Source code for markers.meta

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""meta(\*\*metadata): Marker for metadata addition.

To add metadata to a test simply pass the kwargs as plugins wish.

You can write your own plugins. They generally live in ``metaplugins/`` directory but you can
define them pretty much everywhere py.test loads modules. Plugin has a name and a set
of callbacks that are called when certain combination of keys is present in the metadata.

To define plugin, do like this:

.. code-block:: python

   def someaction(plugin_name):
       print(plugin_name)  # Will contain value of `plugin_name` key of metadict

This is the simplest usage, where it is supposed that the plugin checks only one key with the
same name s the plugin's name. I won't use this one in the latter examples, I will use the
more verbose one.

.. code-block:: python

   @plugin("plugin_name", keys=["plugin_name", "another_key"])
   def someaction(plugin_name, another_key):
       print(plugin_name)  # Will contain value of `plugin_name` key of metadict
       print(another_key)  # Similarly this one

This one reacts when the two keys are present. You can make even more complex setups:

.. code-block:: python

   @plugin("plugin_name", keys=["plugin_name"])
   @plugin("plugin_name", ["plugin_name", "another_key"])  # You don't have to write keys=
   def someaction(plugin_name, another_key=None):
       print(plugin_name)  # Will contain value of `plugin_name` key of metadict
       print(another_key)  # Similarly this one if specified, otherwise None

This created a nonrequired parameter for the action.

You can specify as many actions as you wish per plugin. The only thing that limits you is the
correct action choice. First, all the actions are filtered by present keys in metadata. Then
after this selection, only the action with the most matched keywords is called. Bear this
in your mind. If this is not enough in the future, it can be extended if you wish.

It has a command-line option that allows you to disable certain plugins. Just specify
``--disablemetaplugins a,b,c`` where a, b and c are the plugins that should be disabled

from collections import namedtuple
from kwargify import kwargify
from types import FunctionType

import pytest

from lya import AttrDict

[docs]def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line("markers", __doc__.splitlines()[0])
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup('Meta plugins') group.addoption('--disablemetaplugins', action='store', default="", dest='disable_metaplugins', help='Comma-separated list of metaplugins to disable')
[docs]def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj): # Put the meta mark on objects as soon as pytest begins to collect them if isinstance(obj, FunctionType) and not hasattr(obj, 'meta'): pytest.mark.meta(obj) yield
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): from utils.log import logger for item in items: try: item._metadata = AttrDict(item.function.meta.kwargs) except AttributeError: logger.warning('AttributeError getting metadata from item: {}'.format( str(item.nodeid)) ) item._metadata = AttrDict() meta = item.get_marker("meta") if meta is None: continue metas = reversed([x.kwargs for x in meta]) # Extract the kwargs, reverse the order for meta in metas: item._metadata.update(meta) yield
[docs]def meta(request): return request.node._metadata
Plugin = namedtuple('Plugin', ['name', 'metas', 'function', 'kwargs'])
[docs]class PluginContainer(object): SETUP = "setup" TEARDOWN = "teardown" BEFORE_RUN = "before_run" AFTER_RUN = "after_run" DEFAULT = SETUP def __init__(self): self._plugins = [] def __call__(self, name, keys=None, **kwargs): if keys is None: keys = [name] def f(g): self._plugins.append(Plugin(name, keys, kwargify(g), kwargs)) return g # So the markers can be chained return f
if "plugin" not in globals(): plugin = PluginContainer()
[docs]def run_plugins(item, when): from utils.log import logger possible_plugins = [] for plug in plugin._plugins: if all([meta in item._metadata.keys() for meta in plug.metas])\ and plug.kwargs.get("run", plugin.DEFAULT) == when: possible_plugins.append(plug) by_names = {} for plug in possible_plugins: if not in by_names: by_names[] = [] by_names[].append(plug) disabled_plugins = item.config.getvalue("disable_metaplugins") or "" if not disabled_plugins: disabled_plugins = [] else: disabled_plugins = [name.strip() for name in disabled_plugins.split(",")] for plugin_name, plugin_objects in by_names.iteritems(): if plugin_name in disabled_plugins:"Ignoring plugin {} due to commandline option".format(plugin_name)) continue plugin_objects.sort(key=lambda p: len(p.metas), reverse=True) plug = plugin_objects[0] env = {"item": item} for meta in plug.metas: env[meta] = item._metadata[meta] "Calling metaplugin {}({}) with meta signature {} {}".format( plugin_name, plug.function.__name__, str(plug.metas), str(plug.kwargs))) plug.function(**env) "Metaplugin {}({}) with meta signature {} {} has finished".format( plugin_name, plug.function.__name__, str(plug.metas), str(plug.kwargs)))
[docs]def pytest_runtest_setup(item): run_plugins(item, plugin.SETUP)
[docs]def pytest_runtest_teardown(item): run_plugins(item, plugin.TEARDOWN)
[docs]def pytest_runtest_call(item): run_plugins(item, plugin.BEFORE_RUN) try: yield finally: run_plugins(item, plugin.AFTER_RUN)