Source code for fixtures.soft_assert

"""Soft assert context manager and assert function

A "soft assert" is an assertion that, if it fails, does not fail the entire test.
Soft assertions can be mixed with normal assertions as needed, and will be automatically
collected/reported after a test runs.

Functionality Overview

1. If :py:func:`soft_assert` is used by a test, that test's call phase is wrapped in
   a context manager. Entering that context sets up a thread-local store for failed assertions.
2. Inside the test, :py:func:`soft_assert` is a function with access to the thread-local store
   of failed assertions, allowing it to store failed assertions during a test run.
3. After a test runs, the context manager wrapping the test's call phase exits, which inspects the
   thread-local store of failed assertions, raising a
   :py:class:`custom AssertionError <SoftAssertionError>` if any are found.

No effort is made to clear the thread-local store; rather it's explicitly overwritten with an empty
list by the context manager. Because the store is a :py:func:`list <python:list>`, failed assertions
will be reported in the order that they failed.

from contextlib import contextmanager
from threading import local
from functools import partial

import fauxfactory
import pytest

from fixtures.artifactor_plugin import fire_art_test_hook
from utils.log import nth_frame_info
from utils.path import get_rel_path
import sys
import traceback
import utils

# Use a thread-local store for failed soft asserts, making it thread-safe
# in parallel testing and shared among the functions in this module.
_thread_locals = local()

[docs]def pytest_runtest_protocol(item, nextitem): if 'soft_assert' in item.fixturenames: with _soft_assert_cm(): yield else: yield
[docs]def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, nextitem): """ pytest hook to handle :py:func:`soft_assert` fixture for case when soft_assert is used in another fixture like register_event """ try: yield finally: if 'soft_assert' in item.fixturenames: if _thread_locals.caught_asserts: raise SoftAssertionError(_thread_locals.caught_asserts)
[docs]class SoftAssertionError(AssertionError): """exception class containing failed assertions Functions like :py:class:`AssertionError <python:exceptions.AssertionError>`, but also stores the failed soft exceptions that it represents in order to properly display them when cast as :py:func:`str <python:str>` Args: failed_assertions: List of collected assertion failure messages where: Where the SoftAssert context was entered, can be omitted Attributes: failed_assertions: ``failed_assertions`` handed to the initializer, useful in cases where inspecting the failed soft assertions is desired. """ def __init__(self, failed_assertions): self.failed_assertions = failed_assertions super(SoftAssertionError, self).__init__(str(self)) def __str__(self): failmsgs = [''] for failed_assert in self.failed_assertions: failmsgs.append(failed_assert) return '\n'.join(failmsgs)
@contextmanager def _soft_assert_cm(): """soft assert context manager * clears the thread-local caught asserts before a test run * inspects the thread-local caught asserts after a test run, raising an error if needed """ _thread_locals.caught_asserts = [] yield _thread_locals.caught_asserts
[docs]def handle_assert_artifacts(request, fail_message=None): if not fail_message: short_tb = '{}'.format(sys.exc_info()[1]) short_tb = short_tb.encode('base64') var_tb = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) full_tb = "".join(var_tb) full_tb = full_tb.encode('base64') else: short_tb = full_tb = fail_message.encode('base64') try: ss = utils.browser.browser().get_screenshot_as_base64() ss_error = None except Exception as b_ex: ss = None if str(b_ex): ss_error = '{}: {}'.format(type(b_ex).__name__, str(b_ex)) else: ss_error = type(b_ex).__name__ if ss_error: ss_error = ss_error.encode('base64') # A simple id to match the artifacts together sa_id = "softassert-{}".format(fauxfactory.gen_alpha(length=3).upper()) from fixtures.pytest_store import store node = request.node fire_art_test_hook( node, 'filedump', description="Soft Assert Traceback", contents=full_tb, file_type="soft_traceback", display_type="danger", display_glyph="align-justify", contents_base64=True, group_id=sa_id, slaveid=store.slaveid) fire_art_test_hook( node, 'filedump', description="Soft Assert Short Traceback", contents=short_tb, file_type="soft_short_tb", display_type="danger", display_glyph="align-justify", contents_base64=True, group_id=sa_id, slaveid=store.slaveid) if ss is not None: fire_art_test_hook( node, 'filedump', description="Soft Assert Exception screenshot", file_type="screenshot", mode="wb", contents_base64=True, contents=ss, display_glyph="camera", group_id=sa_id, slaveid=store.slaveid) if ss_error is not None: fire_art_test_hook( node, 'filedump', description="Soft Assert Screenshot error", mode="w", contents_base64=True, contents=ss_error, display_type="danger", group_id=sa_id, slaveid=store.slaveid)
@contextmanager def _catch_assert_cm(request): """assert catching context manager * Catches a single AssertionError, and turns it into a soft assert """ try: yield except AssertionError as ex: handle_assert_artifacts(request) caught_assert = _annotate_failure(str(ex)) _thread_locals.caught_asserts.append(caught_assert) # Some helper functions for creating or interacting with the caught asserts def _get_caught_asserts(): return _thread_locals.caught_asserts def _clear_caught_asserts(): # delete all items of the caught_asserts list del _thread_locals.caught_asserts[:] def _annotate_failure(fail_message=''): # frames # 0: call to nth_frame_info # 1: _annotate_failure (this function) # 2: _annotate_failure caller (soft assert func or CM) # 3: failed assertion frameinfo = nth_frame_info(3) if not fail_message: fail_message = str(frameinfo.code_context[0]).strip() filename = get_rel_path(frameinfo.filename) path = '{}:{!r}'.format(filename, frameinfo.lineno) return '{} ({})'.format(fail_message, path) @pytest.fixture
[docs]def soft_assert(request): """soft assert fixture, used to defer AssertionError to the end of a test run Usage: # contents of, for example def test_uses_soft_assert(soft_assert): soft_assert(True) soft_assert(False, 'failure message') # soft_assert.catch_assert will intercept AssertionError # and turn it into a soft assert with soft_assert.catch_assert(): assert None # Soft asserts can be cleared at any point within a test: soft_assert.clear_asserts() # If more in-depth interaction is desired with the caught_asserts, the list of failure # messages can be retrieved. This will return the directly mutable caught_asserts list: caught_asserts = soft_assert.caught_asserts() The test above will report two soft assertion failures, with the following message:: SoftAssertionError: failure message ( soft_assert(None) ( """ def soft_assert_func(expr, fail_message=''): if not expr: handle_assert_artifacts(request, fail_message=fail_message) caught_assert = _annotate_failure(fail_message) _thread_locals.caught_asserts.append(caught_assert) return bool(expr) # stash helper functions on soft_assert for easy access soft_assert_func.catch_assert = partial(_catch_assert_cm, request) soft_assert_func.caught_asserts = _get_caught_asserts soft_assert_func.clear_asserts = _clear_caught_asserts return soft_assert_func