profile @cached_property def _firefox_profile(self): return _load_firefox_profile()
[docs] def processed_browser_args(self): if 'keep_alive' in self.browser_kwargs: warnings.warn( "forcing browser keep_alive to False due to selenium bugs\n" "we are aware of the performance cost and hope to redeem", category=RuntimeWarning, ) return dict(self.browser_kwargs, keep_alive=False) return self.browser_kwargs
[docs] def create(self, url_key): try: browser = tries( 3, WebDriverException, self.webdriver_class, **self.processed_browser_args()) except urllib2.URLError as e: if e.reason.errno == 111: # Known issue raise RuntimeError('Could not connect to Selenium server. Is it up and running?') else: # Unknown issue raise browser.file_detector = UselessFileDetector() browser.maximize_window() browser.get(url_key) browser.url_key = url_key return browser
[docs] def close(self, browser): if browser: browser.quit()
[docs]class WharfFactory(BrowserFactory): def __init__(self, webdriver_class, browser_kwargs, wharf): super(WharfFactory, self).__init__(webdriver_class, browser_kwargs) self.wharf = wharf if browser_kwargs['desired_capabilities']['browserName'] == 'chrome': # chrome uses containers to sandbox the browser, and we use containers to # run chrome in wharf, so disable the sandbox if running chrome in wharf co = browser_kwargs['desired_capabilities'].get('chromeOptions', {}) arg = '--no-sandbox' if 'args' not in co: co['args'] = [arg] elif arg not in co['args']: co['args'].append(arg) browser_kwargs['desired_capabilities']['chromeOptions'] = co
[docs] def processed_browser_args(self): command_executor = self.wharf.config['webdriver_url'] view_msg = 'tests can be viewed via vnc on display {}'.format( self.wharf.config['vnc_display'])'webdriver command executor set to %s', command_executor) write_line(view_msg, cyan=True) return dict( super(WharfFactory, self).processed_browser_args(), command_executor=command_executor, )
[docs] def create(self, url_key): def inner(): try: self.wharf.checkout() return super(WharfFactory, self).create(url_key) except urllib2.URLError as ex: # connection to selenum was refused for unknown reasons log.error('URLError connecting to selenium; recycling container. URLError:') write_line('URLError caused container recycle, see log for details', red=True) log.exception(ex) self.wharf.checkin() raise return tries(10, urllib2.URLError, inner)
[docs] def close(self, browser): try: super(WharfFactory, self).close(browser) finally: self.wharf.checkin()
[docs]class BrowserManager(object): def __init__(self, browser_factory): self.factory = browser_factory self.browser = None self._browser_renew_thread = None
[docs] def coerce_url_key(self, key): return key or store.base_url
[docs] def from_conf(cls, browser_conf): webdriver_name = browser_conf.get('webdriver', 'Firefox') webdriver_class = getattr(webdriver, webdriver_name) browser_kwargs = browser_conf.get('webdriver_options', {}) if 'webdriver_wharf' in browser_conf: wharf = Wharf(browser_conf['webdriver_wharf']) atexit.register(wharf.checkin) return cls(WharfFactory(webdriver_class, browser_kwargs, wharf)) else: return cls(BrowserFactory(webdriver_class, browser_kwargs))
def _is_alive(self): log.debug("alive check") try: self.browser.current_url except UnexpectedAlertPresentException: # We shouldn't think that an Unexpected alert means the browser is dead return True except Exception: log.exception("browser in unknown state, considering dead") return False return True
[docs] def ensure_open(self, url_key=None): url_key = self.coerce_url_key(url_key) if getattr(self.browser, 'url_key', None) != url_key: return self.start(url_key=url_key) if self._is_alive(): return self.browser else: return self.start(url_key=url_key)
[docs] def add_cleanup(self, callback): assert self.browser is not None try: cl = self.browser.__cleanup except AttributeError: cl = self.browser.__cleanup = [] cl.append(callback)
def _consume_cleanups(self): try: cl = self.browser.__cleanup except AttributeError: pass else: while cl: cl.pop()()
[docs] def quit(self): # TODO: figure if we want to log the url key here'closing browser') self._consume_cleanups() try: self.factory.close(self.browser) except Exception as e: log.error('An exception happened during browser shutdown:') log.exception(e) finally: self.browser = None
[docs] def start(self, url_key=None):'starting browser') url_key = self.coerce_url_key(url_key) if self.browser is not None: self.quit() return self.open_fresh(url_key=url_key)
[docs] def open_fresh(self, url_key=None): url_key = self.coerce_url_key(url_key)'starting browser for %r', url_key) assert self.browser is None self.browser = self.factory.create(url_key=url_key) return self.browser
[docs]class WithZoom(object): """ This class is a decorator that used to wrap function with zoom level. this class perform zoom by <level>, call the target function and exit by zooming back to the original zoom level. Args: * level: int, the zooming value (i.e. -2 -> 2 clicks out; 3 -> 3 clicks in) """ def __init__(self, level): self._level = level def __call__(self, func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ensure_browser_open() with self: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): ac = ActionChains(browser()) for _ in xrange(abs(self._level)): ac.send_keys(keys.Keys.CONTROL, keys.Keys.SUBTRACT if self._level < 0 else keys.Keys.ADD) ac.perform() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): ac = ActionChains(browser()) for _ in xrange(abs(self._level)): ac.send_keys(keys.Keys.CONTROL, keys.Keys.SUBTRACT if -self._level < 0 else keys.Keys.ADD) ac.perform()
manager = BrowserManager.from_conf(conf.env.get('browser', {})) driver = LocalProxy(manager.ensure_open)
[docs]def browser(): """callable that will always return the current browser instance If ``None``, no browser is running. Returns: The current browser instance. """ return manager.browser
[docs]def ensure_browser_open(url_key=None): """Ensures that there is a browser instance currently open Will reuse an existing browser or start a new one as-needed Returns: The current browser instance. """ if not url_key: from utils.appliance import current_appliance url_key = current_appliance.server.address() return manager.ensure_open(url_key=url_key)
[docs]def start(url_key=None): """Starts a new web browser If a previous browser was open, it will be closed before starting the new browser Args: """ # Try to clean up an existing browser session if starting a new one return manager.start(url_key=url_key)
[docs]def quit(): """Close the current browser Will silently fail if the current browser can't be closed for any reason. .. note:: If a browser can't be closed, it's usually because it has already been closed elsewhere. """ manager.quit()